West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Dec 1935, p. 2

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- ........ •»* *1 i m - '>fn .K-lV ijiA "ffr-V'; ' i ■;|i ■iifi / . . . f- Ir SiMwIsy Oiififiii,- 11:19 1it$ pM* " ' sHidot *iral CSuMf" 10 •.nu ' S tf« » f fr f A V itlK n i W tl^iM i* mvtlft Hchoo! & Adult Cl«t» 10:00 A.m. ^PreMiiint Stttieirittoo-A'^sis" I ... - r %, S iir if if :vPPfliPpiiwf w j f * ■'hone: W « t 21S-B 't l ' The Gift o f '*Ttoux'* Coloring Service to diapriminatin^ women* ••It Tints as it Washts.,' , Gv^endolyn Beauty Shoppe 1946 Marin* Drlra Went 117 CHRISTMAS Almost hero ogoin. ChrlalmaN Carda, Scala and Tags, (jriftN for LadicM, (ienta & Young Folka Yardley*a, Potter & Mooro'a" W illiams Colgate's Seta, Etc. BOLLYBIIit]l lA U Corner of 14th and Puebesa FRIDAY EVENING, Dec. 6lh at 7:60 views. SUNDAY, Dec. 8th, at 10 a.tti. Sunday School and ' Young Men's Bible Class f SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 "Small Worda of Weighty^ Meaning," •*' MR. j. R. B. McLa r e n TUESDAY at 8:00 p.m. i'raycr and Bible Study. CHDfiCB EDIFICE 26ih ami Eaguimalt, HoUybvm This Society ia a Branch of Tha Mother Church The Pirat Church of Christ, SdentlsL .in Boston, - Mafiadiusetti Sunday Sendee: 11:80 a-m Sunday, December Sth, ^ I Subject: "God the Oidy Cause and .Creator" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our services amr * ji-. meetings.. . tr tt * ... ANBLESIDE PHARNACY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hillis W right, Minister W. L. KEB, Prop. ' . 1401 Marine Phone: Drive FREE DELIVERY" West 323 '.tv.lJ i. D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. OENTlSr Hay Block, 14tli and Marine Dr, OOlce Hours 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone \Vest 72 STe A N TH O N rS CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. M. 1 Corley Sunday Masses Low Mass -rr $ j15 a.m. r, ______ High Mass & Sermon -t- 10:15 11:15 a . m . M o r n i n g Service. -- 7*15 7:15 p.m. -- Evening Service. Benediction / . lo *1. holH ® S? Catechism and Bible Historyt)ic Youiijf IrGOpIc will noid tiiGir,, > avai v̂ S#if'ni*/lAv'---- 9 *30 & in ■ rWular meeting, ^ e .propam w l ^ d l T l e r y k e B for the Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. , ptom pore Fridays.-- Rosary, Benediction, interest to i Every member is cordially in- Saturdays -- Confessions, from '^^The W. A. will hold its final 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. ifieeting of the year Tuesday a ft­ ernoon, . December 10th. The election of officers will take place W, C. T. U. Dr. GEORGE S. MACDONALD D.D.S., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon ' Morninga, Afternoons, and Evenings by appointment. Royal Bank Dldg., Telephone .West Vancouver, West 446 ' 1 Knrpoo,. The West Vancouver W.C.T.U. and reports of the bazaar 1̂̂ 1 be will hold the ir regular" monthly given. All members are meeting ̂in the vestry pf the to attend. Visitors are cordially Vancouver United Church r&Zii^n t t K . w .'c^ Thompson, Mrs. Hillis"'^righ"l ■ ' ._____ Y. W. G; T. U. Eatabllahed on North Shore 25 Yeara (Lady Assistant) HARROK BROS. LTD, ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P, A. Ramsey Rector: Sunday, December 8th vent 2nd. Ifuneral Btrectors North Vancouver Parlors , 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1:̂ 4 The Young Woman's Branch of the W. C. T. U. will hold their . regular, monthly meeting a t the Ad- home 'of .Miss Lucy MoDougall, 1702 M arineon Tuesdiayievening, 8:00 a.m;--Holy (jommunion. ° instant, at 8 p.m. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon ; Preacher, The Rev. W. C. Daniel. At close of ser­ vice "Toe H" Ceremony of Light. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST • " Vancouver, Parlors " 65 Tenth Avenue E ast. Phone Pair, .134 "GOD THE ONLY CAUSE St. Stephen's-Inglcwood W.A.- will hold their election of off icefs Lesson-Sermon m on Wednesday, December l l th , Churches of Christ. Soientist, a t 2:30 p;m. ̂ A full attendance W. THOMSON 1429 Marjne Drive PLUMBING and REPAIRS Phone West 571 „j - The Golden Text is : "The Lord reigneth,_Jl6 is. ,clothesL_ - T h e - annual m eetm g-of :the -w ith m ajeS y; the Lrafd U c lo th ^ W.A. next aVesday will be pre- ed with strength, wherewith He C. J. Overiagton PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME 14th &.1«arine, PhqWWest 135 c e d ^ by Hoty Qommunion a t hath girded Himself: the world 10 :16 a.m. The business meet- also is stablished, th a t i t cannot mg will taRe place m the parish be moved." (P k lm s ,9 3 :1). hall afterwards; to be followed Among the citations which by lunch and an address by the comprise the Lesson-Sermon is V. Biddle of S t.. the following from -the- Bible: lip's Church, Vancouver The "The.earth is the Lord's and the meeting w ^L in c lu d e with the fulness thereof; the wbrld, and election of officers. , th e y th a t dwell therein " St, Prancis-iw-the-Wood (Psalms 2 4 :1 ). X rM 1 Lesson - Sermon also in- 9:45 a.m .^M atins and Sermon, dudes the following nassatre » A nrnvom the Christian Science toxt- ■BAPWST CHURCH book, Science and Health with Services: . ' Key to the Scriptures" by Mary 10^00-4i,'m.--Sunday School and J^k e rE d d y : "Infinite Mind ere AmUesî e Sheet " , „„„„„ MetalL. SPECK, Proprietor W O r k S THE W est Van N ew s 4*ttbliahe4 Every Thuraday , Adult Class. 11 ;00 a;m,--^Rev.' H. G. Esta- brook. 7 :l6 p.m.--Rev. H. G. Esta- ' brook - - Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 8 p.m,--Prayer and .p r^ se meeting. " Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- itise. ates and governs^all, from the mental molecule tq-infinity." J^ULL GOSPEL MISSION 25th and Marine Drive \ ̂ V- HOLLYBUItN HALL liiiiS li • , Pabliaher P; F. LOVEGROVE ̂ Phone West 383 athiew w d Editorial Office: 17tt and Marine Driva (Next to Hollybum P.O.) Phone West 368 MaU Addreot; P. O, Box 81, Rcdlybum, B.C. There will be a Young People's Service illustrated with lantern views Jif TTollyburn Hall a t 7:30 Sunday, December 8th, a t 3 *̂ hd Wednesday^ December y ® 8 p.m .,'Brd. and Sis. * PfeachLthe "Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Gome and dine. Eve^ibody welcome. . ' , ̂ „ FOOTBALL . Last Saturday a t/ Piince Ed- -IJa'mI. T'XZT ■% A' ̂a, ̂ «... .. A. T. juaiiqn Will g ive m s lecture iT lu v ' ' "The S ac r^ Mountain!" Sunday ® 5°̂ ̂Jones Cup, ScHbol .and Young Men's Bible ^ ^ D ib e r 7th, C la^ as usual a t 10 a.m. next North Shore make > X. w M North Vanebaver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. h is : sOBjbet o f 8 p .m ., p raye r and B ib le stu d y . 1̂'- r J"' tmwot--II ..... v J ^/, ■"7 -.r w ' Mra. Tom Hamilton, .12tli and 11.00 a yoor by carrier: $2.00 « year Huchess Avenue t>undarave " Orijiiiiar' Wool & Knittiiig " Shoppe v-;> ■ ' ri-'.! Wg*«â# ■=*Take advantage of the. REDUCH3 m C K ^ n d buy a m w R A D w m s e c s tm m iA B A ll. reductions oh 1036 Model Radios as announced by Manufacturers are now in effect at our store. ̂ i iK 4jSV V I .»ahwi>waiiiiiiiiiis»iiili*niii'̂ """"̂- - Trade Ins accepts4'iuid<'Tairiiaa'<li^ b r o w n & M yNTpN ;.|^^ M EM BKKS ASSOCIATED RAD IO TEO H m O lAN S OP B.O. *4 i 'if./Get your boy or girl thblr X M A S '-B IK E ^ ^idEmAwMdnMIi^ S S S iS ® < in West Vancouver a t City Prices AT FRED JONES BIKE SI^OP 1455 MARINE PHONE W EST-472Y All Bicycle Accesosries in stock (no waiting). REPAIRS, PAINTING, SKATES, JOY CYCLES. All work guaranteed ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS SUF­ FERERS HERE IS GENUINE PROOF THAT FITZPATRICK'S HSeRB RiEM- * EDY IS STILL DOING GOOD WORK. . FOR TWENTY^EIGHT YEARS SAT­ ISFIED CUSTOMERS HAVE GIVEN ' L E T T E R S OF APPRECIATION. READ THIS RECENT ONE AND BE ENCOURAGED THAT ,. YOU, TOOi * MAY DERIVE COMPLETE RELIEF FROM THE SUFFERING. 1169 Robson St. J. F. Fitzpatrick J; F-' FI'TIZPATRICK & SONS Seymour 8045. -J- Nov. 1st, 1935.Mr. Fitzpatrick, Vancouver, B. C. Dear Sir: > I feel that ! owe. you a letter of appreciation for the good your rem edy has done for me. For , three years I was troubled with, bronchial asthma, but after taking :oiie .coursO of -yohr Asthma Remedy I could sleep a t nights, a thing I hadn't done for three years. „ , " 1 highly recommend your .remedy to anyone suffering from asthma, and if anyone-wishes to call~me I 'w ill gladly'tell^them of the benefits I have derived from your treatment. Sincerely, , . ' ' W. A. SPROULE, (Sey. 5606) -1151-- 24th St., W est Vancouver, B. C. prepare for winter " For P h o n e COAL anil W est 8 4 - WOOD BEST QUALITY PROMPT SERVICE TEAROE df SON 1483 Marine Drive ------------ :---- RECIPE No; 4 \ i THE CUTTER in n e r - Cutting: in ahead of a street car is a: game vdth lote oT zip and thrill. Choose a skido^pavement, 'such as* CranviUe bridge and carefuUy mis­ judge the speed of the^street car. Oue^ of the best places is between the street car a n d , the draw span. Results ■ guaranteed. \ -1 ", V We want to reduce accidents'w ith their costly toU of life, limb and property. Won t ̂ u co-operate with us by obse^Ing the traffic laws and the court^ies of th e road? Don't take chances. v ^ ^Tm % ' m • ' 'n I-* 1 fill