Circulating in the D istrict o f West ̂ Vaacoutfif^Amhlesidet Hollgbum^ ■iLoo p e r ^ :: ; . c m iM d , W htecim M teZ i2^ " ,. 5c per copy at newsaUnds. sfe \'ol. IX HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCO0VMl(.-B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l4th. 1935 No. 42 Reeve's Address at Statutory Thursday, Jan.' 81st, 1985. Tlie Reev, in (opening the moving, congratulated not only I ' /*if . the Councillors who had been ne- eUicted, but the Council as a whole, and expressed the opinion that the acclamations accw d^ were an endorsement of the Civic Administration of West V^cou- ver during the most difficult years through which the Munici pality had passed. ■ • . The Reeve said that, while it was customary to m}ake a fo ^ a l statement of policy, it was diffi cult to do so until a solution had been found to ■'many important problems affecting finance. referred to the hopes that legis lation might be enacted effecting. redistribution of the burden of '.taxation, with particular refer- dmce to education, social ser vices and unemployment. He .Asserted that vacant land own ers could not continue to assume 'further burdens in paying for ' those services which in no sense . could be COnsidered"of*Yalue dir ectly or indirectly to the land in question. Any attempt to exact more .money from such proper^ ties would not bring the desired result of increased revenue, but would rather result in the Muni cipality owning more tax sale lands and receiving lower rev- the meantime, with the unsettled condition of the bond > market, the greatest care must be exer cised in purchasing securities for the Sinking Fund account. .Pending advice from the Pro vincial and Dominion Govern ments in regard ix> any project ed .work program, the Board of Works should proceed as form erly, confining its attentions to the openifig up of new roads, re pairing bridges and culverts,' and improving parksi He report ed an interview with the Minis ter of Public Works relating tx> larger' bridges on Marine Drive which it was considered desir able to eliminate, and while a definite decision would be made at an early date, it was consider ed likely th a t'the Government CARD OP THANKS I with to tako this means of tendering thoNidncere thanks and a|>preclatloa of myself and my crew to all those -who have expresaed, by letter or other, wise, their confidence and ifood- will m connection with the very rcgretable ,ac«i<l®«t to my vea- •1, WeSst Vlan. No. 5, in these Pir^t Narrows, during the rec ent fog .spell. Such thoughtful consideration greatly relievos our feelings of profound sorrow that the accident should have involvi^ the life .of a passenger, and our deepest sympathy is ex- sband and fam-tended to her husl ily. D. SMITH, Master, M.S. West Vancouver No. 5. WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYED ASSN. p.-T. a ; n e w s A meeting was held in the Legion Hall on Thursday, the 7th instant. It was vote4 to withdraw from the Provincial Workers Council. A standing vote was, taken to the memory of the late comrade John Wris- berg and a , letter of condolence will be wn to his wife and family, A whist drive and dance will be held in the Legion Hall on Thursday, February 28th. Prisses, refreshments and novel ties. The chief grievances of those on relief will be summarized at a special meeting. COMING EVENTS Maivh 1st •-- West Vancouver Girls' Club Dance at the Or? unge Hall. Mal ;̂ll 5th (Shrove Tuesday) -- Cafeteria Supi>er of oysters and , fish in St. Stephen's ' Church Hall under the aus pices of St. Stephen's W. A. , DANCE SCHOOL . IN INTERESTING PERFORMANCE A remarkably interesting ex- pih W u l i give them every [i^Msible, ista enues. Until such time as more staple conditions existed it. WPuW, ^e^'continue the)policy - of carefulness in all expendi tures. There had been some signs of better--business condi tions, improvement in collec tions, and decrease in unemploy ment, but it could be, anticipated that at the. best the Voad back ,.-t̂ Tcoov̂ .py-wQuld-l>e-4craduaL assistance by assuming a larger share of the cost than the Prim ary Highway Classification calls for. ' The Reeve requested that more attention be given to the collection of licences, water rates and other charges, inore especial ly in some of the outlying parts of the i Municipality, as there was a considerable leakage from this type of mvenue. He asked that negotiations be again re opened with the Vancouver City Council and Parks Board with a -view-to obtaining-a-99-yeaK-lease- with the Marine Department on the Light-House Park. U^he CbuVil should study the pWsibilify of an equalization of Jbus rates or revised distribu- ntion of chargesii as it as desirable that both boats and buses should, be operated on an independently paying basis. The question of adding to-the ferry equipment miist also receive the most seri- The Annual Meeting of the . West Vancouver P.?T. A. took place in the. Inglewood School on Tdfe6day evening and a great deal of important business was disposed of... A much revised constitution was presented by a committee and ■ynth but one alt eration was adopted. Please note that'inTuture P.-T. A. meetings will take place on the third Mon day of each nionth. A report from the provincial executive was rendered by H. Davison an nouncing the Annual (Donvention in the Hotel (Georgia on April 24th. 25th and 26th, alsd that a HOLLYBURN VERSATILE PLAYERS The Reeve asked, the Ckiuncil to give every support to a move ment which would urge the Fed eral Government to recojghize that . unemployment" was a na^ i3US*"aftentibn'fifom"fhe~^unc1^^ provincial' chipiter under the "Societies Act" governing all .associations being secured. 'n6minatiitg7;coii^ under MrS. Hayijs gave their re port and the ensuing election of officers/produced a slate of of ficers consisting of: President,^ T. E. W. Russell; Vice-President, Mrs. J. R. Patterson; Secretary, Mrs. Lestock „Reid; Treasurer, ■'MTSrRichardsoni=T====^^ The Hollyburn Versatile Play ers will appear in a Dramatic evening in the Lower Orange Hall, on February 26th, 27th, 28th, (not 6th, 7th and 8th of March, as announced last week), when they will present a on^-act comedy "Even a Worm ;*Will Turn" and a T drama entitle(lv "Her? Sacrifice," under the aus pices of the Dimcah Lawson Chapter,. J.O.D.E,. ' Mrs. Bowman wh^ has Witten both the drama and cpmedy has gathered together a very clever group of local artists, who have been rehearsing very hard for to promise the residents of west Vancouver a very delightful evening--^Wednesday and Thurs day; .Febiniary:k27th '̂Mdi4i2|.th?^ evening of February 26th, has been reserved ,for students when the admission ]iyill be only 10c. Adult tickets may be secured from. Chapter members or- the cast. liibition by the dancing pupils of Mias Molly Edwards was given last Saturday afternoon in the Ambleside Hall before a large number of parents and friends. The ^results attained spoke volumes for the fine work of the - pupils and the painstaking care of their teacher. Particularly was this exemplified in the danc ing and rhythm oxeieises of the two smallest classes -- ranging in age from three to six years -- who put up a performance that would do ci'edit to others far older. / .' The "graceful oigjcises" of-' the older ones .NyerPSJireally fiTftce- ful and showedJifell the ipsiady developmlent jj)r̂ ~ the S i^it of i rhythm and pfpo beginmng with the earlier exercises of the little ones and carried further to the more finished performances;, of Marjorie Rivers and Maisie Busst. BUILDING-TRADES tional responsibility, and that .no re -1 C' share of its cost should be charged dii^ctly to land Im:eferring to th e discussion of- interest reduction he maintained that a Municipality should meet its obligations in a manner that was both honorable and . credit able. He'urged, h<wever, that all finance for public undertak ings, Municipal, Provincial and Federal, sho i^ be negotiated as latio^-^faiicy'at lower rates interest, and more indceeping with the present returns to th^ producer and* the laborer^ In The manner in which the Councillors had fulfilled their duties as Chairmlen of the Com ̂ mittees to which they were pre viously appointed was eminently satisfactory, „ and, the Reeve re quested that they continue in the _same .offices, during,1935, as fol lows: Finance--Councillors W. Dickin son, R. Fiddes, and the Reeve. Board of -Works and Light -- 'Councillor R. Fiddes and Coun cil. Transportation and Parks -- Councillor G. D. Elgar and Council. . . Water and Fire -- Councillor L. Garthorhe and Council. " Publicity -- Reeve and Council. DUROID ROOFS O.E. S. DANCE Duroid Roofs are manufactur ed from a modem combination of asphalt and_.8late_ or _rock, the oldest weatherproofing mat- ̂ erials kno\^, are flexible, secure. against sparks*and flying em bers and specially cdnstnicted to withstand tfie varying condL^ tions of heat and cold, dry and wet spells. They are the most artistic in appearance of any on the "market, both as regards colors and d esi^ , the hexagon type being the most popular. They have been manufactured , for over 2b years continuously ' by the Sidney Roofihgand Paper/- Comxiany Ltd. of Victoi^a and, ' Vancouver, so tha t the public, in purchasing Durbid roofs are^ ^pporting an old established^ B. C. industry. ; .r The West Vancouver repre sentative is R. B. Cripps, 2361 r ^ r in e Drive, phone West SSR* from whomt any. in te ^ te d can secure full particulars. ^ The Naomi Chapter No. 26, Order of the Eastern Star, are giving their annua.1 dance on Fri- The office of social convener is to be filled by, the nominating committee and the executive committee before the next meet ing. These aforementioned, to gether with the past president and the-school supervising prin- - cipal .will constitute the _execu-_ tive officers for th e ensuing year, .The past president .will act as program convener "and the vice- president will be in charge of the membership committee. A membership drive is to be inaug urated at ojice.and a very active ^yeau is anticipated. An enj by able musical program was rendered by the ̂following artists: Mrs. Powell, solos; Miss Margaret Dickinson," pianoforte solo; Jas. Fiddes, solosTMi*s. C. . Wilson, accompanist. ' The meeting concluded with a pleasant half hour in the lunch room arranged by .Mrs. Barker and Miss Castell. At a well attended meeting last Tuesday .Wm. Offer gave a very interesting_and instructive address on the subject f>f social justice. Next Tue^ay night a t 'th e . headquarters Miss Mildred : Osterhout, well' known C.C.F. speakerpwill give the address; The headquarters committee meeting will be held next Wedr nesday night. The federal com- - paignjorganization work to a"'good, start; Grant MacNeil, a local resident, being the candi date. Next Saturday night another popular whist drive will be held. No charge as usual, but the public are asked to bring their coppers for the Jewish Auction. a sso g ia tiq n ; A meeting of the above associ ation was held on,.Satui^ay to "complete organization and to .establish a headquarters where' a complete list of craftsmen will be available for those needing the'ir services. Nobody need go out of West Vancouver for any large or small building construc- :=tion-work, there^-being-residentr-ir here a uumber of experienced craftsmen'Who are fully^compet- _ ent. Meetings are held every 1st and 3rd Saturday a t 2:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall. It is earnestly requested that all interested attend' the next mteeting in the Legion Hall on _ Saturday, the X6fh ir^tant, at 2:30 p.m., and have'their names .placed on the membership roll. (Reports will be received at this meeting, including those from membership and by-law commit tees. The membership ^now stands at thirty. Further ififor- niaHpn can be obtained by phon ing the president, W. T. Atwood, West 122L. HOLLYBURN HALL the"'day, the 22nd F'ebruary, in Orange Hall. Dancing will take place from 9 till 1, and Garden's Orchestra will be in attendance. The admission will be $1.00 per cpuple (by invitation only). Any dfesiring invitations are request- ^ to phone the secretary, Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, West 475X. The subject of the address at the young people's service in Hollyburn Hall a t 7 :30 n.m. ,to- ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION At an elimination conducted , by Dr. E. A. Martin, held in the Municipal Hall on..'February 6th, the - following candidates were successful in souring certifi- ̂ . cates: . ' -- VALENTINE DANCE ■ The West Vancouver Liberal Association are giving:a^alen- tine Dance tonight from 9 till 1 in Hollyburn Pavilion, when there will be both modem and old time dancing. Good muKC will be provided and therp will he novelties to add to the enjoy ment of the evening. Refresh ments will be served, and LiWr- als and their friends are cordial-, iy invited to attend. Junior, Certificate: .Masters Eric Peacock and Neil Peacock. Certificate (First Y ear): JMrs. W. J. Murray,'Mrs; E. S^ds, Miss G. Standring,'Mr. W. J., Muiray, Mr. M; O .' Watson. Voucher (Second Y ear): Miss I.. Groom, Mr. F. B^mfish, Mr; D. Danvers. - Medallion (ThirdjYear) :!"Mrs, E. R. Freei}i^tIe,;Mi8s Ŵ Chester, Mis ̂ M, Atwood, Miss C. Page, Miss K. Seeds, Mr. J. Milton. - ' ~ inorrow tFriday)7the 16th inst.> , Will be "Joseph the Redeemer," which will be„ illustrated with lantern views7 Sunday School and young men's Bible class-as usual at, 10 a.m. Sunday, the . 17th instant,. Next Sunday a t 7:30 p.m. there will be a Gospel Service, when the speaker will Tbe Harold Summers. Tues^y a t 8 p.m., prayer and Bible study. CORRESPONDENCE Dear Mr, Editor: About two years ago, a peti tion was sent the Postmaster- General, asking for mail delivery west of 31st Stree);. So far as we can understand, thc-reason our request was refused, was, be cause the financial returns, from Wadsley P.O. were not sufficient to guarantee the expense, Ap parently the remedy is in our own hands. J ^ t me therefore urge every resident between, the thirty-first hundred block, and the thirty-sixth hundred block r both inclusive, during the .months, of February, March and April, to buy all their stamips LEGION NOTES (tif a t all possible), from the .......... ~>,0 . ' The liext general meeting will be held a t 8 p.m, next Friday, in the Le^on Hall, and it is hoped that as many members will ttorn out as possible, in order to ^ve the various committees all the * .assistance possible in carrying ̂ out the busy programi already ! prepared for the general welfare. Wadsley P.6. Let me also urge the business^ men during the above period to purchase the stamps necessary for their busi ness, a t the same P.O. Early in Aptfl let fis again petition and in all probability we shall have the desired service -- Mail de livery W. G. W. FORTUNE, West Bay. ■Pi; '4m liii m MSiSm r. ■ss-wStAJ' 11 HfirV *|; I'T v'L Ai-.fl'-t-i'l-i*V i; I •' ' Vi I 1# ̂ w {fhh t ><i V'S-j? afi a' ' " ;i" f' ([ U i'. 'K l' J 1 1 t a. A' > 4 < Ki »i 1 ^1 '^ rj#1 ̂ f f ^ ■r;.f ■ 4 l 1̂ !' \r