West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Aug 1935, p. 1

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$1.00 Cmu'Ufm£mV}ttii'?G>i^ti^t~'of"\West\Va^ DunSaravt 9 p«> Pdrki '(M m §0, ^ ̂ 'w »t.mwMt«iKi«. 1 « £ ̂ l̂ 1. 'tH ̂ i i A < »> f » > ; ̂ > S -̂ l ; < ' ^̂'*1 " ' ̂ '•^ I *" ' - voi; X w e s t " y A N cp u y j||( . B.C., TH pRSDAY* No. 19 X H O Lr>Y IU IR N -DUNDABAVE «̂ - S fVXJMl m;: President J. Bowden of, the W V.A.S.C., sent. off:, fo h m en . nf A*510. n .m .. last R B J - O P B N I ^ ^ C H O R A L The West Choral Society is opening , its new sea- BUNDARAVK REGATTA .,, - . .X O R B A t SUCCESS MRS, BURBRlM B^j'/ M # TO RESUME TEACHlNO ̂ ill MRS. AND MISS WILSON TO RESUME TEACHING 1, 'ooenlna Us new sea- The 19th Annual Dundarave Mrs. Chatles B urbriaire,M !l Mrs. Clara Wilson and Miss . foU rteen ;_4^ 'fO T :i986 :> ' 8 6 iL :M Regatta, w h l^ ,w a s opened by , resume 5 * th iS 'u M . a.on ^xh Isst cinTyfnmhnr 9th The nractices Reeve Lreyland, on Saturday aft- piano and theory fo r the .f»** auming leaching to r the jau competitors at 4.30^ ^ p te m b e r 9th. l he practices Duhdarave Pier, was term next Tuesday. S e p te m ^ r term both" hew and in the c ity ;- Sunday fiorn ^ ' • ' one of the most successful in the 3rd. a t h er studio, 2309 Marine Their West Vancouver studio, annual H o l^ y b u rn ^ history of thb event. The weath- Drive. S tuden tp -are prepared whew 4]iey will teach on «Tues- Swim. w b L A In «pS ser^ er and sea conditions were per- for examinations and the B. C. days and Fridays, is a t the home lumpy sea greeted th e ^ c o n te ^ ̂^f^^^ le c t and a large crowd was Musical FestivaV if desiwd. H ?r of Mrs E . C* Robbins 2791 present to witness the various pupils have been .100% success- , Marine Drive, I hone Wê ^̂ ^ ■ H i l - • ,* Ik V ,j H TiVflser Challenge Cup, witn * Gillman has been in New iotk uul.liu: iuv«* v*uy yv̂ i. î nc »*««« j^nnibel Barbour second ,jn PC; all summer,where he:has been. h f w MBonnibel Barbour secona m pu.,, ,au summer; wnere ne .n as oeen. ^ - y v pst VANCOIWER-- "r - the e r f o r t W . ^ - ^ m n L n r i r i f e t t ' e S e t - S t o tS l f o W s 22® In ^ '^ H O R T IC U L T q R A t ASSN. L e c o S ^ ' h Closed events Maurice Anderson The W est Vmicouyer H or^- **Amonff the^men Bill Turney Adolnh Schmidt o f New \ o r k , repeated his victory of last year cultural Associatien are h^ditig tim e b e i n g s ,.Trf B V .» ll lW h itro f ^ in-the 100 yards free style for ...their 19th Exhibition .on Sptur- S u te s 9 s^ionds to,.win.,the J.. He was theXpundCT.and conduc-. men, com ii^ home an easy win- day? Sm tem ber T. Watt Challenge Trophy.. Ross to r of,S t. Jam es Choral Society - -- Orange Hall, and nope lo r a o g Rathie, who -was second,; was ' -- awarded the cup for the .youhg- WEST VANCOUVEIP NURSERY SCHOOL te ' Featuw s of the^ ItegaUa wew ^ e r J id S b e tte r cxWibi ourorripH ihp CUD lor tue vouDg- w S ^ ^ n th i i a i a s t ^ ^ choral con- » fine exhibition of fancy swimr partm ents than in- . previous t e ' ^ A d ^ v ^ s t s w t o r ™ - -n je re « e 2 2 clabse^^^^ swim to Dundarave. . . l, .-aeire to unite, with the society h T7/Mirr1nvi 'wrl'fii '-nf P'TPa'i-P' ■ 'i-wtrifja/l 4*/\ in o 1ri::ii OYl- ' I lf6 ^ftVlli^ dlS]|^fly Oy tll€5 ffirlS Cl&SS'BS IH fl*UltS| 16'ClflS&©S in Mrs. C. Claxtpn, announces the opening on. Septeniber 5th of a Nursery School a t 2832 Bellevue Avenue. Its aim is to jH'ovide for the solitary child the "companionship of others of his Mrs. Bowden, w ife ;b f .Presi- aiie"cpidiai7iuvitcd,tp m ake |?a®ss r f L E S S " link^"e t 7 ^ n T o .^ V n d dent Bowden, p r e ^ n te ^ h e cups g icatm n to t h ^ ^ ^ ̂by ®th?L ; ^ r t s , k n d "i comlf J ^ t 'n K V d le s t® c emphasis b e % laid on c h a r a c ^ ™„" ,V.® +£f ---------- ------ life-saving htunfcfrpm a boat by, a lso c lassesfo r children-iiirhcme - training.. ja ther._ than__on J. Loughran and'.Miss Mellish of cooking, flowers and-vegetables, 4-u^ D>«roT TAf^ HflYrino* SnAipfir Mrs. Claxton holda^ho Cettifi- to the winners on . conclusion of the race, also the C. Ross Tate Grand, Aggregate Cup for the Regatta to the.suc­ cessful contestants. : ' , . 'V ?*■*;*' I- Xi ■ *: ••iv srvl l O O r ^ v S l d C T ^ S e . W n gnn«pH , ' ' "oge^oint t r r ^ ^ o .u . v-i- days engagement thiS; y ea r "a t to be used. AH decorative work C. Reid of the B. C. Branch . ^ m u s t -be made up in the Jiall. cups and prizes bn th e steps of the Clachan afte r :the Regatta. There was a -very good at- r T Cl ^ j • has been practising all. summer the R.L:S., has d ey o t^v a -to p b f On- a concert 'a t great deal of time te t r a ^ n g - September. ' ' the boys and it reflects g reat ______ credit on him when all fo u r can- p o G AND TRADE LICENCES ilvine®cofor^"f c d ls '^ f,:-: ,' .;;Notice is given by Police Chief tendance.'at the annual ^ g a t t a S e t e d thim ta thA use'S S o r 'S ^ th e v are n ^ e i k t o f , dogs must p ay , dpg licences took place a t HoUyburn Pavihon. b the use of t h a T S S Failure to comply Excellent music was provided by k ld n g th lm k an d y ;- " f f 4 n t ^ - wlU J n p ^ e ^ « < m , nx; ------ ---------- , lliUOl/ - WC *XJIC»Ut7 up, WiC , Mrs.'^ G( D. .Elgar, wife o f Com petitors-must provide the ir Councillor Elgar .-presented the vases or receptacles or table cloth. Exhibitors wishing veg­ etables and heavy articles trans­ ported to the hall on Saturday, September 7th. should . leave their names and addresses with -the secretary, Mrs. H. B. Gar-,.- land, Bellevue Avenue, phone Life Guards a t our heaches $L00-Ahd-£or- females $2.00.setting up a record th a t ' any: females $2.00. troop will find h a S to beat. ^ . O utstanding trade h ce n ^ s Those who witnessed th e te s ts ' m ust bejpaid on or before were a s to u n d ^ - a t . th e ; skill temimr 7th. Non-payment will shown and a s t h e 'a n n o u n c e r ..render th o ^ l i ^ e to prosecu- said a t the end: of -the show : I f tiOn without fu rther' notice. th a t :s ,e a e y „ try . i t : , .. BOOK EXCHANGE PV'I', ̂^ mm M 4 mmm i A** M arie Abraham and Hei: Orehes- WestSOGX. All intending exhib- traj--aV n u m b er^o m in g -^ ro m -- iters-ai'e-request'ed-tb-bMng-t-heir--- TNJai?W*1i ^ 4-/\ r^v*Qnnra O qII r%Y\ Ruth Chapter, L.O.B.A., will give : th e ir regular weekly dance next Saturday, A ugust 31st, in the Orange Hall, dancing lio . s ta r t a t 9~p.m. The usual good music will be provided. Admis­ sion, 15 cents. This is the last .dancC^ of the season on account of the Capilano dances starting next week. * ' The following will receive th e ' , T he Duncan^ Lawson Chapter, Society's Bronze Medallion: T.O.D.O., w ill open ^their hook North Vancouver;,.." ' . entries' to Vhe Orange Oall on D. V, A.. Full particulars of^ th e win- Friday, September 6th, from' - A s' the membership has over ners are as follows: X ^>--"7:30 p.m. till 10 p.m., when the grown' its, present Cornmittee rin«pH fn secretary'; will be in a tte n d a n c e .B o o m s, it has been decided to •ixr tr A Xs r< The directors would much ap- ;;mo!ve;to the, Orange H alt where ' k m 1 -preciate it i f , exhibitors would . t h e . m eetings will be held Jn Tad's R ace; W idth ,of Tank-- ^ special; effort to have, fu tu re . .The first of such meete I, Bobby Currie; 2, B. S later; 3, their.en tries in on Friday n ig h t . ings will be on 'Tuesday, Septem- J. Doidge. I so th a t they could allot the ber., 24th, alt 8 p.m. The execu- 25 Yards, proper space to th e different ex- X tiye meets a t 7 :30 sam e evening. under 10 --. 1, David- C arter; 2, luibits. The exhibition is open to ' ' This Association is making a liMj 1 li.' Troop Leader E rnest'H arrison , * ' exchange in CJoloneLK. W. Sav- under 10 .1, Pf^Y^^Uarter, 2, ̂dibits. The exhibition is open to This Association is making a Patrol Leaders P a t o h F a g a n ; 'o ^ 's office, 1443 M arine Drive," ' Henry Hall, and i t is hoped, drive fo r new members. Anyone wiiort--v " T3v?/iQ-,r an/1 SnfnrHflv from 12 Time 26 4/6 s ^ . ________ _ residents will avail themselves interested plc^ase phone the ̂ ......... M P X ^ h ^ a l l b e . furnished. qi- £ 4 y i -i. mX';a, Ills Anotter's and Handyman . in '.early and m. good condition, -y , a ,^ , . p}i,i„ , s badges and P /L A rt .Wilson re -.' O ile rs wiB also be taken fo r new 25 Yards, r r r e ftwie. w ceived his K n V s badgA ' te ^ b o o k s .. ' HOLLYBURN HALL KINGSLEY SCHOOL ' I '<6, STEVENS' CLUB ' '• HEADQUARTERS DANCE, . .' A dance will be held in the. P aren ts wishing to send their Chapman; 2, Pauline G reer.' Suhday School ahd BibleClas^^. ;boys to Kingsley School, North Time 17 seC. . ' ' . ̂ g '̂g will be held a t 10 a.mi. next / ' Vancouver; as diay boarders, are at 24B2 Af V. h e « p ar- , M klcote' io n e t! :u ' h; ?i?- A ^ K o y i ^ o w e s - u r c n e s i r a w i i i ^ . - . 5^ Yards, Free ;Style,- Girls . o "m The Youth s-Section:rwilhm€et-- provide~the -musicr" Admission-- ^ ^ j 7 4 "~(G^rdod"Gray^ Uhal--" ^ at-8 p.m. tonight a t theipiachan. 15 cents. , ' leiige Trophy) ~ 1; , Audrey ffollybum W harf, ■ ------------ ̂ ~^ cave ; 2, D iana'-Chaplnan; :3, n/frTVTmTo-Ai ""Hnrothv Gr€enivo^.^54'^lme/':42;^ .t ,M U N IC IrA L .0 ..................... . _________transportation by the Things, F irst." ' - school bus. Any fu rth e r inform- special open air ation and prospectus can be ob- Sunday- a t iltained Jby application ,to the head_ " ./m as te r. - X: I - . Ik- ',r -'fi, i J S h ' "' MUNICIPALITY OF WfisT VANCOUVER • isp' '> } >> V i ^ t f i o p t f i k r m e r n o t i c e D orothy' Greenwo^} f/T im e ; 4? ■yeek' -vk' - - I 50 Yards, F r^ ;,: S ty les Boys uiider. 14, (G Rose.;Tate/Chal- ' lenge Trophy) 1,1 F rank CoL -lins; 2, Jack Pom fret; 3; Don ; Montgomery. Time;:34;:sec/". . 50" Yards, F r^ ; / S ty le ,'; G irla ,, . undei^ 17; (J. B /ILeylahd'ChaL lenge Trophy) -- 1, Lucille Cur- ' r ie ; 2, ElsieX Parteldg^/S, Kay i-Simpsdh/lbTInii^ ̂ P '^ /^ .;secy 50 Yards, F ree 'S ty le , Boys / under 17, (S .' G isby' Challenge ' iT i^ h y ) Y;4i3^dspn4 Bi^ongi 2; H arry T u i ^ y ; 3 /M er- M UNICIPALITY o f w e s t VANCOUVER.'Kf/' '•A.? i.'* -̂74 .V Notice is herelijy ibat owiiets of niiisc pay Doe^lieincM immediately. FaUum to comSii^^^ M l Males up: $m-oo., ^ ^':■ ;• F e n i w e p s ; « f , > , f ^ . j O O ' ' . • i k t ĉVa"\ " ->4" ■" o * ■* V * 4'̂ 1- t ' -.-T r - " * 7 7 >. X F. W . eO O IR E S, Ciiiefi o f P o lice >■'. .7/"' f i s ;i i\xH U * ' -s7'< - I .4T AT ■'I' 4 if' i W f i I o f / J : -'"1 % 1 m m ifS