Phone Weet 469 >fi'. n • '« m t 'mm Plione Wmt46 fi ^ ft-> ,;f«,, I i rrifZ>. ( k#;-»i t m \ii (!',• P tjl-S' ■ . V' >'Z f 'Sit .& t i 'wsHBrYOTrmrA~»ffi S i k A u s . c l S ™ ® - ........... ...... ■" I 'i " K g S f S ' V S i ' i K t A , I . A P P . r t « We have eveiythinr you freed for Xmaa***"f f Ml* OBANOES, APPLES, GBAPES, CBANBERBIE8 SWEET POTATOES, BBUSSEL SPROUIS, NUTS, CLUSTER RAISINS, FIGS, XMAS CANDY, XMAS CBACKERS, CIGARETTES. I »l > I Johniw n and Gang, Jock Dono van, Mrs* D. \V . G raham , Wilf Taylor, Euasell Escott. ' 1 * < f ̂ § 1$ Hi ** I M any thanks for th e kind re f erence to me an "the boy soprano w ith th e shadow wave." A lright, a lr ig h ti Fm intireJy convenient ! -- Editor. Government Inspected bnly Geese 0 f?k» r Cliickeiu. HAMS LAMB' -!- BEEF PORK *:• VEAL COLD MEATS OP ApM aNDS .J-;' DELICATESSEN ■ *^P* MPS* ■""'tf M i d p ^ ' .^E ̂ * fV Turkeys And in our Meat Department (West 370) ! TOKKBrS;^p«rl.| Or«l, A, Jf All wdtfhtH, per ib................. $je Jf (pKEHE--Selc*ct4*d' Crude A, J' t*Dr lb, ........ ............................ 27c DUCKS--Selected Crude A, lb. 80c I ^ 1 .0 . D. E . K On Wednesday, . December J| 18th, th e Dunoiin LaWson Chap-Vk fyAM T r\ T\ *171 ______ A _ X„l_ JS.-.- .r 'l iir ifp w MUD /* j * ■roiii, m e i/unojin i^awson v n a p -■wr?b " ' (! 'f*'* I.O.D.E., m ranged a trip fo r If AMH rfiKir wLkL\ ^ 'a th e W est Vancouver Rovft' Ranr?UAMSJlijiiif« JK I the Went Vancouver Roys' Band Every Bird l« Cuarantced Crude A 5i to ShaughneH Sy M ilitary HOS- *̂ a?k V 'f w here they gave a splendid ^ 7 ^ . I 7 i r I 'J ' l l """ , ^ Quality. I concert to the patient.s, th is be- ̂ Phone West SANTA CLAUS FU N D , Broadwayi H otel in th e ' second fJcularJy enjoyed by the men. I t • FOOTBALL GAME . second is fo r work such as this, also to A large tu rn o u t is earnestly *'!l ̂ Santa Claus desired as all money raised will ® be for a w orthy cause and also J^oann a good gam e of football will be ! seen. their drawing. any o f th e members and there W ishing all our customers and friends A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS * ' f r , t , / i ' / ' > Z « / 1 . t i c t <«,< 4 WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. ITB. FOR R EAL s a t i s f a c t i o n ! Phone W est 115 • . 1497 M arine Drive Doii^t fo rge t the football gam e next Saturday, Decem ber ? ls t , a t Ambleside Park , a t 2 :80 p.m, in aid of the local S an ta Claus I* umJ, when N orth Shore U nited League, play the TXLin the first ha lf and th e":?r; F lattery is so ft soap and so ft soap IS 907^' lye. Legion Tenth,Anniversary Grand Buffet Supper & Entertaioment In the Legion Hall SATURDAY, Dec. Z l s t *> S p .n i Un-attuchod ex-«orvlce men and wives admission by cord. are several splendid prizes. 1st prize, $5.00; 2nd prizO, p ic tu re (w ater color) ;3rd prize, netted table centre; 4th prize, lam p; 6 th prize, ham per; 6th pnze, tu rkey ($2.50); 7th prize, : C hristm as cake. The drawing takes place on Decem ber 23rd, T ickets 10c, 3 fo r 26c. . ^ A fte r today the prizes will be .,on display in the B. C. EleotricohAiir C L A SSIF IE D A D S The rate for'Classified AdTcartiueineiits iu 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except In the case o f those having regaI«r,_sccounts. .all cImiI. fleds are payable stricUy in adrimee. Remember Classifieds in the W est Van N ew s g et immediate results. FOR SALE -- Girls' Skating l^ o ts , ICE CREAM in bulk or bricks; other size 4 V.!, with,skates attached; Fire- Hazelwood Ice Cream Specialties to niVIa Rpmih. 4 foot lomr. 2568 Math- . order. 5>oa de'Rio'nH nf size 4%!, witn.sKaces auacnea; r ire- n a ze iw o o a ice uream Specialties to side Bench, 4 feet long, 2568 Math- ■ . order. See designs at Dundarave ers Avenue ._________________'> Pier Grocery & Creamery. West 127 .3-ROOM f u r n i s h e d BUNGALOW FOR SALE-- Canaries in cages, $350* . -- Large verandah; close to water,. ■ Phone W est 71-Y. $15. Phone evenings West 842-L. --------------------- -̂--------------------- -- v.̂ t - L.-»* ^ ^ ' display in the B. C. Elecd S: M X I v l i r n * • • n . ^ CHURCHES OP CHRIST, McNeilFs R n a ll Drug Store SWAP -- Large English Doll Carri age, like new, for bicycle, roller canaries, or what have you? 1678 Marine Drive, Hollyburn.' W ANTED -- Girl for housework. Sleep out. Box 11, W est Van News. CHOCOLATES,, Cigarettes; Cigars & WANTED -- $500 cash for stoves, ranges and ^furniture. Highest prices paid. North 431.--------------- ' - ■- .. I! i! i!I i! i - i ' S C IE N T IS T L A v y v > v r a ^ . f m . a v y Tobaccos in Christmas Wrappers, 25c to $1.00, at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. carries a complete line of it I li h .T-.Cosy 4 room bungalow , With garage; corner 26th and Hay. w ood;,available January 3rd. Lee- ; gatt, W est 696-R-l. ̂ * DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE - Home- made bread, cakes, and pastries, ,_SinaIl mince j)ies and fancy pastries made to order. W est 514. IH U/E CONTEST Closes December 24th, a t 10 p.m. Distribution of Prized CHRISTMAS MORNING at 10 a.m. I'hone West 528 --. We Deliver Promptly ^ 1402 M An/lir^ ^ S'llORE IN A GOOD DlSTRIC'P at 02 MARINE DRIVE in WEST VANCOUVER, B.C . '/i 1 -Civery ery,\25th & Bellevue. W est 127. ? house IS builded by some m an; ---------- =----- -̂------------------------------ lit but H e thflt hnilf oil +V.;----- j.! FOR SALE -- Singing; Canaries..I! u X fr . r . , . i iia ii; ^; o all th ings is ^ L God." (Hebrews 3 : 4 ). f). Among^ the citations which r BROWN EGGS (New Laid, E xtras)-- „.m ade to order. W est 514. Direct from Capilano twice a .week. . DICKSON'S _BLOSBQM _IEA--ant -- Dundarave-Pier-Grncery-T^Creanr--------B lo^nT X Joffee sold in nackaces erv.- 25th & Bellevue. Weef. 127 We serve-it7too. T ie M a rS ME Marine Drive. • ' Pearce, Phone W est 529; ; i W iilcll FOR SALE -- Pedigreed S w ttie Pups i? Desson - Sermon is Black, 7 weeks old. pedree; Phone t ,',te from the Bible: w ... seeWj T h v ]nr»o-/lr»m -- ......... . . NUBCINE Foundation Garments, Ex clusive agent. Mrs.vMacAulay, 1618. Esquimalt Avenue. Westl08-R. frpt V t/iic x)iuie; -- ----- killgdo^^^antTT^v^dnm fiJin®^^" ^ .H A N D Y A N N SHOP. 2442 Marine d b rS th fb r n n o -ty ^ ^ T ^ h fistih a s Cards, Wrappers. Nov- Hnrfti genera- . g tie s . Notions, Toys, Stationery, (Psalm s 445:-13) Hardware, Paints, Work Gloves, . r rf I f s s o n -S e rm o n also in- ------- *------- ' ' ' ' FOR SALE -- A t Carley's Paint and hurniture Store, furniture of every kind. 2152. Marine Drive. ■A d u d e s t h e - f d l^ i ; ^ ^ '^ ^ e s a g e ' ^ i! C h r is tia n S c ie n c e te x ? . SAl • k book , Sciehoft and- WtfaifVi w.;4-u n Sox, etc. Y.our patronage earnestly requested. WEST VAN, CLEANERS -- 2 for 1. Phone W est 161. W e call and deliver SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE--For rates and reservations see Maurice Anderson, 29th arid* Queejis. WEST VANCOUVER M A C H I N E , SHOP Repairs Spray Pumps, I •tic' " ------Household arricles. 1449 Marine, B aL r ------------- ,----- P e r m i t ;;Try .oVrfeu'gi f̂acW 5 IS no o ther power nor^:^fS5r»,r.ra storp ̂ ii«dxesir-iocai ovefTloyal Bank. MARCEL SHOP, Thermique Steam Permanent. Try .our fatigue facial A .. . . I V a v n a M j a A n . a foods-------or more attractive t«nipting displays of seasonable i i PIGGLY WIGGLY store. ; .* * * ^«iKhho*-l*oo4, | W' mi « " A «EA1-MEItUY CHHISTMA.S CALLS FOR GOOD THINGS TO M | "" 'Verse-fa t f e on"y ' & t cre- t ,." r i I PrfcZ S A T U R D A Y ' December A M O N D A Y ; t u b s . 20th--21st--23rd-- 24th f}! I >><" «.'v. '".ire 2?: I INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience, outlets installed. J. H. Paterson, W est 108. ' ' RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Ariels, etc. J. L. Pettigrew , The Radio Man, 1890 Marine; W est 145. l\ i! TO A C hristm as •V 1 GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. SHOE R l^ A IR S Get the best mat er ia l'a n d ' workmanship at Fox's, 14th a t Perry. ' WANTED One furnished and one unfurnished- 4-robm cottage near ferry. Phone W est 340 or West 148 V ERW O N FEED STORE -J B E A N S - TOMAPOIvS Royal Citv Choice, 2V6s ' ' *• tf. ASPARAGUS -- Libby's Rosedale Cut ........................... f I B. St K'. PASTRY FLOUR. 7 lb ' ' ........ ..................^ I ROWNTBEES BAKING OIIOCOLlTfeTiH ib........ ....... .'J f iS a- COCOANUT _ Coj-lon Pino .... '4 • ..........each 6 c I S o N ? ? c m o " ::'.: - f | li TK'r T V T»/Mlvv-.v»irk.7. ' OZ. .................... .......................... pkg. 19C ....." tR ISC O ® -? S i t I" INCE MEATV-Arirood. 3i n*. ® .......................j A. C. SEA RLE Phone'W est 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies S h e . S e a s n t t 's S n r i m j g s To All Our ̂ Patrons CHIMNEY SWJEEPING -- The Old Country'Vay. Satisfaction guaran teed. , E. s Palm er, Garden A v^A -- GapiiahorPhohe Nbrth 811R2: DUNDARAVE '̂ ORIGINAL" WOOL & K N IT T IN G /s h o p p e 2446 M arine D rive--V*- GORDON ROBSON,- Barrister, Solic itor^ 1447 Marine, mornings; SIO H astings,S t., Seymour 4199. after- - noons. ^ - _____ i* 31 0 2 .29c patctktc! a ............ tVJh Empress -- cups j ih. i 4c RAISINS -- A u s t Seedless, lb. lOc 'I* 1 m i x e d NUTS. 1 \ 15c; 2 lbs 2 ^ FANCY, BLEACHED ji, CANDIES-Scotch-MihL%,. Ib.^lSe - -S E E D L E S S ............r,.......... lb. ifi. - CUan. M„Ut - J . ^ lifeii C;-: c- - , " I ' - f i psgstesf . Jfibsp27e 2 ibs 39e ............... - lb.' 22c D A S -- D 'Seda^^^ ; ; | l -- .......> . l Ib. 21c I 8 *̂** *̂ME RIBS ROASTING CHICKEN -- 1 9 FURNISHED A N D UNFURNISHIBD Houses to ' Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, I7th and-Marine, Phone West 65. THE HANDY EMPORIUM M36 M arine Dr Uonie in and see our Stock nf MnxrxPT rpTmo ^ . ^rrr.v ̂ NOVELTIES, practical and beautiful; - CHINAWARE and INDIAN BASKETRY: . " ^ ' WINDOW SH A D ES AND AWNINGS made to measurements or repaired. Estim ates - free. Picture framing. Pearce; 1890 Marine, West 529 or . ,/146. *. . F:J_ 1̂/ r t h e WELPAIffi ASSOCIATION re* oaires discarded clothing. Phone Ave3t^87~gBd~tgittclirwill^llect^ lit' '*1::"""̂ "'""'"'"'....... lb, 15c No. 128c H h / »v̂ H" nuitsa, v m VawISi vui I lump Birds., from 28c lb. to S5c : 2 Ihs. c h o i c e m i n c e m e a t for Pies -D^s Your Dollar say'Au Devoir' or 'Good Bve^? DON'T sEnB IT TOO FAR F R O rH O M i *■ MILL SAWDUST !J- .y Y e 8 H a r a n te e (y |„ n fe „ h v m tL G " : i ' H ^ D Q U A R T E R S for AU Popular *' Brands .o f .Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also F ishing Gadgits for local wat- e r s .; Ambleside Tea Rooms. ' Kings . ....____ _ it s 100 per cent, n e w i •" L l" Vi .i"' '"TCHl' v- - g p © | « a y it unit Bulk $3;so per u n it No e » « charge ia West Vaaconver ^ EXCL.USIVE agent . Real fe ta T e-& -I^ a ra n ce--------- Wishing Our Clients and Friendsr* 'w Phones 94 ahafiinn mir , I-:jA?MEBBY,' XMAS ' ̂ 1; , .1 « and A HAPPY NEW YEAR 1-. ' --- . " . - I . J ' [ , ! ■ ' - 1 7 7 7 •7'-- '7 -■ .- .7 '7 - - - _