t 1 n: Circulating in the District of West VancouWeS^Ambleside ̂ Ho/iybunt,We0hi^ Dundarave $1,00 per year, . Cypress Park, CauifeUd,Whyteciiff, Etc. «c per copy at naw*si*n(iB. Vol. X H O t t t B t J R N p ; P ; , W E S T B .C ., T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B f e i j l t b , 1935 N o . 34 THE, WEST VANCOUVER SANTA CEAUS FUND Memories I As the years come and go; we a ll of us collect them. They are never, very many. Ju s t here and there an impression w hich ior some reason or other, qpite inexplicable came to stay with us throughout our , earth ly days, lit may have been a certain summer sunset in which we received a faint glimpse of eternity, the look in a woman's eyes in -a crowd, some holiday' celebration, a chance meeting with an individual hever'"rftet'befdre or s i n ^ dhe of "the ships th a t pass in the n ig h t/' a m other's kiss, o r a g rea t sorrow. These are the things Which return to us now and again, recalled by some incident of the day, . , ' ' A CHRISTMAS APPEAL Fellow, Citizens/-- The Christinas Season is again upbn/usp the time when we should, not. only be happy also But strongest of all are memories of childhood,, when ,we dreamt "long, long'thoughts," and of them the clearest are those of Christmas;.. God send. th a t , these .last are happy, ones, for nothing good which may afterw ards come to'Us will quite make u p 'fo r sadne^is then! , ' Christmas bebngs to children;:. I t is the one day in the year when we, grown-ups become or should become onlookers, while, the little ones have their, day arid their play, and the' house resounds4o.their,happy laughter at.the,new ...toys. as . well as the good things to eat. Bad as_ human nature is, there are very, very few parents who would "willingly,deny the ir children the joys.of. Christmas, but unfortunately in, these days of 'depression many find it . almost impossible to even provide' their families with fhe bare necessities of food and clothing. , There are children in„ W est ̂ Vancouver who will have'^ none of these joys except of your providing, no new toys or none of those.,little ,extra dainties, which bring Christmas home to childish; hearts. They will not a sk you because they , , do not know,' haying nothing but their fa ith i n Santa Claus; r Christm as memories! • You have^ them;, And,„. be they bright o r sad, but most of all if they be sad, you m ust give in' order th a t Christmas Day may bring joy and. hot heart break to some unfortunate little .ones in W est Vancouver., . CONCERT BY SCHOOL BAND The w e s t Vancouver'School Band are giving a concert a t . 8 J).m..tomorrow (Friday); in the Orange Hall, the proceeds. MARCjH~"Our Director" E.- Biglow 2. O V ER TU R E~"C hicofthe Clown" ........"..".N , E. Hildreth 3. IMPERSONATIONS :;4..,:...iL.:i..„..:.:.-.:...V:::;:AhgusToun|ii 4. SELECTION--"The Student Prince" ............S. Romberg 5. TAP DANCE .... ................................... M hrgaret Holly 6. SELECTION:--"Martha" .................. :........................., - 7 r XYLOPHONE SOLO ....................Russell Escott - 8. SELEC TIO N ^"Mikado" .....1:.......:.......A. Sullivan 9. IMPERSONATIONS................ ....Angus and H attie Young' 10. MEDLEY-^"01d Time Favorites" ........................ :,M; Luke 11. DANCE 1.....-........... ."...11............. .1......,...^..... M argaret Holly 12. SELECTION-- "Maid of Orleahs" . .......:n....-.:.M. Laurent 13. MARCH-- "Dallas" .....................................R. B. Hall : ,1 ' I t : : ... ' . i x t . 0 . B. A. : ; SANt A CLAUS BURLESQUE f .S - ̂ I /- "~1 i-"' ̂ s t \ Ruth Chapter, L.O.B;A., will ' „ Saturday night, December hold their annual meeting .an d ,' 14tH, W est Vancouver goes radio election of officers next Monday minded whem MajoyBlows takes at 8 p.m. in the Orange .Hall. The th e a ir over station F-L-O-P m Worshipful Gran^ M istress' of th e Apditoriumi of_ Inglewood ~BlC7^n.b€ p resen t : j,___ Scftool4^ heip" th e "S an ta --------- :-- . fund. This will be'the high light Y. W. C. T.^U. 1 of am ateur entertainm ent for " -- ^ many a day.: ' . , Miss Lucy McDougall enter- . Applications ' have been re tained the "'Y" girls a t her,hoihe,' ceived for ah audition from art- 1702 Marine Drive, ' Tuesday " ists in all parts jof the municipal evening. Miss Las-hbrooke" led it'y. Elaborate stege settings and the devotional. Miss Falconer, the ever-menacing gong, gave a few essential lessons in W e st. Vancouver m erchants ^elocution. I t 'h a s ben decided to „. are supporting the venture and have an open meeting sometime ' their donations'will very dire'ot- m January -at: .the^ Baptist ly assist the . fui'd. - Churoh when Mr. Basterbrpok ' *' The cast are asked to assemble will be the speaker fo r the eveh-^ a t Inglewood Auditorium for re- hearsal a t 2:30 p.m. Saturday. ? ...... ■ t c ............................... ' , ' .. CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL V . JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ______ 1 j ' * " . r 'fx ' - ________ A Christmas Carnivarfs to b e C O N C E R T ' put on by the Girls'. Auxiliary to - --̂ the Barbarians Rugby Club on , A Christm as concert will be. ourselves' but'̂ should endeavour to ^make , others happy -- that Is the real spirit of Chi^tmasl > It is true that time may be I Just a little brighter and that tiiFprospec^; fQr a continued improvement are encouraging. We must not forget, however, that' among ;6iir citizens are those who have:endured many trials' and ^privations during recent years, vbut who with stout ;liearts' have shown a' grit and determination that is altogether adhiirable. An opportujnity will be given us during the next two weeks to helb less fortunate families during the festive season, eBpeciajUy i-emember- ing that on "Christmas Morn ing the / childr^ will take 4owh their stoeW gs with the hope that SantatCIaus has not forgotten theip»' Through var ious channels, aujlhorized by a special Christmi^. Cheer Com/ mittee, an invitation is given to e v w one to ̂ ĥare,. accord: ing to their, abilily,' in providl ihg the hecessfi^ funds. This Committee will welcome evei^ contribution in;mbney, in the purchase of .tickets or goods which'may assist them in this splppdid;->v<pri@g':^ ; J have never failed in helping a good 'cause, and, it is< with genuine' feeling and pleasure that 1\ appeal for. your most igenerous support on behalf of this fund, which {^intended' to bring happiness^ and fun into the lives of others. This is the season of Goodwill and Good Cheer, and I take this early opportunity of-express ing to all our citizens" a most- sincere wi^h that ,;they. may enjoy a really Happy Christ mas, and that many of them, because of their, kindly acts,' may be- happy in the knowl edge of having helped others in need. : J. B. l e y l Xn d , ' ' . Reeve. WEST VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHlSfRA LEGION NOTES The first meeting of ested members of the above OVtf- Tho next general m eeting of ^Jhe local branch will be held a t 8 p.m. Wednesday, December 18th. ' A t the last general m eeting the members elected the follow ing officers for the coming y ear: anization was held a t the, home o f Mr« Raven last Monday ing. There was quite a rejpi^e- sen ta tive . gathering 'andXA^^^ th irty names have already been given in. Both Mias M argaret known legionaire, who many ex- M cIntyre and ,. Mrs. .K night- service men will recall as the Hodge have promised th e ir aup- president of the first- Legion Port and i t is sincerely hoped branch to be formed on th e ' i l " '" ' ......................... . ................................................................... Colin Turner, President, well that all string, players will pre- „orth shore in 1927, and who. ^ e n t thei^selyes^ went O versea front here, yice- hearsal which has been definite- presidents, T. Standing and T, y set fo r F riday week. Decern- B attersby ; secretary, W., G. ber 20th, a t 8 p.m. I t is hoped Crosby; treasurer, C. SharmUn; to hold - the rehearsal a t H he executive, A. H. Cue, A. P. Ker- Pauline Johnson School annex, i^y W. Carley ?n I" conjunction w ith the ladlescolumns next branch Thi.w ind section is,p«^ticUlar. ,"e7ebrate t"lfe S t o f S h ^ n - ly complete and the, public may * w hkh was s ta r tS l H: look, forw ard to th is orgkhiz^- auspicious circumstances S work of any §y long. ^ m o n th .T h e Je d i^ scomplete- charge of the catering and ■ entertainment; w unaffiliated^GX-service men Vancouver, and, their Ativ ^i^es, will be able to obtain of invitation upon ap-sent In, or particulars obtained t X ^ t io n tn from tlJe conductor. Wm. e x e S f lv S ® ^ ^ 1 ,y,:̂ oax ineir i^egion oaage or mem-.,, ' hership, card, shown to the Sgt.- ches^al music performed;(if4p^ at? Arms at the door, will be suf- member desires it; yrithoute?ctra «-, î,^ ̂ to att<^ this ^ charge. The orchestra -has c6^ "/-/Short hri players whb'were rforlherly V the School; Band; but who otherj the v»n^ .wise might have been lying, dor- An effort is being , made to day^^ecembe? 21st̂ ̂ raise funds for the purchase of an adequate- library of music, . "FnWtninm^^t >» and any public spirited citfeen ; Hall who would like to subscribe to vancoui^er. this may forward a subscription «Ti/f ao to Mr. Raven, which, however ' XMAS CHEER FUND 'F'MjI*1 ^ ' ' f i -I-'.• fi'ir 11f i I small, .wilLbe-duly acknowledged- in the columns of th is paper. FOOTBALL GAME M n i'j'rj As in previous years the; two local football team s are going to J . . ,1.1 ...^..:. ~ i . ____ • _ SANTA CLAUS' ' WHIST AND DANCEr/ do the ir share in helping raise - The Canadian Legion here are Xm as Cheer Fund. •- ' f 'W*̂:I't. ' . ' P 'Cr §• i COMING EVENTS Friday, January 3rd/~L 0 . D. E . Dance for the Yonnger.Set, giving a m ilitary whist and dance fo r the Santa Claus Fund tom orrow :(Friday) a t 8:30 p.m. i» the I^egion Hall. Refresh m ents,the-usual cash prizes, also a .brass Ja rd in ie re and a hand-' knit cushion,and an attendance prize of a 15-lb. turkey. Come, and help., WEST VANCOUVER YACHT CLUB p r o v i n c i a l l i b e r a l ASS'N Percy. " M asterm an has once 'a g a in been able to arrange an exhibition game, which, will be_a. little ou t of th e ord[inary. I t is proposed th a t the W est Vam TXL play .the."Nojrih-Shore Unit-- ed, of the Inter-C ity League, in the first half, and th e Broadway Hotel in the second half. All monies railed will be entirely for the. Xmas Cheer Fund and a draw ing o n the score will be con- -4?i'j • if --ii'JVj •The Provincial Liberal AsSoci-. ducted bv the Xmaa Gbppr F utiH On Monday, December 16th,. ation held the ir annual meeting Committee of which J R Mitoh there will be a meeting of th e . and election of officers Tuesday,. ell i r S i ^ n A 'r^^^^ above body a t 7:3() a t the home th e 10th of December, in the K. .. also, donate his services The of H. P.*Allen, 1204 Keith Road. - P. Hall, N orih Vancouver. A full , game will take place a week from A ll motorboat ow nersaad o ther delegation was present. The. ' L X s a t u S -interested persons are invited. acting p resid en t Mrs. George 1:a t 2:30 S excellent: A real large tu rnou t of specta- and len rthy rejport of the work toys is, urgently, requested as allh o l l y b u r n h Al l " rm. ' ' r V ' ' ,'T»' ■ I i ' i^om p lished by the Fattullb money ra ised is fo r a w orthy The usual Youn^ , People's. Government. , W. C. Stevens," cause and also a first c k s s m m e Service illustrated w th to te m - secretary, also gave a complfete of fo d tb a jl^ m L "seen ^ views will be held a t ,7:30 p.m. ̂ reew d ofv4he activities of the^ . Pe seen. have been asked by, the c toM tr-.; liiiiipsday/ December 19tH, a t 8 of the Santa Claus, Fund to o'̂ lopk. in the Auditorium. assw iation fo r the past year. SANTA CLAUS FUND Hall, the speaker .̂ being A. Both 'reports were very enthusi- :. ; ■ ' - - T. Dalton who will conclude his astically. received.. The election V The Telephone Brido-e h^s interesting lecture^" op . "The , of'officers fo r the ensuing yeajc';; been^ extended to next Mondav Message of t t o Mountains, j, resulted a s follows: hon. presi-^ and/Tuesday ^ Sunday.School and,Young:Men's / den J. p . PattuIIo; hon/.;;;; Glaus Fund milk Bible Class a t Sun-, vice-presidents, Hon. Geo. Pear- .bottles vriilTe placed I n o r o S day, December 15th. A t th e 7 :30- son, A E. M unn; president, M rs.; e n t plaq^s'fdr y ^ rc h a n g e ! " MJqo i .^sis ted . by . folk-tale. Choruses and McKenzie, play" of tumbling will blions, Miss . freshm Miss ' M^6n/rBIair,;s;r^^^^^ th e p ro ^ ^ to i, AllMl the, wQm .of th e .se Choruses arid a dis- be other ^hoo l invited to be pres- everiirig. There wiU p .^ G ito;-,Tui^ of ,J!;qrth Vancouf vrI-Ctohtribkitins Gibson wiU ,give,a-G (w pel'^-:. ver; first vice-president,-R. P . ' Fund at Headquarters fa th fE - & b r t Y ancouv^;„:C . E l^ tric S a& RomS.' lecture will be H i1 ■ | j '4 ■■1 : # • Bowen, h ia subject ji in'the Gospel in' the H interland of AlbeWfahd audifera. 'e .' , Mr. Bowen's - views lane?: taken ;gamaipre Vancouver, J4;/W .5^ .t. $2.002.00froim actual photographs, a n d /C lo u g h of C apitoo . W ith the^, , , ̂ _____________ _ convey in a starilinig niaririerî election for firsi/;.;/LfeFp6 = ^ he is lovpd