r' r v*<̂ ■ 1 j/i » -' m :*p«i n r ' :• %.' ' m i *■ H C Q » l f . l i i i i I m -- z-- -- ------ ----------------------- ' iS^era ' Assodation of uypress Price# G o d a Friday aod Saturday, Dec. 1 3 th & 1 4 th «"d CauJfelW headed by Dr. ________________ ______ Currie, attended the meeting and expresaed their (iesire to affili- ^ ate with the . West VancouverPKACHEb OtiUrio. Oolden* l>eliciooN M|««t tin 15c HimI WitK« PABTKY FLOl/ll ZVi II). miek ...».................. . Uc 7 II). hack ............... MINt'E MEA'r GcmkI Quality Z Ilia. ........ .................. . HONEY -- Oninrio, First Pritf, Exci'llent Quality, 2lba. 3 ox. tin 27< ltp<l ^ White SPAGIIETTl With C'h('i*Kc and Tomate Sauce, Tall Tina ...........................2 ilna I9e ItFJ> & WHITE IlUANU SOUPS 'romatoe, VcirHable, Clam Chotriler, Oreen Pea....3 tlna 25c; 0 tina 46c l2*tliiH ....................................... 66c Ited & While COFFEE, I lb. vacuum tin ......... ..........lb. ,36c NABOII I10NBI.E8S CHICKEN 7 m, tin ........... ............. 36tf. QUICK QUAKEie OATS (Cup & Saucer In every package), pka, 29c ......................................... IBIted Hi White MAIIMALADL 32 OJ5, Jar .................................. . 26c AUSTltAUAN SULTANAS 2 Iba.............................. ............23c IIECLBANKI) CURRANTS, 2 Iba. 26c Meata Phone West 370 Ratepayers" A8.'̂ (;ciation. Tlieir application w^s unanimously ac- . COLD HEATS &F AI4f S p ip S ̂ j.p fU C A 1 Store at P H O N B iW E » W * i i k (■'w . •. »ORK SAUSAGE, per lb............... 20c ceptfid. ©r. Currie addressed the ri < tto s » It.. mooHncr nnri firmnuii'd for unltVHKEK SAUSAGE.................2 Iba. 25c IlyUmiE FILLETS, per lb.......... 20c meeting and appealed for unity of the ratepayer.^ and urged that (OH FIU.E1' (Smoked) per lb. 16c the Ratepayers' A.ssooiation be supported by all citizens in theDM MONO "A" BACON, lb, pkg. ............... ............. 16cM fn, |)Hg. .......................... . IOC .ECS OF LAMQ„Top8, per lb...„ 26c SIIOULHER OF UAMB (Whole) per lb. l6c, PORK RO ASTSfUan, per lb. ....... .................... .v.lSc & 18c ( HKEHE. Special Price ............... 15c Baby freah Cheese, about 14 oz. each KMCEH BACON, Side, Fr lb. pkg. 15c a l m o n d p a s t e ... Vi lb. pkg. 22c COCOANUT, IModlum Shred '// lb............ ........................ lOc PINEAPPLE RINGS, Glace, pkL 5c (U.ACE CHERRIES.............«/j Il». 19c JAP ORANGES, per box............... 75c Order your Xmas Turkey early c«deA to M̂ 'Dickinso.:; d M with Interest of the welfare of West Vancouver. Councillor Dick in.^on, who was in attendance, also addressed the meeting and explained the fin ancial position of the Municipal ity. He also dealt with the (lues- lion of refunding and lowering the in terest rate of West Van-, couyer's bonded indebtedness. Councillor Dickin.son stated that in his opinion it i.s impossible to have the interest rate cut down and it will be a waste of time to try to majke any move at present. President K. A. Ray, in reply and a ll b u i l d i n g -rM A tieB R lA L S WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. L C ^ ii^ ' : ----------FOR REAL Phone West 115 i W Drive LEGION W. A. him, and he stated that it was■A a '.' J i ' ' •% jr • • The Legion W-,. Bazaar last Saturday proved a very success ful ufTair, The winner of the nfghan was J. Ti; Moore, anti lucky Christmas Cake- Mrs. , Griffiths. Mrs. Ed Black covered the tea-oup reading very effici ently. The winners of the even ing whist were Mrs. S. Romans and Mrs. N. Romans and Mr. and Mrs. Cauldwell. After refresh ments, dancing was very much enjoyed, Mrs. T. Turner and . George Childs providing the JBERAI. ANNUAL MEETING the duty of the Municipal Coun- ; . cil to try and seek a reduction of C L A S S I F I E D A r D S ' The rate for Claaslfied Advertlsementa la 2 centa per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of titoae having regular accounts, all cUssl. Beds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newa get immediate results. Don't forget the annual meet- in te r^ t rate, ing and election of officers of the 9®?ded or not. In his opinion 3 /v . interest on Munioipal indebted- FOR SALE -- Singing Canaries. Pearce, Phone West 529., . _____ We.st Vancouver Liberal Associ ation,, which takes place a t 8 pdi. tonight (Thursday) in Dundarave Hall. All members arn urged to atterid. ness,, should, .be the..maximum. He pointed out that the pres® taxation bn Jand is very high and if a heavier taxation is im posed to carry out the needed f o r SALE -- Pedigreed Scottie Pups Black, 7 weeks old, Pearce; Phone West 52D. ̂ ^ NUBONE Foundation Garments, Ex- elusive agent, Mrs. MafcAulay, 1018 Esquimalt. Avenue. West 408-R. NICE New Laid Brown Eggs, direct from Capilano twice a week. Dun- , darave Pier Grocery & Creamery, 25th and Bellevue. West 127. FOR SALE --. At Curley's Paint and . Furniture Store, furniture of everv " kind. 2152 Marine Drive. , WEST VANCOUVER L. 0. L. No. 2990 services, it will be beyond the ic e CREAM in bulk or bricks; in'per- ability of the citizen to meet it. feet condition all the time at Dun- The AsSO(liaiion passed an Grocery & Creame^; unanimous resolution asking the, ' WILL THE PARTY, who took man's hat , from - Pacific t. Stage Tuesday i evening, December ' 3rd, between ' 29th, and Caulfeild, please retumto sAmbleside Tea Rooms. Wapted urgently. f pi , 1 ■ *X • i' i L. l4l4*A*aIla* ; A VkOV/I v4 LA cAOA\.Iliĵ LAÂ; ,, , ,, ,,, ,,, 1 no regular meeting ol the Council to s ta rt negotiations COUPLE-would be pleased to store above lodge will be held' Tues- -vvith the. bond holders as .soon as »o»ie furniture for use of same, in day next a t 8 p.m. sharp, m the possible. A resolution'was also Orange Hall, The ^ ic e r s of p^sed-requesting the Council to yancouver County L.O.L. No. 1 have the. Municipality re-assess- RADIO REPAIRS -- Tubes, Ariels, etd.' J. L. Pettigrew, The Radio Man,. 1890 Marine; West 145. ^diddMo providing . m u ------ .* -- ------ r* nave m e,iv ium cip au iy re-assess- music. The remaining list of present to conduct the order to 'arrive at a more ladies assisting w as; Mrs. Shar- election and installation of offic- equitable assessment than at man, Dean, Battersby, Duck- for the year 1936. Reports , present.* - worth, Robbins and Newman. The, question of transpofta- A speciaLmeeting of the W. r^ in n g officers. tionw asdiscussed ,andthem eet- o*toA unanimously approved the a t 2:30. the close of the meeting in the Council's actiqp pf equalizing the S>V/lllw A 14A illwiAA|17 'AV/X ' U2)C VfX < OClAilCf̂NAll' cottage for 4 months, or v/oiild 'buy cheap. Address "Furniture," ' c|o West Van News. WARM and Modern House, close to ferry. Open to paying guests. Rates reasonable. Phone West 353rL. . - LOST --, Gold Wrist Watch between 1041.Cylde and P iggly ,Wiggly, Sat-; urday morning. Phone W. 55"0-R. Reward., ' - ' WANTED -- Girl for general house work." Phone .West 75-R-l, FOR s a l e -- '2.6 Chev. Coach in good condition. Ambleside Service, 1503 Marine Drive. ̂ ' ' . .T- , , WEST VAN. CLEANERS -- 2 for 1. - Phone West 161< We call and deliver̂ ' lower ball. WIGGLY E X T R A V A L U E S F O R E A R L Y S H O P P E R S The shelvcH of,Your Neighborhood P1(3GLV WIGGLY are filled with appetizing fo<Hls..............sptHjially priced for early Holiday Shoppers. MONDAY *._ These PRICES EFFFXmVE FRIDAY -r- SATURDAY December 1.1 - 14 - 16th. ARRICOTS--In Heavy Syrup PE A C H E S -- Lynn Valley Groat Brand, 2s, squat , i:2a, equat tin ........ ............. X5e ...... u_-............ 2 tins 25c K EN TUCK Y -W O N DER-BEA N S - c u b « d - c i i s ' .................. *In Rich Syrup, ] V js ............. , . PINEAPPLE JUICE _ Libbv', ...........V'V'"..................... .............. * « . 1*« BED P IT T E D CHERRIES - - Ayinw'r O T 'sundaie .................... i ";*'" i - ' ToJ^TOPs'^" R 'T r i ' " ' ' ..................-82 29^ - SHELLED NUTS , .... ........... ........... r •- Uns H)c Almonds.......................... ' 35e JUM BO PEA S -- 2s, lO'/jc B r a z i l s ......................... . ib* sqc PEARL WHITE SOAP,.. 3 &nrs 10c Walnut Pieces ' ...............ib.' 25c d u t c h c l e a n s e r . 1 tins 25c S 2„c M ixed........ ;....Ib. iGe; 2 lbs. 31c „ CANDIES Ghoeomto Covered Peanut.s Chocolate Velvet Buds . < Prim e's English TolTee 1 !! ' Scotch Mints bus rate between 14th and West Bay, in accordance with the Association's request. As a re- \su lt of the Association's repre sentations it h as . also" been ar- .^ranged th a t starting on the 16th instant,, a municipal-bus leave Caulfeild a t 6:40 a.m. to con- . nect with the 7,.a.m. ferry, and th a t from the, 15th instant, a Pacific" Stage l i ^ e North Van couver daily a t ,10:45 p.m. , for Caulfeild, -staijting its re tu rn trip from the f la t te r place^ a t ll:15*p.m . " . - HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine --Christmas Garda, Wrapperij-Nov- elties, Notions, Toys, Stationery, Hardware, Paints, Work Gloves, l^Sox, etc. Your patronage "earnestly requested. WILL the party who took man's hat ,from Pacific iStage Tuesday evening between 29th,,and Caulfeild, please return to Apple Pie Tea Rooms. Wanted. urgently. DUNDARAVE LIBRARY, 2476 Mar- ine Driye -- Christmas Cards, Cal endars, Gifts for Everybody'; sub scription 50c' month. DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS - Suits, Children's Clothes; home or ' by day. Mrs. RobbiUs, 2791 Marine W est619-R.' ' OUR REGULAR, 35c LUNCH served to school-children for 25c. The Marina, ̂ 1̂415 Marine Drive. WEST V & <36u VER M ACHINE - SHOP -- Rep airs Spray Pumps", Household articles.. 1449 Marine. $20.00_ FOijR ROOMS, Unfurnished, 2291 Haywood;,West 298-L.' : C. C. F* N E W S ANNOUNCEM ENT . "New' Year's ' Probe," Heywood Park Barbecue, Phone for reservations;'; North 1726. MARCEL SHOP Thermique Steam Permanent.' Try our fatigue facial for-" tired __ housewife--or--business- . . wpinan.::;West .304. 17th and Marine. over Royal .Bank. SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE-rFor , rates and reservations see Maurice Anderson,. 29th and Queens. RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Ariels, etc. J. ,L. Pettigrew,'. The Radio Man, 1890 Marine;' West 145. LOWDON'S Home-made Oaficakes obtainable at' your nearest local stdre. - •no •■■«««• •<•««•« I '? AaBOblt'd CrenmB aiid Jellies - ' Christral.; Brilliant Mix .... ................... . , „ KAISINS -- CURRANTS A ustralian Seedless Raisins California Seedless Bleached ~ .......... C urrariis - - Clean, M o is t ....................ncY W hite Cooking F igs ........... Dattvs---. Cfeiui, M'oisK..r...!r,'. . ! . /.......•* ............ I h. .. .It............ylh. ......... lb. lb... 20c 22c 27c 17c 20c ,14c The lecture oif Geo. Weaver on Sunday last was . received with much enthusiasm by. those pres ent and they look forward, to the next one which is arranged for. Thursday, VDeoember 19th, and the subject ""The Transition Period," will be sure to arouse interest, so don, t̂ forget to be a t the Legion Hall a t 8 p.m. whist fans. Prizes were won by - Paterson, West 108 * - * ' Mrs..Andrews,:R; Bloxham, H. SHOE REPAIRS,-- 'Get the best mat erial, and/ workmanship at Fox's, 14th- at Perry. >. . WAJOTED -- Good attractive listings quick turn over. -Clients waiting W ANTED ,-7-. On(eii>funiished and one unfurnished \4-rpom cottage near ■ferry, -Phone;West 340 or West 148- CHIMNEY" SWEEPING -- The Old r f ' Country way.'^afisfaction guaran- 1 kvm m ^ West 225, ^ teed. ' E. Palmer, Garden Avdnue, ijeymour 5954. Capilano.'PHone NortN 811R2. ' : ..... ,1b. .....lb. ...... lb, .4 - lbs. 10c 16c 12c 26c- *".C .1 lb. pkg, ■ 6!i*c CAKE F L O U R F a i r v l i j f h l " ' ' / PASTRY !• LOUR . Royal Patent *< *' - 7 'JKq POPPING CORN -- Jollv Time * o ok MINCEMEAT-- * '■ -FOWL' __ Empress . ... 1 lb. cup I4c PlWp Young Birds;.!.;,, each 46c Avgood................Sloz. jar 29c : TENDER STEER BEEP - SUNSWEET PRUNES..2 lbs. I9c lb:.-..-....-.,... Sc SHAMROCK LARD .. lb. 15. Jump Coasts, per lb...... . _ i S c (Limit 2 lbs) ..... Boneless yeal Roasta- SLIC^D LrO N u ..J BONELESS VEAL ROASl^;SLICED BACON ... lb. 12V,c , par 1b* _______ 1 2 ^ -WATCH THURSDAY'S DAILY PAPjp^T?QR"MAm^ AL P I 6 C I . Y Gleed and H. Smith and th e . WEBB'S a trial for your next usual refreshm ent period was shoe repairs. 2463 Marine .Drive. f S S 5 u » « 5 3 ' f a s ju st returned from; a recupera- or Seymour 1260,: ^ * ^ lani, Vancouver Is- HOLLYBUr n g ip t SHOP, a c , _ ITie date of the next l^h ist & tincertain as the regular Marine Drive. West 601. date lalJs on Xmas Eve and an ^7------------------------ ---______ - aimonncement vrill be made SHOPPE-- HSme- GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, SoUc Ror, 1447 ,Marine, mornings; &10-' Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after noons. 7 FURNISHED AND .UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. * Houses, lota, snd acreage 'for, sale. John Lawson, 17th and VMarine.' Phone West 55. . WINDOW SH A D ES AND AWNINGS made'to measurements or repaired. Estimates' ':free: ' Picture framing., Pearce,71890. Marine, West 529 or 145. '7 , ' / THE WPLFARB ASSOCIA'HON re w ires; discarded clothing. Phone West 37. and i^ e k vnll collect _ -- Does Your Dollar say 'An Reroir' or 'Good Bye" - don T SEND IT TOO FAR FROM HOME ' ICING'S MILL SAWDUST Sacked 14,50 per u n it Bulk f3 .5 0 W dnii C. a West VaccoLer - W * EXCL.USIVE AGENT P h o n e s H HEADQUARTERS for AU PoP"I" Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits 'for local wat- ers. 7 Ambleside Tea Rooms._____ "yi VERNON ® I M t O R E A. C. SBARLB, Phone West 9 B ijlld^< S appU ea 1jJ