West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Aug 1935, p. 4

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41rJff «■ -7# t *'•«'? .. ;-.{»Hf : : W K ^ ^ HBCATTA ;Kk 4̂ ̂h5- f . 4 hli i I ̂ :t'V ,.■>l'!̂ iS"ivi'A ',c P r i c e s O o o i t F r i i i f t y j j l ; p a t u r d a y » A tig ^ 3 0 t h & S t s t M b ^ g n - . ' - ' > ^ ̂ . i € m m M irom . P m 1 7 'E a» t'r ■ Ĵ *.' +,, ; I (W rVĥîi "A ̂ t, 1 M, W': t '.w'h;* '■♦. 'j '̂ " ,■ iVf! Qiiafctr lrr«4iat#<l COKBT rtAK3»| f 2 pk(« € m w ( 0 f4 * 0 H n & A m m c v m m ^ ^ ^ Ked A White JKLLV POWDERS ^ . •- -Aniorled COMPLEXION H O A V ^tkd y .OodJvt Soft, Creamx Lather.... ;4 cake* Ife Itod & White COFFEE ****̂** ........ .. ' OAT PUFFS ..... .......... Large Oliophane P«ck«i|«........ 0e K«d & White SOUPS-- ^ Stork up now with theee notfrfsb* Ing Houpn for the rhildren'e luneh- e«. CIIOWDKK, ............ .... .s.,..2 tin t ifie •(lUICK OATS~4lu«ker, Non-premlum Ij,Large pkt..................... 2Ic Ited & White BA KINO POWD0R ' 12 or, tfn*.:„.,;..;...,:..„.,4.,..,........ ; n f c Ited & While PILCHARDS Tall tin ....................................... »e Phone W est 370 Kta»lci[ l iw T u T n J n Jean Hill. Partridge,XuciUe Currie, m Stjou Currie, Kay Simpson. 200 Yards, Helay; East vh. W est; Boys under 17 (Anderson .Cli^Ueiip' ,Trophy) ̂ ... Jimmy hove, Judson Armstrong, SWEEi; PICKLED CORNED BEEF Mervin Jack, Pat Fagan; 2, McKenzie, Harry BURNS VIRGINIA BAKED HAM ̂ Turney, Jack i'omfret, .V ic biJrns* s i^ 'URiTV BACON Black. T im e2.rnui. 8 4/5.sec. (i ..................... ......................... I7c 1 Metre Diving, G irls u n d e r 15 i,KOS OF TOP SPRING LAMB (Gwen Clay Challenge Trophy) o.I!'iTTlni7»>'i'4M« 7wk"r ~ Lucille Currie, 16 points; 1*1! (Whole), lb. 2, Betty Barbour, 13 points.LU.'tURV LOAF, per lb...............29c ajp̂ wuu,, j VEAL W)AF, per lb. . .;...........22c 1 Metre Diving, Boys under 15 WEINERS, " .......................... HAMS LAMB COLD MEATS OF iOLL BINDS -:- D1SI.ICATESSE1 1 Store at H o l l y l n ^ |i g |^ „i, * . ' <.,',"::i5«t < .? ~ . s ,<t>XA pvr iw...................... wife, *-"-'.7 " "• •"f.... ....... ??* (Ian Brown Memorial,Challenge I'INNAN IIADDIE laiT lb, 15c "iVonhv ■■■■;■■■ ■■ 1 Billv Simpson, 23I'K OK RINKHT VKA!,. Ih 24c -l*^PP«y _ ±> )»t:-4TERlAL8 .LTD, KILI.irrs OK FINEST VEAL, lb. 24c 0 17K()WL, Boning, ;f to 4 Ib8.,..::.;.Ib:; 23c Desmond lAgai, I t ROASTING CHICKEN, 3 Ib». each pomts. , . . . Per lb...................................... 29c 3 Metre Diving, Lfidies, (Aus- .tin TAyIdr Challenge Ti-ophy)- -ppil HJEA^S^riSFA Phone West 115 1407 Marine Drive .4 W,' M i l, W#'l A *1'̂' t Mh SCHOOL SUPPLIES PRA.s -- ihtie & White, Sieve 4 1, Kay Simpson, 24 points; 2, P«ck .................... ,2 tin» 23c Lucille Currie, 23 points; 3, May Armstrong, 22 points. Exercise Books Scribblers 1 '̂iis y Pencils - Rulers Erasers V.̂ - \ Mucilage, Etc. 1 i I I' ; Mt Burrard Laundry Ltd. LAiliiDRY SERVICE'FORDEPENDABLE _ , ̂ j ........... ̂ ■■■ , -r • ' ' D A V E A N D E R S O N , West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 6911. or North 1310 v' tii> S ' ii,is I X \ A / A X X w e s t V A N C O U V E R R E A L T Y I . v v / A ■ • 1 . a n d i n s u r a n c e C O . WEbV 141 ANY TIME " --------A G EN T-for-GUW a R D -steamships--- ------ All details arranged via Panama, Airways. Bus or Rail _ HOOK YOUlt X*AH.SAdi; LOUALf.Y. 3 Metre Diving, Men (Pacific Wire Challenge Trophy) 1, Phil Bryan (only competitor), given 22 points out of 30. 50 Yards, Free Style, Ladies (Lady Alexander Challenge Trophy) -- 1, Edith White; 2, Kay Russell; 3, Lucille Currie. Time, 30 2/5 sec. . 100 Yiartik, Free Styje, Men (B.P.O.E. Challenge Trophy) -- 1, Maurice Anderson; 2, Harry Turney; 3, Donald McKenzie. Time 1 min. 5 4/5 sec.' r ^ T A C C t l ? T 1 7 r k A t i cCj JLr J \ 5 xJL r*, X JtL IJ! A. fi)- \ I'lic rato for Claasibed AdTertisenaents la 2 eonia per word, minitnuia 25 centa. Except in the case of thooe. having regular accounts, all dasd. fioda are payable strictly In advance. * ' < Remember Classilieds iir the W est Van Newa get tmniedUto results. WANTED -- Four or Five Room W A N T E D ---- .Home for beautiful , Bungalow, modern, near waterfront. black Angora' cat, female. Apply Phone West 665L. * 'rrrys-y'o-y a1379 Clyde Avenue. PIANO FOR RENT -- $10 for winter. Free delivery.' West 08. . , ' FOR YOUR INSURANCE Require­ ments, fire, automobile, etc., see. C. J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Marine Drive, West 225, Seymour 5954. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundame, ' -^N otions,' 'Novelties;" Stationery," School Supplies,. Nails, Hardware. 200 Yards, Inter-House Relay SCHOOL SUPPLIES -- Fall stock a t. for Boys.(laiKBrown Memorial Handy Ann Shoppe, 2442 Marine.' Challenge Trophy) -- 1, House Your patronage earnestly solicited. 1 uJiZic_]31ack ,_Pat-Eagan,_Dpn McKenzie,. Jimmy Love; 2, TO RENT -- Good furnished house. Apply 1678 Marine Drive. West 601 RADIO REPAIRS! Tubes; Ariels, etc. J. L. Pettigrew, The Radio Man, 1899 M arine;; W est ti4B. 4 n , r 'fftrr % WEST VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL FERRIES i. %i rVq l'py::> "ii j j i -if; t t* Labor Day Schedule .AJ « Half Hourly Service Throughout the Day AMBLESIDE First Boiit leaves at 6 a.m. Last Boat leaves at 11:30 p.m. CITY DOCK First Boat leaves at 6:30 a.m. Last Boat, leaves at 12 midnight. Buses meet all ferries. t .■■■■ . ■ .1. . .1 ■ ■ F : ■ « "fci •• ■ / .. -- F House 2: Meryin Jack, Desmond Elgar, Judson Armstrong, Harry Turney. Time 2 min 11 sec. Open Events North Shore Championships (Bowen Island v.s7 West Vahcou- ver). 25 Yards, Free Style, Girls under 10 - r 1, Mona Todd (B .I.); 2, Pauline Scott, (W .V.); 3, Josie Simpson (W.V.)- Time 19 1/5 sec. ' , r ,, 26 Yards,' Free Style, Boys under 10 -- 1, Dave Clark (W, V .); 2, C. Pride (B ,I.); 3, H arry Taylor (W.V.). Time 251/a sec. 25 Yards, .Free Style, Girls under 12 - r ; 1, Doris Clement (B J ) ; 2, Betty Barbour (W :V.); 3, Loma Thofaipson (W.V.). Time 19 sec.:: . FOR SALE -- Furniture, electric percolator, toaster ahd heater, dishr es, fancy china, silver, pictures,..- pair of ladies hiking breeks, small size. Reasonable. Phone West 293L GIVE THE W IFE A RiBAL CHANGE . -Take her to Hunter's Coffee Shop, j Luncheons, teas, dinners. West 610. GIVE WEBB'S a tria l for yodr next shoe repairs. 2468: Marine Drive. LLOYD'S WOOL & KNITTING SHOP 2474 Marine -- Complete line all woolsr Free Knitting School.^Violet and Kathleen Clemept, p^ropfietors. RADIO SPECIALISTS -- Hayward] & Prebble -- H ave'your set over, hauled now; summer prices. Phone WesfB39.~ _r : LOST -- Blue Umbrella in Fish & Chips shop. Phorie W est 160R.- ^ STQREYfS ICE,. & ICEBOXES - 1 For sale or r e n t . . W est 220-L, LOST -- Collie Ptdice Dog, la s t Sat­ urday. , Owner a t :i425 , Inglewood Avenue. > SHOE REPAIRS Get the best mat* erial and workmanship .cat Fox'a/ 14th a t Perry. .i FOR SALE --̂ Cheap, 2 lovely glass show cases. To be seen a t - 2175 Jefferson Avenue. . FURNISHED SU ITE ' -- W aterfront near Perry; open fireplace; Chester­ field -- $20. Board optional, 1430 Argyle. , ' MARCEL SHOP;-- Thermique Steam Permanent. -Try our fatigue facial for tired housewife or business' woman. West 304. 17th and Marine over Royal Bank.;.', - 'l COLIN TURljrER; ISuilder and Con­ tractor Alterations and repairs. Phone West 679R. .. W l ' 1 8 J t u a A so n ,S ch o o l;_ ab ,^ m ^ ,h o u se near Y 4 ;̂ =3 p :^ e F t;= Jo p d a ii- WANTED -- One famished and one. o. unfurnished 4-room cottage nearj ferry. Phone W est 340 or West 148 -CH IM N E Y T ^ l^ P B f e MINUTES STEADY IRONING ______ ^ The-OId^ . Country w ay., S a tisfa^on guaran* teed. E. Palmer, Garden Avenue, Capilano, Phone North 811R2. Time 19 sec. u n d e r HOLfcYBURN fflFT SHOP, R c„ - ■(W.V.); 2, F rank Collins (W. m o - a" yefc"'̂ £alyrtw wo"ofr ] ^ ) ; 3, Jim Eakins (B .I .) . Timle 1678 Marine Drive. W es^eoi 33 1/5 sec. " -------- -------- ----------- ;--------------------------- 50 KNIOTING^SHO^ <H)RD0N^R0BS^ Dnve - - Everything for knitting G j^ . HAY, .Notary, Public -- Real Estate and Thsurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour^, 1260. under9 V n ' ' ■ Ĵ «ve Ever^^hW ' for k S S Marine;rmornings; 610 (B.I.) ; 3, Doris and embroidery. Free instruction? Hastmgs .Hfc, Seymour. 4l99. after- Bradshaw (B.I.). Time 36 see. . Mrs. Latham, iroprietreas ■ ' ■ ■- ■ ___________ ROOMS TO R E N T - In comfortable home near ferry, board if desired.' Phone West 288-Y. . 100 Yards, Relay, Boys under 14 -- 1, West Van: F. (Jbllins, J. Pomfret, D. Montgomery, B. bimpson; 2, Bowen Island. Time -1-Tnin7"6 ^ i^ s e c r ^ r " " ~ ; 100 l^ rd s , Relay, Girls under 14 -- Bowen Island-nS, West Van.: Audrey Clave, Betty Bar- ----------------= = = : = = = •bour, Pauljne Greer, Dorothy M ^or and Mrs F BatMi'c -e Greenwood., Time 1 min. 7 4/5 2436 BelleVue" v e fu e f llu rn ^ ^ 200 Yards Relav T irk -- i Parksville, West Van.: Elsie. Partridge, Kay m'er" spent the sum- Simpson IVIarion Qurrie, Lucilli HEADQUARTERS :for All Popular Brands ,of Uigftrettes.and Tobaccos; also-Pishing Oadgits for local wat­ ers.':. Ambleside; T ea. Rooms. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires discarded cl9thing.:/'Phone West 37 and truck will collect. CAPT. . E.-;'GALLANT, Registered Chiropractor, 712 Robson St, Van­ couver. Seymour S790. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to R en t.' Houses, lots, and acreage for. sale.^ John Lawson, 17th and.'Marine;"Phone West 65. miM ONE c i l ^ i o r you r for 18 ifiihutes. Currie; 2, Bowen Island. Time 2 mm., 24 2/6 sec. •' Closed W W.V,AB.C. Tnrfi " " 'a Boys -- I,Judson Armstrong. ■ Girls -- 1, Gladys Tavlor, ' DO" A r m S g ^ ^ ^ ® ' P o S fe t^ Pole. Boys - 1, Jack Gra*i Aggregate Challenge ---Lucille Currie and Judson A m s|ro n g ' tied with 6 points ^ I t h s ® RADIO REPAIRS A ll Work Guaranteed Experience-Insures.Satisfaction BROWN & MUOTON ' 1542 Marine . West 366 ! WINDOW SHADES AND AWNINGS made to 'measurements or repaired. Estimates -free. Picture framing. Pearce, 1890 Marine, West 529 or 145. "■ - "' r ■. ' ■ _ PRINTING ~ ^OT all kinds of printing";phone West Van News, W est 363. ___^ LA W N 'm o w e r s SHARPENED - Repairs, all'-xnalces. ' West Vancou- J ver Machme.Sh6p,:1449 Marine. AmUeside ^ h ^ t Metal d a i n t y CAKE SHOPPE -- Home- -made; ' hreadiV cakes and pastries. W est 514.' ^ L. SPECK. Proprietor W b r h s i2 %'x ' r "**ai**Mu t ' -. .r~- -.-r.-'S.:- A... ...•■•■-..-t.-4 ---...-- - ■ . - ........ ELECTRIC SERVICE -- ALWAYS A BARGAIN " I* tw o irih?" ? » " i? ;e r in g . » fc ;'G o ^ o n Aiiah, 2203 B * - ^e.Av^nu(Li;iias left for Mint® C i^T - Brldget^^'Biyer, to visit f r i e i i a K | f : |5 g | f ^ ; ; ' TEA K O K & .,SQ N ,:,:Iig^^ 4i m excavation WORK.;̂ / iflIME. ŜANO. CEMENT a l l . B U IL D IN G M A T E B i * L S . .