: & £ b i L -- _ CUT F L O W E R S nOLLy'WEBATHS . , - - , . .OSOSTLBTOB ------4ED A B K pPB *-~y-- Flowers or IIollx carefully lioxed and mailed anywKere. t h e wfest V a n . f l o r i s t ^ 18th and Marine Drive. , .We.Deliver . . . ' West 805 B A W W / .-tBy the- -- ' vt' ' /' West Vancouver Boys* Band, . , , . In the O range H all, F riday , D ecem ber 13th^ a t 8 t>.m» In aid of L.-P* Home for Children Adults, 26c, " Children IBc. Thursday elected as a Director School have ju s t concluded tne of th e Vancouver Publicity Ping Pong tournam ent, John Bureau, l l i e Reeve is known Fiddes, senior m atriculant, w throughout B ritish Columbia as ing declared' tlm w inner in the i one of t h e 'm ost enthusiastic boys* section.^The a c m m tne citizens of oiir province, and has final game was 21-16; he having taken a m ost active in terest in a handicap of 8 points, . S i n iatters pertaining to the tourist traffic, better highways . The 5-year-dd son o f ^ r . and and National parks. In addition Mrs. R. G. Cooke: 12th and to his many municipal offices, Duchess Avenue, who has been he is also Director of the Auto- a patient in St. Paul s* Hospital mobile Club of Vancouver, Vice- for nearly two months, returned. P res id en t' of th e Good Roads last week to his home here. . League of B. C., and for many . * ♦ * , . . ■ years a member of the Execu- Mrs. Foster has moved into a tive of the Union of B. C. Muni- new house a t 17th and Gordon cipalities.' Avenue. ̂ ̂ ■ We hBve CeilopliRhe Wrspplttg:*, plain and Chrlstmaa Doaigna, Tissue Paper, Cards and Seals City Prices. Gemmiil's Drag Store The Stora af Seryica. 1686 M arine D rlra Wast n or W est 607 Emergency Phone W est 821 (A fter 10 p.tn.) 1 CHRISTMAS CONCERT of the ! ( : i i I. f ?t»T5 \l Ju n ior H igh School in Inglewood School . 3 THURSDAY, DECEMBER i9th at 8 p.m, " ̂ ' Silver Collection K.W. Savory 1443 Marine. Drive Ambleside, Phone W est 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance F ire broke out on Saturday Miss Eluned Morgan, Travers afternoon a t ' t h e home of Mr. Avenue, left Saturday^^evening ;/? and Mrs. R. W, Wyllie in Glen- fo ra tw o m o n th s' v isittoM anza- i' eagles during Cuba, where she will be f! pletely.destroying, the building the guest of .her bro ther and and contents. The fire brigade sister-m-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ifp r rushed, out there, but were un- Morgan. On her return, she will k able to do. anything. be the guest of her other bro ther , ♦ and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, m arked 'W est Van- H. R. Morgan, in San Francisco, i! couver F erry No. 5r was washed .r, . * t * ji xt *.u ?! ashore last week on the shore of Mrs. C. A. L. Payne of N orth , the farm immediately north of Vancouver, is a. guest at, the Ji the property of Mr^ and Mrs. F. Clachan. . , Where it was picked up ̂ Irwin - . Valentine ; . LEGION XMAS DRAW IN^ } . . owner.^ We, . A quiet wedding was ^solem-... AND DANCE . jjad this information from M r.: nized a t St. Andrew's-Wesley. Hodgson, who with Mrs.-Hodg- Church on the evening of Nov- Everybody, is "asked to be sure Vancouver last Fri- ember 29th, when Rev. Dr. Brewr . and g e t tickets early for the day. , ^ united in m arriage Elsie, T Ofrinn Xmas Drawing daughter of Mrs. Valentine, 1075^^ , S d D anct to b f held in the The la test mailing dates for Esquimalt road, and Mr. W. S., Stratton's BAKERY CHRISTMAS CAKES Plain or. Iced . . . Scotch Bun & Short Bread Xmas Puddings Mince Pies Made a t 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 and Dance to pe .Christmas- mail as igiven out by E. Irwin. • . ^ ^ Legion Hall Friday, Decemper Vancouver Post-Office are as Given in m arriage by. her. , 20th.-(3et tickets now and take fop^ws: December 14th, Mari- brother, the bride was attended - home the turkey o r one of the tim e Provinces; December 16th, by Miss JH argery Kerom while ,, other ninety prizes and dance Ontario and Quebec; December Mr. W. G. Irwin supported the. •̂11 TinWci TYinv be 17th, Manitoba, Saskatchewan; groom. Only immediate relatives till m idnight. T icket^ may be 18th, A lberta ; Decern- and friends attended the-recep- . had from members of th e Legion B ritish Columbia; Dec- tion a t the home of Miss Keron, and Legion W* A. . ; em ber 20th, Vancouver delivery. 2281 Graveley Street. ~- ■ ' [ ' ° ................ ........-- W. T. Shellard, 22nd and Belle- - . CAROL SINGERS - Vue Avenue, is away on a busi- y " x:__xx • ness trip to th e prairies. Duplicating their efforts of* ^ last year the Carol Singers are, v Mr. and M rs." W. Cleave : ®T?"Sh _ 'he' yesterday evening celebrated th e , fo rtie th - anniversary of the ir ember 23rd, L ast year th is .. DUNDARAVE."ORlCINAL" WOqL &, KNITTING SHOPPE Hand Knitted Sox Make a useful XMAS GIFT for men. Please order now. 2446 MARINE DRIVE Prepare for w in t ^ o Phone • For ■ COAL and W OOD-- BEST Q UALITY PROMPT SE R V IC E . TEAROE & SONrT4837Marine Drive lorwetn ' anmversaxy ux .nitru -- ,----- x i . r liredding, a t their home, 15th and ^as instrumratal in col- T M m erltdn--A v c n u e r^ h e n - - a --l" t '"f a - ^ "bstantiM^^^ num ber of the ir friends and w®® '" rned over to the W est neighbors assembled to do them Vancouver. Xmas 9^®®r Fund, honor. A very pleasant tim e was They particularly wish to exceed spent in bridge, following which J Ja t sura th is year and ask fo r. •r& reshm ents were served. They Public's generous support., were m arried on 11th December, Included in th e ir itinerary are ^ 8 9 5 T ^ -S t7 W i^ llfr« i'grChhrch7-';y'® !t® ^Rf*iPt-m s.^y-^^^^^^^ Davenham, Cheshire, coming to P ®®®® Ghnada in 1906. Mr. Cleave P**°" « ®58L. Holly,burn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE December 12th, 13th and 14th RICHARD ARLEN - " HELLDORADO"■fci - also "ISLE OF BERMUDA" "Anson Weeks* Orchestra** SATURDAY and MONDAY December 14th and 16th ' CHAS. RUGGLES *<N0 MORE UDIES" also* "SPRINGTIME IN HOLLAND'* , NEPTUNE'S MYSTERIES TUESDAY &, WEDNESDAY -- December-i-7th-^and-r^l8th-- ** Thunder in the East" e, at 8:25 , ' . also Lighting Strikes Twice" re for if I* 4fvthose--emecgencies-.-Vsdieni.yQ!Li .jrieeci help in a hurr) it is important to have a telephone handy . T h e quickest w a y tq reach doctor, police or firemen is by telephone. Even if the h e ^ to summon help by telephone never, arises, it is comforting to knovv th a t you a re prepared. . A telephone i n , the hoifne is a great protection at a small cost. * ' ' served Overseas with the. Rail way Troops in France. . * , Tickets on the ferry buses are- FOOTBALL Last*-*Saturday IXL defeated XXVXV15I.O 1̂1 nxip North Shore .Juniors 2-1 a t now good in either direction be- Ambleside Park., Next Saturday, tween Ambleslde and W est Bay. December 14th, the two local SUPREME IN BEAUTY H7 "P." Tearoe of Tearoe and Son, returned on M onday-from a three m m ths' visit to his m other iivDorking, Surrey, Eng land. : * * ♦ . . . team s' m ee t for the'second time -this -year _and a good -game can be looked, for. 'Kick-off a t 2:30 p.m. WITH. TARGET TUNING 7Generous turn-in allowance Mrs. Sharp of the Hollyburn Block, 16th and M arine' Drive, INFANT SON OF T. G; STANDING PASSES F O R S T 'S ̂66 Lonsdale Ave. West 37 North 625 xjiuî n., xvirti.cmu. XVXM.XA11C x^xxv ,̂ /Thomas Rlchard, the Infant moved on Saturday to. Vancou- ?°n of Mr. and-Mrs. T .'G. Stand- ver. ' Duchess Avenue, pass- * ♦ 7 ed away las t'T h u rsd ay in the .Mis{^ Sue Procter, whose m ar- • N orth Vancouver General Hos- r ia SWIMMING CLUB '7' 1 The officials of the W est Van couver Swimming Club" wish to ' ,-fS. '-'sir TT B, C. TELEPHONE COMPANY A*<6ŵ4vLz-"'AVAA-i*V-AJXAvAwwv/Vi'VAACMLI'■ ■■■ f , . ** w*■***•, vA;iv̂ X*wA)IL'"'a»AK5XAa)UCA {{yLAXtl vHIR5X'■■ oecasioning w ide_interest, was a.m. on ' will he no swimming until after guest of honor Tuesday a fte r- Saturday m N w th Vancouver, Vinii/ifiva FnribPi* noon when Mrs. Donald Palnier, the Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiat- ^ ? x̂ in^,, and interm ent was made in notices in regard to th is m atter CapilandView Cemetery. will appear la ter in th is paper. 3396 Marine Drive, entertained a t tea and a kitchen shower. , A . - Christmas tree was the m otif fo r seasonal decorations, offset by crimson tapers, and Miss Jean Wilson and Miss ' Winnie Dorchester assisted in'serving^ while Mrs. F. E. Dorchester pre sided a t the urns. O ther invited _guestsjwere__Mrs,,_^._P.JPrDcter,_7 ' Mrs. Jam es Russell, M rs; Lestock . Reid, Mrs. Claude Poisson, Miss M argaret Bamis, Miss Jeanie Davidson, IV^s. (K ristopher M or- ' rison, Mrs. Evans Wasson, M rs:-f . E ric Makdvski, 'M fs7 'Neville Shaw, Mrs. David Verbhere, Mrs. . "Wilson Morfitt, Mrs. - Jack,r A t - , wood, Mrs. Roy TuK ten,.tos. E.» > Howard, Miss Molly. Eakihs, M iss' Peggy Thomas, Miss B arbara Reid and Miss B etty McKenzie, WEST VANC0UjmL_5AIW'A--GLAUS-^FUND^ RADIO STATION F-L-O-P^ MAJOR BLOW'S AMATEOr ^M ^ ' The cream of West Vancouver arti$ts "will entertain you.-̂ Inglewood saobrAuditb?!um rSatprday,; December ̂ at stlS _________ , . Adults 25 cents; '^Children lO'cents, ' if Canadian Legion W est Vancouver MILITARY WHIST and DANCE p m A Y , ̂ ̂ In the Legioli Hall PR O C E E D S FOR SA N T A C L A U s FUND SfeSi .r.-c. y ' .-................. ■vLri?4v',? ■3' a itC I'i>'m I). Ja 4 V' i,T ^ II i'j ! -•m f i 1