;t-i /"rf "t:"'A c Ffebruw V l^lSi4K mimm AMMMMMte MHMHMMUiMillill^yWr '̂ ik «i w ̂- ---- -..^THE WBto^AN NEWS Ldscal anil 1 i.' ̂ i, ̂ s#. #HiiWINDOWS doors SHINGLES ) UTH VENEERS ROORNC building PARER mwm ̂Ml B iiiW eiro*;■ '.■;'*f-VlJ.ri tii SetViiDB ̂ «RiaC- CEMENT TILE UME SANI !̂ i'. X. HodtSsaczsioBiiM -- ^ T ^ s s s n ^ s a r ^ s r m Avenue ̂ is cooflned to hia homo West Vancouver on Tuesday, through aieJmess. and will be in and around Va»- The rain'and warm winds of TtooTOWa^weniSE^t^^ last wteek^r^ueed the snow on he will addteiss a meetliur at St. " " '-- - ' - ................th Vancou- PLANS AND SPEdnCATlONS Dhnm ui> and tsU* nviRei flivtn Fret. Astbury's Builders' Supplies 16th and M arine Drive . th o n e West 199 Hollybum lUdge to between six Agnes Church in North or seven feet ^ the week end. ver. Since then, however, the w<^ther ♦ * t has turned edder. Ralph Burbridge, who has ' * * * been spending a week's l^ v e Mr. Hastings, 2523 Marine with his mother, Mrs. C. E, Bur- Drive, who had a bad fall ip the bridge,-2309 M a ^ e Drive, left city during the cold spell is now Tuesday on his ship the "M.S. able to be out^and around again. Burrard Laundry, Ltd. LAUBO>RY SERVICEFORDEPENDABUffi DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1810 BARBARIANS' RUGBV AUXILIARY v r A V-vpwrnrv'itfir n A M r r* ir y A E jILM A A N IL lA A M V n ; F a i D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 8 U iIn the ■" Hollyburn Pavilion Marie Abram's Orchestra A D M IS S IO N 35c.. Dancing 9 till 1 Mr. and Mrs.. Horeco Darby of Spring Coulee, Alta., are spending several weeks in West ^Vancouver and are staying at the Clachan. They are delighted with the scenery'in West Van couver, Miss Margaret Seabloom, 2426 Bellevue Avenue, is in Vancou ver for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mra. E. W. Fulcher, 2544 Marine Ih*ive, have moved , into the Hastings house at 25th and HjSywood Avenue. . ■■ ... ■ ____ J ay ______ __ _____ silver Bell," for S<wth_Africa, roing W al. S i l V v l JLAw IA i A v A K rV A A W a going by way of the Panarna Cl • • ♦ . Major and Mrs. H. T. Curtis of West Bay, are leaving shortly e Iffor Manila, Philippine Islands.................* f ...... .... Mrs. A. Taylor of the Holly- bum Block, 16th and Marine Drive,' is seriously ill in the North Vancouver General Hos pital. WEST VANCOtrVEE RU&BY DANCE Thinking-* of celebrating St. Valentine (?)• Hollyburn Pavilion West Vancouver, will, be the scene of the first ValentineGeorge Tite, who was seriious- --™- -r - - v, ,_ ly injured ,A number, of weeks , D an^ of the on /Febm- ago in an auto accident in North' >ary 8th, when the Girls Auxili-' I #M« « t V " M . . . . . ' Al% M A A M I. 'Tv IIfVF\xr VISITORS' DAY AT DANCE SCHOOL Pupils of Miss Molly Edwards will hold a Visitors* Afternoon next Saturday, .February 9th, at 3 p.m. in Ambleaide Hall; Danc ing, exercises and solo numbers for the delegate to attend the will be given by children rang- ̂ Grand Lodge Sessions a t Kam L. O. L. No. 2990- The regular meeting of the ̂ Orange Lodge was held on Tues day. last in the Orange Hall. A good tuniout of members were present. Final arrangements were made Vancouver, has sufficiently.re covered to leave the North Van couver General Hospital, and is now staying with his brother-in- law and sister,* Mr. and Mrs. a ry ,jo the Barbarian Rugby will hold their second affair assist'the team;. Among those entertaining at dinner pai*ties are Misses Vera David Keith of the Keith Block,' and Prances Johneox, Miss Mar 15th and Marine Drive. Jorie Crawford, Miss Jessie Cas tell and Miss Ola McLean. ing from 3; years up. All those interested in the classes are cordially invited. loops this mo>nth. An invitation to attend the Baptist Church on Sunday, the 17th February, was accepted. . Two applications for initiation, were received. The ^ntertaSn;c.c .f .;n e w s ................... ..... ..... ............. ....._,The_Jnte.reAt_Jn„^|he._regid^__^^ Tuesday night meetings a t the • monster dance to be held. on headquarters on ^^fnne^Dnve '-jyiarch 15th, stating everything continues to be shownJ)y the w ^ well in hand for the oc- good attendance. On Tuesday last H. Gargrave gave a splendid address on-the'relationship- of ethics and morals to the meth ods of tools of produddonror-the way we obtain our living. _ Next' Tuesday" W. M. Offur will be the speaker.-A cordial invitation to all who are int̂ Ccr ested- in~~knQwing~d}he~ 0.0;F; "^w pbm tT'TlfeTifxt'^r^ ular whist drives, will be held on Saturday w^k,' February 16th, At 8 p.m. cfislbh.' LEGIONTNOTES ^ e last general meeting of the locarbrancfi Tvas held a t the Legidif Memorial Hall, Friday, February 1st, with President H. Walker, in__the chair, before a good turnout of members. Many ■AJifere&trng-.~item&JIo£lbusiness- .were 'dealt with, and plans for an early showing of some first class entertainment were ouP Mrs. F, Bayliss, 24th and Bellevue Avenue,'is spending a ' few days with friends in Van couver. .. Thp Misses Stevenson enter- taihe*d a t the Clpchan last Sat- _ urday.^yening. Jn ^ o n o r jof J^r._ and Mrs. McLellan and Miss White, all of whoih are from, their home tovrii of Helensburg, Scotland, and have recently re turned from there. A very en joyable time waA spent in music, cards and dancing, dainty re- "freshments "being'served during the evening. The numbers given by Miss Harris and Mr. Spencer were particularly enjoyed. Among the guests were: Mr. and ~MrsT~Winterbottom, Mis^ d e a t h o f l . j . w r is b e r g Lewis John Wrisbery, 889 15th Street, who has. been in failing health for some time, passed away last Saturday in the North Vancouver General Hos- -pitalr-The-deceasedi-who-was-in- his 51^t year, is survived by his wife, three daughters, Margaret, Helen, an4 Jessie, and one son, Jack, all a t home. Funeral ser vices, were held a t 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in St, Stephen's Church Rev. P.wA.i:.Ramsey officiating. The choir and W. A. attended, and the church was crowded. Many beautiful flowers and : wreaths were also received. The .pallbearers were J. Banks, rep-^v Iresenting-SidJGiaby-as--pr€sidcnt--■■= M arguerite Wilcox Teacher o f Pianoforte Associated with The Kenneth Ross Pianoforte School Special attention given beginners Moderate fees Studio:. " Phone. 2584 Bellevue " W€«t IS lL l lined, and arrarigements in'̂ tfiis connection settled satisfactorilj. Further details of same will re- .ceive suitable advertisement. _ . Next general meeting .Friday, February 15th, ^ The canary and cag€ . to . be raffled on 22nd instant, are on show in Gemmill's Drug Store, tickets lOcfents. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Br^ve Amblc»ide Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 4 i i s t i f l |H I a i i ^ Real Estatie Radio Sale All Sets Reduced FORST'S North 5S5 West 37 66 Lonsdale Are. North Vancouver * AmWesidc ^ L e e t Metal i.-SPEGKr Proprietor Works C. J. Omington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine. Phone West 135 l^iicouver, B. Lewis, Majbr and .JMrs.' 'F. Bayliss, the Misses "%'ightingale, A. Reid, Mr, and Mrs. E. Groom and Miss Groom, Hugh Hodgson. - " " The ferries are running a half- hourly ^rvice until- further notice. No. 6 leaves Anihleside on the hours and returns from the city dock on the half hours, while the Sonri^ leaves Amhle- side bh the half hours and the city dock on the hours. . ̂ * ̂ ' , Miss Eunice Davis, 2087 Kings Avenue, has returned from the North Vancouver General: Hos pital after having-undergone a, major operati<on and is now con valescing Rt her home. * * «>' . A "No Host" party was held on February 1st; a t the Fortune, Cup Inn. Among those present were the Misses Barbara and Diana Reid, Dorothy and Bub bles Smith, Ethel 10tts, I^ th - ]A||sb^^|wards, Effie Vickery, Kathleen Hodgson, Frances and Sheila Powell and Betty S av o ^ ; and Messrs. Tom B r o ^ , Rupert Harrison, Ted Hayward,.Gbrry Mason, Michael Savory, Tom Butt, .Ralph Patterson, M et; Chapman, Max Lennox, Dick Bradley, Gibson Oliver and Gor don Stemsfon. ' of the all B.C. Bowling League; J. Haydn Young, Harold Walker, and Norman Beaton. . -Interment was made in Capil- ano View.Cemetery. LEGION ENTERTAINMENT The "Dixie Minstrels" in a "Review" of popular melody, featuring favorite songs, and , dances, with scenic effects, have been booked to appear for two nights, February 13th and 14th, a t , the Legion Memorial Hall, under the auspices of the Iwal i branch/ef the Canadian Legion. The cast of thirty players, in cludes a ten piece orchestra, and , several well known radio per formers. The public of West Vancouver is urged hot to miss this unusually good show, and to watch for the advertisements in , this paper, and on the drive. . Flease" don't forget the dates,, and tune iri to the "Radio Broad- 13 TT ̂■ ■■■ PRESCRIPTION are the professional part of pharmacy and that'i why w e ask you to have your physician phone your prescriptbns here. (lefflmiirs Drug Store Tli« Btora of Sanrlea. 1S86 Marine Drive Feet 37 or Weet 607 Bmergency Phone Weetnev <After 10 p.m.) 831 Strattoe's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, PaBirles, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pics, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, Viu-lety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning, Note AddiHiss; 1468 Marino J)rivo Phono West 27./ Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY February 7th and 8th JACQUELINE WELLS RAY WALKER Happy Landing" SATURDAY MATINEE SAT. NIGHT and MONDAY February l)th and l l th CLAUDETTE COLBERT WAkllEN WILLIAM " CLEOPATRA " TUESDAY and WEDNB|^ Y February 12th and Miurder iti Trinidad f t with ' ̂ ' NIGEL BRUCE and HEATHER ANGEL also ' - -- The Girl of my Dreams with MARY CARLISLE EDDIE NUGENT 1 i . . L . . 1 i: -1 ' F T ' it.'* " 1 'v ;'% '1 "" ' t lSii 's. •: i',TCl\ \ B ■ ' . 'T A W , DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL & K N m iN G SHOPPE 2446 M^InCjDrivc ^ /Monarch, M j ^ (3i^na44 -Tifeor, Purple^ Heather, Elasco, Peerless __ _ _ _ _ "Wools _ _ Free Instruction "Service with a SniUe" Prop. MAISIE BUSST Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile' Burglary, . Accident and Sicknene, etc. 2567 King'n Are. Phone W. 4SY3 casts" announcing this event West Vancouver Acreage Now is the timo to select your home- site in W est Vancouver. We have a splendid property, 1 1-2 acres, half cleared, on north side of Marine Drive. Price $1000. Phone North 24. throughout -the coming week. Canadian.Legioh, W est Vancouver ,, PROGRESSIVE WHIST DRIVE in the Legion Hall, a t 8 p.m. sharp FRIDAY, FEB. 8TH 20 bands of cards A D M IS S IO N 2 5 c . DOLLAR lUMBER & FU a CO. SAWDUSTJ per u n i t ':/____ I N S m E P I R ; i ^ SLABS AND ESDCINGS, ̂per cord Day jor N ight - ^ Phone North 1369 ' __ $4.00 __________ $4.00 291 W est Esplanade, North Vancouver Will anyone requii^g a place to cut firewood phone. West 109 -on Saturday betw ^h 10, a.m. and 1 p.m. , /r. Malcolm Stevens atrived from Port Albemi on Tuesday, and is spending a few days with, his parents, Mr. arid Mrs,-H,% B*' Stevens, 2595 Nelson Avenue, ' FEB. 13TH AND i 4 t h - 8 P.M, i) i3ide M instrei^ R eview Under the auspices of the W estVaheouver Canadian Legion Cast of 80; including ah Drehestra of 10. ' Over two hours of real entertainment. ADMISSION--Adults 25c. Children 15c.~ ■7̂ h-i ' f'm { . ( I'fHI 4" ;! if' ■ A-' "i .■f'fi!" "'-/Ml.I'J f f|l , •tL% ' ̂ 'm t M> V v ; ■ '% li fn' • ' ;>;Ih - f j-a ji fei#" I ■ A i l / K V' 7 ■» H ̂ . iLi . S. '.«* I - 1 5 'i 4 ' flirt '• 'f; 4 - » s 1- ' ■ .3