West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Aug 1935, p. 4

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. »■ , ! / ' $ mm^m* m̂' '"' iini»it|iti •*«w^ ■ OTB f^K T .yA N NBW8 i s « "«t 2 2 . .'i t ^ ' ■ ^ 4 * « . ̂ f . . - "l'1p-"%f-*V'! ' V Phonfi West 469 r a » ta&RNING BUSH - -By., S ubadar Prices Good Friday Be ie tu rday, Aiig* 2Srd & 24tli •■Meats P hone W est 370 . Kfd & White OltANGB v m O B TBAlb, mr» KELUiGG'B COHN FLAKES * Z I»kls ........................... . JS« CHF^CENY gllOHTENIKG, 2 lb0, ZHe SHHEtJOED WHEAT, pkt............ lOe Hed & White AFHICOTS ^ , , JNo. Z S<|UOt T in '..... i'EAS, N e w Hack..............Z tins ISc- Hed & White DHEAJ) FLOUH 7*lh. Back, ,27c 24>ib. B.aek, 85c 49db. Sack, IL59 Kcd itt White FIX)()H WAX ,Mb. tin .........- ....................;...... 87c KchI & White CLBANSEH, tin ,.. Sc Hed & While GHEftN BEANS Cut, 2a, Tall T in ...................... lOc lt(^ & White SOCKEYB ^ALMON '/iH, tin ..................... .................. 10c HEO BFHING SALMON, tiiu...... 10c Kadann '/jh . KEl) AHKOW TOAB'I'KI) SODAS notorious charac*. te r in the U5.A. known as Huey •■liongr^Ie'hMrmkny friends ena> hosts of enemies. He lives at Louisiana, and his enemies suf- gu tst th a t the name of the town 'should be changed to Chanty# because I t aufi'ereth Long aim |s "hind?* ^ Oh fle, likewise faugh! What a horrible bloomer for a. maga­ zine run by Anglican parsons with. O xford ,,or Cambridge de- 17c gr^ejjii Yet the above is an ex-- tract from a prominent Anglican ivto -JEFFERIES; Gbverniwt"* h a m s COLD MEATS OF ABI* KBHD^ ' 1 store at Holly!>^|/h^lbrheafre \ - . .P H < M p O T ^ s a . mniNs* vniG iN iA b a k e d h a m i j ill................. .................... . 25c m-ifNS' SECUKITV BACON I / lb. .................. ......... I.KGS OF TOP SFIUNG LAMB ^ ...................... .......... **"'̂ ,1*'.'..,,, . 4 rV ' ii ' ff* c h u rc h m agazine in E ng land .HlillDLDLK LAMB (Whole), lb. 16c ^ || them. MJ.VUIty LOAF, per III. . ........ . 29c .. ;>.Kriri>u '^11 1 supposc w'c liavG to put upUEINKHH, per lb.......................... 2oc , ,*4.1̂ t.nf T Oiinb wnIf ADiiifii' tw»f« lit 1R1* with croonersi but t ininK wo •M -1̂ n t / a r e a t least entitled to decent, wl' It III S r utf Ih t^oggerel in the .songs they inflict I 'f n r X ^ suffering public. Blue CHICKEN, .3 llw. c"cb̂ ̂ rhymes with you, moon with FKVINg' c ilicK E N ........... ............ : and a ll ' "T^BUILOlNCl.... .--MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER l M E R CO: LTD. -FOR REAL SATISFACTIONr . . . , -------- h-t>z, Fkif. 10c WEST VANCOUVER UNEMI^LOYMENT ASS»N ivi.Nc; ciiicKBN, "Poon, drcaitiH with screams, I | /.'{ to 2 IbH. each...........per Ib. 29c dance W ith prance, and so on, ^ ______ ____ L________ and what comes in between does ■pdt seem to matter ami the CA.N'ADIAN SARDINES crazicr the' better. That such . **' ........ ...........'* **"® songs are so popular is an indi- ihd A Whltf C'ATSUF, 12-0 %. bot. 14c v cation that we are all headed for, -- the lunatic asylum at aeroplane speed. In order to be in thern V f "*v ' 11 it M It • Phone West 115 ;; 1497-Mi^ Drive The next regular business Sa.skatchewan recorded an ih meeting of the above association ---------*" --- --------- will be held tonight, Thursday, at 8 p.rn. in the Legion Hall. ■ Tiu» r.Arwrahm'oiviIon'M Tt«i (>r gain for the five months' ̂ T -i IKTiod than the rest ofiCanada f®®"*®" I submil the following: could show. During May, 1935. , HOWI.ING TO THE MOON C L A S S IF IE D A D S 'I'he rate for Classifled AdTertlsementB 1r 2 cent*, per .iKcrd, minimun 25 cents. Except in the case of .those haying regular scieOUnts, nil classk 6td8 are payable strictly in-adranee. Remember Classifieds' in the West .Van News get Immediate results. WANTED -- Ford, Model T, Mantel Radio. Weat'654-!3C__ also cmisi^of 84 per-cent"in new pas- ■ ........ Verse 1 . ^ Hcngei* car sales over May, 1934, A bozo sat upon a stile Wl Vvi ri 7Vyr#iwî A.w.̂ irspiMavwMi K r1,« 4̂ '1 ' The Longshoremien's Benefit Whist Drive ami Dance has been postponed for one week and will now be held on Thursday, Aug> ust 29th, a t 8 p.m. All tickets sold will be good for that even- while British Columbia, Mani- And wrung his hands for quite a toba, and Alberta followed close- while, Iv with gains of 52/42; and 36 And raised his nose unto the FOlt SALE-- Bedroom Set,-2-heat-;, ers, sanitary couch, real bargain. , 2186 Bellevue. HANDY ANN s h o p p e , Dundarafe --^Notiona, Novelties, Stationery, School Supplies, Nails, Hardware. TO RENT -- Good furnished hoiwe. , Apply 1678 Marine Drive. West 601 \ jKT cent respectively.. sky Beans with Tomato Sauce CROPS AND CAR BUSINESS -3 - G u ps -bea n s™ --- -- - 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup tomato juice 2 tablespoons flour Salt tuid pepper Cook beans in a little water And howled to every passerby: ' -Chorus Blue! Blue! By gum, I'm blue, . 'Because-FveHosbmy "baby~true." Her mother's kept her boiling stew, . . And she can 't be in places two, Ver.se 2 . Her eyes are blue, her hair is FOR RENT -- Modern Cottage near waterfront, .vicinity Pauline John-; .son School; alaQ,^modern house near , Ainbleslde Beach, two blocks Holly- burn School; moderate winter rent-: als. Phone West 306-X. RADIO REPAIRSVTubes; Ariels,et«. J ., L„. Pejttigrew,, The Radio Man, 1890 Marine; W est 146. FOR SALE New 10 -ft. CUtiker.. built row boat, $25. Sunrise Boat Co.,. Sherman. GIVE THE W IFE.A REAL CHANGE , --^Take Her .to H unter's Coffee Shop, J Luncheons, teas^^diiiners. West 610;-̂ GIVE WEBE'S a tHal for your next ' shoe rep a irs .. 2463 Marine Drive. t h When crop reports are opti- ' miatic, car sales are up. Thisco- ..... . ___ v.̂ incidence was noted once more in .so that practically all liquid is red, the biTlcial reports from Ottawa absorbed when they are tender. She drives me crazy in the head, covering (separately) crops and 'J'hen add butter, and-when melt- My heart and feet'are just like new car registrations for May êd and well mixed through the, lead, and the first fivcg months. Sales lioans, sprinkle "the flour over, in the four Western provinces and stir over the fire. Then showed the greatest relative gain slowly add tomato juice, stirring over May, 1934, mid also a great- well. Cook five minutes. WANTED TO RENT -- Modem fum - ished house for. September; water- front; two bedrooms; vicinity 19th or 20th. West 297-L. RADIO SPECIALISTS -- Hayward & Prebble" -- Have your set over­ hauled now; summer prices. Phone West 639. FOR SALE -- 23 WWte Leghorns, Bolivar strain, one year old, 76 cts. each. West 379-X-3. STOREY'S ICE ICE BOXES - For sale o f rent. West 220-L,. FOR SALE -r- Piano; cash of twins. 2496 Mathers. Phone evenings West 98.R-2; , ' . -IF,' ' ■■ ■: TEAROE & SON, 1474 Marine Drive - 'f - - ' .V --r--i--__:_____ Concrete Contractors . EXCAVATION AND FOUNDATION WORK. LIME, SAND, CEMENT ALL BUILDING MATERIAL̂ k -- ^ f ' •.■■■■ for-quick delivery, PHONE' WEST 84 My Wmmy's sick, I lie- in bed. Chorus as before. To-, be exhumed from the throat 'with groaning^s-Iike a cow with the collywobbles . (I am not quite sure'of th a t spelling), and _______ , _____ rolling eyes, the body writhing purnishfd hottcjf watmtfd t o r t p ® ®"®k€-pinned 3 bedrboms: q«" t ® S t o n J Uasi; an auto tl.re, good tenant; moderate rent. C. J. H.B.--A hornet put in orie's ' ..Archer Ltd. West 225; Sey. 5954. pants will help ajrmzingly to T SHOE RESPAIR^h^'Ciet;the best mat*- erial and wtnkmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Ferry. GARBAGE BURNER -- For Sale, cheap.. Large gateleg table. -West . 664-X. . MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanent. T ry our„ fatigue'facial for tired housewife or business - woman. West 304. 17fh and Marine 1 over Royal Bank. .. , COLIN , jTURNBRi :: -Builder hnd Con*.. 'trac to r -- ̂Alterations and repairs: 1 Phone West 679R.paHLs will neip amazingly ;to « ■-' , .. - ; - , __ : ~acjpire--thir7ight7m ;e1flfC5d" a ^ ( r ^ ' ' ^ S i d l ^ ^ ' ; ^ ^ One furnished and one 'action, especially i f the insect ' • --------- ° . unfurnished- 4-room cottage near' - - ferry. PhonelWest 840 or West 148can be persuaded to sting.at the HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP̂ B. C., lA . V\CMT/»l̂ «rvlŷ n(*x/»rk 1, . .- -- A i: v; ■: --Trkiri.. , T iK-maww*exact psychological mements M '^ords "Blue! Blue!" of T ̂ t^e^horuFTm enheiirgei^ba^. Jom O u t'L ib rary ; 25c a month; $2.00 a , year. Ladyship Wools. -1678-Marine-^rive-- ------ . si ---------Will Rogers "is dead, and he passed^ in h ir boots, as .he wished. Mqst cowboys are kind­ ly and clean minded. The range and the dangers of their life and acquaintance with, of God's creatures, the hors^, makes them so. I t is civilizatiotr^-w4nch makes men %f?ul. The world ..will miss Will's -/-->kindly humor, always blean, whether in the movies or the press. He helped in no small measure to lighten the awfiil load put upon many-thousands by the depression,, and th a t is noble work. * • . WOOL & ' ̂ ^^f^j'NO?^SHOPPEp2446r'Mafin^ ^*'7® T Everything for., knitting ®"^o^oidery. Free instructions. Mrs. Latham; proprietress. $2,000 CASH -- Buys six-room mod* . -- er-n-dweHing^OTgCTwaterfronHot--j Assume small"• mortgage, Leaving town. Box lD,_West Van 1 DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE made . bread, cakes and , West 514. -- - Home- pastries. CHIMNEY SWEEPING The Old Country way.-', Satisfaction guaran­ teed. E. Palmer, Garden Avemie, Capilano, Phone North 811R2. OWNER LEAVING for England and must -sacrifice beautiful complete furnishings of eight room house. Phone North 1590. LLOYD'S -WOOL. ^ KNITTING SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line rsp ringw oo ls, •. Free knitting school.'.'Violet- and: Kathleen Clem­ ent, Propnetora;' . ROOMS TO RENT -- In comfortable home near ferry, board if desired. Phone West 288-Y. GEO. HAY, N otary Public -- Real Estate and Insurance.' Phone West 21 o r Sesmiour 1260. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- clothing. Phone West 37 and truck will collect. GORDON RiOBSON̂ Barrister, SoIî 1447'"Marine,' mornings; SIO Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after­ noons.^ ,. ^ Willie; Dad, what do they mean by twaddle? ^ : ,7'*'®* refers to- argu­ ments advanced by th.e other ONE CENT for •leeiricliy will toast youth seeks diplo­ mas rather than knowledge. • WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust" Burners ' m df bread. ,--K'F-' i ' - t -tr* i t .t V<'V 4-A f-'t t«. -y 1,1 «.*»t|.ss "1 L E L E C T R I C S E R V l C E - ~ - A l W A Y S A B A R G A I N HEADQUARTERS for All Popdar Brands "Of, C igarettes and Tobaccos: , also Fishing,Gadgits foFIbcal waf­ ers. , AmbIesideTea>;^ Rooms. CAPT. K GALLa INT, Registered Chiropractor, 712 Robson St., Van- couver. Seympim 8790. ° FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ■■■,M9Sgg-Ŝ tQjJtent... Houses,Jo - acreage ,-forv;sale.~"~John Lawson, TRADE-IN MONTH ' y ? " " Allowance for jiEW 1935 Victor Globe Tmiw Radij, r ̂ - ^®®^tTme t o b u y ! b r o w n & MUNTON 1542 Marta. Members Associated lUdioTechDltrftn-snfn n / IS Wi \ , . jiJJ: ............ . 17th and Manne,'Phone West 56 WINDOW g ^ D E S AND AWNINGS made to measurements or repaired Estimates l:free; .;Picture framing^.; Pi^rce;\L8901 Marine, West 629 or > PRINTING--- F or oH kinds of printing .phone W est Van New& W est 363. .1 law n MOTO^rsHARPENED . Bepaiis/:a11 -iriakes. - West Vancou- ver j l^ fa ^ e Shop*-1449 Marine. ̂""'ifn mv. - V'<t.I, 1 i : a1