West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Aug 1935, p. 2

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, , < » 1, vrHi. . « « «• M I ■ ----------------- w -. - - ........... .. * V-- - ■• ̂ ' . ."i"I*"f«-'% I' 'f- Mi tOm m m m ^O Tg-W iST VAN NEWS M i m . Ŵ TIW* . ♦ c 1 »""~*-*hr w m t rAN 0 i r r m a n r s c t t JUv. UmiM Wrivbt* HtoUtMT 11:16 «,m., 7:16 p.iaau . 10 M.m* 8 tr» n g itr§ A V ititori Wcle««t#« BAPTIST CUVnCB V& ator: Kev, II, P.'Ifuinpbreyi, wiMd-'Am'-'^TI«»M««c«rilW| lfljriir©o4 l»hon« We*t 260B. Mu4*v* tevl«^M41<'4ui»r>iua4' 7:16 p,i», Sunday Schuolt 1Q:00 it,ni. G w e n d o l y n B e a u t y S h o p p e 1646 M arini 0riv« ' Prcsenta tbn " Clairol Sham poo" A SENSATION IN IIAIK TINTING Ih yoiir hnir gray, drab or UfeluHH? W« will give you a Hhotnpoo that Hoftona, rccon* (litioiiM, tinta and waahoa your hair -- all in one treatment.* rilO N E WEST 117 for Appointnienta f ! t ■ HOLLYBDRN MU (Corner of 14th and Duchess SUNDAY^ AUGUST 25th .Sunday School and Bible (passes 10 a,m. . (lo«|Xf! Meeting * in evening...................a t 7:30 t'ljuducted by Mr. S. North and<1 by Mr. James Gibson Amdher Open Air Service at foot, of J7th St., near Wharf at .'1:00 p.m. ilright old time Gospel Hymns. VfuiouH speakers and pithy,, preaching. Hesidents and visitors heartily welcomed. WEST VANCOUVER Chri*tian"ScieBce-- ™-K..™J5ociety,„„_. ̂ CHUBCll EUIHCE 20tii and Biquimait. HoUybarn Thi* Society is a Branch of * The Mother Church Tha F ira t Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, August 25, 1935 Subject: " M I N D " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. • The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. A N N O U M S S ^ ^ m mt dentist ,, G. D.H. SEALE withes to announce his Appointment as school (succeeding Hr. MeCubbin),-by"tlie-lVuetees«pf-«ie-SchooI Board.» f j The We.Ht Vancouver School Dental Clinic will now be located Suite 3, Ilay Block, Mth and Marine Drive. " in Dr branche . Seule will continue his general practice bj^^dentlstry in all t»s a« heretofore. its r FRAMAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL 2078 GORDON AVENUE' i| u ̂ ' ' K i n d e r g a r t e n - R h y t h m S i n g i n g ■ F o l k D a n c i n g FALL TERM OPEN8 SEPTEMBER 3rd. ' MRINCIPAL-MISS M. CRICKMAY Phone West 244Y or Doug. 238 C. C. F. NEWS UNITED CHURCH . liuv. Jlillis Wright, Minister, .Sunday School will bo held at Uk; u.sual hour. The C.C.F. Summer School is now in full session at Camp Buckhorn, Fisherman's Cove, and a varied eoui:.se of study classes, lectures, sports and hik­ ing is being'carried out under ANBLESIDE f^MRNACT W. L. HOI Marino Drive KElt, Prop, J*noiie: FREE DELIVERY Weat 323 "--\yho"cpuId"toIl~irbcdtcu'"thany^ Kodak through CRY.Sl'AL FINISH our PrintH and EnlurgemontH. Ĉ rĤ Stol Fjfitsh Agency For Service and Satisfaction: " REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" „„ C l . i uig la oeuig carneu oui. uuuui I he ^Sunday morning sem ^ the able management of Miss will be condUeted-by the Ilej^ .Mildred Osterhoul assisted by Ndson l la rk n t^ Secretory of ^ r s . Grace Meinnis. Visitors ̂ T€R:ister by the day for a while the Rev, HihiH W right y^j.y sniall fee which includes will have charge of the evening tran.sportation from West Bay. Meals, beds, etc., are charged for a t a very low rate and each eveh- ing some outstanding speaker a d d re s® p*ra.; following which the bonfire „ , „ . ______ is litjand community singing is :ii-------SjindttjLSeiSijt^sI------------ tFelorder-witfi-coffce.-eto______ Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. ' .Some of the local members ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2.3rd aiid Inglewood Ave. S t . P a t r i c i a S c h o o l Established 1926. Kindergarlett to M atriculation Music - Elocution - A r t Gymnasium - r D ancing FALL TERM OPENS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th Transportation for small children P R I N C I P A L - M I S S L D U R B I N a D R , G. D, H, S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. r 'IIENTIS?: "" Hay Block, 14th and-Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. ; Evanings by appointment. Phone VVeat 72 High Mass & Sermon -- 10:45 listened to the Rev. Robt. Con- a.m. nell last Sunday evening, when Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15, . he delivered the inaugural p.m. , ̂ speech on "Mountains and l^vo- Cutechism and Bible History lutions." They were profoundly every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. impressed by this scholarly and Week-day Services scientific exposition on-the geo-- :.-Mass, daily_:~:8:a.mT::-i"-z:;^-Vi::^=logicar.history"6Tbup B.Cr^ . . Fridays.__rTT--Rosary,.Benediction,-. -tains. M R S . F . K N I G H T H O D G E -■ nANOFOR'TE, v iO L m -a n d ^ ^ li^ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BEGINNERS Classes resume SejfRember 5th. . , Students prepared for Exams and B. C. Festival, if diesired. Many successes; gaining Distinction and Honors. Theory Classes for all students Monday Evenings. - • Junior Orchestral, FRIDAY EVENINGS. I . STUDIO: -1332 - Dpehess Avenue. -P h one,:We8~tl624-R- Confessions'-- 7 :45 p.m. Saturdays -- Cpnfessions from 7 ;30 p.m. to 8 ;30 p.m. 'I Dr. GEORGE S. MACDONALD ILD.S., D.D.t;., Dental Surgeon "ttoursTdlTif0 a. lu. t o f> pTiTi. Evenings by appointment Jtpy^BankJBJdg..-JToJophone-- vVoHt Vancouver. ~ IVest 410 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey Rector: August *"25th after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.,.--Holy-Communion. i-l-:t5-icnT:==MmirsimrSerm^^ The w hist drive on Tuesday ...evening was the usual success apd was enlivened by the addi­ tion of housie-housie. The prize winners were Mrs. H. Bin- - nings, Mrs. Provincial, W .' Wal­ lace and F. T.' MalJinson. The inth-- c?»iTiHov will be'held on -10th Sunday Wednesday, August 28th, a t the . usual time: CHURCHES-OF-CHRIST, SCIENTIST "MIND" will be the subject of the . -Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. * . .'„iThe~-Golden Text is: _ "Who hath known the- mind of the Lord, th a t he may instruct him? But we have the mind............. . we have the mind of ^e_first_o£^a-ser4ea^L^m .»-^G hm ji.ii-4l^ pa,ign meetings will be held in - Among the citations which L Established., on- North Slioro .25 Years ̂Lady"A-BSTHtantL " HARRON BROS. LTD, jfuiierat Strrclars North, Vancouver Parlors . 122 WestiSixth Street Phone North l3 l Vancouver Parlois 55 Tenth Aveniiu Fast Phone Fair. 131 7:15 p.m -- Evensohv and Ser-i Paign meetings will be held in - Among the citations which -^ o n T -B ^ c h e i^ ^ ^ -- ^^e_Jae^quarter-s-on-Tuesdajv-^P«^P^is€-the-Lessonr^-Sermon-is " 'W. Daniel. ' . . August 27th, a t 8 p.m., when it the following from the Bible: |s expected tha t the speaker will '*0 Lord, how great are Thy be Mrs. Grace MeInnis. works; and . Thy thoughts' are ™»-^-Pi^Hster very_deep." (Psalms 92: 5).* - PicnicL'. will be .he ld -a t_ .. The Lesson - Sermon also-in- the Canyon View Hotel, Capil- eludes the following passage ano, SeeJond Canyon, when f r e e ~ ^ i ^ the Christian Science text- transportation will be arranged book, "Science and Health with t from West Vancouver and a fas- Key to the Scriptures" by Mary cinating and varied program ■ - -- lA .Wonderful Sight - -- - Two young surveyors, working In a Louisiana swamp, spied what they - a t firstthought^ was a hoop snake;, but a t second glance they saw that two snakes, each witHithe other's tail in its mouth, were strenuously trying to swallow each other. On readhmgjiamp that.ijight, they ' told t h e i r s t o r y to the cook, a grey-haired veteran of the swamps. ^"Thtrtr'was-risritKty^feafloiis^^^ boys," said ' the old man, "a mighty - curious sight. I reckon you wouldn't ' Saturday, . St. Bartholemew, Apgust 24th, 10:15 a.m. --Holy Communion. * " " St. Fraheis-in-tHfe-Wbbas, " Caulfield Sunday, 5:45 a.m. -- Holy Com­ munion. have believed it if you hadn't seen it, would you?" V - ; "Probably not," , agreed the boys. ' "Well," said the "old maii,'~"I didn't' see it." ' N TO O U R r b A d e r s C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN . FOCL TIME 14th & Marine. Phone West 135 BAPTIST CHURCH Coi% 16th and Duchess Pastor: Rev. H. P, Humphreys Sunday, August 25th, 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class, 11:00 a.m. -- The Rev. H. P. Humphreys. -?:15 p.m. -- The Rev, H. R Humphreys. ^' Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting: - v be enjoyed. T l^ next business meeting of the C.C.F. Club will be- held on Monday, September 9th, a t 8 p.m. Watch this' nevvspaper for ad- ' yertisements oh what promises ^2 rf ^^^^y biteresting program of C. C. F. events. Baker Eddy: "̂Spiritual ideas, like nunibers and notes, start from Principle, and, admit no Any householder not receiving a copy of this-paper on ajiy and each Thursday evening, " is re-X X auinix no ---'*v**KJVi.fc4rjr _ materialistic beliefs.' Spiritual iPhone us at ideas lead up to their divine ^63, m order th a t the omis-.UC..M.O icau up to tneir ciivine • -- unuu origin, God, and to .the spiritual corrected. We shall sense of being." , esteem any such phone as a fav-- --------------- - ' or, as„it is our only way of check­ ing up on our , deliveries. Our Pj Messinger pf_ th e_ Holly burn Block, 16th and Marine Drive, has returned from a short visit to his old home in Nova Scotia. THE . West Van News 'Fttblished Every Thursday - Publisher P. F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Baainesa and Editorial Office: I74h and Btarine Drive (Next to Hollyburn P.O .) ; Phone West 363 MailAddreMi: P. O. Box 61, Bidllybiinit B.C. N orth Vanconver Olfiee: 128 Lonsd^e Ave! Ih e logs seen on the_east side ot Dundarave Pier, over the week end, are p a rt of a section broke away; up the In le t- in there with the j ^"Cir owners have gather­ ed them up since-and taken them A sunny heart makes a siinnv cn bur deliveries. Our world. y " ■. boys have stric t instrud^ions to place, a pjapei* ;b̂ n . the verandah WEST VANCOIWer FERRIES TO m A J T S 1 S L A N 0 I ^ ^ D A Y - AUGUST Z8th Amblesido a t 4:30 and City a t 5 p.m arriving a t fl.(S0 A.yenr hl^carriw: $2.00 a year Two hours oh Island. Only a limited .e i x , > available, ^ make reservations early. Phmie West 1 2 by maH. FARE--Adults 50c, Children up to 14 years, 25c. CARD OP_ THANKS ' Kinloch and lamiljes wish to express their most mcere thanks and appreciation to many lovely floral symipathy, much loved sonand brother, "Bob." of every house on,their routes. F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE Ainbleside 1 Sheet Metal L. SPECK. .. Proprietor O r J C S DISABLE-VETERANS' ASSN.tl92T) West VancouveY-Branch COMMITTEE ROOM ; PERRY BUILDINC' NEXT MEETING__Ti.Jch . !■i UNO - 1 uesday, Aug. 27th, a t 8 p.m. rem em ber THE DATE--A full . . . ..______ _____________ ' attendance of membora is requested. I | A SATURDAY, August A d m is s io n 1 5 c . " ,r