West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Aug 1935, p. 2

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......... . --i HpN misiSii Kwn ----------- »IWlWI»IWĵ ^ i WEST VAN VNITSDCHUBCB til ^ Rav.HIllisWrffhtMioiftflr. . inJilajr Bmthm . i 'ic'. P 11:18 a.m., 7:18 p^n. Suiiday Sebool and BlblajC^ai Strangnrg A Vlsitora Waleoma. -TOl. WEST VAN NEWS B A m m o u m o i Vattor: R»v. H- F. Httitipltiri>vg," R<r»M#f»0e; JEllS Phon« Weit ŜSR. Sunday Spnk«» -- 11 4u a . Audi 7:15 p.m* Bund«y Sciiool* 10:(K̂ A.tn, Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe m t H«riM! Brit* Pro8«nt« the "Clairol Sharftpoo A BBNBATION IN IIAIU TINTING I« you)* hair «ray, drab or' UNITED CHUBCH Kev. HilHs Wright, Minister* W l ^ VANCOUVEK C G rI iw Scieace Sunday Morning -- Preacher, Rev. George G. Webber. Secre> f f ta ry of the Lord's Day Alliance. Evening Service -- Speaker: The Rev. R. M.; Mathieson, B.D.,' Collingwood United Church, Vancouver. * Sunday School us usual. . • . , gmy. tifelesH? We will srlve you a tthampoo that aoftena, recon> ditionn, tlntH and wasboa your hair -- all In one treatment. I'HONE WEST 117 for.. Appolntnienta The UNiVEX CAMERA IS NOT A TOY. The PriccN are:-- 09 centa for Model A and ■ 11.98 for the New Folding Fllm« are 16 centa each ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P'. A, Ramsey Rector: August 18th -- 9th Sunday after Trinity. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and SerShon. 7:15 p.m -- Evensong and Ser- • mon. St. Frnncis-in*ihe-Woods, Caulfield 8:00 p.m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon. O'lie Men's Club arc sponsor CRtllkCU E D l^ldS 2etli and Bmuimalt. HoUyboro Thii Society is a Branch of Tho Mother Cburch Tb# F iret Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts • Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Augiist 18, 1935 Subject: ' " S O U L " '^Sunday Schoof at. 10:00 aatyi Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings, . HOLLYBDRlf HALL " Comer of 74 trand Duchess * SUNDAY, I8th "AUGUST Sunday-School and Bible Claf'^es ^10 a.m. Breaking of Bread Meeting 11:10 a.m. . (Jo-HpeJ Meeting, 7:30 p.m. . when Mr. James Gibson ,wiJl speak on "A Full Sized Porlruit of The Saviour." Another Open Air Meeting will be held in the Afternoon at foot of 17th Street a t 3 o'clock. All invited and welcomed to above meeting.s. m m m m m . n m n d a y . In Uw Go. at 8 pan. Mti. Coimiidi in charge. COUNCIL NOTES Mr. Gibson of the Hollyburn Gospel Hall, was present at the council meeting in regard to holding open air religious ser­ vices on Sundays at the foot of 1935. Lot 1'4, Blpck 5, D.L. ,557; water erosion. Referred to the engineer for maintenance. T, Miscellaneous items: Lighthouse Park, wood cut­ ting; lumber for Procter Avenue and Hay's Creek, etc. Filed. 6. Whyteeliif water inspec­ tion. Referred to thfe Engineer to arrange for J. Duckworth to make the survey.n Hft * ■ _ The council accepted the offer SPECIAL PRiVILEGE EXHIBITION TICKETS 3 TICKETS FOR » . o 6 AdmUnton to Crounda a n d Crandatand $5,100 IN PRIZES ANBLESIDE PHARNACY hnahnf'Wio l^tH Street apd othcr Suitable me council itcccptcu mcvilCR di^/* placGS. He wa.s informed it of Mrs. Christina Monroe to Inv A^uJist 17th B uL ! wni wouW.be Quite in order provided purchase Lot 20, S ^ A /i D.L. w. L. KBR, Prop., Phono;1401 Marine Drive West 328 FREE DELIVERY Happy niomentfl of childhood days prints""*"* -̂dlYSTAL FINISH C t l ^ S t o l F t f l i s h A gency For Service and Satisfaclion: . "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" \ fIi.v A'ium«f I7fh \iriii wouio DC quice in Order provioca purerm se xjou ksu, o .w .y .t. xj.lj. iLivc th e cLrch at'T-ys^ discretion was used w here t r a f - 1064, fo r the sum of $114.50, the Tmand s o f t dH ̂ ?r^ necessitated.' clerk to imke the necessary ar- . * * rangements to complete. - ^ The council directed that a w t * V j iu «? letter of thanks and appreciation a accepted the offer be forwarded to the.secretary of ^f Chas^ Forrest to purchase the Automobile Club of Vancou- veî Tor; th^ydclub's provision of Ambleside Sheet , M etal Proprietor W O r K S m L J S ^ D . H . S E A L E . D .D .8„ L .D .8. d e N t u t Hay Block, I4tli and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone Weat 73 _ The council directed that a; BAPTIST'CHURCH letter of thanks and appreciation Cor. 15th and Duchess be forwarded to the^sccretary of Vi, - r ,L,V-.,o- n r ' r,R̂ fcr Pastor: ^ v , H. P Humphreys the AutomobU^ ̂ i .V i b e c te r k t new directional signs at various make the neressary arrange- 10.00 a.m. Sunday School and points in the municipality. ' ment to complete. Adult Bible Class. ♦ ♦ The council directed that a ; The cbuncil accepted the offer letter: of V.appreciation, .of t̂he.:.: QOgMô ^̂ society's Activities be sent to -- E. F; P to purchase Block; L. CcJLeid o f the North Shore. 80, D.L. 556, for the sum:' B;jaht®(]lf the Royal Life Saving v $488, subject to con Society. conditions governing the sale,of * * ♦ ' " - Tax Sale lands. An offer-was-received by-the------ - » ♦ ♦ MeDermid,; Miller Mr. and Mrs. G. Carter applied to purchase-- Ao^heveounciFforAcce^ r$103v000v00--Adberta-yt^cr-Hbonds^i;!--BrIz~1^4^7~^heTnat^^^Hiia -Tiilxr 1 Kfli ■ 1QKQ i£Q1 n-w* - j lij . $S500 City of Vancouver Baby Bondi SI 600 1935 Buick " 8 " Sedan. $500 City of Vancouver Baby Bondi. 50 Prizes, each value $10 Caih." ̂ u2 i To be given away 10 .30 p.m., Wedneiday, Sept. 4th at Exhibition Grounds. . . . Ona tiekot toill a d m it one a d u lt or ttvo children to Uappy-Go^Lucky hour. One ticket u il l a d m it tw o pmraona to llouae o f Magic. Tickets sold at gates do NO T give these privileges. 11:00 a.m.--Rev. H. G. Harris. 7:15 p.m. -- Mr. Kerr.................. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. Get 3wur priae-w inntng ticketa from.. 'V . ■ your local dealer.:- __ jSjD*day Services Low Mass -- 8 ;45"a.m. High Mass & Sermon - JLJIL 10:45 CRI1RDR PRCIFIC GXHIBITIOn RT URIICOUUER'CRnRDR 2 8 -S Im:aum n;i Dr. GEORGE S. MACDONALD D.D.S., D.D.C., Dental Surgeon Ro.sary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. ,• Catechism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Week-dhy Services Mass, daily 8 a.m. Fridays ~ Rosary, Benediction, Confessions -- 7 :45 p.m. ooo 1953, price $91 or referred to the chairman of the " ' $92. They were advised that board of works and the engineer • A telephone pole never hits an uncii would nrefer to con- for report. .anfr,the council would prefer to con sider an exchange which would not reduce par value. auto excejit in self-defense. lYouraXTHao a.m. to .1. p.m. EvoiiFnisraiby upiTolntment Gertrude'^Hampson made an ----- ri e application re resubdivision Lot from 8 of A of Block 6 E1/2 of W 100 7.30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m, ac.^of D.L. 775. ppi?Qi?Ma'*AfrinxT advised that in'View I RESLHIjVTIONJO-------- ^------o f-th e-fy t-th at alk-the-l(W.s-in.-| Royal Bank Bldg., Telephone ___ W'oHt Vancouver, Weat 410 R E V r r a T H E lr tn E ^ Y -" :-^ ^ D.L. 775 W.. 100 ,ac. were sold J . T. w a t t , W E ST " V A N C O U V E R REALTY AND IN S U R A N C E C O . WEST 141 ANY TIME AGENT FOR CUNARD s t e a m s h i p s ' All details arranged via Panama, Airways, Bus ojORail ■ Eatabliahed. on North Shore ' 25 Yeara (l4idy Assiatant) --HABRONJJROS. LTD. Ifuiteral fiirectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 The members of St. Anthony's subject to the same conditions, Church met Sunday evening in the council -could not agree to the Parish Hall on .which oc- the change suggested without casion Father W. J . Millay was written permission being receiv- pr^ented with a purse. ' ed from all other owners in the r ather* Millay, who has been block mentioned. " the rector of the parish for the * ♦ ♦ . past two years, lefrT\iesday for The council instructed the Philadelphia, to which city he clerk to obtain from the inspec- has been transferred. 'During tor of municipalities his inter­ ms stay here he has been very ' pretation-of-subsection "b" of H o u r s C o m f o r t i n g W a r m t h C. J . Overington PIO N EER BARBER NOW Op e n FU LLTIM E- yl j th & Marino, Phone West 133 THE West Van News Pnbllaked Every Thuraday popular and much solid progress Clause 207 of the Municipal Act attained. After the presentation in regard to telephone line wife was made by Mr. H. A. Rhodes, mileage., . Father Millay regretted His leav- ~ * * * mg West Vancouver, but stated The council left the matter of he would always be interested in the provision of-a boat for the the work here and urged his conveyance of the West Vancou- liateners to consolidate the pro- ver School Band to Keat's Island 8 *̂ess made. H€ then presented on Saturdav, A.ugust 17th to w!?h '*!*?'■ attention-of- the chairman of With mementos of his work transportation with power to act. ii€jr6« , ^ ^ ^ e ladiea of the parish served The Rovsi Trust c .. ,.,mt„ «,■ refreshments after which each council re M person present personally ex- Gleneaelcs nJIve pressed their wish for his con- TOTrfeferreH S t l .. ^ tinu^, health and success in" h: ^!^oiT ' new field. * ★ The council dealt'with the report as follows: i r Major Harold Brown's ap- LEGION NOTES SM. PnUiaher R F. LOVEGROVE Phone W ^ t 363 Baain^aa and Editorial Offlea: 17tb and Marina Drlra (N ext to HoUybum P .6 .) Phone West 863 Mail Addraaa: . P. O. Box 81, RoUybnni, a a N orth Vnneouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. ; The next general meeting of p lic itiorri iv the.loc^.branch wlii.be hel§ at & X a t l i " W u r 3 1 s " : 8 p.m, Wednesday, August 21st, m the Legion Memorial Hall. Things that seem "too good b be triie" often aie. 1935 repairs to Park Road, Alta- IHiat the work be done on a *^*^^^^nnce basis. S. Penny; Ju ly 29th, vV 81.00 a . m r bv earrlar: 12.00 a y ^ r .. ..................................................- electricity will heat your electric hottoad W ten hours. DAVE ANDERSON, West V a n c e n v .r P -Phones-WestWlL or l.•rao4•t „ -J. ■--I \ 'f* V t'* ELECTRIC SERVICE--ALWAYS A BARGAIN ^ i