Sttnitjr BwfUm SwadMy School »nil Blhlo Claif 10 - Strangoro A Vialtori WoleoaHi. KibooJ & Adult Cl**« 10:00 e.m. Preaching Servicoi 11:00 A 7:16 Phone: We»t 216*R f ' .. G ifts o f Beautg ' Coming In contact with women every day, we ore In a poaitipn to know their iikoa and dia<>. Jikea. They nii agree that a Perm anent Wave Gift Certificate fa a very welcome gift, illCall for ode at the I * li Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 164* Htrin* Drira Wft»t m CHRISTMAS li'iVf' \(l AimoHt here again. ChriatmuM Carda, Beala and Taga, ̂ ClftM for Ladlca, Geiita & Young Polka Yardlcy'a, Potter & Moore'a Wlliioni'a, Colgate'H Seta, Etc. HOLLYBURN HALL' Corner of 14th and Dueheaa KltlDAY EVENING, Dec. 13th, at 7:30 Young People'a Service Mr. A. T. DilUm , will conclude hie inU*re»ting lecture ' •J'he MeoMage of the MounUlna* llluHlrated by t.antern Vleŵ n HUN DAY, Dec. I6th, at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young Men'ft Bible Class. SUNDAY EVENING at 7:.30 ^Gospel Address by,. ̂ ̂ Mr. James Gibson TUESDAY, Dec. 17th, at 8 p.m. An illustrated Lecture "WUh the Gospel in the Illnter- bind of Alberta and B. C. Mr. C. 0 . Bowem • S ^ i e t y CHDECH EDIFICE 2001 and B«|tiiaialt, HoUjrbura This Society la a Branch of The Mother Church , The Pirat Church of CbrUt, Selentlat, in Boston, Maaaaebusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Decomber 151h, Subject; "GOD THE PIIESEUVER . OF MAN" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meeting*. -- C h r i s t m a s M u s ic . ̂ " " Have your Radio checked over now and he sure of hearing the 'tovcJy Festive Music as You should. , _ , Yoiir set may require only a tube or mlnw repair to put .. • It in a h a | H 9 « i ■' GIVE US A CALL WE OUA^A^TEE SATISFACTION BROWN 8c M UNTO N^^K s"'" MKMBEKS ASSOCIATED RADIO TROHNlOlANS pF B.O.. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hillis W right, Minister AHBLESIDE PHARNACY SM W. L. KKU, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West 823 ̂ FREE DELIVERY . Service.s Surtduy 11:15 a.m and 7:15 p.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. I 'hc Kev.' Hugh Dobson, D.D., ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC , CHURCH Rev. M. J. Corley Sunday Masses Low M ass--r 8:15 a.m. H igh'M ass & Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 P'D1. Catechism and Bible History Get your boy or girl their 9 & S 9 S S: ^ 9 S S : XM AS BIKE ^ in West yancouver. a t City Prices AT FRED JONES BIKE SHOP PHONE WEST 472Y1455 MARINE All Bicycle Accesosries In stock (no waiting). REPAIRS, PAINTING, SKATES, JOY CYCLES. All work guaranteed ̂ ' s' ' 1. ^ MRS. CATHERINE COLE ' 'PASSES DICRENS' SKETCHES The death of Mrs. Catherine Cole of 2434 Nelson Avenue, -Last Thursday evening at St. Stephen's 'Parish Hail the Dick ens' Book Club oifered another every ,S a tu rd ^ 9 :J Week-day Services 9 :30 a.m. occurred last T hursday in h er o f i t 's fan ious p re s e n M ^ ^ ........ ,.,.Q n "D ickens S ketches." The per-77th year The deceased was a f " ^ X e n from Vom- t DR. G. D. H. SE A L E D.D.S.. L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr, Oflico Houra 9 to 6 p.m. Evonlnga by appointment. Phono Weat 72 Dr. GEORGE 8. MACDONALD D.D.S., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon , -Mornings, Afternoons, and Evenings by appointment Royal Bank Bldg., Telophone • - West Voncouvor. Wieat 440 the Depressed." The Young Ladies- Choir under the leader- . ship of' Miss Joan"Durbi.n, will lead the praise service in the evening.' The C.G4.T. Groups will meet Wendesday .evening in the Church Hall at 7 p.m. Prayer.meeting Wednesday at 8 p.iii. Eatabllslicd' on North Shore .25 Years (Lady Aaslstant) HARRON BROS. - LTD. luneral Bircctors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors > 65 Tenth Avenue East -Phon^^trrrritM^ BAPTIST CHURCĤ ^̂ ̂ Services; 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and \":V:4':Adult;Glass;"' ■' 11:00 a.m.--Rev, H. G. Esta- IjTĈ lc 7:15" p,m.--Rev. H. G. Esta- brook. Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.F.U. Choir practice.oh Thursday at ^Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer and 8 p.m. praise meeting. Trail Rangers Boys Group Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- meet Friday a t 7 p.m. .^/tise. ̂ ._ -„ • • Will those who have "Cent-a- Meal" boxes kindly return these ST. STEPHEN S CHURCH on Sunday n ix t - Rev. F. AT"Ramsey No regular-m eeting of the ; Rector: Young People's Society will be ' December 15th -- Third Sun- of 9 r. tvi Mnn . accompanied by Mrs. Shef- ' Nm^fh ̂ Vanem the Turner gave Rev. A. W. McIntosh officiating, s®"!® .and interment was made in th e ' I.O.O.F. plot, .Mountain View^ Cemetery. The World's Longest Sentence, "It says here that the longest sentence in the English language con«- tains 140 words," said the old fogy.- "That's wrong," replied the grouch.. The longest sentence contains only one'. word." • "What is lhat?V asked the oldfo^ .' "Life," replied the grouch. m ajor roles played by E. Wiltr.. shire, M. Clark, M ., Hamilton- Smith, Florence Burbridge, W. G. , Wiltshire, and ^^Keith Price were very fine intepiretations of the characters, while the assist ing parts taken by Molly Hardy, T. .Bracew^ll, Joyce 'Burbridge, and Barbara Sparrow were ably handled. The Dickens' Book Club is in- debted to Mrs. Gordon Gray and F. F. ' Parke's for ' assistance' rendered, ■ held next Sunday , evening, but day in Advent. a number of the members-plan to attend a rally service of all. the associations on the North Shore, to be conducted in St. Andrew's Church, North Van couver. A goodly representation is earnestly requested from West Vancouver. The^xegular-jneeting-of--the- Holy Communion. Matins and Sermon. -Evensong and Ser- 8:00 a.m.- 11:15 aim^- 7 :15 p.m. mon.- St. Francis-in-the-Wood CaulfeUd 3:00 p.m. -- Evensong and ser mon. T he Carol Will tour the Municipality the night of MONDAY, December 23rd, Commencing at 14th and Clyde at 7 p.m. WATCH FOR,th em IN YOUR DISTRICT ^ W T H O M S O N 142^ Marine Drive * PLUMBING and i |-- -------------- REPAIRS V phone West'571 ii; C. J . Ovieriagton PIONEER BARBER . n o w 6 p e n .> t : - ' ' FULL TIME ' I4th & Marine, Phono Weat 135 W. M. Society will be held on Tuesday afternoon, December 17th, a t 2:15. The next chapter of Study Book. "New Africa," will be the subject of a talk given by Mrs. George Baldwin. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN", will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches Election O'f officers for new year ScienHst, on S u n ^ y . will fake place and every mem-"' r Text, is: .'ITie beivis urged-to be-presenLHome* 5"^" preserve;-thy..going helpers please send in mite coming in* f̂rom this b o x e s----- ------------------------and-even~'f or '̂^ever- more." (Psalms 121: 8L_ Mrs. A. Mr O'Donnell, t h e - p o p i 'A ^ . ^ular president of the Women's ' citations which Association, was re-eleoted' to tha t office fo r the fifth year a t * the iheeting on Tuesday last. estaW^^ The duties of the other offices g l holy people unto Himself, as will:he undertaken by: honorary presidents, Mrs; Archibald, Mrŝ , ^9®? the command- Ambleside Sheet Metal W .;T . Su8h, Mrs. H. W righti "f the Lord thy God, and -first . vice-president, Mrs. W. wayjs._ Deuteronomy Blair; second, vice-president. - _______^ Mrs. P. W ait; recording secre- Lesson - Sem on also in- -- -- - eludes the following passage L. SPECK. Proprietor W O r K S ton. The supper and bazaar'held S w paL® recently, proved very successful The divine Mind financially and socially. Various th a t *nade man maintains His = t h e \ . W e s t V a n N e w s Pabllehed Every Thursday sumh were voted to the church linage and likeness." ' board*^ the welfare work. Burn- ~ ^ ^ PULL GOSPEL MISSION iSm iff*11" PuWlsher P. P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 383 Buaiuese and Editorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next to! HpUybttm P. 0.) Phone West 363 Mail Addiesi: the-ahut-ms, Chiu'ch choir, and ^ Marine Drive tlie lopal :Santa Claus fund; Ten- . Sunday, the 15th instant. . 1. ̂Managers a t *5? ̂ conduct meet- the annual meeting late in Janu- and hear the Way ary^^^„. > ̂ Everybody ,wel- ' P. O. Box W, Hdlybum, B.C. i\t' ' J t North Vancoaver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. come. r. ,-..d Mi'S. Dyble have re^ 1 $1.00 n .year IKOO.n year r '-- '. i t t l :S# i i CARD OP THANKS Ml'S. T. G StanfBncr eSlv & --- - who G x t3 fJ organizations kindness and sympathy --in--their ~ ' ' ' '" l^reavement. ^ recent, M -5 M i l $MŜm liB -- V -____________ ̂ ̂ ̂ ■ '•Vr' - ■- V " . . : : . - y ' .* ir\<i