West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Dec 1935, p. 2

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WW? fAH H ff ltm CWHOi" .11:1$ B*m.» 7:1$ t>.nL Stmnffert & Visltort W«leont«,. 4 *)«•4h> VIi _ I > '>vr 0AFTIST I^ IIS C E Huna«)r 8<rvic«i: School & Adult C lais 10:00 #.,iii. IVw»chir.ir ServicM 11:00 A 7:IS Phono: Went 215-R ' ■ ■■ '# ■ ; ■ Formal Hairdresaes for New Year's E ve If you want aornethinir distinctly different, try one of our new "formala," To avoid disappoint* niont make your appointment now at the Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe IS4« H ir lu D rin West 117 IN THE WORDS OF THE OLD SCOTTISH SONiG HOUYBDRlf BALL ■,■ .. ' 'A ' a . 'a ; - f ■' * 14th and Ducheaa SUNDAY, I>ec. 29(h, at 10 a.m. fjlunday Strhool. and - Youiik Men'a Bible CIokh V-'•H. SUNIJAY EVENING at 7:30 . "Your Yoiinj; Men Shall Sec Visions and Your Old Men Shall Dream Dreaina.'* -- Acts 2. 17. Speaker: ̂ MIU JOHN WALLACE xinnsuflttr^ . . , i c f lim c a EDiricE 20th aad Ek^ttimalt. iloUyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The 1-Trat Church of Chriat. Scfeiitiitt in Boston, ., M aiaachusetts' • Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, December 29th, Subject: " CHRISTIAN SCIENCEI ♦» Snnday School at 10:00 a.m. Testim ony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. " The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. ly n v iK Q F F atIfTl|h%iF 1 *""**T*TH* Branch O'lxming in West VaaciHiver f ' Late of the liuBsion Imperial Ballet and Director of the Ballet School S C H O O L O F T H E D A N C E Every Type of Stage Dancing, Physical Culture and Ballroom Dancim, New Classes Forming and Private Lessons for Tiny Tots, Children and Adults Kegistration for JeHsons January 4, from U a.m. till 1 p.m. and Wednesday, January 8, from 4 till 0 p.mii in thd Hollyburn Hall. Letters may be written to Vancouver Studios--BOO Granville St. for ' information. REST NE^W YEAR'S WISHES TO ALE. OUR PATRONS M ASO N 'S t r a n s f e r ;1433 Bellevue Avenue ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P. A. Ramsey Rector:' Sunday, December 291Ii CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL There was a ^ood attendance A Guid Now Vedr toe ane an' a' And mony may ye mol*; And during a' the years to come O Happy may ye be. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hlllis Wright, Minister "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" will a t the Christmas Carnival given ] oiinuuy, i/ecfiiiuci be the subject of the Lm<jni - by the Barbarians Girls' Auxil- | 11:16 a.m.--Matins and Sernmn. Sermon in all Churches of Chi'ist, F riday evening in the J r r . i K n n / l S pv*-- Q /» { r> « + ic f n i l .* ^ n n f ln v . JJ . '1 x .lu a .m .-- xwamio ---- , msL riT u ay evening in the , 7 :1 5 'p.m.--Evensong and Ser"' Scientist, on Sunday. InElewood'Anditor/nm in nl.'ii ntmoh. The Golden Text is: "Arise, in g je ^ o a Auditorium in aid ofThe Golden lex i i»; rvixoc, shine; for thy light is come, and̂^̂^̂ ̂ West Vancouver Santa Claus j] the.glory of the Lord is risen Fund, althbugh the heavy fog upon thee." (Isaiah 60: 1)'. kep{ mapy im their homes who Next Sunday, December 29th, Among the citations which ,wouldj)%erwise haye been pres- AHBLESIDE PHARHACY L. KEU, Prop. 1401 Mariif« ' Phone: Drive West 323 FHEK DHUVKItY On Tuesday, December 17th, the mem bens of the Woman's Mis.sionary Society of the United Church met to elect the officers for 1936.' After the regular routine busi- Geo. Baldwin gave a HOLLYBURN HALI. ouuuajr, .-./i-.., Among 1110 cu.ui,JiUJi* ,vvuum wioe t; uceil pres- in Hollyburn Hall,, there will be, comprise the Lesson..- Sermon i s . e n t , , The .apditorium, had been. as usual, Sunday School and the following from the Bible :; ̂ prettily^^^decbrated for the oc-. Young Men's, Bible Clas.s. at 10 "The law of the Lord is perfect, casion and with the popular Dean a.m. In the evening at the 7:30 mnvprtimr thp soul: the testi- • Cairns and his Band of Vnumi). DR. G. D. H. SHALE D.D.S., L.D.S. D E N T iiS T Hay Block, 14th and Murine Dr. Ofllce Hours !fto 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment., Phone West 72 Df. GEOIIGE SrMACDON ADD D.D.S., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon Mornings, Afternoons, mid Evenings by appointment Royal Bank Bldg., Telophono West Vancouver. W est 44C vnrv infDVPsfincr n«ri wno nniAv Speaker, taking ,as nis ing wit.......... - , * - „ ____ ed bv all oresent * ̂ ^ subject "Your Young Men Shall 19: 7). _ ■ evening. Novelties added to the Thp follmvimr n lisf nf thP Visions and Your Old Men The Lesson - Sermon also in-' general gaSfety, and in an inter- j oflicera: Honorary Presidents: Shall Dream Dreams."--Acts 2: eludes the following passage ' val between.dances Mrs. J. Mr.s. Archibald. Mrs. W. T.. from the ChrLstig^n Science tex ^ sell drew the prizes for the tele- j Ibish' Mrs A R Tnrnhnll Mrs ------------------- T book, "Science and Health with- .phone bridge,^ Reeve Leyland J W C I 'homDson-'Past President* FULL GOSPEL MISSION Key to the Scriptures" by Mary presenting them to the winners. ^ 25Q6 Marine Drive Baker Eddy: "The hour has ' . ----------- - ■ ' ' On Sunday, December 29th, at struck when proof and demon- *'jDid you go to your lodireM r^ J ^ L R e id ; 1st Vice Pres., o proof and demon- «j)id you go to your k Mrs. B. R. Harrison; 2nd p Pres., Miss I. Beverage; Rec. conduct an old-time Gospel Ser- dogma, are summoned to the "Nah, suh. We dun hav, fi,./M«nf.iru .MW A M A*nn«««n. '^^ce. support of C hristian ity ,'making pos'p o h e i t " ' ■ U /ia r i fK / i . <airviih1 o* ** . " ............... have to \ S e c r e te , Mrs. A. M.. O'Donnell; Tonnovv o+a T̂ ^ Trea.surer, Mrs. F. Hadwin; n wise the sim ple. , "How was t h a t ?" i - M . r a i -------»wt there will bp a special m usical. -------------------- «j)g Grand All-Powerful In- Eutabliuhecl' on North S h o re _25 Y'ears (Lady Assistant)- * 1 HARRON BROS. LTD. IFuneral iircctnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West .Sixth Street Phone Nor til Ml Vancouver I'avlors j55 JTciith=.A:Veinie Christian Stewardship, Mrs. W. ----- --- ----- .. , Ue Grand All-Powerful In- i F, Merrick; Temperance. Miss I. you politics are e a ^ , vincible Most Supreme Uncon- Beverage; Associate Helpers, v.io Collins, and try standing on a fence while , querable Potentate, dun got beat I Mrs. A. Beamish.; Missionary ^ keeping one ear to the ground. u n h v h i s wi f p " Monthly, .Miss E. Beverage; Supply, Mrs. Richardson; collection. ^ d e a t h o fPress, Mrs. Wm. Herrin; Piano, Miss hYame; C.G.LT., Mrs. F. G. Hewitt. . : These officers will be installed at' the January meeting. ST, ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. M. J. Corley. • Phone_W_est-240=R- ARTHUR C. GEORGE A r t h u r . Courraiay Geohge, 2508 Lawson Avenue, passed away last Friday in his 41st year a t the North Vancouver General Hospitajl. The deceased is survived by his wife, and by his mother, a brpther and sister in England; a sister, Mrs. (George The Ridge Confectionery & Service Station wishes ail its patrons and friends A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR : 2203 Marine Drive4 Phqne Fair, 131 1W. THOMSON 1429 Marine Drive PLUMBINC and REPAIRS Phone West 571 10:15 7:15 A Happy 1936 Sunday Masses ■ Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass & Sermon - a.m. Rosary and Benediction^ p.m. 1 Catechism and Bible History ' every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions -- 7:45 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7:30 p.m., to 8:30 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Services: one brother and George and Mrs. __ bdth of Mission ___ Funeral services were held a t 9:30 a.m. Tuesday a t St. Steph­ en's Church, the Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating, and inter­ ment was made in the Returned Soldiers' Plot, Capilano View Cemetery. , . , AMBLESIDE SHEET METAL WORlvS L. SPECK, Proprietor - ■W THE- iVesf Van News Publiihed Every Thitraday L.O.L. No. 2990 . HONORS J. WALLER At the annual meeting of West ya?co|jver. L.O.L. No. 2990, Bro.' J. Waller was made the recipient 10:00 a .m .-^ u n d ay School and^ to u tifu ? sSiH î^ni!? - : Adult Bible Class, . a l a token nf ' b rL k ' G, Esta- services rendered during the 7*15 urn* Rev H P F<stn six years ashFinanefal Sec^ W atch N ight Service will be I^ rg L o n C o u n tv ^ v i' U ,16,p .m. 'Harron^ Past Grand Master, on ' -< • - . - . 'he -brethren, the. -Publisher F, F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buaineia and isdltoriol Office; 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburn P.O.) Phone West 363 MalLAddrcss: O; Box 61, HoHyburA, BlC ^ ,N( -V • • ■ h Vancouver Office: 138rLohsdale Ave, 81,00 a year by carrier: |2.00 a year by nail. Miss J ^ s y Brealey.has gone l7 m rg a th p r^ ,l t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ to ;Beaverley, B. C„ to spend anm'ovff Chfistmas with Mr. and Mrs.- plause w u^ . ' , 1̂ . r R '*'F - J j . ^ tvt r,,-r 1«. SHOP B.C. .Year Sale - IkwistheBmê Baram̂ -iH o^ery-30^up-^ Fa nt s _Ve s f e SOcnip-----^Glovê 49c"up ̂ Novelties for Prizes at less than cost - " " '-Shirty 95c np s e ^ lt9 5 for $1.49 --_98cĵ . ..$2,95 for «1.9i8'-. 8^49 . Jen onr L ib«^ _ 25c month; 82.00'a .yLr ® * y , '• ' ,/ -'■j' , ..'"i - ' ■k " -J" l i.' ,--- - {"'■"■y ̂ ",--- ---- --U-----------------1 ^ -