West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Feb 1935, p. 4

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iiiiiiiiiiiW ■ i? i ' it I*' *! ;^i |5'■;; j *;%> 'iS»f̂ ' i i ̂̂ ■'•I • - ,*f' 'l'̂ ' - ! . t V,') / %J6i ' iu4.s. '- ? ^ >U 'n'sl trt ' F' .1J ^ rV . ft V4?.v ̂w ri;;; 'U' i ff1 i i :■! j'iT̂'* '. 1'; 'IS ■1% .1 ,4W i iI ■*̂'i'l' i--4q f-'H I w m ■ r̂ M'\»iX̂ p&̂X iSi; fi§l I■ J% - »«« !■m P - ' WM S r ' Mli>#ll(l>Mi> iWiM _______ • f lu » i t W m i 4 0 ^ # %!r Pitotie W ttf 46 I «.«*«*)»( xŵiW Prices Good Prldiip «ndJtaturday, Feb. 7th & 8tb aB&MBATWit CENTRE IWW»̂iM»ffilplii M M m it0 m m ^m i ib. um if# rmi a wwt« APtttam ^ No. 2 an ««»̂*Hser*.s*r4 ■it«>o*«f.tie#ees**'ees*e#ii«A 14c «t4 « WIUIc l»KAi» <lfMU.*...iiiich lie ' I flNT 4 ic Rod A White BRJNACH, Uim, cccIi 14c 2 lo r H e ROBIN IfOOll RABID OATS -- Rapid C ^ ln g , Noo*Pronian* Chin .~a.K l)l,Vlfj'»i.-'iiyin̂ 4ir#'» ' 1̂ 'r' inawara .................................. |0e Rod A Whlto BHANS -- No. 2 Una Mith.... ...........:..... . lie Itod & White ASPARAGUS, 10 oc. Mo Fancy QuaUty .....22e; | for 12c Red & White TOMATOES. Uariro 2Vi tina. Choico Fiao'roponod Okanaran Tomatoca; Sedid haiMi. packed............each l ie ; 6 for 12c FANCY YBIXOW SUGAR. 4 Iba. H e ROGER'S GOLDEN SYRUP 2 lb. tin ...................................... ISc Red & White MATCHES I.dirge Ik»* ......................;....3 for 25c Pocket Size .̂.................12 boxea 19c M e a t ! P h o n e W est 370 " ^ ■ .mmmmrnmmmmmmm. A silver collection will be taken up instead of the charg- •^'ia*^«!tolsslo« '-fee at-the-^ entertainment and dance to be jgriven at 8 p.m. next Saturday by the West Vancouver Recreation Centre in the Inglewood Audi- torium, the hcul committee in charge of the Centre having de­ cided that this would be prefer* JEFFERIES' Govemmint HAMS •»• IjASm "•* ' fflliMP* ••• ^ CQLD MEATS OF A^< K lhllS -:• ORIZCAhBttiBN 1 Store at Hollybium, PHONE WEST S BitcoN. '/, lb ...,... '............ ......17c able. As announced in our Is2t ̂ weeks issue, an interestingF I S S A S IfADDiE, per lb ........... 15c SMOKED ALASKA C oh , per Ih, 20c kli'PEKS ............. ........ 2 iba. for 25e BURNS' BAKEA8Y, per lb...........12c v.iv ,.«»«« .......... .. IRHLfNG FOWL, per fb...... :... . 20c Molly Edwards. Refreshments .................... ............... - will he nerved nnd fher<i will be prom m has bt*en arranged of boxing, wrestling, vaulting. . tumbhng, body liuilding, also an exhibition by the pupils of Miss 'K i'i'E lt'S PORK SAUSAGE, Ih, 18c BEEF SAUSAGE, per lb............... I2c BURNS' DEVON SAUSAGE, lb. 20c CORNED BRISKET BEEF, lb,.... 14c POT ROASTS front.......per Jb. 12Vjc EflGS -- A, large, local, per doa/25c BEEF -- PORK -- LAMB -- VEAL., I Finest Quality I. O. I). E. IUhI & White CATSUP, 12 oz. bot. 14c BROOMS, Special 6>atring........... 49c WEST VAN. UNITED F. C. United travelled to North Vancouver Juniors last Saturday in a League fixture. Before the toss-up both teams stood with bowed heads for a niini|te's sil­ ence in memory of United's late manager, J. Stark. The half-time score was 2-0 in favor of West Vancouver. In the second period the North Van­ couver boys came back with a . little more pep and scored a„ beautiful goal but United retali­ ated after a clever piece of work by Plddes. The ball cafmoned.off two of the North Shore boys and landed in the net for the final score -- United 3, North Shore 1. Smyth scoring fw ator Unit­ ed. After the game Harry Ben­ nett was elected manager for the HOLLYBURN RAIN AND SNOW FOR JANUARY , The regular meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., was held Monday, P\*bruary 4th, a t the home of Mrs. J. B. L^yland with a large attendance of members and officers present. After the opening prayer the members- welcomed into their midst' Mrs. J. W. Lang, who was Regent of the Chapter in Anyox, and Mrs. Lance Garthorne, a new member. Splendid reports were received from conveners of standing com­ mittees, showing a sifstained int­ erest in the work of the Chapter by all the members. Mrs. Small presented the com- LUMBERand a ll BUILDINGm a t e r ia l s W EST V A N C O U r a l u m b e r C D . LTD. ------- FOR REAL SATISFACTION' -- Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive I I CLASSIFIED A D S The rate for Classified AdTcrtiaementa fa 2 conta per word, Riinimum 25 cents. Except in the case of tkooe having regular accounts, aU clasBl- fieda are payable atrlcUy in adyanco, Remember Clasaifieds in the West Vi News get immedisto results. Total rainfall, 19.60 inches. Total snowfall, lO.l inches. Heaviest rain, January 21, 3.72 inches. Numijer of days with 1 inch or more of raih,7; 2 inches or moreof rain, 6. _________ _______ ______ Heaviest snowfall, January pleted report of the Dundarave 20, 11 Inches. . Dramatic Society's production, Number of days with snow, 6. "The College Star" proving it t6 Number of dry days, 5. , have been a decided financial and Lowest temperature,\night of social success. The Chapter was January 19, 5 degrees Fahren- pleased to have a share in the heit, equal to 27 degrees of frost. jBridge and Whist evening which the I/egion W.A, put on in aid RELIABLE GIRL WANTS HOUSE­ WORK IMMEDIATELY,-- Local references. Phone West 35GR. ' RADIO, SiSRVIClNG -- Hayward and Prebble. Guaranteed work. Free tube testing. Phone West 48X. LOST "Pioneer.'" -- Pencil, "West 130L. black and grey LLOYD'S WOOL & KNHTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line spring wools. Free knitting school. Violet and Kathleen Clem­ ent, Proprietors. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best m»t- erial and workmaiuhip . a t. Fox's, 14th a t Ferry. C. J. ARCHER LTD. -- Lish^foper^ ties 'w ith us now. We have direct inquiries and active connections Phone West 225 or Seymour 5954.' GEO. HAY, Notary Public -- .Real Estate and Insurance. Phone ' 21 or Seymour 1260. WEST BAY LIBRARY -- 50 cents a month. New books every month, RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION, ■of -the sufferers in, the Fraser Valley. Mrs. McIntyre reported that owing to there being so many previously arrange<l dances a- FRED JONES -- Bicyc!cs, Parts,-Re­ pairs, Used Bicycles from $10 up. Trade-ins taken, easy terms, .cash paid for used parts. 1455 Marine Drive. West 472Y. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, 2444 Marine Drive -- Valentines Ic and up; 'Notions; Work Gloves and Socks; Stationery) School Supplies; Hard­ ware. ., THE DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" Wool & Knitting Shoppe, 2446 Mar- . ine Drive -- Free instructions, Pro­ prietor, Maisie Busst. IS YOUR RANGE OIL BURNER _ WORKING.SATISPACTORILY ? - Have it cleaned and adjusted by an expert. Phone North 120R2. Next Saturday a t '2:30 p.m. United play Hastings Steam Baths at Ambleside/Park in a Con Jones Cup Tie game (3rd round). All players are request­ ed to be on hand early. Tonight (Thursday) there will . _ -------- tfr A ll Potfjila'f" Brands of Cigarettes]!and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgitaffer local wat­ ers. Ambleside Tea4tooms. , BRApLEY & 'TURNER ---- Painting. Paperhaiiging.TCalsomining . and" Phone West 380X1. Don't forget the meeting of the Wese Vancouver Ratepayers' Association at 8 p.mrtohight in Sundamv_e_JJaJL_V^ __g o :p j_ ^ k ntirie Day it was^d - HPAnfvtTADrrt-p ters of interest will comje up for mded to postpone t ^ I.O.D)E. r --l^ ^ discussion, more particularly the Younger Set Danc^.^Ml mi t̂tejr of land and school taxes, ' "llie c ^ to arrange*'the .the latter <of which, it is felt, competition for the "Ciimt of should be removed from the land Arms" which the Chapter pro- arid made a natioiial levy. A posesto preseritto themunici- movement to try to effect some pality, reported that prepara- ---------- ---- . . ■-- v . .., , • " - ' - ' ...... relief ? along--these-lines is .de- tions were well in hand, and that plYE WEBB'S a trial for your next MARCEL SHOP.-- New Thermique be a re-organization meeting of veloping in Vancouver. All mem- full directions would amv>ar in repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. steam ^pem anent: no danger. Mar- . . .H. p . , . ^ ® th a t i those anticipating ta West JL A ndJam cfc iiriii^■■ -- -- ------------- ................. . . - . , WANTED -- One furnished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or W est 143 FOR RENT TO R^ahlABLB TENANT --Modern bungalow, centrally locat­ ed; sawdust burner, good garden. Bent $25i Apply Box ̂49, West Van paffThrfcFfsTom ^itlM ^^I^^ ̂ themselves to some'extent with PRINTING the eyes have it! R 2 tea ch ers recently took tn interesting lighting test. Reading a well- p rm t^ page in a spedaT !>ox, they a<^usted a Witch until the light seemed *'just tight" for first week of M ^ch in the even­ ing .^ d that each member be privileged to invite one guest. The nominations committee elected as follows: Mrs. Hrittan, Mrs. Elgar, Mrs. Fid- des, Mrs. Small, Mrs. Chapman. Nominatioos for officers and conveners of, standing commit­ tees were taken, , and will be P^ted m the Dundarave Post Office and the B. C. Electric ^bout the 21st instant. _____________ _ ̂ For the Rules of Heraldry. printing phone Wednesday, February 13th, News, West 363. "Founder's Day" in I.O.D.E. ----- circles, and the-Chapter^has de­ cided to celebrate the event by » Bridge at 8 p.^i. in the Masbnic 7 For r-fts^yatiohs phone Mrs. W. B. Small, West 658Er"̂ .. , I t was decided to hold the an-, nual meeting \yhich comes the ^ kinds of West Van TURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ' Houses to Rent. , Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine. Phone West 55. McNEIL'S Up-to-Date Store has recently installed A NEON Sign to mark the corner where You Save with Safety a t Your KEXALL DRUG STORE McNeil's a t 1402 Marine Drive West 528 Free Delivery We are agents for the fine products of BOOTS -- Cash Chemists, England. - -thcir^ye$.-^eHivmge li^ c chosen jias 20 tcT 90 timn the ^ o u n t jbund in molt homes today! This gives you a tough idea of thesttoin on youf eyes through te a d ^ alone. ^ tea , -------------------------------------------- WEST VANCOUVER' i ng adjourned.. ----- -------------- UNEMPEOTES^SN; WEST VANCOUVER M A C H IN E SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pump^j Household articles. 1449 Marine. ^RADIp REPAIRS -:!%^est Van. Radio Service (J. L. P e tti^ew ), West 108, 1473 Marine. GORDON ROBSON Barrister-r> Solicitor WEST VANOOUVElB-- bffice No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone West 408. 10 to 12. VANCOUVIEB OFFICE-- Suite 601: 6t0 Hastings St. W. Phone,-Seymouir 4199. 2 to 6. ,.1-1 Form No. 13. (Section 39.) LAND A€T P.-T. A. NOTES To avoid the d ^ c r of eĵ e-sixsio, let us check yoot home lighting with one o f the new Sight Mece». ' Fhbiie us at Scymout 5151 for s MfhiNk*up today... these It no obligation on.your poit. The annual meeting of • the West Vancouver P.-T. A. will be held m the Inglewood School at 12th*" Tuesday, February On January 31st a most en- |oyable whist drive and dance j^ a s held a t the, Legion. Hall, the Chinese Auction proving very popular. : ' ^ The next whist drive'mu « . dance .Storey-keeper'and~^biic~'Cat»er, The Constitution Committee FebniavTr ? ^Iday, tends to apply~*for permission to *j!P**fsent for discussion a S Hafi ^ Legion the. following described Notice of iniemtion to Apply to Purchase LainA In the Municipality of \yest Vancou­ ver, Land Recording D istrict'of New; Westminster, ,aad situate hear Fish­ erman's' Cove* West Vancouver, B. C. ^ k e notice that H arry Kolthammer' of West Vancouver, 'B. C., occupation Storo-keeper and^^I^biic Caterer, in- will At Uj[iis A* **SS^MW" samtiJU m trum m ts,,* tha tm tasstm ii^ at simply M idmotrotdy asm tim m m ikr ̂m m m heat. c o n s t i t u t i o n +meet i ng of the As- with,the election of loffic^ahd f i n tok- B rtk U6HT ♦ iiiffaa sisiit roubV to '5® late ^ ness for the entire evening. A egression program of music will be inter witi|ow. was\wnnxn ̂ ^ WlU ,oe mrCT- pasSed- T hpr* «rill , hour m the lunch room will com- KKIIISH COLUAiBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. At.---- *̂**VwAA AUUm Will Ci pfojBpmn. ~ members are cordi- te -attend or anyone Commencing ̂ a t a post planted at the intersection of-'Marine Drive and the Southerly, boundhiy of Block one (1) o f Dt; Lot 772, thence South 67 0 East for a-distance o f 35.27', thence oS>n^ bearing ..N orth-29* East 258.3, thence N orth 64" 0 E ast 234.5 thence South 66" 2 3 '-E as ta distance of 240.6'. thence' North .27! 33' East "•». - thence -following, high water a t 8 p .m . All unM rtn^mT^ " ®*'h"to point o f commencei^ent the m*ged to fl+tonr?' o vrhole-contaiuing nine-fenfhsT'(.9> of thp ^ ^ -matters o f acre more b r less.' ttrJH to them flABRŶ KOLTHAMMBR,will be discussed^ Bated, Decesd^er. 21st, 19l4. Applicant. ' " ■ -Li'. • --•■"•C,. ■'>' Jt \ ^ 1