" ^ | M | ' " * mm HBaiL mmm ^ V '»".̂ n ,* **■ ., , -w , -I : S ^ : e d d 5 ^ iWiillsMSjiSSlSfM ' r* ' ■ "'̂ '̂ s® liS$illS i'll6pS li8^^^® Circulating in 2the.f^ VancoU^if^AmbUside{ MolfgAdr^i $1.00 per '̂!: , ' Cypress ■Par'kx,Catt̂ eild̂ ^̂ WhsiP^^Wr I «■ v,*«VM 4̂ , , 4 l i * ' t -X........... 1 ■ 4 M , Dundarave per copy a t new i^nds# 1'fmiam£ Vol. X HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C, THURSDAY, AUGUSt 22n^.;i?35 No. 18 THE POISONERS West Vancouver residents a re aeked .to take ..warning that the poisoners a re .with; us again, and, therefore, i t be hooves them to keep th e ir dogs and cats ae much under, their eve as possible. - .,» ,. ■ .•Mm ' * Leprosy of body is a horrible disease, and to the unfortun ates stricken with th is terrib le affliction the world wilhalways extend its deepest sym pathy. Luckily, the disease is practic ally non-existent' in C anada,-bu t we have and righ t here in West Vancouver something fa r worse,-the, leprosy of soul, which makes some unknown and supposedly, civilized persons amongst us become deliberate, poisoners of dumb animals. There is no possible excuse. If dogs and cats become a nuisance or destroyers of; gardens, ivhich we know is some times the case, other means ju s t as efficient exist of abating WeTt" Vancouver is ju stly celebrated for J ts b ^ u tifu l gardens, but, if the price,paid for them is to be the poisoning of pets, then ^ If-in te rest a:i6ne -- arid i t is the only th ing that can appeal to poisoners -- ought to deter them from their crimes. For we need not e x ^ c t to obtain new residents in West Vancouver, however beautiful our gardens and surround ings, if they cannot be reasonably, sure of the safety of the ir dogs and cats. ' It is necessary to emphasizp this, because there has been from time to time here altogether too much of it, th is being the second editorial we have w ritten on' the subject. A little more and West Vancouver will be in a fa ir way to. acquiring a reputation for this kind', of crime, and then goodbye growth and prosperity. _ ------ --------------------------------- Chiefly, however, we plead fo r the poor dumb creatures, who because they are dumb,; m ust go down to a, death of slow or quick agony, if orioe poisoned. For they cannot speak, and, therefore, the particdlar poison is usually discovered top lafe< for the administering o f the,antidote to be effective. It is for this'reason we consider the poisoning of animPlS' a worse crime fhan poisomrig human beings. And the penalty for that is", of "course, hanging. I t were f a r better, indeed^ if in such cases-the law should'be so amended-that, the poisoner, whether of animals or human, beings, be condemned to death by his own,' poison. , ' ' " > ' , -, FRAMAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL DANCE !»mZE FOR NAMING NEW FERRY Captain Vince advises that the name "Bonabelle" f selected for ' A dance will be'given in the The F rhm ar Mbhtessori School Legion Hall bh Friday evenings 2078 Gordon Avenue, will reopen August. SOth.' This vnll be th e ......... ......... ....... „ fo r the fall te tm bn Tuesday, first of a series of dances wm cn the new ferry was submitted by September 3rd. The curriculum is being put on by tho E ntertam - Bobby W ardrq) of the Holly- includes kindergarten, rhythm , ment'Committee of the Canadian burn School who received the a- it - singing aiid folk dancihg, being Legion here. Low-es' O rchestra ward of $5.00. The I'e-naming the system created and brought will, supply the music. . Admia-. of the "No. 6" has not yet been i . . .1 .rfl i. y. A.'L.."' ' . ' . . 1 'i ... 1 - 1... J.. ... Jl 1 Jih. m2 ' ' Kf M iTMFiMk 4. .. « iM rll i a.1 ».l ' <t X. « M. ^ JM Ml M lUk • •• ' 4«to perfection by the celebrated sion, 15 cents. W atch this.paper' decided on as it is necessary toJ ■ » ' A__ i . . .___ £____________ At_______________________________L Al... _____ 1i)r. Montessori. Any interested for fu rther announcements, are requested to. phone the prin cipal, Miss M. Crickmay, a t West 244-y or Douglas 238. BOWDEN -.- TAYLOR 1m O ; R. A. Next Saturday, August 24th, Ruth Chapter*,' L.O.B.A., will Aikenhead united in . m arriage, A pretty wedding was solom^ nized l a s t , Saturday, A ugust 17th, a t the Vancouver Evangel istic Tabernacle, when Rev. put the vessel in dry dock and ob tain from a Marino Surveyor a certificate of seaworthiness from the Marine Department a t Ottawa. BOWLING CLUB NEWS The West Vancouver Ladids' giy« th e ir ifeguW weekijf dance D orrSybil, y o V ilg e r 'd au ^ te ro f Bowling Club held a very sue- in the Orange Hall. Dancing Will m *. and Mrs A Sefton Tavlor ceasful tournam ent last Monday begin ,at 9;p.mV and good, music of North: Vancouver, to Mr.rAl- <on the club greens, a t 20th and will be provided. Admission, 15 pheus Jam es Bowdeni eldest^son Manne Drive. Oyer one bundled of Mrs. M. Baily of Wenachee,' 'a d i^ toO;k.part m the g a m e s f in -■ Wash. The ceremony, was, per clndmc. visitors from New W e st I cents. DISABLED, VETERANS* ASSN formed under an archway of ----- multicolored gladioli and the The regular, meeting of the g u e s t ' pews werd m arked , by D isabled' V eterans' Association sprays of white sweet'peas. Mr. . j v- - . - willlbe„hHd-at-,HeMq.uarte __Lawxenceidw,deny7asRlB:.brpi]h-__ in the afternoon, and many of eluding.visitors fi^om New W est minster! many Vancouver cjubs, loco, Burnaby, Central Park and North Vancouver. .There were three draws, four rih fs playing the F erry Building next Tues- e r's best man. During the sigh- day,; A ugust. 27th, a t 8 p.m.'; ing of the register, Misa Liqris the executive , meeting at^ 7:80 Smith sang "In the Presence' of p.m, - A full, attendance is re- th e Lord." • ' I*#It: quested, as . im portant m atters will be up fo r discussion. The bride, given in m arriage DR. SEALE APi>OINTED " SCHOOL DENTIST by her fa ther, was very graceful in a gown of white chiffon,!'fl6or length and cut in princess lines with bishop sleeves. Her 'veil of embroidered net fell in beautiful The W est Vaneouver Board of folds from a tia ra of orange " Mediaeval crimes can,only be effectively curedl>y mediaef „ Schod Trustees-have appointed val punishments. - ■, . r - - • * ■ t a 'NeBiV BoKpn'^ ---- ... ....-- .......... ...... .................. . :;;'Vn:-v, 'Si /-iIa ■A'U'W v/ii-v DUNDARAVE REGATTA TheTDundarave Old^Tiihe Regatta-will, take p la ^ a t 2:30 p.m. next Saturday, A ugust 24th, a t Dundarave Pier. I t is the oldest annual athletic m eet in W est Vancouver, th is being 4he-4-9t^b-eceasi^-^0n"-whieh-^%he-^regatta-Hha^'7beSeirlT^d" -Jn-addition-to-the^many--events-^closed _to_W est _Vancouver, natators, there will be the N orth 'Shore Championships, a life saving display, also log-rolling,^ g r^ s y pole, pillow fights and tub races. Come and see oiir own boys and girls in action. At 9 p.m(. in the "evening the annual R egatta Dance which has always been such, a popular windup to the_ day, will be, held in the Hollyburn Rayilioh; The fact th a t Marie Abraham and Her Orchestra have been engaged fo r the occasion is an assurance,that the music will be all th a t can be'desiredr " Particulars of the various swimming and diving events in the regatta are as follows lLI ' , ~ bin. Consequently, the school dental clinic will now be located a t his -office in Suite 3, of th e Hay Block, corner^of 14ih and Marine D rive.. ' , Dr, Seale will, as before, con G r^ e . S p r in g e r ,w e re , very charm ing in gowns of -organdy featuring the butterfly sleeves" '̂ and elbow length gloves to- match. Miss Bolton chose for her dress shell pink, and Miss the visitors and some of locals won prizes. . Luncheon was served a t the end of the morning's play and tea in the afternoon. Mrs. Thomas, the club presi dent, was mistress of cere monies. and Mrs. J. B. Leyland officiated a t 'the distribution of prizes,* while Mrs. Charles Hay convened the refreshm ent com^ mittee. - . The^ toumamehtvwas, so suc cessful th a t it is h ^ e d it will be the forerunner of several others. r - l i - i i DUNDARAVE ="HOLLYBURN SWIM * ft iil.'t I r j - ■of̂ *̂"Springer~aTpasteP'green;~'They d en tis try jn la lljts jb ran cb es . . both wore a bandeau of orange •______^^blossoms a'nd~carried~matching bouquets of gladioli. The two The annual Dundarave - Hoi- LIFE-SAVING GLASSES little flower girls, Beverley Mar shall, niece of the bride, and Lorraine Hibberd, were very lyburn swim! will be staged next Sunday a fte rnoon. August 25th. The contestants will ^ away a t 3 p.m. 0 sent Free instruction will be given xxawwcx« »v̂ >xc alljvom en and_girJs^^ishing_to__^^jjj|.^ dresses* similar to take part or pass in-the elem en^ those of the, bridesmaids and CHRISTENED BY _ • __ CHEVROLET ' I; i 1 f Closed to Members W V. A. S. C. , TAD'S R A C E -- W idth of Tank: 25 Yards,-Free Style -- Girls under 10. 25 Yards, Free Style Boys'lifider. 10.. 25 Yards, Free Style -- Girls under 12. . 25 Yards, F ree S ty le '-- Boys under 12. , ^ 50 Yards, F ree Style -- Girls under 14. 50 Yards, F ree Style Boys under 14. 200 Yards, R elay-- ' E a s t .ys.-West^ Girls under 17.»,, 200 Yards, Relay -- East-vs,* W est; Boys under 17. 200 Yards, In ter.- House Relay for Boys. "Ian Brown Memional Trophy." . . j 1 Metre Diving -- .Girls under.,16. 1 Metre Diving --r Boys under 15. " ' 3 Metre Diving -- Ladies.*^ 3 Metre Diving --û Men, - . " . 50 Yards, Free Style -- Ladies.. - 50 Yards, Free S t^ e ;-- 'Men. / _ - Life Saving DisplayTjy W est {Vancouver Inhalator -Crew,-RX.S., B.C. B r^ c h ; . : ary life saving tests. Those in t erested are asked to be a t Ambleside Beach a t 2 p.m. next Saturday, the 24th -instant, or a t Dundarave P ier a t the same time on Sunday,. Miss Molly . When the town grew large enough to need a post office, the subject of a name cajne up, and it ' was agreed th a t the place K,' i V : they carried j^ouquets of sweet peas. __The- reception, was-held a t the home of Miss Nellie Bolton and., ■ , , , ̂ ^ the guests were received by ' would be named a fte r the first ^ . . . - „ - Mrs. Taylor. The bride's table ,ca r seen on its streets. T ^at was Edwards is m charge of the ^ ^ s ^centered by a three-tiered ,. p x te , a joke , because the town classes. wedding cake, and the serviteurs Blue Dia- were Miss M. Waine, Miss Mar-; Coal Comipany camp, only gare t Davies and Miss Mabel V? 5avies m ight have been 5,000 .j* ."•ii? .ss*ra? ■= w » ' " j s r V i , t e t j their, re tu rn Mr.-and Mrs. Row-r- i ' i .V|'5 K . i I' I s I' V ̂ hr, Ji;n I. '//s MRS. KNIGHT -JHODGE TO RESUME TEACHING Mrs. F. Knight - Hodge, teach er of pianoforte,' : violin and theory, will resume her classes following the sunimer yecess on den w iffteside i^ Thursday, September SJth. Stu- j :_____ ----------- depts are prepared for^jexams and the B. C. Musical Festival, if desired, and special attention is given to begihners.'.Her pupils have won many successes, gain ing distinctions and. honors. i l l t j i l EXCURSION The West [Vancouver Ferries- are holding an excursion, to Keat's Island next Wednesday, mules. B ut one day a Chevrolet ^made th e g rad e and now a mod es t fram e building bears the s ig n : "Post Office Chevrolet, K y." . , ' Chevrolet has 800 residents and the m otor car population quickly grew to 60 cars, As m ight.be expected, half of them are Chevrolets, h r ¥ ̂•> f I . Theory class for a ll's tuden ts is A ugust 28th. Ferry No. 6 will, | Chevrolets, Post Offices held Monday evenings, and the jeave Vancouver a t 9:30 a.m!; m m es of autompb- i i . . Si K \ junior orchestral on F riday even ings; ̂ Parents and'; any v d th ^ a and Ambleside _ ^ d r t h Shore Chaihpionships ^ChMl^ge 'Trophy for H igh Aggregate Pointe. Fi'kxrlti * w i n o w. ' > though not unique. d esiring fu rther information are- -On her re tu rn trip she will leave - ew an; La^Salle in Manitoba and asked to kindly 'c a l f a t .M rs. K eat's Island a t 2:30 p.m.,^; O ntario ; Pontiac in Quebec; Mc- K ni^ht - Hodge's studio, 1332 reaching Ambleside a t 4 :30 prmr rrLaughhn in M am toba; and Olds m j ' i f . i x i' »'■!, ff ̂ ĤAJ T ' 25Wards, F ree Style --̂ Boys under 10. ^ Yards, F ree S tyle Girls under 10. 25 Yards, F ree Style r--/Boys under 12. 25^ards, F ree Style:>^ Girls under 12, . 50 Yardsj; Free. Style *f--;Bdys^ under 14.' 50 Yards, F r ^ S ty le-- Girls under^l4. 100 Yards, Relay --̂ Boys under 14.' 100 Yards, R e la y G ir ls ; ,u n a e ^ jL4. M r.. Munton, - vx . wLwyvjL .aiiu .-- ■"( ' x j ̂ " :Munton. has le ft fe';spenaoa'Ta- . m ailabter i t is M u e s te a cation a t Banff ana :heighboring those m tenaing to go make their, "A na you swore you'a always points. ' r ^ ^ a t i o n s early. Phone t r ^ t me like a queen." Brown and *• d, ?K'-iim e ir. y, ̂ V iff i 12. Entries to bedn not la ter th a n A ugust 22 a t 6 p.m to K ay'R ussell, 2437 Bellevue Avenue, . W est Vancouver . F are : adults 5Q cen ts; child- . /W ell, 'an g 'it all, I ain 't 'Enery The cups and medals fp r the 4 re n up to 14 years, 25 cents. . t %.the E ighth ." 19th Annual D undarave " O ld " ' -- ^ \ . ' Time J^ g a tta are, on' display in - Vic Ferguson of the Ferguson ,? /, Np whiskers in heaven -- it's the window p f G^mmill's .D ru g . .M otor Transfer, has returned , only by a close sh a v e th a t men Store, 16th and Marine Drive. from a holiday a t Boundary Bay. g e t there. I r%l ' v f i ' a 1: -v^ h't > /" ysw ■ >4