West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Feb 1935, p. 2

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1 p m I f * • S' 4'"/ M ' J' •,;;4 / • ,.M%■ a' '1, j'it ■% 'A,m > % *4? I K W jpj 'mf Il t it T I . t i -Pt' > |"S >'i'P^ P4'Hf ̂ a '"ip Mm .V .: • * » ~ - .n p .,r -n --a . . , wjwaiiiMi ^im rY A H im ifiiii ' " ' " StUulAT 8m*v1cmm ll;0ii«ni«, 7;1|-'1mr*.' 0»iid«j Ik M Mad BIbh Ckaa 3lCr ■ ftuttliii .. , ■/■.■■;,.;(afi , Btmngmm M VUiUm*^W 4«9m i'[ ' BArrmf-rnmum-- ■ ■ pylori R*v. f t p. Humpkwy., Beti<kn£t: ISIS Bsywaad A m , PhoB« Wmt 2S2R. Bopday .Sgnl4mJm~>U-.aJâ ~»a(i.r 7:16 pjm. Sunday Schools 10 :^ a.m. H ats Ifana ^ a i r a la Bpring The new hat ailhoueitef lo r sprintr have turned the hiwda of women towarda their hair,. Hata cry tor curie or el«d the cauee ie loet and if you want eoft natural curie don't foriroi our motto le "no tripteaA Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe ISIS Marino Oriro For appolntmonti FUONJB WEST 117 HOiXYBOM HALL l l th & fi>ttCjMNW FRIDAY EVENING, F«h. Sth, at 7:2d< (Kindly Note Earlier Time)* Younir People's Service, llluet- rated by views, "Slow Trains" MR. A. T. DALTON SUNDAY. Feb. 10th, a t 10 a.m. Sunday Schobl and >' Younir Men's Bible Class SUNDAY EVEl^ING a t 7:S0 Gospel Service, Speaker: MR. JAMES GIBSON TUESDAY EVENING a t S p.«. i^ruyer and Bible Study. WBgtVANCOUVEK r" s ;h e d if ic e 29th n a i MMiuimalt, HoUybarn This Sodety is a Branch of 'T ha Mother Church Tha First Church of Christ, E dtn ilst, in Boston, Miasacbusetts Soodijr Service: 11:30 a.m, Sunday, February 10, 1935 Subject: '̂ S P I R I T " Sunday SObool at 10:00 a.m. Taatlxuony Mcotinjgr Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. Tha public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and , meetings. A F E THERMOS and VACUUM IKXQTLBS Original Thermos Pints..^./1tl.00 lloliuble Vacuum Plnts..Lj^ 60c Wo carry the Stronglas% her- mos and Refllls for above. PHARNAGY W. L, KEB, Prop 1101 Marine Drlvo Phone Weet 829 FREE DELIVERY ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay, ANBLESIDE UNITEp CHURCH Next Sabbath morning the mininter will preach. In the evening the Canadian Girls in ,------- Training Group with their lead- Residence: 2823 Inglewood Ave. ei H will have charge lof the ser- Residence Phone West 240R. vice. The Young Ladies' Choir _ _ under the leadership of Miss Sunday Services ' Store No. 31,________ ft4l4 ytorine , ,P||orif West Sl3 EITcotiv# FRIDAY & 8th. " CRAWFpIip PlNBAI»PLB_C0Bj^^ lOc .EMPRESS" SEVILLE PR^lfGJB^MABMALAIimi-ti oa. ja r.„ . 23e ASPARAGUS CUITINGS--Ayhnor, 16 oa. tinL^.i....:.___ each 15c CATSUI> -- Mac's Best, No. 2 tin................. ................ .......s for 25c CUT GREEN BEANS -- ^ t o v a i i , No. 2 »q, Gil. .... for 25c CaitNED BEEF -- Helmet, No. 1 U tt..... ;.........1......... for 25c CAKE FLOUR -- Foirylight............................... ................... pkg. 23c FLOUR -- Ilobin Hood, 21 lb. aack................. ..................'....each 85c SIIOKTEhriNG -- Bakeasy; 1 lb. carton........... :____ :___ 2 for 25c OATS -- Robin Hood China ...... ......... ................ .........;...... pkg, 25c TEA - Nabob ..................... ............................... ..................... ,Jb . 39c MATCHES -- Owl, 3 box earion........ ......................... .................. FLOOR WAX -- Johnson'̂ 1 Ib. G n . . . . , ; . . . . . . , . . . . .....each 59c TOILET TISSUE -- Canadian Crepe, I ;o*. rol^...r:,......8 for lOc BACON ~ Swift's Slict^d Diamond A, Fi lb. pkg....I...„.... '...... iSc ...... ̂ _________ _< .............'•. ■. ' .• W0 r«fj.rv«̂ thii riebt 1^ limit qusatItiM. SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE Joan Durbin will assist in the Low Mass ~ 8:45 a.m; praiHe. MisB Jean Campbell of High Mass and Sermon " ' 2*2 F ' ^ 8 'A ' ......... .... a **.■ _ V ■ F 'i T ^ 5 I . .1 _ /*7 I _ UNITED CHURCH , ANNUAL MEETiNG 10:45 "ancouver Y.W.C.A., will be the Catechism.arid Bible Class--8:00 Dr, Marjory McCubbin L.D.8., R.F.P.S.G. D E N T I S T Royal Bank Bldg,,. ' Hours; 0 a.m, to 0 p.m. and by appdintmont Phone West 446 or West 393 Vespers and Benediction--7:30 Week-day Services Mass, daily- 7" 8 a.m. Fridays: Benediction, Rosary, Confes­ sions-- 7:30. T8AR0EA~S0N Phone West 84 For all the Best 111 COAL & WOOD 1474 Marine Drive speaker for the occasion. Moth­ ers are specially invited to this servifje. Sunday School wilf meet as usual at 10 a.m. The prayer meeting on Wed- ri(?sday night at 8 p.m. will be held in the lower hall. At the regularmeeting of the W, A. of the United Church Tuesday plans were made for a , „ . -------- „ Valentine Tea to be held in the February 10th -- 5th Sunday Church Hall Friday, February after Epiphany. 15th. Miss Frame is in charge 8 :00 a.m,---Holy Communion, of the musical program and is 10 & 11; 15 a.m.--Sunday School arranging a "Musical Romance" 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon that promises to be novel and 7:16 p.m.--^Evensong and Ser- ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. entertaining. Home cooking is in charge of Mrs. J. Davis; Dec­ oration, Mrs. G. Baldwin; Tea, Mrs. J. H. Moncrieff. At the close of the meeting tea was served by Mrs. G. Hay, Mrs. W. Herrin and Mrs. Hart, assisted by--Mrs. H. L. Thompson and Mrs. P. Waite. •mon. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Intercession ■'■"'""Service.' ■ Tuesday, 2:30 p.m. -- W. A. ̂ 8:15^p.m.--Church Committee St, Francis-ih-the-Wood, Caulfeild ̂ ^ -Sunday, 9:45 a;m;--Matins and ^rm on. - West Vancouver United Church held their annual busi­ ness meeting in the Churph Hall on Wednesday evening, January 30th, at 8 p.m. The minister oc­ cupied the chair. A representa­ tive gathering of members and adherents, were present. Re­ ports from all the organizations within t]he congregation were pi-fesent and showed definite pro­ gress in a difficult year. The sum of $4,376.00 was raised for all purposes by the congregation, of which $626.00 was sent to Toronto ^or Missionary purpQS- , es. The Women's Association "unTier'̂ tHe~lea'derBlTiYn)f:̂ rsrA~ M. O'Donnell, raised $615.00 to aid the Board of Stewards in ®their^work. A new: organ .was secured and installed in the church, through the efforts of the choir, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Durbin and J. Haydn-Young.- VERNON F E E D STORE A. C. SBARLB Phone West t Fertilizer^ of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Fnrnace^ and Range Repairs, ̂ Sawdust Burners CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST BAPTIST CHURCH LITERARY SOCIETY D.D.8.. L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, I4th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p. ni. . __ Evenings by appointments ! Phone iVeat 72 Gor--15th-and-Duchess _The- next-meeting-will-be-held- The Women's Missionary_Soci- ety under the wise guiding hand of their president, Mrs. John Reid, met their allocation in full, and-presented-oneof-their-mem-- "SPIRIT" will ibe the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on -SundayT---........... ' ^ -- -- - " The Golden Text is : "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Corinthians 3: 17). ' -Amiong--the -citations--which- - Pastor :-Rev.-H. P. Humnhrevs Thursday evening,-Febr^aty-- berstkfer~Wmi=^err4mT=witfi-a-- com^ise=th€Fl5eBmi=-=Se^^ ̂_____ : 14th, when an a d d r e s s t t\/t-- i-- 1.,-_ .l,. -- x---- 4-u.. Sunday, February lOtb Johnson" will be gi .4D:06 a.m.-SundarSchool and Adult Bible Class. ■ Brealey. Batabliahcd on North Shore 20 Yearo. (Lady. AaaisUnt) HARRON BROS. & Wil l ia m s o n ; funrral BirectocB North Vancouver Parlors 122 West sixth Sti'eet Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Pair. 134 Adult Bible Class. n,*00 a.ni.--^Morning Worship. Pastor will preach; topic: "A Word in Season." , _ Antheni. /7:16 --Evening Worship. e monthly service for Y<mth Service in charge , 6f Young People's Society A cordial invitation to all. Monday-- T̂he B.Y.P.U. are the guests of the Grandview principal Df the school named after ~her. AILfriends who are interested in the subject are in­ vited to be present. C. C. Y..M. A meeting of the C.C.Y.M. will be held Friday a t 8 p.m. Following the meeting there will be dancing and refreshments; EUesw 01 ^ e urandyiew Short addresses will be gi:̂ eni by ,of the West Van. Union ^ S 'S "l i S l ■I'® ^ L. 0. R A. Ne; 703_ p.m. ferry for the city^ W ^nei^ay, .6:45 p.m. ---- The The dance h^d by the above Life Membership in the Society. The question of erecting a new hall with-Sunday School class rooms to meet the.needs of the young people, of the congrega- -tion-was discussed^and a strong- committee consisting of Major F. C. Rush, Robert MeVean, Mr. Richardson, Chas. Baldwin and- Ted Hindmarsh, was appointed to go into the whole matter and to report later to the Board of .Stewards . . . ............................................. ............................. 3Jie GJlerk of Session reported that thirty-four members were added to the Roll of the Church during the year; tweiity-one of these w'ere received by certificate and fifteei ̂ on profession of faith. ■ . the following from the Bible: "There is^therej&me now no coii- demnatiori to -them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not aft«r the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Riomans 8 : T). The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the Christian-^cience text­ book, "Science-and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker-Eddy: "The rich in spirit heh) the. poor in one, grand brotherhood, all having thepame Principle, or Father; and blessed' is that mail who seeth Ms brother's need and supplietbnt, seeking r his bwn in ' another's good." THE Children's Ih)ur. Lantern lodge to_celebrate their 9th An- . following were appointed Slides. All Children Wei- mversaryUvas much enjoyed by Board of Stewards for o . those present. Novelties were Major P. C. 8:00 p.m.7-Prayer an tlP ipse distributed during the evening Turnbull, J. Meeting. , ̂ which added to the enjoyment ^^hies; C.'L.. Hillbum, James w . g: t . u . W est Van J^ezos Publiaked Bvery Thurtday Thursday, 7 -- Junior Choir practice. All girls over 12 : - - are asked to attend... ' .?P**Bv-~Senior Choir practice. Fnday, ,7 p,m,----C.G Ĵ,T, of all. PuUiaker _____ F.-F. XOVEGROVE____ Phone West 363 Baiineat and Bditorial Offica: 17Ui and. Marina Driva to H<^burn_P,_0.) Phone West 363 Matt Addraw: P. 0 . Box 61, HoHybnm, & C ̂ North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave." , ! ___ 0nnnmnmnmnnm W. C. T. U. The pext meeting of the Branch of the W.C.T.U.: will be held at the home bf Mrs. W. M. Thompson, GSitty2.0th "Street, on l^iesday, 12^ , a t 8 p.m. CARD OF t h a n k s Mrs. Wrisberg: famUy' wish to convey their heartfelt thanks - for; the' ihahy expres- of„ sympathy and loving thought, also for Uie many beautiful floral tri^butes i^eived by them in their i^ e n t sad be- wavement and eaqaedally from u ? associations who _ helped them through. their _Gme J of trouble. ~ ~ Duncan, John Lawson, ,Harrv Thompson,"-W. N. McDonald. W. GT̂ Daniel aiidfJohn H op^ A hearty vote of thanks was passed to all workers in the con- ^egation after which the ' min-- ister pronounced the Benedic­tion. . The West Vancouver W.C.T.U. will hold their 'regular monthly meeting iif ; the vestry of the United Church, corner Marine Drive and 21st Avenue; on -ThursdayrnaTtemoon, February 14th, at 2:16 p.mr All members are requested to be present and bring their^ees. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner have moved from 28th and Marine. Dnve into a house a t 2624 Nel­ son Avenue. \ RADIO REPAIRS AH Work; Guaranteed 'Experience Insures Satisfaction' BROWN & MUNTON 1542 Marine ' V - West 366 * W * S ® 3 S * ®WT SHOP B.C. LADYSHIP" and "MONARCH" WOOLS ' i5io0 tB,© BARGAIN COUNTER JOIN o u r : LIBRARY 25c a^month. West 60r WEST VANCOUVER LIBERAL ASSOCIATE VALENTINE DANCE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, in the BOLL^BURN PAVILION M J Dancing 9 to. 1. ' , ____Old Time Bandng -- Good Marie Befreshments All : and friends invited.