West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Aug 1935, p. 1

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¥& i '-.kWWc?5W«^ 1̂ 9 r WW0k 1 r I W -" "•- " ;ffliSS#*&S>W'*fcJe*3 h- F 1 % ff 'fcyi i ' * - ' ' - S ' - - ............- ^ ■• ' l*'.'j* .« .'.'î '- --u-' " -^ -• -■' '̂ ««ii><i|||||* <|f> 'i .' ■., i||'," ' <« ■» r ' " '„T' I ^ ""'"' "" ' \ ' ^ * / Ji?%, ,1 1 W •; 1 i , / F • 8 8 # ^.: . 'iS0; Circulating in the District o f West Vamptt $1.00 p e r ^ i»f. < * , . Pari i Gau( " ' ' ' > I. ̂ *, » :? , 1 . ' f « ,.t> s l l ^ ipiil* m\ î \mbleside^ i, Whytecliff, '.*1 >, Dunddrave1̂ , , ,-i., ■ 6c per copy at newestands, A'* *' \'ol. X rtbDLtBOltfl P.O., WfeST>ANC6li;\?'|;l, B.C., THURSDAY, AOOy8' No. 17 ETHIOPIA Tho chances are^all against an am iable retttement of the dispute between Italy and E th o ^ ; although it is t o h e vorv devoutly hoped war may be averted. MusBolmi has been S i n i r his people up to war fever for years, and he has r S d y sent very large bodies of troops to Africa and is S doing so. In order* therefore, to save his face with his om people, he must obtain from Ethiopia such Jarge con- S io n s as the latter is very unlikely. ,to give without re- ^°^**The^S?opians have soundly thrashed the Italians in the nast and they know just as well as we do that the Great War showed up the Italian army as next to the £»ortu^pese t h f o o S in Europe. They also realize that the terrain of [heir country will largely neutralize the modern equmment of the Italians, not to mention the terrible ravages of disease which the latter have to contend with. . . . , The suggestion that Britain and France will stand aside for various reasons in the way of oil concessions or help m Europe seems hardly < tenable. But the frantic efforts being made^by both to ayert war. is entirely understandable, for, S hostilities' commence,, .both. will find themselves on the Srns of the most terrible dilemma in their histones, whatever, the î ŝ uj; jg ^he rising tide of color. Britain and France have uboth millions of black subjects m Africa, and-the former has in addition. India s* millions, to Should Italy win, a ll these colored inillions in Africa will blame them for standing aside ^^d letting their bro^^ Ethiopia be gobbled up. A victory for the latter, on the other hand, would s e r i o u s l y damage the white , man s presti^^ in this case the terms 'V W te^ an " and ,;^Europ^n» are synon- imous -- in the eyes of both Asia and Africa. Up^to the time of the Russo-Japanese W ar,'the Orient^ hejd^ it t o ^ im­ possible for him to defeat the European. The defeat of Russia changed that opinioh; and was the beginning of the cplor^ races' a w ^ 'intentiom to sooner^or^ later- drive the-w hite- man from both Africa and Asia. And, natur^Iy,.they would ' BRI1K3E AGREEMENT lBJ3tTEiSf»ED ^ ___ -l- i .'i Vancouver'MDity Council on Monday passed a,by-law extend- iW ing the city^s agreement with Keen rivalry was In- eyl last 'Satui^ay^ ^ tw e e u ' Vancouver And lericho Ito thi league match played a t the club*s courts, when t h e - * SCHOOL BAND TO L^AVB • FOR KEATS ISLAND On Saturday the West Van* couver Schools Band will leave for their annual twelve day s' tlm FiMt Narrom^^ ̂ club^s courts, when the-aericpo camp at Keat's Island. The S n y 'fo r two years. Thiclause T ' l a i requiring the company to com- its p o s lt^ ?* kindly o ff^ d the No. 6 F m y mence work yd thin two years league. The to transport the b<ws. The boat from N o v em te 9th. 1983, is cx- *®®"® Ambleside Pier at 10 tended to 1937. tennis and the match resulted THE BURINaNG BUSH By Subadar a draw the ladies winning -3 points and the men 1. The'last returning again by 4:30 p.m. giving a 'beautiful four hours sail and tw'o hoiirs ashore of this season^s league games, at lovely Keat's Island. The band being a postponed fixture .with boys will provide tea, sugar and Stanley Park, will be played on cream to all those making the August 24th at,th e West Van- trip and from,tho present sale ___ . . Igl . One thing aliyeys stands out s»«"'ey making the in any group plioto taken, say, ^ thirty years ago -- the queer ap- S see tickets the No. 6 will a ^ in pearnnce of the women. While compliment. Tic- the men, except, for a certain - kets may be purchased from any tendency to walrtis moustaches, xt_______ _ _ member of the band, a t the , Jook much.,the,.same as those of P ^ od ^ ta rt today, the women wpear swath- """ ® ? h e* w lM d % ien ^ ev ^ ^ Mr. -and Mrs. Delamont will ed ,in clothes. The average ■ - men's- singles, men's accompany the band this year woman mostly dresses, not to W ? » " d S I le s were while Mr. and Mrs. Condon willplease herself or the man of her douWes aM _m ^^aoum ps w ^ choice, bu t to keep the tongues- ■„£ t,,e fifty boys during, of other women off her. To eifect the^holidM-. this she will , wear anything or thrw oppoim ts ^ On i-hpi/r4 aim'ihe'. band will • S h in g ^ r a d e ^ ^ ^ ^ th rf in a ls in the m en's year's, contest should prove of & 1 a tu " r a ^ f - s e l f is i r b r te ® u p M y * ^ e 'w e \\ V ™ ' b o ? s t o t L t r t 4 t ™What was gbod in his younger, old age., considerable tniddle4ife7and"not stop t h e r e ._____ ______Marcus Garvey, the g fe a t ------- « . - , ,-xi • audience of 20,000 of his own color a feW/years ago, had this tosay: 'Tht blOodiest, of .^I.w ^s is yet to come, when Europe will match its."yu:eflgiteagain8t '»^ih,^^8.'that,,wiR»beiTth£™--r-..woiwMha3̂ 5£jM,J®^*ea-,i negrres' opportun^y to draw.the sword^for A fnca a redemp- m That is the reason for the desperate' efforts bemg made to maintain the peace- . _____________ _ & d S S m siiS^s aSl doubles will.bO;P)«^- boys ^ tje jast « i S d £ ! ^ h ^ L m a t # ^ o i band. In t l Junior Class the __ ____ ... mop- ■, thO'Somhmr/ strositiek. cover A^muftitude of bWt Max Edgar. __ I XT-J. 1 ' '____ _____ X ..- ______T .a r lw s t ' f im e r lp .nsin s/ Not every man has a good pair of legs. .Knobby knees, MacNeil beat Eleanor Brine 6-1, C.C:P. NEWS 6-2. FERRY EXCURSION. . t ̂ TO KEATS ISIiAND. pipestem-legs/a-hd,those set at n _ ____ five o'clock, also those shanks ®'T which together jrnake up a per- dale and Les Brookes beat .Oick ;> 4̂aw-ŝ4*. ' .Irxrhlr- . ■ IT̂ , The long awaited merger be-' tween the West Vancouver Branch of the Socialist Party of-:ST F A T ^ S C H 9 0 L S r e U a ^ S ^ ^ o ^ ^ K r ^ S ; : ^ C = ■ T h e f a l l - t e r m -of-St.-Patoicia- t |r t fî ^̂ ^̂ --L a d ies' D o u b lesM rs.-Joyce ,C.C.F. CIub was finally consum- V l l ^ 4-J.v*** *X***.V*̂-. o ~ ---- -- lu If 1 matriculation, and there are also ♦ Q.Qft '-sp^ial classes in,music, art, elo-st 9;30 a.m. and Ainbleside-,Pier .. ■ yiovi/tininr amA €5fx7nrhfl<iiimi. at 10 a.m. Returning "she will al-' E are howmg an e x c ^ iu n ™ Pupils R etaken all S ' 'l t a 7 G f o t a Parkes and Meeting of the two groups in fnftfnT "to* the way from kindergarten to ^r^istic, ha « er caug . pbyUis Clifford-64f 5-7, 6-3. headquarters on Tuesday even- 3 f t ? i« 4 5 S - 4 S " s u r ts a a is c a s s : ^ a - against marnage between those of different religious faiths. All the same, unions;'6f people of aleave the Island a t 2:30. ̂ p.m., arriving a t Ambleside a t 4:30 p.m. and the city ^at̂ 5 .p.m. Those taking the trip wiU have two full hours, ashore J^ fo fe re ­ turning. As only a H in it^ .niimr feution, dancing and gymnasium. The kindergarten is housed in_a special building with fully equip- athero and uerry Grisedale beat" Following the reports of dele- Eleanor Brine and Bob Hobson, gates to the recent merger, con- '---- ----------- -̂----- " vention in Vancouver- and his- ' SWIMhllNG NEWS" ' ̂ ! tprical as well asffnal reports of, the respective officers of the two their reservations early. ^-Phone West 12. The„ fares are:-adults, years, 25 cents. For further par-, years, 25. cents. For further ticulars plAis'e refer to adyertise-.^ ment in this issuer - t S y u U y different social stetus of d a ^ i s 5 '»*an ar-rs'" - - " "a '2 « s& prlncdpaJ, Ifiss Joan Durbin, for g ® | 2 ^ | ^ r w n b ^ n S n f f t t e i i d t S ' ^ ^ d ' " A 'v w " ^ t ty and-appropriate further narticu ars, Vancouver, both physically . nttics for old fashioned bathing , and socially, while Victoria and suits for some of the many,.,G-^St^yes, M.L.A., and C. G^ The 19th Annual Dundamye affiliates came the resolution to Old Time Regatta on August merge under the.pewly prepared 24th, is to be a re^l gala affair, ; constitution which was carned- anr? rinmp of the members have . unanimously. STEVENS' CLUBTTT» ana socially, wmie .Victoria ana suns +VipnpnRM Fn HERE the Gulf Islands snort at both, .comic dfunts. The p ro g r^ will JJjjNeil.^ ^ e , chairm n then ~ FORMED HE E yqu know polite, ; speech and consist of events for all ages, - wh^hripflv ad A Stevens' Reconstruction manners can never -be. wholly' and diving, swjmiming and relay Clbb was formed on Tuesday acquired for everyday use in races for the <>Mer boys and . f evening, in West Vancouver, at manhood and wiomaiihqod,'and girls.* Greasy pole, pillow fights , a Meeting held in the home of in such unions their lack in time and a professional log rolling ^eil s c^didato^^ C;'L. Hilbom, 2657 Lawson Ave- ja rsjik e a 20-ton hammer. 1 event should round out a fine , couver North F^^ „.j-.' rpx... .(f«ii/vixMnflr rtflPi/vs.'Tfl wpvp " vi-iwiziTviH/a,* a 1 K-vpai*'*ni/i iiA.\r a r»»»rton»bTYi -• ' Balloting roT'otticers and 6X- resulted as follows; -- uuuto^--WlliCXî llivlUUt̂ ^̂ UU'lit5b^prtJ"-- ** parations, essences,* spices and 'lYeasurer, P. G. Hewitt. -< general household-products., He 7. --------- - IS residing at Cjrpress. Park and ' / . jThe most-loving are the most nis postal addressTAShe'rman.'J ' " lovable. , ̂ ________ ***' r r - \ . \ . i t e K > < f * _______ - --------- President, R. Bldxham; W IS T Vi^HCOUVER FERRIES EXCURSION SATURDAY - AfJGUOT 17d> TwA hours bhiblA .̂/7JOniya limked number of tickets ayailabffc, so_̂ mkc me^a;t|qns^;i^^ ' 1 2 . , ■ ' T FARKVrAajil&IS^^'ii XVi ̂1 Jr" s -r u to see mother's hose when dad social activities and swimming. 7 , Vice;-President, W. T. Atwpod scoops up"his soup. .'It ciirls up throughout the entire ^ ason; " Secreta-ry, Miss F ̂Parkyn; like the rear end )of an earwig." Our members made a good showr ̂7 Treasure^ Mrs. Steele. {^cial differences are, too, a, , ing at. Bowen Island last vi^k - ^^,qhairman of Ways & Means frequent source of d ii^rd, and and the thought was that with /COrhmittee, E. J. Chalmers; that sometimes applies among; competition throughout the win- Ohainhan of Membership Com- the races even whp" make lip the ter months it would not take mittee; Mrs. H. Gleed; Chairman Miss Saunders, (in History, IV) week during the winter montns., ̂ '^hers suggested. ' 'Now can any b f you tell me o f W e s t Vancouver has the sj^in-.\ .phg executive committee will a higher power th an -a king?" ' . mersi^but they need the puoiica / sitrim m ediately to draw ,'up the M n if- ' 'fi, ' ' h\. 'I fft *»V ui I ' "im ' I- 'fAr