West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Aug 1935, p. 3

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' . ' ■ • ■ ■■■" ........ wwm»>wiHw>«Mi»>tfi»>ww>iaw».wi»if̂ "^ ^ mwoMM*! mrA ■ '" * -- . . . . . . . tww,r,w,wii.w.liiiw Mrs. Teacher afJBianQMua. Theory students prepared t o Exam inations and the B.O. M u s s r i ^ s i p i r ^ f r ^ w r a i ^ ^ at Toronto C onservatoy Examis w ith first c l^ s half honors or honors/ Re-opena l ^ a ^ a y , Septem ber 3rd. s t u d i o 2809 Marine -Prjver> ""/'*>'«t.J*;wFhoiie.West 8S-X Donald Tobin of Montreal, *Kie ferries will „ . '̂ h r t « i » i r ^ i ̂ ip iesrof'i i t r ^ h i i i i i ^ l f f l ® ^ ^ aunt, Mrs. S. Baton, returned to The first i m t ' t o x t herd ̂ will > th e E ast on Sunday, August leave a t 6 a.m, and th e last a t 18th. He was particularly im- 11:30 p.ih. The first, boat wifi pressed hy the cordial western s ta r t from the city dock a t 6s30 hospimiity he e sg i^ r ie n ^ , and a.m., th e last pulling out a t 13 M R S., F., G E PIANOEORTE, y lO in^i and h h ^ r y WNERS'^"^ ̂ .>SPECIAL ATTENTIO^f GIVEN BEGINNERS " " \--*Claiwerir«*umd'dep te iw to •'t.: 'Students prepared'for ;Exama and B, C.,Festival, if desired. Mahy s u c c e s B C s ; gaining Distinction and Honors. Theory Classes for'all athdents Monday Evenings. Junior Orchestral, FRIDAY EVENINGS. STUDIO: 1332 Duchess Avenue. - . ~ ' Phdne,'W est 624-R also the beauty of West Vancou- midnight. Buses meet aU hw a* v e r . . . .. j • V. mu' 1 * a u* j Miss Grace Durham of SMtUe- . The salmoR flahmg was good entertained Vancouver friends over the week ■ end in West over the. week-end a t the Clach* Vancouver waters, several ang­ lers being successful in landing good sized fish.' V Wilfrid Ouellette returned to Winnipeg a fte r a three weeks' visit a t the home of Mr. and "Mrs. S. Baton, 1174 16th Street.^ Hf an an. Mrs. J. Sinclair .arid David, Mrs. F. Harrington and Benny, and Mrs, H. P arker are holiday­ ing a t White Rock for two weeks. ' h ' ).. .'I ' _ S T U D E m *• W r A f^^pfepaitd ' requlhements when school opens next .Week, '* •' f * • •■ ' . Gemmiirs Dru ̂ Store Th* SUir« of Service. 1586 Marine Drive West 87 or W««t COf Emergency Phone Weal 881 (After 10 p,m.) I M A R I mA K ic iI I M C I N l i r K i ! i Licentiate of the College of Violinists, London, Eng., (late RoyaJ M anchester College of Music) . TEACHER OF * , V iolin and P iano* h ' * ! ̂ J i ! f ' Mrs. T. Ei Snelgrove, Associate T eacher' Classes re-open Thursday, Septemiben 5th, . / Studio--'17th Street (over Hollyburn Post Office) . , Studio PhoncT; W est 378L ̂ i. Mrs. A, M. Stew art has as her W. L. M ason; of-Edmonton, her niece, Miss M. Bowen Alberta, has purchased t h ^ Ray of Calgary. house a t 13th and Keith Road. He will not, however, be occupy­ ing same for* some time. It > * 'i* ' H. Fridleifson of Vancouver, is building a, house on Clyde Avenue, between 13th and 14th Streets. , Mr. Hardy of Vancouver, has m ♦ ♦ ■* W Miss Doris Brealey returned on Tuesday to Pasadena a fte r spending three weeks a t the honle of her parents. Principal B re a l^ will be in a t­ tendance a t his office in Pauline Johnson School on Friday morn­ ing from 9 a.m./ till noon, and Stratton 's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 M R S . C L A R A W I L S O N a n d M I S S H I L D A . W I L S O N , A ,J .C .M . Piakio and all Branches, of Theory Mrs.-E. C. Robbins, 2'J91 Marine.Drive,. , Tuesdays and Fridays, Phone West 619R 665 West Twelfth.' Avenue, Vancouver, ' Phone Fairm ont 2647-L .a.VAA.0 nils AAUlU i7 a»8i8ô IfAH A8W*l> " moved into his , new home a t afso on Tuesday morning a fte r 11th and- Esquimalt Avenue. , g ;3q to enrol pupils for the term ♦ . .n. ♦ . . . ' Tuesday, Septem- ■Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Sasse of ber 3rd. E'idgerwood, North Dakota, who . , ♦ ♦ * are on their way to Honolulu,«jLv, v/» v„ ------------- Mrs. Ed Black, who.has been paid a flying, .visit last week to a patient in the Vancouver Gen- the la tter's brother-in-law and ^ral Hospital, has sufficiently re­ sister, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Turn- covered to return to her home a t er, 1286 Haywood Avenue. ' 25th and Marine Drive. , ' Mr. and .Mrs., Chadbourn of' Established!,1926 Kindergarten . toyjMdtriculatiqn ' Music. ^locution - A rt ̂ Gymnasium' " Dancing Fall term opens Friday, September 6th Transportation for small children P R IN C IP A L - M ISS J, D U R B IN - ------- , --------;"T -r " Doctor and Mrs. Reid* have V ancouv^, have moved imo a bought the cottage a t 1271 Ful- house a t 22ndand Marine Drive, Avenue, and are. now in resi- -rr XT i. 1 TT* J. doHce thero.The Vanepuver Natural Hist- -- * i« ♦ ory Society spent the week end T. W. Buokley of Bran- a t the;W est: Lake-Ski Gamp, on (jon,_M anitoba,_is_visiting-hen- Hollyburn-Ridge..- ---------- sister-in-law, - Mrs, -S. G. Holt, and"br6ther-indaw A. "Buckley," West-Vancouyer-flurserjMScliool A Modern K indergarten Specialising in . , Open-air Activities Autumn Term opens Thursday, September' 5th. Mrs, C. Claxtoh ' . . 2832 Bellevue Ave., Graduate: Froebel Training College^ " " Telephone Bedford, England ' .West 86-X-2 Miss Lorna Thomson has re- 1397-Clyde Avenue, for the next sumj6(l hor duties ̂ &t the Holly- ̂ lliree weeks -burn Post O&ice following her * ♦ ♦ ' annual vacation.. - * Mn„.and Mrs, R. C. Mitten, , .. TT ij. 2091 Bellevue* Avenue, moved B ert Gisby of ̂ 1280 Fulton today to Vancouver. Avenue, is moving a t the end 01 * * ♦ the month to 1329 Fulton Ave- Phillips, 19th ' ' ♦ ♦ ! V and Bellevue Avenue, are visi^ •Mr. and Mrs". Baker, who have " Saskatchewan. . ' & ' home a t ̂ n T a n d ®ra. Harrison, 19th and Belle- Bellevue. Avenue, -have returned yue Avenue, is.away on a visit- to th e ir home in the city, prairies. ̂ ^ ' 9fs ^ ' ik ' ~ S a "^ h e l f daukhters from fa ther in the prairies. Hollyburn T heatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE August 29th, 80th and 81st JACKIE COOPER "DINKY" alao- LAURBL & HA( Î)Y " The Live G host" SAT. EVENING & MONDAY August 81st & Sept, 2nd - SHIRLEY TEMPLEi-/I " BRIGHT EYES" 'News, Cartoon, Comedy, Music and Scenic A (Matinee at 2 p.m. if it ra in a ) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY September 3rd and 4th "LADDIE" By Gene Stratton Porter also. ^Tenrfiollar Raise" ti. fi California. Hi * if The next C.C.F. W hist Drive LEGION NOTES KINGSLEY SCHOOL NORTH VANCOUVER, BeC. NOTICE--Parents wishing to ,send th e ir hoys to the above school as day boarders may do so a t the inclusive fee of $i7.50 per month for tuition, lunch and transportation by, the school bus. For Prospectus and fu rth e r information, apply to the Head- ' master. , is planned for Tuesday, Sept. 3, The next general meeting of a t 8 :30 p.m. with th e usual a t- the local branch will be held a t tractions. . - g p.m. Wednesday, Septembjer - ■■ -1 ----------------- --̂ ' ' 4th, in the Legion Memorial CHURCHES OF CHRIST, Hall. ' SCIEN'TIST Physical training classes "CHRIST JESUS" will be the which have comprised-the Sum- subiect of the Lesison - Sehnon program _of the W. V. R. . *5. ____1____ J? r»-u«ir,4- •in a l l Churches of Christ, Scient- T ^istron^Sunday^ cogr Centre .(Men's Division) held in -the 7Legion-HalL basemenV will- conclude th e ir activitiesf for the VERNON FEED STORE A. C SBARLE Phone W est 9 .Fertilizers Of AU Kinds ^ Wood, Coal, r - l # 1 -- to ild e re '-S u p p B ^ ■----- mJL: S P E C I A L S A L E R a n g e O il B u rn ers Complete Installed $39!® SmftUdovrn payment. - - Basy Terms DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER, I. O. D. B O O K E X C H A N G E 12 to 4 p.m. tomori*ow- (Friday) and Saturday and 11 to 5 p.m, . next Tuesday a t the office of Colonel K. W. Bav-ory, 1443 M ar­ ine-Drive. ' r/ The Golden Text is: '̂The law ------vm, was given by Moses, but grace pro^eUt, F riday next. The en- and tru th came by Jesus C hrist." -thusiastic. response given to /John 1 :1 7 ). same, promises fu rther develop-, Among the citations, which m'ent, w ith keen anticipation be- comprise the Lesson 4 Sermon is mg shown, for an early com̂ - the following from the Bible: mencement of the coming.win- "Behold, ,my servant shall deal te r program. L ^ a l sportsmen prudently, he shall-be exalted have-evinced a desire to make ^L d extolled, and be'viery high." , the movement a permanent one (Isaiah 52: 13). • ' ' • are being discussed The Lesson - SermJon also in- i>3̂ same with this object in eludes -the following.,.passage view. - F u rth e r mfonnation m from t h e C hristian S c ien c e tex t- - th is connection may ^ secured w^wdlP 2046 book, "Science and H ^ l th w ith from tM secretary of the local Mrs. E ^ H ^ ^ K ey to the Scriptures" hy^Mary Legion, Phone ^Baker Eddy: "Christ; . a s t h e -.W est'122-R. a noiiday trip to baskatoon. true spiritual idea, is thie ^ of F o n t's Ltd. North 525 West 37 . 56 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver 3900 MARINE DRIVE : Guest Cottage K a a t e r i a B.J. CAMPBEU *• God now and forever; here;!a^ everywhere.9f DISABLED V e t e r a n s ' ASSN. ( 1921) TTTtiotx'i .'S' ;* :^ ? I > A ¥ if S E P T E ] i^ S ^ R |^ I S |a ^ ^ ORAlSTGEirHALt^' -^JDjurklou -- ̂H am jsoii: T he m arriage is announced o f ̂ Catherine Rose; elder daughter : of Mrs. Harrison of Caulfeild, and th a late Francis.E. H arrison , of Vancouver,,, to Barom G ustaf Djurklou, only son b f Bargii^and Baroness Gustaf D jurk lou . of , StoclAolm, Sweden.- ^The wed- " ' dins? will take p l ^ shortiy. ,,TTie feriderto-be spent'six 'y^rs'T^a^^ elling in Europe w ith h e r par- ̂ 'feht^:'andfyouhg CANADIAN LEG lbN , W E S T V A N C O U V ER ' D A N C E ■ •' " FRIDAY, Augml 30A Roy-Lowe's O r c h e s t r a - A d m i s s i o n 16c. W i s t VANliratOPUCE . i M n i : : . : a n d V B ^ A B L i S "ri > ' f i f e 'l l t 5ferL«S4>'r