West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Aug 1935, p. 4

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m ̂# swi ̂ T " MM îiiWiWrt W i %* ̂^1 P h o n e W est 469 Phone Wî t.46 [ t m ^ m m t v a n n i w S:: SOFTBALL .̂s huve iKW been North Sh<m? Softball League P rices G ood F r id a y lc ia t u r d e y , A tig . 1 6 th & I 7 th l(<>d & WhlU COFFEE, % Vacuunt aealrd ................ 1 lb. Ite # I ' HII.LA c o f f e e ; 1 lb. b«f......__ 24c I(<mI Sl Wblt« BAKING POWDER ' 12-0*. t i n ---- -i t c COMPLEXION SOAP--LMly Godlva •I rakea ........................ . tSc NABOB ASPARAGUS. 12 ox. Ua I7e ilAPPYVALB PICKLES, 9 ox. bottle I Fr«*(ili and Criap -- Sweet or H our............................ *.......... . 12e Ut'd & White S O U P ........... S ttm 2Se Tonmto, Vegetable. Clam Chowder. CKAWFOlUrS PINEAPPLE CUBES 2a. tin LVNN VALLEY PEACHES. Squat, Ontario Freeatonea. tin I9e MA/.OLA OIL, 1 Ib. tin............... 26c CORNED BEEF. Helmet .2 Una 19c RICE KRISPIES, Kellogg^H 'roaMted Rice ....... ............... p k t 11c l*UFFED WHEAT ....... ... pkt. 10c Red & While TOMATO JUICE Natural Juice ................ 4 Una 25C lied & White JELLY POWDERS AHXorted F lavora........... 3 pkta. 13c M ciin P h o n e W est 376 BURNS* VIRGINIA HAM. pm* lb. 50c »//*lb. Pkt BACON ..... :____ ___ 17c LFM8 OF LAMB, per Ib..............25c SMOULDER OP LAMB (whole) per Ib............................................ 10c HMAMROCK BOIX)GNA. per lb. .. 18c DAISY LOAF, per lb................... 27e LUXURY LOAF, per lb,....... 30c BOILING FOWL, per Ib............... 22c ROASTING CHICKEN 4 Iba. each "* per Ib. 80c FRYING CHICKEN. IFa to 2 Iba. each per ib............................................ 28c SWEET PICKLED CORNED BEEF per Ib.......................................... . 10c BEEF - PORK -- LAMB ~ VEAL Very Fineat Quality 4ip.43iiJ!Mhms. with Kiaitfi"€rot'ery, one game On Wednesday, August 7th. Keats defeated IVitons at Mahon Park 5-1, and on Friday night Tritons defeated Keats 9-8. Last Monday night. Keats de­ feated Triton.s 5-0, which put them one game up on Tritons. Tritons must win tomorrow night's game (Friday^ at Mahon. Park, to stay in the running. Government Inspected Only ' L'ABIB -- COLO MEATS OF A W KHfOS J^PWtCATESSEN 1 s t o r e a t H o U y b u r n ^ ; iie k t:;T h e a tre ■ -.4>aONB-WESr' S-'tMJ-W,--'.'.. W. A. g Ak d k n p a r t y VERY SUCCESSFUL LUMBER 16c Rwl & White SHAKER SALT 2 Ib. Shaker ...................2 pkiu BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE "It cuHtM but u trifle per salad.**' 8 oz. J a r ...................................... 20c CORRESPONDENCE The Editor. West Van News. A most successful garden party was held last Saturday at the ..home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ' Newman, 103G Jefferson Ave­ nue, under the auspices o f the St. Stephen's - Inglewood W. A. Mrs. J. B. Ix'yland performed the opening ceremonies at 3, o'clock, when she was presented with a beautiful bouquet of glacl- iola and sweet peas. Tea was served at small tables on the lawn, Mrs. Body and Mrs. Hampson pouring. During the Mrs. and a l l B U I L D I N G M A T E I l I A t S WEST VANCOUVER l y p E R C O - LTD. -FOR HEAL SATISFACTION -- Phone West 115 1497 |to in ^ CLASSIFIED ADS The afternoon Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove SCOUT NEJWS Airs. W. R. Clarke delighted 2nd WoHf VflnPAiivo.- guests with vocal selections hollyburn GIFT SHOP, B. C., -- ■fi.' ____ 1 and recitations, each artist be- Join Our Library: 25c a month; The rate for Classified Advertlxements Is 2 cent* per word, minimun 25 cents. Except in the case of tliooe hxTinf regular accounts, all dassl. fiods are payable strictly In adrance. Remember Claasifieda in the Went Van News get immediate roaults. Dear Sir;--Can you gjye me day from a wee any information n« to thc'^sUlt camp at Sunnyside. Hoy Scouts returned last Satur­ day from a week's summer and recitation.s, each artist be­ ing the recipient of bouquets of sweet |>eaa. The girls under the Join Our Library: $2.00 a year. Ladyship Wools. 1078 Marine JDrive. West 601. your paper last May for the two ferry boats? week full 6f"scouting actTvTties , Miss Jones was aiso A sp^ial appeal was made to in the great open spaces, coupled a bouqifet of/It : lif . 111« 1 * _. .1 .♦ '1 , ' t • • R i\rGf3ij TiGflLSi. ' i ' names school children many of whom with some splendid help'from must have teon disappointed at Mr. Peppar with his fish hatch- lack of publicity of rewards. Only one boat has been named _an(i as„far as I know ihe.author of this name has never been pub­ lished. A prize of ten dollars was offered; $5 for each suc­ cessful name -- surely amongst all those sent in it \vas possible to find one suitable for, the No. 6. Otherwise it should be No. 1 or No, 3. Yours truly, ----- -- --aRAfcGE^WFabEEDr ery. sweet peas; In the evening dancing and community singing were enj.oy- Drive -- E\cerything . . . ...........„ and'embroidery. Free instructions. Mrs. Latham, proprietress. Very JhigKly complimentary .«• "Y both old and young, the -- beauty of- the grounds'being en- DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE made bread, cakes and West 514. - Home- paistries. TO RENT, -- .Good furnished houŝ . Apply 1678 Marine Drive'. West 601 1 ('marks were heard of the thor­ ough manner in which Scout- ma.ster Percyllaw tin handled th(' boys whilsTinider his care. High praise was also given the committee regarding the splendid help given the Scout­ master by his Troop Leader, Ernie .^Harrison. - "And so your daughter is about to marry. Do you really feel that she i.s I'oady for the battle of life ?" Counsel: "ThoT cross-examination didn't seem to worry you at all. Have you had,any experience in that line?" Client: "Married' throe times/,' hanced by sH'ings of colored lights. Miss Teresa Kemson and Mrs. Gopsel provided the music.' Mrs. Clarke again delighted the guests with recitations and Mrs. Ken-Robertson gave a vocal solo which, was much enjoyed. Coffee and doughnuts were served"durmg the evenihg7"TKe' XX/AT\.^a A V* Vt VXflCS Vl WANTED -- Small house for b e a r , • . vicinity Pauline Johnson School. .- Phone West 81L. RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Ariels, etc. J. L. Pettigrew, The Radio Man, -- 1890*Mariner West" 145; LOST -- Ring of keys Marine Drive, West Phone West 385-R-3. last week, Vancouver. GIVE THE W IPE A Re Al CHANGE --^Take her to Hunter's-Coffee Shop. Luncheons7 teas, dinners. West 610. • FOR SALE-- -1 year-and 2 year pld Leghorn hens, 12 cents per lb., hot , dressed. Stewart McIntyre, 11th and Kings; West 663-Y. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. . . . Of course your wife has poor She should be, .she a been m judgment, think whom she mar> four engagemenl.s already." ried. Women's Auxiliary wish to ex­ press their appreciation to all who helped ti> make the affair such a success. VACANCY FOR STUDENT desiring training in kindergarten woric. ̂ Ap- plv Box'4, West Van News; RADIO SPECIALISTS Hayward & Prebble!-- Haye-your set-over­ hauled now; summer, prices. Tlione--^West-539.- -- v: . - - STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES For sale or rent. West 220-L, OWNER LEAVING foir. England and must sacrifice beautiful complete furnishings of eight room house. Phone North 1590. . , .The gods we worship write their names pn our faces.;^ SHOE REPAIRS ---..Get the best mat­ erial and workmanship at Pox's, 14th a t Perry. . - . FOR SALE -- Dining Room Suite; heavy oak, dark finish; cheap for cash. Mrs. G_ J. Nutt, 2186 Gordoi -"**--Phioin'e'"We'Slr MARCEL SHOP -r- Thermique Steam Pem anent. Try. our. fatigue facial tired housewife, or business JKesL304;-J<7th-an(LMawne.i over Royal Bank. ROOMS TO RENT -- In comfortable home near ferry, board if desired. Phone West 288-Y. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- 5S«»es discarded clothing. ' Phone W_est 37 an<i truck. will collect.. COLIN TURNER, Builder and Con­ ta c to r -- Alterations and repairs. Phone W est 679R.., BEATTY PRODUCTS AKE to AND 1 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- ' Repairs, all . makes. West Vancou­ ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine WANTED -- One furnished-'and one ., unfurnished :-'-4-room . cottage near ferry. Phone; West 340 or West 143 DEATH OF ROBT, KINLOCH r o u n d -- Tortoise shelT rimmed spectacles. - Owner can have same Dy Puyjng^ fpr-__thjs_ advertisemMl a t 2373 Haywood Avenue. CHIMNEY S W E ^ IN G -- The Old Country way. -. Satisfaction guaran* ^ed . E." Palmer, Garden Avenue, • Capilano. Phone'N orth 811R2. LLOYD'S W b0L , ;'&. KNITTING SHOP, 1^74; M anne -- Complete line spring wools. Free knitting school. Violet and Kathleen Clem­ ent, Proprietors. . ^ Robert Kinloch, a former resi­ dent of West Vancouver, was drowned in the river 18' miles w Washington; last Friday. He was on his wav by mot(>r to Moose Jaw with some friends to engage in the narvesting, and while resting at this point, took a swim in the river, which has a very swift current and the waters of which --------------------------- are cold. First aid was admin- <^RDON R()BSPNa Barrister, S®>«* istered by the State Police hnf .1447 Marine, mornings; 510 was unsuccessful. , ; St.<,Se3hnour,4199. after- The dece^edj who Was.in his GEO. H A Y ,'N otary Public -a- Estate and Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260. noons. J'xr mourn his H ^D Q U A RTERS< for All Popular loss nis lather, at present resi- Brands-of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; ̂ 8TKT7-0KE JJSAM8 OF OANADIAN SERVICE iNQiHRB Ab o u t t h e sp e c ia l t e r m s a r r a n g ed . D irect Fabtoxy Branohr '01': B E A T T Y W A V S M E R S T O R E north 907 in Vancouv;r.'t ; r « is i:S : "frs. E. Connor of Vancouver and Jean at fisme. Funeral ser­ i e s were held at 2 p.m.-yester- the West Vanrauver ' Wri^fd ®e'̂ - Hillis also Fishing Gadgits for local wat­ ers. Amblc^ide-Tea Rooms. CAPT. *EL GALLAI .̂ Registered ^Chiropractor, 712' Robson St., Van- . couver. VSeymbiir 8790. Wright officiating. Interment ^V ^^IS H E D AND UNFURNISHED was made in Capilano View Cem- to R en t;; Houses, lots, and etery, and L.O.L. No. 2990, of which the deceased was a mem­ ber, conducted their .sendee at the grave. H a r r o n -W ltd acreage ' fo r ; sale. John Lawson, 17th audfMarine;'Phone West 55. WINDOW S H A o i^ AND AWNINGS made to measurements or repaired. Estimates- -free.' Picture framing. Pearce, 189D'Marine, West 629 or makes light f a heavy heart, ̂ heavy 145. work. WE W iN g g ^ s i l N of attractive furnished and'., imfumished houses for ren t.'. Jnqniiries invited. C.̂ J- Aircher Iaim ted,;t415^^ Dnve. some P R U y ^ p printing ^____ et their eredi?;;..i'X." Itinds/•J tneir creditors do all of printiiHe phone West Van FOB RENT -- Nicely famished col. / ta g e , fully modern, good location, last two weeks August. Phone West . 306-X. , ' .-i w ine fesuii camp a t |8unnyside. ..... ------------------------ ^ ^ . of a competition announced ip Both the Scoutmaster and the ' d u NDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave ' la s t May concerning Scouts reported "a w onderfH l a. delightful exhibition of fo lk- KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Manne --Notions. Novelties, Stationery, I the two w boats? w . .T f.,II dancing. Mis.s Jones was also Drive - Everything for knitting School .Snppliee, Nniles Herdw