West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Feb 1935, p. 1

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t ,,: * i <p'V"«f-«0fi*3|̂ «̂. t, tjtvjwôj f l .00 CirculaHngin the District of West Vatsicouioit^Amieside, H dim m t% W ^i\ Cj//>mj Park, Caulfytld, WhytecUff, Etc, : M Dundarave l$c per copy at newisUnda. S t t S S \̂ ol. IX HOLLYBURN P.O , WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th. 1935 No. 41 THE PEREY ACdDENT FERRY No. 6 SUNK coming e v e n t s HORTICULTUIUL A^SN. Last Monday morning as a result of the thick fog,our, ferries had their first major accident... The No. 6 was sunk and a life was lo s t,when a collision took place between *'S.S. Princess Alice" and the ferry. While the accident has cast a gloom over the municipality, there is a universal feeling of thankfulness that it did not occur on the snnkenJ)oat's trip to the city, for then instead of gloom there would be now widespread mourning for the many whOi almost certainly would have lost tlieirilves., , ' .... Our ferries have been running daily in all weathers since 1909, and until last Monday not one serious accident, had oc­ curred. That such a i remarkable record should have been set up si^aks volumes for the skill and expert seamanship of our ferry captains and their crews. Yet, as we in West Vancouver For the first tlnie since the establishment of a ferry service' in 1909 between West Vancou­ ver and the city there has been a fatal accident. The No. 5 was rammed a t 8:47 a,m. Monday on I March 1st -- West Vancouver Girls' Club Dance a t the Orange Hall. March 6th, 7th & 8th -- Comedy and drama by Hollybum Vei> West Vancouver Horticultural Association commenced activi­ ties for the year a t a meeting lield in the Municipal Hall on Friday, February 1st, and oloct- ■,ii| .ii' ■ r . ' - 1 : * ' » t ̂ \ At ■ '̂' "i ■! . satile Players at, the Orange . ed officers for the year. Donald Hall, auspices I.O.D.E. _ McTavish was unanimously elec '|r ^ her way fi^m Vancouver by the Friday, February 22nd -- Dance, ted Pi't^sident for the third vear;r . ' 1 • • • ■■ ■ nu«.m4..wicr.n." no A-W a ■' •■■■■ a » •• have always been ready to admit, the luck stayed with us. igM <On Monday morning the seamanship *ol the Captain longest in the service; provedL^nd tried' oyer m an y years, was all there, but the luck was out. That is the whole story, and one which may be repeated any foggy day or,;night with a much more terrible ending. , i , So 16ng as there is fog--and Vancouver Harbor is a place of unusually thick fogs--no real safety can exist for thope travelling through, its waters, as every child even in West Vancouver has always known. ' The only solution is a bridge over the First Narrows. We have been offered a $6,000,000 structure free of all cost and of such dimensions as satisfies(the greatest harbor expert in , the world and the honest-to-^oSdhess opinion of every"sailor. Yet permission to start the work of construction':has been held up for months in Ottawa. Premier Bennett, speaking either for himself or his c!abiriet^and it is rumored the former is the case--can only babble of what posterity might say of inbound Princess Ahcê â ̂ in a few minutes about half way between Calamity Point and Prospect Point, where according to reports the collision took place. It is alleged the» ferry was on her right course and going slowly. She was struck on the port side of the large cabin aft, Naomi Chapter No, 26, O.E.S., A, J. Evans, Vice PreHideht ; in the Orange Hall. BENEFIT WHIST & BRIDGE . . DRAWS LARGE CROWD Ai- i. •! West Vancouver Branch, with the sharp bow of the Alu^ strik- assistance of the West Van- The bridge and whist drive given last ^ tu rd ay night in the , . , _ ............ Legion Hall by the_Legion'W,A«. looking forward to a very sue cessful year and hope for the Mrs. H..B. Garland, Secretary;) H. P. Blower, Treasui'er; Direc­ tors: Mrs. P. Masterman, Mrs, H. P. Allen, Mrs. A. E. Wheel­ wright, Mrs. W. Dickinson, Mrs. D. McTavish, G. Wiltshire, A, McArthur. The Djli'ectors aiio ."f "V ing a t an acute angle and bring­ ing up a t the bulkhead on the port side of the stairway. This allowed those iii' the cabin to escape up the stairway, but an elderly lady, belloVed to be Mrs. William E. Burritt, mother of Mrs. A. P. Croker, of 2869, Belle­ vue Avenue, was trapped be­ tween the bow of the Alice and the side of the cabin. Captain Smith-risked his life, as did Mate- couver Branch of "the Legion, jproved a very^ great success. [rs. Douglas Graham Was the convener. The object of , the drive was to raise funds for the sufferers, in the 'Fraser Valley, support and co-operation of all good citizens and garden lovers in their endeavors to ci'ea'te int- torest in beautifying their sur­ roundings The next meeting of (lirectors will bo held on Monday ̂ February 18th, at 8 p.m. in the him, if he gave his permission and so prevented the possibility of the harbor entrance being extended to the top of Hollybum Ridge, or words to that effect. ■ ' : The time has come for the citizens of West Vancouver and indeed of the whole North Shore to hold a meettfiig or meetings. It is up to them to let Ottawa know NOW that they refuse to bedonger placed-in jeopardy-of-theirdives-jusLat-the^ Hayes and Lopikout Arnold Gar- thome, who came to Ws assist- son Chapter, I.O.D.E., the L.O.L. ance, in a gallant attempt , to ■ No. 2990, end the local branch of save h^r, the cap lin r^eivm g the CCJF. v , o l4 < IJL v 7 X V I. n i l l / i i v 3 J l JL C IO w J. T d * I l i 7 ^ y > A W i/A tk Cw|/ \ J | J ( i l J l « 111 v I l U the am'ount collected by admis- Municipal Hall when the pro- sions, etc., during the evening ..gram for the year will bo ar- being $29.75, which has since ran^md. ,, been augmented to $S4;00. There ' ------.v were no expenses, and the Legi- CONSEBVATiVES* on W.A. received valuable ,aa- sistance from the Duncan Law- a bad cut in the head, but the ferry I sank before she could be extricated. -- The---surviving--passengers. HEAtj[%i»>RESS Pattef*B # C o behest of certain powerful interests, who for purposes of their -own entirely apart froni the navigation of, the P r s t Narrbws, have held up the eonstruction of-the^y^dge.. ____ _ . Should Mr. Bennett still refiiser-and should three years from how another major accident happen to our ferries, the blood of those who will 'then perish will be on his head and the heads of the selfish opposition'to the bridge.--And that- will damage his menioi^ ope hundred years from now much more than hypothetical considerations today on his part about bridges which by tha t time will have been superseded by air travel. . ' ' played dh the h|l!i and whist in the club rooips downstairs,, and both wepe crowded,-- t̂here--being--thirly- Malcolm Reid 1373 Gordon Ave- tables in play. A. J. Gleam act- nue, -H ar^ Sundbacken, 2611 ed as chairman of the,evening,. Dr. Frank jtwprson, presi­ dent of the B. Conservative Assodation, "will address the North Vancouver Conservative Association at 8 p.m. next Tues- _day^_-February--12thr-~in--the- North Vancouver Club. Should i: , r / l ' iir h 'A 14' , Belle'vue Avenue,;amiJ4iles Bell, ^elId^ of the "RdjSrlBSik TiefV, Prank Worster, Jean Wong and Chong Woo, all of Vancouver, also - Engineer--W. -F--Merrick, _ Reev any Conservatives here wish to attend, they are asked to kindly phbne J. T. Watt> 'when he^ill ir winners being as follows; Bridge arrange to have invitations sent ladies' first, MisS Eileen Hamp- to them. i ' ' a; ̂ w ( Ut son; gentlemen's first, Philip were takeh on the Alice to the Brine; consolation, A.-Cromar city, while the remainder of the Bruce, and \^ i s t , ladies' first, COUNCIL-SEND LETTER^ JVALENTINE-DANCE- OP APPRECIATION TO CAPTAIN SMITH & CREW The council at ̂ their meeting "on Monday night passed a upaiii- mous resolution tha t a. Ijetter of sincere appreciation be sent to Captain D; Smith aiid his crevr on the gallant manner in which they lived up to the best tradi­ tions of the sea in doing, every- - all. Liberals and friends. A Valentine Dance is to be given by the West Vancouver Liberal Association from 9 till 1 next Thursday,-14th instant, in Hbllyburn Tavilibn. There wilF be both modern and old time dancing and novelties to add to the enjoyntent of the evening, and,good music. Refreshments- will he served, and a cordial, in­ vitation to attend is extended to crew were rescued by the Son- risa. I t should be remarked tha;t W. F. Merrick ^id not leaves his engine, room) until ordered to do -so'-by Captain Smith by -which time the water was: up to his Mrs. R. Wintle; gentlemen's first, D. L, Xase; consolation, Mrs. Woodcock. V'oeaLsGl0s=wei5e^endered=byE= Dir. Patterson has announced that he will la,ter give an address to local Conservatives in West Vancouver. '5." t ( r tljing .to save life on thp occasion of the recent sinking of N'®* ^ ferry. . - A petition, which is being very largely signed, is being circulat­ ed in West Vancouver,, express­ ing the entire confidence of ferry passengers in the captain's sea­ manship and praising the gallant try of himself and crew in the recent accident. The amiouncement in our last issue of a Liberal Rally and Darice to take place pn Tuesday, 12th instant, was incorrect,' and we regret its inclusion in our news columns. . _ knees. The members of the crew were; Captain D, Smith, Engineer--W.-F-^Merrick,-Mate .'George Hayes and Lookout Arn­ old Garthome. Both Captain Smith and all his crew upheld the best traditions of the British Mercantile Marine, and, those who saw the accident and the subsequent sinking pay eloquent testimony to~their conduct in thec^sis. ' - The jferry,' which had drifted into 'the channel to a,point'ap­ proximately due south of the Mrs.--J-._D._Donovan,--Miss-Ivy Miles and Aubrey Clarke, which were much enjoyed by those ferry present,, encore numbers being deinanded fitom each. Mrs. J. E. Durbin aM -Miss Jvy Miles acted: as accompanists. Following. refreshments the evening was concluded with dancing to music supplied by the: popular Blacin>iamond Orches-s tra. DISABLED VETERANS' ' i % i HOLLYBURN HALL ' A. T* Dalton will give an ad­ dress'"'on "Slow Trains," , illus- ^________ ̂ __ ______ __ __ trated byjantem slides, at the F irS NarrW s Lighthouse, was young people's service in Holly- aWed veterans are LEGION WHIST & DANCE A Progressive Whist and Dance will be ̂ ven by the Canr Salvage Oo.'s dock in North Van- raised yesterday afternoon, and beached for the night on the shore near Brockton Point. She was taken today to the Pacific GLENEAGLES GOLF COURSE Players who patronized the course last week end were de­ lighted to notice that a good start has been made on the im^ ppovements. . The rough on the right of- the first fairway has been thorough- b" dealt with so that a sliced ball off the first tee can.be found with little trouble. The eighth lajrway has received consider, able attention.' The removal of stumps and patches of brush, near the eighth gieen_has not only made this a pleasant hole fp play, but has ^ so improved appearance very m uehr adian Legion, West Vancouver Branch, tomorrow (Friday) Feb­ ru a ry 8th, starting at 8 p.m. sharp. Twenty hands of cards. .. will be played. This will be the second drive of the series, when ' all will be" out to hdve a good time, Admission, 25 cents. couver. At this time of going to press. Mrs. Burritt's body had not been recovered. - > 'bum Hall tomorrow (Friday), a t 7;20 p.m.> Kindly note the change in the time. Sunday School and young mien's Bible Class as usual at 10 a.m{. next Sunday. James Gibson will be the speafcerHat-the Gospel service a t 7;30 p.m. next Sun West Vancouver Branch, Dis­ abled Veterans/-Associatkm, will •meet in their headquarters in Ferry building, on Tuesday, February-12th, at 8 p.m. -Ex­ ecutive will meet atN7;80 p.m/ All members are requested to make a special effort to attend, as there is important business on the agenda dealing with the program of activities of all Dis­ abled Veterans', Associations in British Colunibia for the year. President H. R. Ede and W. J. P. Iverson of headquarters Dis­ abled Veterans, Vancouver, will address the meeting. All dis- invited to r ' . J 1 - i - . . 'Si U h > V f? '• i l ir - - , , i »• 1 attend. BUILDING'TRADES HOLD MEETING Vi A meeting iof all those in West Vancouverin the building trades MR. MUNN ' FIGHTING FOR BRIDGE serv i^ a t 7;JU p.m. n ^ t bun- was held Saturday afternoon In day, the 10th instant. Tuesday - t h e Legion -Hallrin-^^^^a t 8 p.m., study. LATE CARS ̂CHANGED . In answer to a lettergram sent WEST VAN. BUILDING to Ottawa by John Lawson on , TRADES ASSOCIATION ^ e night of the a c c id ^ , point- ' > prayer and Bible ■ with the proposed new post of­ fice building a t Hollyburn. A resolution fwas passed and a copy, presented to the council at their jm eting on Monday night, Jfceiving the full endiorsement of that body. The resolution. re-: ON CAPILANO LINE mg out how the uMTcnt need for xhe organization meeting of ---- -- - Commencing Sunday, Febru- f ̂ ^ r i r s t N a iro w sp ^ e above , association was held Quests tha t the building be erect­ ary 10, i t J s announced by the last , night in the Legion Hall, by day labor, only West Yan- B C Electric that late cars will pnstrated, he r e iv e d the M - when the following officers were couver residents being erni^oy- W the f e r ^ for Capilano a t towmg t ^ e ^ n l fmnf A, E. elected for a 6 moiitha' period;: ed.. • lO m , ll;00ip.m ., 12 midnight ̂ president; W. T. Atwood; vice and 12:48 a.m. and leave Capil- "John Lawson, West Vancou- president, R. Bloxham; secre- ano for the ^ rry a t 10;40,11 ;40 ver, B. C. Regret ^ M e n t West tary, F. T. Mallinson; treasurer, p;nL and 12:25 a.m. Later car Vancouver ferry. F l e ^ convey M. Phillips j executive, A. Cue, l^ve Capilano at 1:05 a.m. my sii^ re sympathy to ___ , _ ___ _ for; 1st' S tr^ i - and Hbonsifele---tives-affectedr-^e-wd^ We understand that the sec ̂ only. This change to assure our efforts to have the govern- ond fairway is receiving special patrons of conn^tions.yrith mid- uient.give d^m te decision atentm during . the . present ,^ « e r r y , the last boat to Van- L. Speck, C. Turnery publicity, A, P. Kerley,- The next meelting will be at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, 9th instant, in the Legion Hall. Executive meets a t 1:45 p.m. Copies have been sent by air i ^ i l to Hon. R. B. Bennett,, the federal minister of labor, A. E. .Munn, M.P., and Senator A, D. McRae. , All organizations in the muni­ cipality are asked to endorse the petition, sending/.such endorse- nients to 'W . T/. Atwood, chair- nmn of the meeting. . "'A e y -̂11 Wr .1 " T • J • . /W f ..... .V a. ciT -. ....------ ------- 1 . J-. .. ........... £. .H -- '■ ' ■ J. V • ^ I,I