* ■ 'i t * f * ^ " I 'I '; ■%. . •' .̂ .j f ^ i-a, s ' <t,; il . i J 4 i f » » J > Jil'rtH 'll ' ir., '1.4 .'-.if ih ' Im it ,'HIv? i ,1̂"'■, .it.»|lil.i f -fils . . ^ uiWt! Phone W est« » , >S ? s* O t BOSfnmiTVBAL , ' t* V a n cou ver Ifortl. >/ ■« fc • J , J liS o f I lie W m i Vancouver - eultumi Association was held on l M ^ T r i i i r T C h l c i p a i ; M ^ The direction! of the association NAHOB TEA, lb. « « « 4 if «<■ M g * i , « g g g « # i> # # m mJCKBYB OATS, 6 lb. imek Quick CoDkins ....... ;....... . 9^« CftESCBNT SHORTENING/Ih. I4e TOMA1Y)ES, Squat, 2a....... 2 Uiw ISe *'*?* f CHOCOLATEIndividually wrapped one ounce wiuare, •/, lb. p k s ................... IPc Oole'a Hawaiian PINEAPPLE iUICB IS ox, tin ......................................... 10« lied A White APRICOTS. 2a. tin l«e ~- Ontario. Candled ; îsst NAIIOIl LIMA BEANS, 2 tina 26c Prtah, Tender ̂ White Beaaa. BARBADOS MOLASSES - - Uae it dellcioua, 28 oas. tin..................... 25c COLNTIIV KIST CORN. 17 oa tin 11c SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE. Sliced or Cubca, tin ..............;.......... IdS Om$ tifl »*•«.,,ti. . . . . . *'..■■ <■ ■■■1̂ '̂ ■■■' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . „ , „ . e . I 7 C ■i SeAf̂ SSî lhipSS J ' ■ Alls ' ŵS* «r * "S Miaae v a f ̂"f" -•" j-w"-' ... " ■'■'7 ' " '■■- -.■ *1^ dlrectora of the association P rices G ood P r i ^ y , E n d S atu rday* Dec* 6 tl i Sc 7 th made reports on the different ---- rr----------------- -- -r- -- .;, ............. hranehes of-the work during the lABOBTBA. lb...................... ;stte treasurer, R. P. m C i l i p Blower/gaTe'-a w iy interesting IhiinOw and auditors' report, showing a c r^ i t halanoe 'mil ' Aoirtî iptOrk£T ' Phone Weat 370 < ■ f G ovem n^t V » W ^ W i ' * - M i * ^ '> w i » i » " * 'y V » - , « ■ « < < „ » » * ......... » HAMS -:- LAMB . . . COLD MEATS OF ALL 1 Store at PHONE WEST 3 iOWiJf . , ' veal , ̂ ICATES9BH OMVVTIIi(J «» v*vfc»»v ROASTING CHICKEN, per Ib. 30c for the year over all expenses. .28c The president. D. McTavish,corrAGE ROLLS, per Ib #iHJ , I * H*3 |#« t»UUt;ilL. A/. AiAA* *« * LEAN PORK SHOULDER ROASTS gave an account of all the activi- ficr I We I6e & 18c ties of the association for the LVAiH OF LAMB, per Ib.............. 24c year and thanked the retiring HIIOULDERS OF LAMB (whole) directorate and members for I Iww AM*i*rAVi'̂ V«...... "iT*"'.......their loyal support in making all KirrEltS f e fir' iiS " '®' ®L"'® ®® PEPPER'S PORK SAUSAGE, Ib. 20c su cc essfu l. , The president also BURNS' BREADED SAUSAGI^ thanked R eeve L ey land and th e 1**'/..!̂ . .......................................20c Municipal Council their did iifVJiMoi Municipal Council for their ; r " S * s K i m s - rjiKEi« JORK LAMB >~ VEAL in whlcH hC had been connected All Meat Very Fineat Quality. with the association. The as sociation also extended their ap- B U IL D IN ft WEST VANCOUVER _ -FOR REAL. SATISFACTIO N Phone West 115 4(«l n) r»-' *1497'Marine Drive ^ 'k ^ i ' . ,. W « M > W « V T t S d A C J W i * V A V U A t W A A AUSTRALIAN SULTANAS predation.to^the press, Captain ">«..... ..............'■......................2.7c F. P. Lovegrove of the West Van s»)'. 'i*'•'.?" > t ( <»ti» i"i . I. < ' M(Ui' *1 CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for ClMalflod A d r o ^ m e n t e is 2, ewito per word, mliUuMu* 25 cents, ^ c e p t in the case of tiiose having regular .accounts, all clMil fieds are payable strictly in advance. , . -• w "" Remember Classifieds in the W est Van N ew s.g e t immediate resuUi ' ■ ! c. c. F. NEWS Red & White MATCHES News. and Mrs. Cromar Bruce of .1 Large Boxes..................... 25c North Shore Press. Councillor' . ..... ................ *.■ .' I X / / a I(*1m • k'<k ' 4 til A m vi /\4?' ' Canaries in ' CaulfeiFd, pleas' Pie Tea Rooms LEOrlUN N<yTES Dickinson,Mrs. H. P. Alleni'MraV-- .......... ' ' . The W A tn tho r«miAio« M ^ v i ^ , M rs. F. T .^ ic h a r d - DUNDARAt̂ E LIBRARY, 2476 jWiS . . . . . . . . . .. 1 • C a n a d ia n so n , M rs. M . D . K err iso n , M iss ine Drive -- Christmas Cards,, Cal- rpu ^̂ uiniNsion onarge. Legion held their annual nomin- McArthur, A. McArthur G. endars, G ifts'for Everybody;, sub- ihe business meeting on Tues- , ution of officers last Monday in Wiltshire, L . Mercer, T. Batche- scription 60c,mionth.___________ Legion Hall. There was a ■̂* C^^ne, F . R . Prebble, f o r SA L E __Walnut ExtensionDin- a b le b u s in e s s incInAIno' fVi .̂ ___ i'-__ , T h e 'n e w Directerat-.A w ill mApf toHIo in o-nn/i /<nn,iifinn W A N T ;^ / - Someone to cook Christ mas dinner. Phone W est 386-L-3. !'«' '" »P °?ed o f c o n s i d - ' Ui« L eg io n H all. T h e r e / a s a J®f- A - C a ^ > fe F . R . P reb b le . g n n s a , miesHnnnnV*'*'"®® ■ o c lu d in j t h e ■ gocKi a tte n d a n c e a iid v e r y g o o d ■ ®m '* '4 w l L m e e t . ~ i n g Table in good condition. 266S uraJ resources and develonment ' handed m for the the Municipal Hail to elect their -- ------------ ^ ^ ^ ----- r -- EXCHANGE 1 - Beverley Radio fo ' Gramophone. Ph6ne W est 699-R.' W ANTED -A Wicker Doll's Bugg and DolPa House. Phone Wpst 42I1 uraJ resources and development ' Municipal Hail t possibilities from a C.C.P. point ̂ Lettei's of appreeji- officers for the year. this municipality. ation and votes of thanks were _̂_ --------------- T H E BU R N IN G B U S H By'Subada'r FOR SALE, or TRADE for F u e l / - , small heater; child's clothing .(8 ); » -- , ..v.,., __________ laiTge rug; wringer; fur coat.j 281 w n o csa t ti. « •: , / , , 14th Street. . , FOR SA LE -- Baby's pale blue cut -- ------ ------------------------------------ :-------- ode chair; also child's roller skat FOR B EN T Cosy 4 room btingaloi with garage; coiner 26th and Hay wood, Available January 3rd.. Leg gatt. W est 696R1. com ofift REGULAR 35c LUNCH se r v ^ to school-children for 25c. The Mov.ino 1415 l^ r in e Drive. /I I ' P M«*nv W&JAU 0 lUlJUr bKai and scooter. Phbne West 348X. T.CXA-., S H E E T .'M E T T lip ' „ Cheer*' circulating heater, nearly new, (;heap.... Phone W e |/3 9 . r a n t e d ~ Doll's house or pla nouw, -reasonable. Phone WeS 350-X. , . ■ ' ' ■ - ' ; ............. . ' ' ' l i n ' . I ' l ' . i j - - ■ ' ' u - ' '- - - 7- " j ' - V ' Jn!,i <̂*'fî "**o«'hood PIGGLY *^WIGGLY aro fi led to overflowing with GOOD THINGS TO EAT- Shop now-^at, those SJ»EC:iAL P IH C E S-S ave Time and Money _6th,„7th & 9th- I U ^ Z s f ~ " OBWSON-S p e e l s &-PRUITS Au»l S«d l«» . l i . ..... ........... » ■ .......... Sunmaid, S«d«i or Socdl«,» G l .« Cherrio,. S o r a c Soani^ii ...... ....... O la» Wneapple, 12 oz. ................ .......... ssc Collforala Uoslyr, Is........... 2ic , Ready .Spread. 8 oz._....:....:20c.'I- -dv a - .r,, - - / __ *vwuuy oproau, « o*._..... . 20c I Currants--Clean, inoist, 2 Ihs. 23c Pineapple Rings, ea ch ............ 5c * DATES. Drojnediu-y _PIUed,__pkg.....,,,^_j)c__ ?3c Sair Unpitteil, ......4 ibs •>';,* W*vott ........... . HTIb. I5c; lb. 2$c Sair Pilled. 111. 'J o .. J^mon ------ t'l Ib. lOc: lb..I9c PKJS. ....... ....... O range.............. . » Ib. lOc; lb. I9c j'yu dmve a yvur.un your.nanas --------------------- --------------̂ or the likelihood o f one, put in $20.00 FOUR ROOMS, Unfiirhiihed. the Conservatives. They are a ?29i Haywood; West Ŝ^L.'; bit old fasKfiOTlpd rirm'f - trrku " ' ~i . LOSTT -- ^ » Id S faw n leggings, Noi ,«^oer' 28th. Please phone Wes _ 260-L. P f n r ^ l Y w i r r i v * knU'U"f i ; io r h 'o/to •T'll H o e tl I Gt .i \tTr\il,a ®t iiooVA'il: t J id- 1926,FORD ROADSTER -- Liceritt order;' re^aintec $35. Phone West- 539. "" Child's auto; good cor _ ditxon. , W est 198R. _________ DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS - S u its ,, Children's Clothes; home 0 °y day* "Robbins, 2791 Marin W est 619-R. "* iiic; w iiy LCttaun w iiy t n e ---------------- ---------- -------------------------- Liberals werefin power in 1914 SADDLE HORSES FOR H IR E -F o r was that the/English thought *"d reservations, see Maurice the days of Elirdpean wars had Anderson, 29 th ,and Queens. ' -- f 7 ^ W D b N 'S Home - made - Oatcakes -- -- __________________ th e D ie -h a r d (T ories, h a v e b e e n ---------------------------- Rousehold a r & e s .. '-1449 Marine. put in to do th^ dirty work. And WANTED ~ Good attractive listings " s-„ - ----------------:------- th e la t t e r will'; b e s a y in g *'B v over. Clients waiting m a r c e l sh o p -- Thermique Steal G a d l s ir th p onim+mr W S* Limited, W est 225, f* « " anent. Try pur fatigue fach _ ^ y v .o « r B964. . ^ f_ « « d „ b o n ? e j d f t . .o r n « s t o « oIowmaaI ' __J f i i - : - *' ■ - .. .X ' / r 'r r ̂ ----------- -- ----------------- ----• wuman. west 304. 17th and Manr a la rm ed a n d / t h e y w o n 't l e t FOR S A L E -- A t Cariey's Paint and over Royal B ank. I n o T O i t . A n d _ E n g l a n d S t - e , . t o . B A m O R E P A l R S ; T u b e s , A r ie b , .U ------------- ---------------- ---------- --------- ?;,«^;Pettigrew, The Radio* Man 1890 Marine; , li^st 145. • Teacher -y o u c a n te ll . .̂ NT * ^^ST A L U T IO N S-- Electric Repairs. _ .»«i«rine; w.est X40. • Now, children, which o f , convenience outlets installed. J. H. qHOV* nwwAVba ' u * - t ell m e^whafa lake is? ~ Ah Paterspn/W est 108." ~ ' . - . SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the beam ! there is a little lUv hjo i!„ j ---------- ;workmanship at Fox'iVIM . Ooy with his hand up. /• iv i? n m n n in ' . » . ' 14th a t E 'errv * What IS a lake, fa m e s "" GIVE W EBBS a trial .for your next -- 1 - ^ . Smyrna Layer, 3 cr....2 Ihs *>7,* Smyrna Cooking 3 iKh 90 •«;* ..o.?............. 32 oz. jar 29c IIEEKIST HONEY ........ ^ ..........« " »>' HEINZ KETCHUP ......**«2 Ib. tin 25c; 4 lb. tin 48c APRICOTS, Royal c itv On h e ,.............. I** ® ^^c p i n e a p p l e - ............................ KENTUCKY WONIIER GREEN BEAIIS A y'lm ei r ; : : : 2 ^ Sieve 2̂ COPFEE^-^round as sold Sieve 3, 2s ................ tins 25c SU N D A LB ......................... .........15 ̂ 33 .̂ S eve 4, 2 a ......................'...2 tins 28c SU N R ISE ......'......... .. ih oo« Jimmie MePadden. "P l^S^T ^inX , V bottom o f a tay- kettle." S S t .........................* S U N R IS E ......................... SPICES _ W , ( d V u r ie t/, w *"•*•>■•-2 Ibu. SCOTCH MI NtX - ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V" v e l v e t c h o c o w t e bX / R ± S S ^ ^ ^ " SH E U .E D WALNUTS - s » « , « ^ _ . TENDER STEER F O W L - " b l a d e ROASTS, Ib................. 8c RUMP ROASTS. Ib. .. ,2c VOUNO BIRDS, cuch 49e SHOULDER ROASTS TORE r K ik ' to .k . per Ih. GEO. HAY. Notary Public -- Real Estate and Insurance. Pbohd w S t 21 or Seymour 1260... * ' ' ' --J,-- r , - ^ Cfee furnished and one unfurnished '4rrooin cottage near ferry .. Phone, W est 840 or Went US VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE. PfiOne West 3 > ^ ^ Fertilizers rof All Kinds W o c ^ r C o a t Builders*. Supplies ________________ ___ -G fflM N EY ;SW EEPIN G -- The'Old HOLLYBURN GIFT ^ n o p p r> P ° ^ Y * Satisfaction gaaran- •• Join Om L it e l^ . Palmer, Garden Amm, fi;«» a ; ye^*'^L.dylip' , w"ofs' -2?PRane. PKoita Nbra. 8UB2. , 16/8 Marine Drive.; W est'601. * GORDON ROBSON. Barrister, SoHe* nAiTM'Pv irtAvrer, --------- -- ;1447'>'Marine. mornings; 510 SHOPPE Home- H astings SL, Seymour 4199. after noons.-"t-/ *'■ -W e ^ b Jr"- ® ?® ;PaS: PU R N ISH E b A N D UNFURNISHBI The -News ' A « i / Ujwr uivmonB .Houses/td Rehe: Houses, lots, ar acreaiFA-rfJiVfe'BoTi'̂ ^̂ Lawso:-a»ea-gfe>for^^^^ 17th and.>Marine;. Phone West 65. sa|*AiiReFoir'̂ or'fioedliw'?> D O N 'T S E N D I T T O O F A R F R O M H O k k :! ^ m i l l s a w d u s t 5 i t i « V-..J • ' t i v ^ \ . « r . 1 *• c -* , m lb. 9ab y B eef Liver ^ f H 4b. Ayrshirt^ Bacon Both 18c •' . ................ AtVNiNGj ' 5?*4? ^measurements or repaired E stim ates-.-fr«i' Picture framing P ^ c ^ , ,1890 ..Marine, West 529 a t h e WELFARE ASSOCIATION re . oninifiL "ilittMowiA'A ' ..lAfiuiTw* phoSSiscardcid ^clothing. * - iW est '^T and* truck w ill collect S 5 ! ? « >'ATERS P O R ;M A tn r A D f e N A ^ , H EADQ ITAibERS for AU Popnla B rafi^ :of'ti;iga^ Tobaccos also P ish ing G ^ g it s for local wal era.-. Anrihl^ide-Tea Rooms. ... ......................................; --- /!•« J Sacked « .50 per wUt Bulk $3.50 p e r un it ' ̂ No extra Charge in W est Vanconver.XI E X C L llS i\/» J, tf. ' <( t' 1 -*'1. t / Phones l^ o rm W ^ " 'e s t 39 I Shi^tiJIjetalyW orke ■'.|^raac»:ijlfiaviRaalo:- Repairs,;; r- ^ ' ------ r ~ "'■S.y-'-' ."c t,S