West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Dec 1935, p. 3

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5. s» !n 1- le )f IS ;| t J 0 ,' j" n .,a e. e e J I pjttalier 2 7 ,1W< IJ WEST VANCOUVER FERRIES « i!4 N * ¥ S * te iW i Local and Personal * = - - W»"<j NEW YEAR'S EVE SCHEDULE lilxtra boat leaves West Vancouver 80 minutes past mid- iiiKht* returning from the Vancouver Dock at 1 a.m. foggy period eKperienced on the past mldnlght» returnliig ^ the Vancouver Dock a t l a i n , n e w y e a e 's d a y s c h e d u l e Jowet fevdV *M5tM Vancouver. r*"" T,;T»T!SJi-iij Up to Sunday night there was There will he a half<'h<mi^ only about a foot of snow a t the , service on the few les ) .K Bki camp. Year's^ Day. First boat from irAMMlOURLY SERVICE-- <1 * * * • West Vancouver ® iw ^ 1 U'lvo West Vancouver --• 0 a.m. and every half-hour until credit to our ferry and bus every half-hour untiy.l:30 p.m* i ' 11:30 p.m. ' 5i staffs for bringing the W est From Vancouver, 6:30 a.m *^d [y 1 !!♦ 1, 4..M Vfttirmjver travelling public safe- every hal^hour until mtunigni* Leave V ancouver--r 6:30 a.m. and every half-hour unti through the recent speir of West Bay bus meets all boats. ' m i d n i g h t . , jk one <>f the wprst experienced a r . ; , ..S *__* ^ . W est,Bay Bus meets a l l boats. , . , , f here for a number of years. One ' Miss Betty Savofyl'eturnod on~§ W est,Bay Bus meets a iio o a ts . , . , , w here for a number ot years, une ' miss wewy oavory I often wonders whether the aver- Saturday from Udnean, B. to ^go man realixes to the full the spend the school holidays with PATRICIA SCHOOL fla rfu l strain , imposed *̂ 00 these We Thank-You 1935 and hope roif a continuance of it in 1 9 3 3 Gemmill's Drug Store Tht'Stora.of 8«rtl«a 1586 Marine Drlfe We«t 87 or West 607 Emergency" Phone West 821 (After 10 p.m.) mU t JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT The old adage "Xmas comes but once a year" was observed men a t such times, ♦ * * her parents, (IJolonel and Mrs, K. W. Savory, 27th and . O ttawa Avenue, . . ' ♦ ♦ * ,T-hpmipilsof Inglewood Junior but once a year" was observea brigade were called 'Ihepupj'jy^ «« with g re a t gusto.by., the pupils o*..,Monday afternoon to at- High School gave an of St. Patricia 's School last Sat- ^"nd ^ fire &t the home of Dr, Matron of Naomi Chapter, concert on Thursday evening, uj-day in the Orange Hall, when Lang, 1944 Marr , S., entertained the members, D e c e m b e r 19th, in the Auditor!- they gave th e ir 'an n u a l Xmas . j^^ive. Fortunately there their husbands and * friends of I . * _____Qivrli- . rirtnnnt'f TVl#> nnr'fipLq and friends . __ ..x.*__11%. Anw\aefei Ar\-na, ... 4-1,.̂ fn. a anivifll fiveninff. .M rs. W alter. Gray,; W orthy. , O.E. iDecemDer m uu® uitsy jj.jg jjrive. rorcunui-eiy Liiere tneir nusoaiius miu limi lipfdre an appreciative audi- ' Concert. The parents and frierids practically no damege done. ' the Chapter to a social evempg, Lnce The program consisted of of * *. * • Tuesday, .last in the,'Makohic T; Batchelor has dome down Hall, Hollyburn. During the from Rainy River, B. C., to evening contests and a musical were enjoyed. RADIO REPAIRS flid histrumental solos, and enjoy the singing, dancing, play choruses also two .pecial feat- and tableaux which were given j^om xtamy iwvci, aj. v/., «« evomiiK i s fc h ris tm as m L que "The by the children i*anging m age . ^^^^d Christmas with his p r - program^ Holy N iih tr by .the pupils of , from four years righ t through Mr. and Mrs* T.,E . Batch- irrJdp 7 and a play "The Goose the grades to- matnoulntion. The 1374-cOordon Avenue. The annual .meeting of the W, If iP tW children made a very hall, was full, to capacity and , » ♦ ♦ A. was held la s t Tuesday. A fte r ; (rood showing and each num ber" most of the audiepce remained ty Murray Watson, who has been attendance a t the service of Holy K enthusiastically received by watch the .children receive their located n ea r Campbell River, ,B, .Communion, a t X0:15 adjourn; ;̂ hP audience ̂ from a large Xmaa tree q for some tim e, is spending ment was made to the hall for ' which greatly added^ to ,,th^ Christmas with his. mother, Mrs. the transaction of business. At W. D. Watson, 1328 Gordon' . i ; i 5 the Rev. G. Biddle of St.^ Avenue. . Philip's Church, Vancouver, ar- * * , * r ived to give an address. Re-, and Mrs. W. H, Baird e f f o r t s from the various officers. W est Point Grey,'*' have moved followed and the new committee '^Trbihitheir|tymi)tety^ytysidenc€j^^^ xiiuov; Lci-rvjLXie »> a t 1129 DuchcsS'Avenue, to their F o rd ; vice president, Mrs. N ight- ^ gram were: Patsy Jamieson, new homle a t 1080 Keith Road. engale'; recording secretary, Mrs. •. Yvonne Jack, Elodie and Court- , ♦ *;J * Shaw ; treasurer, Mrs. Ham pson; , land ;McQuire, Maureen Murphy, Charles Chapman has arrived corresponding secretary ;/M rs.' Elizabeth McCali; Jacqueline from Great Central Lake, Van-. W iltshire; junior superintendent Hartstone^--Barney--McDonald,_ -couver Island,. to_sperid jC hrist-_Mrs._Shaw; JDprcas superintend- mas with , his parents, Mr. and ent, Mrs. Bloxham ;"'^Ovihg/VIes^' Mrs, P. C. Chapman, King's . gage,'? Mrs. W risberg; qducation- A venue., . . ' . al secretary, Mrs. Hamilton--,- m ♦ ♦ ♦ ̂ Sm ith; ex tra cent a d a ^ Mrs. ; T^ Merrymakers Badminton Hookham ; united thank offering, Club, who,play F r id ^ nights in Mrs. B arker; representatives t o , Dundarave Hall, staged *a tourna- j); Mrs. Nightengale and Mrs. m ent last F r id a y 'for ..the^West Vancouver Santa Glaus . Fund; raising $4.00 for th is purpose. ' Stratton's BAKERY CHRISTMAS CAICES f ^ a i n or Iced Scotch Bun & Short Bread Xmas Puddings Mince Pies Made at 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 All Work Guaranteed ExperiencGi Insures Satisfaction imOW;N & MUNTON 1542 Marine W est 366 festive appearance of the hall. Kindergarten handwork, needle work, embridery and carving -- the work of the pupils -- was arranged on tables ^ the rear of-the hall. Those taking p a r t in the pro- Wishing you a ll the Compliments , - - o f ^ t h e Season • r K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive -"Ambleside ^ E o iieW est 346 Evenings, West . 143 John. Oswald, Dickie Kyle, Patsy Taylor, Tonimy Sutherland, Audrey Mitchell, Mary Condon, A nita Jay,- Eugenie Scott, Bar­ bara Smallwood, tsobel Russell, Andre Lee, June Pehn, Celinda Paish, Delyn Barry, Doreen Gar­ rard; ' Eleanor - Wyooff, . Mavis Coleman, Jocelyn Howden, Bertie Lester-Taylor, Joan Allen, Sylvia Moiris, Jean Allen, Jo Marshall, Della Allen, Barbara , Good, Peggy Marshall, Mary Broadley, Judy Good, Freda Rush. Hollyburn' Theatre SATURDAY and MONDAY December 28th and 30th f r i t z k o r t n e r NILS ASTHER A D R IEN N E AMES -ABDUL THE „DAM NED" NeWs, Cartoon, Comedy TAP DANCING COMPETITION Miss E. Mackay 61 Langley Prairie, B.'C., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. S tratton, 1468- Marine Drive. / Mr. and Mrs. WilKam, H errin - have left tO' spend Christm as with their son-in-law and daugh- Eatock',' alternates, -Mrs. Sewell^,: and M rs ., Banks; press, ;Mrs. Ham ilton-Sm ith; superintendent of calendar, Mrs. Broderick.__ .. PING PONG LEAGUE TEAROE & SON A tap dancing competition will be held a t Lynnmour Hall on - ---------V 'tiV ' tr ' tne Avxctjt December -25th. .and Decem ber' ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dixon oi (jiose second. S ls ta t 11 p.m; Competitors may Yahk, B. C. ̂ . ~ take p a rt on either night^ahd ■ ■ _ .„, ix ' m ust be students -of the North Mrs. R. P. Blower, 1788 Fulton Shore Recreational Classes and Avenue, is confined to her home . not have commenced tap dancing through sickness. ̂ . before, 1st January, 1935. Prizes r r* tr . w ill-be given for. both tria l Mr. and.Mrs. R. H.^W a^on of "nights with a final competition Seattle, are spending tn to be held' a t a la ter date.* Com- mas holidays with, the form er s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Watson, 1477 Fulton Avenue. ^ * ♦ . *r All scheduled games of the first half of the season's play have been completed With the Endeavors emerging in top place and the Maple Leafs running' a The second half will begin bn^ January 10th. New teams wish-* irig to enter have until January r 4ih to send in their entries. Phone J; B ater a t West 156-Y. TUESDAY & W EDNESDAY December 31st and January GENE RAYMOND A N N SOUTHERN " HURRAH FOR LOVE" (A snappy musical comedy for all ages) U nusually large program*^ of short subjects. Phone W est 84' ̂ • Wish their . Patrons and* Friends "THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON'^ petitors wishing to enter, are asked to get in touch with their local mstruotor. MRS. J. DUCKWORTH . HEADS RUTH L.O.B.A. . . No. 70'3 . Miss .M argaret Reid has re- . turned from B urns' Lake, B. C., to spend the school holidays with . her m other, Mrs:. W. Reid, 780 '1 7 th Street. ' r "Here's , a ticket for the conjurin' show, M aggie." , "Thank ye, Donald," said his wife. < "Arid haric ye, M aggie, when he comes , tae that trick where he takes a spoorifu' o' flour and one egg and mak's .twenty oam 'lettes, watch v e rr a ,. , verra close." The Annual meeting of Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Kemp of Prince L.O.B.A. No. 70R was held in the Rupert' are the guests of the ir Orange Hall on Monday, Decem- son-in-law and daughter, Mr, b e r ' l 6th., Sistbr Finlay, Right and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, 2195 " ̂ Worshjpful . Grand Mistress of Argyle Avenue. - B. C„ and several Grand Lodge * * * ■ ' officers, were present to pay an official v is i t . . Reports were pre- ^^TILEPHONE BRIDGE The Telephone Bridge ar- ranged by Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce / i n . aid of. the W est Vancouver Santa Claus Fund was concluded la s t week.' Those who secured fh e prizes were:' R. G. Bagley, tu rk e y ; Mrs. Wells Crawford, b rass;.. ja rd in ie re ; Mrs. Blair . Clerk, cushion. I.6 *D.E. DRAWING W INNERS sehted- by the retiring officers. The im portant business of the C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER Wishes his patron^ and friends A Very Happy New Year. 14th and,M arine; Phone West 135^" 1, 0 . D. E. D A N C E F O R Y O U N G E R S E T in the Orange Hall *£'/ FRIDAY, JA N . 3rd; 1936 , '-Aidinission 3Bc,-' Juniors, 15c ^ o . 384,1-^Mabel Major, 1106 eyening'was tlm election and in-, Homer St.. - , , . 2--Miss Chappell.No. 830, Caulfeild. . s' No.'377, 3--T. S. Hunter, 1106 Homer St. . / -No. 283, 4--Mrs.-rL» C. .Barry, ' - The m istress of the house heard the bell ring and saw standing a t the open door a Chinese, ^hawker. Quickly re­ trea ting , she called out to the a t the * 2331 Bellevue. No. 916, 5--^Mrs. A. J . Ajello, No. 159, 6--Mrs. F. H irst. . T^Mfs: ShemffT MissrHeather Millar, experi^ced/Froebel rGovernesS7" flrifl 1\/Ti42c Tofl'hol r!>*aiorli+r\n Tl A' Tiavp rn ild l .T)l6flSUr6a,nd Miss; IsabeLCre B.A.,, .have: much pleasure - in Ahhoundng t he opening of thb WENDY FROEBEL .. X ^N D M c ARTE and" j u n i o r SCHOOL; a t "The Gables," West^Bay. - - Enquiries: Jub ilee 'L ibrary , W e s i.ia y Store, W est 437-L-ty ' ; ^ School opens on January 6th .______ / - • No. 991, P a rk Lane. stallation .of officers which was ably conducted by , th e distin- guished visitors. Those elected mAid on the executive with S is te r . . "There's a Chinaman Duckworth were. Sisters Mrs. T . ' doori You. go, Ella." T urner and Mrs. J. Ferguson., ' / .This was to o ' much for the A fter .'the Grand Mistress and Chinese, who stuck his head into several others had addressed the .. th e hall and shouted indignant- m eeting :^efreshments were ; ly : ' ■Aerved/h-theTiw erirall: »■ 1 t . '*You g ^ e l la yourself 1" FERRY SURPLUS $1«,155.20 ̂ ̂ I u ^ ^ ̂ J, X - ^ V ' Tlie auditors presented ty^the.;:; council a balance sheet o f " the W^sL-Vancouve^-Ferry---opera-'-- tions fo r the five months endirig 31st October, showing an opera te , ' ing suiplus of $16;l65:2b/\The revenue from the boats totalled : $69,204.87, and from; the buses $17,774.60. The estimatedrchafg-S; es fo r depreciation and debent^ ure interest were $12,0^,85; ' Hollybura Theatre in aid of Sants Claiis Fund, (FmarSan^-f Dec. 29th, 9 p.m. VVell known Local and Vanc»uyer Artists. ̂ Sd^tions b /W e s t Vancouver School Band^ ^ V SILVER cdLLEC TIO N w! % MI m i I f % i ■ 1̂'. I*' MV 1.1 ' y'M'< 'M rlM! . '^ 1 ■'■I y 5'̂ I ' ' J J ' * < . . . 5 / . J I- . t - . ■'- ■ '■ 's t ' j i . ^ ' s • ( ^ \ r ^ ̂M'f ̂ ' i' ̂ '■ -S.̂1 l , ' " \ s\"i