............... .................... '"" "̂1 BmmMUkym 19th Annual REGATTA uunuahavk PIKU General AdinIsBion 25c SA11J1ID4Y, AUG. 2 A th Reserved Seats 60c. Children under 14 years 16c Hollyburn Pavilion J at 9 p.m.' Admission 50c. MARIE ABRAHAM AND HER ORCHESTRA R egatta D a n c e visited Inglewood School th is bjuilt a summer cottage a t 22nd | sunimer and have hiken photo- and law son Avenue, and is now U . o c c u j y i n g r e a m e . , / ,graphs of the building.. > H' ' ̂ « Mr. and Mrs. "Aberick, who have been living at 25th and Lawson Avenue, have returned to Vancouver. ' Mrs. D. MacM. Thomson and Mr. md*^Mrs#«^W'.«<»ettt1emani and. family, 1263 H ay w o o d Aye-^ nue," are. spending a holiday, motoring up the Cariboo, Re^Ve J. B. Leyland was away her daughters, the Misses Loma the first p a rt of th e week in Vic- and Jean Thomson, who have toria. been spendiiw a holiday a t Cul- * ♦ ♦ * . ' tu s Lake, B.C:, have retuimed to Tom Brown, of ' Brown and their home a t 1150 Esquimalt Muntdn, has' returned from a Speci&l 25c. 2 for 45c. . I \ fiemmiirs DniR Store The S to re of Service. 1586 Marine Drive West 87 or W est 607. Emergency Phono W est 821 ' (A fter 10 p .in .)' j . T . W A T T , W E S T V A N C O U V E R R E A L T Y A N D I N S U R A N C E C O . ™ yyg3Y"* 141 7 ' ' AGENT FOR CUNARD stEAMSHiPS , All detallff arranged via Panama, Airways, Bus or Rail ]}OOK YOUB P aSSAGK LOCALLY. Avenue. e v e . Mrs. John Lawson and her daughter, Miss Gertrude Law- son, have returned to their home a t 1708 Bellevue Avenue, after a vacation a t Roberts Creek. e e Ki vacation a t Lummi Island, BAND NOTES LEGION W. A. FOOTBALL NEWS The meeting and social of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion ' team on Friday, the 23rd inst- . There will be a meeting of the West Vancouver United football 77:;De8|^^;the:l^ weather on Saturday last a hum- ber of'parents and friend^'df t^ ^ . . . . , Boys' Band travelled with them Mrs. Cuthbertson and daugh- on No. 6 F erry to K cat's Island, tors, 20th and M leyue Avenue, where the boys are now enjoy- have left for a trip to Scotland. ■ ing thpir annual ten days' camp. By 'Siinday the rain had. disap- Majbr and Mrs. J. Edelston peered and the usual K eat's Is- have sold th e ir house, a t 30th. land sunshine had taken its ' and M athers Aventie, and have place. ' which was'to have t^en held on Saturday evening tp open the season has been cancelled* until later in September owing to the absence of so many members on holidays. ant, a t '8 o'clock in the Ferry Argyle Avenue. moved into a house a t 2150 Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts,? Bathing Boating, Fishing, Tea-rooms, Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent. building. All those interested will be welcome, as there is the business from last year, also the re-organization for the coming season to be taken, up. Players having' football shirts kindly tu rn them in. TENNIS CLUB NEWS Id ' d d Captain and Mrs. H: I. Vince and son, 1074 Esquimalt Avenue have left to spend a holiday up, the coast:" Mrs. E. J. Pearce, who has been_]holidaying a t Selma Park, has returned to her „„1584.Marine.Dny^^^^He-;..-/.!,d The i^ v . J . ?S .. Bray field is very seriously ill at his' home! 11th and Clyde Avenue. V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SBARLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of All Einiils Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies. ... ""features the play last Sunday in the. quarter and semi-final matches of the North Shore open tournament. Jerry Girisedale was responsible for Ken Stauffer's absence in the " Mr. and Mrs. Stuart, who have semi-finals of the men's singles, been guests a t the Clachan for :havm g.taken_him in th e ^ q u a ^ have returned to finals, 2^6, .^,"""6=4. I t is ex- the ir home in New Westminster, pected -that Doug... Cameron, .. . . d The band provided the ihu^ic^ a t both morning and evening service,........... On Monday evening S hp ;:a tli nual baseball game betweehS^hey K eat's Islanders' and tHe| Bhhd team took place re s u l t i i^ ihya win for W est Vancouver 8-6., ' ■ Swimming, tennis, lacrosse home '*wt ' volley ball are being indulg- e d 'ir r to the"full"with"two daily" Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening < and Wedding'Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbiiry Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, ' Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 hand "reh5earsalsr"~Oh~ Tuesday "a ' y?-' hike was held to the Presbyteri* an camp and weiner feast. .Mr. Condon caught two large sal mon. Everyone is in the best "of health. Accompanying the band are Mr. and Mrs_. Condon, Mr. and Mrs. ..Delamont; Mr. Russell, Mrs. Barker.and Mrs. Patterson. Jericho champion, and Jack B utt Miss Joan Norris, 20.th and of *B. "C. Electric, will exchange Argyle Avenue, is spending her shot^ in the finals of th is' divi sion. -Jack beat Doug, in the semi-finals last year and a keen battle between these two is anticipated. In the men's doubles Tom Butt and 0. Ecclestone took Doug." Cameron and Les Brookes, favored finalists, in vacation a t Camp.Artaban, Gam.-, bier Island. ' ̂ ' M iss;Em m a Winnifred Oates HORTICULTURAL ASS'N '(^AWCEmGKFsr' "'.. -Rov. ■GcorffjO ■ The final judging' of flower gardens and cottage gardens took place on Saturdayj August of Vancouver,^ a granddaughter 17th. A. Leitch of Vancouver, of Mr. and Mrs. M_. McTaggart, and 'j . Kilgour of Vancouver- 2317 Lawson'Avenue, was m ar- were" judges; S. H. T rust win- ried recently in the city "by the ning Reeve Ley land's trophy in Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE Auffuat 22nd, 23rd and 24ih W. C. FIELDS ' BABY LoROY ^ITSAGIFT^ also LAUREL & HARDY 'SOUP AND FISH' SAT. EVENING & MONDAY August 24th and 26th LESLIE HOWARD "IHESCARLET PIMPERNEL" of shortAlso good prograrn subjects Good Heollh Products ! AGENT B. G. B A IL E Y _ _ , -t-heVFldwerrGardehs'^eompetit.ion' berth will be fought, out .between e r t Pavy Geddes of Seattle. with 179 points; T. Mercer, 2nd, Grisedale - Stauffer and B utt - * « ♦ w ith 169 points ;^ n a C. Barrow, Ecclestone. Mrs. Joyce MacNeil Mrs. E. C. (Jordon, of Albany, 3rd, with 168 points, T. Batch- ahd Les Brookes made the ir Oregon, and son B uster/ have elor took the B. C. Electric TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY August 27th, and 28th " SPRING TONIC" also " "Murder in ^ ^ ... iC *je way, to the finals by disposing of been w isiting her parents, Can-:.rtgophy-fnr^.hoJifi.<allGrA^^ Ogn.. CYPRESS PARK, B.C. K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, W est. 143. Listings Wanted Real Estate Mrs. Edith Griffiths andCDhug. tain and Mrs. W. J. Kane, 1253,^ den, with 168 points, with A. Cameron.7r5, 6-2 in the m ixed--Marine Drive,-for the past week. jMcArthuh 2nd, 166 points; and doubles section: Their opposi- < ^ P .'B low er, 3rd, with 164 tion has yet to be determined, ..Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Harroway, , points. There were seven Flower two rounds in the-other half be- 1963- Bellevue Avenue, have as " Gardens and six Cottage Car ing to date unplayed. Norah the ir guest a t their sunimer cotu . -dens. -Prizes for these competi- Oooke, brilliant young southpaw tage. Miss Nancy , B ritto n ,' tions will be presented a t the of the North Vancouver Club, daughter of the late Lord Mayor Fall Show on September 7th. fought her way to the finals of of Bristol, England, -who is .oh , The Directors will m eet.at the ' the ladies' singles, having de- a world tour. "Miss'Britton will Municipal Hall on Monday,-Aug- , : feated Eleanor Brine in the . leave on Thursday oh th e Emp- . u s t 26th, to make the necessary semi-^nals, 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. Allow- ress of Asia fe r Honolulu and arrangem ents, for the Fall Show. in^ fdr no-further upsets, Norah Japan. ' - , will battle Mrs. Joyce MacNeil in.. ♦ ♦ * the finals o f th is bracket. . All rr Engagement finals are carded for n e r t Sun- The engagement is announced - day and the tennis public is in- of Mildred Eleanor Millar, 1405 vited to attend, when some" Inglewood Avenue, daughter of. sm art tennis should feature the Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson Siday^ the Clouds" SPECIAL "Phe Unfinished-- Symphony^ i!* I.O.DiE.BOOK E J ^ A N G E . a ' t/Z* ft : S A L E . RCA VICTOR RADIOS Special Trade-in Allowance Bo:iEasy Terms ' Models from S 4 5 -- Forst'sL td. North 585 \ 66 Lonsdale Ave. ■ W est 37 North Vancouver i i ' r a The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., will eperate the book exchange th is year at, 1443 Mar- of Watrous, Saskatchewan, to ine Drive, Colonel E^rW. Savory's Lawrence W alter Grafton, Pow- office, qnder th e convenership o f Mrs. Leslie and daughter, and ell River, son of Mrs. E. C. Graf- Mrs. R.'Fiddes. Miss, Haney are staying a t the Clachan. ■ V-! Mrs. D inks: W hat I say never appears to bear fruit. ' Mrs. Dinks : I t m ight if you^ pruned it'ar^bitr ........ "" t' • exchange will be opened Poiiff Atkinson Lighthouse. The- next Friday week, the 30th, and wedding will t a ^ p l a ^ a t 8 p.m Saturday, the 31st instant, be on the evening offtSeptember 7th in the W est Vancouver United Church. . , , ' R. C. JAMliSON & CO*S. ANTIMO-WHITE ' 7- Non-poisonous. -. For exterior and interior use. Superior to any White Lead, city .prices A gen ts> -G R E £ N W O O D G R O C E R Y - 15tli and Marine HOLLYBURN HALL tween the hours of 12 noon and 4 p.m., also the entire week be ginning September 3rd, the hours to be arranged later. A woman was having the up per rooms of her house painted . 3lid she fancied th a t the painter was.slacking on the job, - ̂ 'Painter, are, you_ working ?" she shouted a t the foot of the s ta irs . ^ ^'Yes, m a'am ," came the reply. .*T:can't,hear you." /^^Wejl, do yer think I'm put tin g ,it on w ith a ham m er?" zfimanv' .Ihe- busy man is-_therVapable SHERMAN Guest t̂Cottage Test GarOens pfeniteria ------- --------- J.-CAMPBELLJ9PO MARINK DRIVE ^ Next Sunday, August 25th, Sunday School and Bible Class will be held, as ̂usual, a t 10 a.m. in Hollyburn -Hall. Jpii.. Sunday evening a t 7 :S0 o'clock, there will be a Gospel Meeting conducted by S. .North and James iGibsoh. . Another open aiir service will take place a t the foot Of 17th S treet near the wharf-'a t 3 p.m.. next Sunday. B right old tim e Gospel hymns, various -speakers and pithy preaching. '- .. r -Residents-^nd riilsitbrs^will-be WEST VAN p r o d u c t ; FRUIT-iUMl ; VRiBETiUMUES7 5?; X l f u i ' 1 5 7 4 Marine Drive, Hollyburn. M M M V M l t i J E O r i g » West 186. Free Dellvery r n t : cordially welcomed:: " ; Tides in Jh e Bay-olFundy-rise t u a height of 70 feet. Ic Ltd. DEPENDABLE " 71. . F O R 4. D A V E A N D E R S O N , W esivaneouver'R epresen ta tive - -- -'Phones^W est 691L?pr, N orth 1 8 1 0 imm g y-y.i-w, ? /-Mr-q a I .*fit' ....■........ m t ms