West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Aug 1935, p. 2

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■ ' r ilisM Stiii '-Si ; i s t.i ' L , »>4h J 1 ! ! ( I, l4i ̂' W) . ̂ 1*̂ * ■ \Vf?l V /', p * ll ■ nt.n -_VS, i r s s T VAN u N iT » > c 8 tm c a Bev. HlUis Wright, Minister l is ll luBBU,' Stinday gchi^dl'lima'BW^0iit 10 II.III, ' StirsyiMBifs ̂ A •»■ Vlsliflis r*W4AiisiMttm, , 1,- , B A r a i f . e m im a pAtlar j B#v. H« P, Mvmph»$f$, lle»jdence; 1349 Hnywood Ave* Hhooe Wc»t 2S2B. 'Sun3«y iKrfleei *«« i l jLiii. iS tf' 7 ilo pjm> Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1540 M uiM DriT# PreBMtM Utn , ' ** Clairol Shampoo A BKN8AT10N IN lU IK TINTINti Way. w-B|ve;,yott,A f f h your hair griiy, drah or folciDB? Wo Will give you a Himmpoo tbai Hofienii, recon- ditlomi, tint* ond washoa your hair -- oil In one treatment. flOLLYBURlI m ux Corner of 14th and Puchene Sunduy School and Bible ClamieB 10 a.m. (iDHpi'l Ajiecting In (fvonlng.................. at 7:30 Mr, JamcK (iibNon will apeak on **Flr»t ThInffN, Flrat" FIIONB WJE8T 117 for AppoiijitmentM SCHOOL SUPPLIES .S(H*dul Open Air Meeting at Hullyburn Wharf a t 3 o'clock "Behold 1 bring you glad tidings of great joy." IteHidents and visilors heartily welcomed. W isr e VANCOUVER Science ---------Society -- tOtJi and Baquiroill. ilDlIyburn Thin Society is a Branch of inie Mother Church The Flrat Church of Christ, Setantiat, in Boston, ,..,,M iiiachuaitta Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday^ SepUimlxjr 1, 1936 $ub ied ; **CHBIST JESUS" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony .Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. < Thai I public Is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. . At 8 meeting held A ugust 23rd, it was decideil Xhat the„ , .West Van. United change their . name to West Van IXL. This elub is being sponsored by. A. J Courtney of the IXL laundry, who was elected Honorary Presi­ dent. The following members also elected were Harry Bepnet't, manager; .Bob Pine, assistant manager'̂ '=BiII Gentleman, secre-. tary-treasurer. I^,is hoped th a t this will be a badher year for football in West Vancouver and that the public will continue to give it the same, enthusiastic support that they did last year. Next meeting will be held a t the - Ferry building tomorrow (F ri­ day), at 8 p.m. V - wiHio, n m u a a m m o i i ticher 1 TICKETS FOR SIM M tlM m uC nm ulikkdC nnd,in i $5,100 H iZ P iH M BcribbIcrM lixerclaa llookn Not« Books Pens ond Pencils Ink and Erasers • School Pafntii UNITED CHURCH Kev. Hillis Wright, Minister. PflARNACY TENNIS CI.IJB NEWS Favorites swept the field in the tennis finals of the North Shore Open Tournament last Sunday although, in most case.s, not without strenuous opppsi- tionTrom the runners-up. Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Dickinson of the First Narrows Lighthouse,-has returned from a short holiday trip to Victoria and Seattle. HOI Marine P h o n e rv * ^ Brive Weat 823 FUEE DEUVERY You anap them and wo finish them. J^euvo your films a t Amblcsido Pborn*. acy. to be finished, - - i ................. . Crgatal Finish Agency For Service and Saiisfaction: "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS'* D R. G. D. H. S E A L E B.O.S., L.D.8. DENTIST Bay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Ofllce Hours 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by oppointment. -- Phone West 72 Sunday School a t the usual liour.' Itev. Hillis W right will ___ ____ _ ___ preach at both the morning and Joyce MacNeil captured three evening services. titles, playing brilliant tennis The regular meeting of the W. throughout the day. Doug. A. oi the United Church will be Cameron ran up against stone- held September 10th instead of wall opposition in his encounter September 3rd on account of the with Jack Butt and it took five holiday. gruelling -sets, of over" three hours' duration, to capture the BAPTIST CHURCH men's singles title. Although Cor. 16th and Duchess Cameron forced the play Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys throughout the match, Butt Sunday, September 1st, fought gamely to the end, in 10 :()0 u.m.-r-Sunday School and Period after the Adult Bible Class. set, hje was one up on the winner. Doug, ^however, came Topic: "The Sheep and back and.squared things.irTtET Dr. GEORGE S. MACDONALD D.D.S.,_D.D.C.. : Dental Surgeon Hour8t-0;30 a.m. to 5 p.m, Eveninga by appointment Bank Bldg., Telephone ^ .Weat Vancouver.. WaRt. 44Q Their Shepherd." The ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be observed at the close of the Morning Service. 7:15, p.m. -- Evening Service. Topic: "Heart Piercirfg." Song Service at commence­ ment.------------- - --T--.--------------- A cordial invitation to all. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. -- Mid fourth and in the fifth and de­ ciding set Jack was visibly tired and, although on top of a 5-4, 6-5 score, he could not negotiate a win and Cameron took the set a t 8-6, The final score was 6-4,'- 4-6, 5-7, 6-3, 8r6.;; V I : : In 'the lad i^ ' singles Mrs-Mac--- K. W. Savory $2500City of Vancouver Baby Bondi S1600 1935 Bulek "8" Sedan. $500 City of Vancouver Baby Bondi. 50 Rrizco, Mcli value $10 Caih. Wedncfday, Sept 4th at Exhibition Ground*. . Otto ttehoi ivill oidmlt oho adult or |im> chlldron to, tlapp^.Ga-Lucky hour, Ono tickot wilt adm it two portone to Itouto o f JIfaf Ic. 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listihjjs Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance Ticket* told at gate* do NOT glva theta privilege*. (^ t.your.prC w ^illts tng tlckoU from your torn! dealer. CHnnORPRCIFIC EXHIBITIOn AT UnnCOUU^A'^CRnROR R U G 2 8 S E P T 4 Mrs. George S.-Macdonald and- daughter of Appleton Court have left fo r a few days* holiday at Courtenay,,. B .C . week Prayer Service. Batabliahcd on Norfh Shore , 25 Yenr« (Lntly Aaslstnnt) HARRON BROS. LTD. 9^uneral Sirretoirs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone^.North LIJ . Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue Hast Phone Fair'; 134 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. Sunday Services Low Mass ---- 8 :45 a;m. High Mass & Sermon - 10:45 S L. a .m. . . . - - , defeating Dons Rosary;and Benediction -- 7:15 ^ poro thy Gillham Neil had little difficulty-in dis­ posing of. her'y outJif uLopp onent, Norah Cooke of the North Van­ couver Club, 6-0, 6-1. Jerry Grisedafe and. Ken Stauffer re­ tained their men's doubles title, accounting for Tom Butt and H. 0. Ec^estone 6-2, 3-6, 6-3: Little - effort was required on the part of- Mrs. MacNeil. and Eleanor Brine to annex the ladies' L .O .B . A-- D A Mf C E IN THE ORANGE"HALL SATURDAY,. Ajugiist 31st, at 9 p m A 'n MI e CI/-k k: I'VV:.:.; «:'E- p.m. Catechism and ' Bible History every Saturday 9 :30 a.m. Week-i* 8 a'.ni.Mass, daily Piddays.-- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions -- 7 :45 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7:30 p.m. to* 8:30 p.m. .6-1, 6-0. In the mixed event Doris Cleathero and Jerry Grise- dale had-a hard pill to swallow .111 Jneeting defeat a t the hards TrsrMneNeil a n d X e g lB r t^ ^ R. C.'JAMIESON & GO'S. ANTIMO WHITE Non-poisonous.For exterior and interior use. Superior to any White Lead, city Prices Agents-- GREENWOOD GROCERY I'l f'll'K CSV* A A A having won the first set and be- mg in the ̂lead 5-2 in the second. Final score in this division was 3-6, 9-7, 6-3. For rates and reservatioiis Phone Went C. J . Oyerington PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN FULL TIME I4th & Marine, Phone West 135 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey Rector r S u n d ay , S e p tem b er 1 ,1 9 3 5 8:00 and 11:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. S t. F ran c is -in -th e-W o o d s, C a u lf ie ld --- ----------- LEGION ANNIVERSARY Sunday, 8:00 p.m. V Canadian Legion and the The. seasonal migration of Legion W.A, are giving a joint birds has started. Orioles and P»»*ty in the Legion Hall, various kinds of warblers were _ b e t w e e n __ ursday, September 5th, at 8 noticed during the week~"end p,m., to members of the Legion passing over West Vancouver ?i? • of the W. A. and this being about the normal time their.families to honor the tenth when they begin .their journev anmversai'y of the Legion and south. \ " WESTBOUND effective s e p t . 4, 1935 the fifth annivei'sary of the W. A. Please be on time as a go<xi time is assured everybody. , North Vancouver...... Ambleside.... .7:........ Ar. Caulfeild Ar. Horseshoe-¥ay A.M. 7.20 7.40 A.M. 7,60 8.00, _8.15. A.M. A.M. 9.00 11.20 ~9.10i> 11.30 9.25 : THE . West Van News Publiohed E w y T h o r i d a y __ }Y\ Swanson, (nee Eileen : ̂ Hibberd), lofJTraiI,.™B. -C.,- on WSa; Wednesdays'and'SatnrS«';;; ONLY, EASTBOUND .45 '0 WSa P.M. 1.40 i:60 2.05 2.20 .ESa P.M. , P.M, 2.20 , '4.20 2.30, '̂.30 2.45; 4.45 3.00 ga^EEKDAY SERVICE E^Sa: Except Saturdavg P.M. 4.20 '4.30 4.45 5.00 5.40 5,60 6.05 a , WSa P.M. P.M. MID- 6.40 r 9;40 12.00 6.50 ' 9.50 12.10 7.05 10.05 12.25 ' 7:20. ■ 12.40' Tuesday. August 27th, a t the t'V f --A.M. AtM. North: Vancouver Hospital,- a son. Ptthlisher P, P, LOVEGROVE - Plione West 363 B n iin m and Bditnrial Office: ITtli and Marine Drive (N ext to Hollybum P.O .) ' I. Plione West 363 Mail Addreaa: P. O. Box $1, HoHybum, B id Picnic Grounds, Tennig Courts, Jtothing. BoaGn|r, Fishing,', ndy Beaches,Tea-rooms, S a n _ .,___ , Cottages for rent. p . Horseshoe' Bay" ..... A t. North VBMmveP----- 7'|o . 0 § t ^ 8.20 .8.38 A.M. p .m . 0-55 12.65 10105 I 1.05 10.26 ' 10.36 1.23; 1.35 WSa- P.M. . P.M, . 2.30' 3.30 . ^.40 3.40 2.58 '3.58 3.10 , 4.10 WESTBOUND ---------- WEEKDAY SERVICE .LSa SaO 'V " ' P.M. p ,m ; P .M .-P.M . f.OQ. 6.10, S6.05 ;. 7:40 5-15 ,5;28 rtr6:23< : 7.68 5-30 5,40 ,.6.36 8.10 WSa P.M. ' ^ ............... Ar ...................Ar. Caulfejld................... Ar. HorseshAA Pny ........ EASTBOUND A.M. : 9.20 9.30 9.45 10.00'. 10.40- 10.58 11.10, A.M; 10.20 10.30 10.45 11.00 A.M. ^p.M. JJ.20 1.20 JJ-30. .1.30 H.46 1.45 12.00 2.00 North .Yancottver Office: 128 Lonsdale ̂Ave. |l .(^ a j a w h j eanriar: 13.00 a year m il. r a w L e i g h ^ Oosd flealdi Phtdiicts B:G. BAILEY €Yf66SS PARK, B.C bv. Horseshoe Bay ~ Lv;-Caulf 1: . a .m . -- 8.30 8.40 " 8.58 9.10 AY SERVICE . , . 2.26 ' 4 20 , "P:m.. 2. ^ ̂ 4 30 0.20;. :..7.40 10.45 2.45 4 45 rH 3-00 ■ 5 - i MID. 12,00 12,10 12.25 12.40 ..A.M. 10.30 10.40 S ' S10.68 Ills" tM 11.10 1.10 ajg i ,s i.' Ar. -----____________________ p a c i f i c ; s t a g e , > T e le p h o n e a : P.M. SERVICE^ ' ' ^ '^ 3 0 ̂" - p ;m - ; 3.40 44X 5.30^^ 6.30 . 7.30'^ 8.30 ...... 3.58 4 58 11-15 4.10.' 610 , . . ,7 .68 /r, 8.58 11.30 I2 5 te> ia West ^-l^r ̂ a O f ̂ lO ffV S .l . J U 5--------~ ^ S ^ -^ c o n v e r Ferry-nneVv ̂ > L I N E S 7131/,;!,!