West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Aug 1935, p. 4

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p ........................... >*̂>̂̂WWI|̂ ^̂̂lFi«llîll»»̂l Mu liilHHMnMw ĤSi i « E U t e T VAH ® W B ^ y w i t a i M i t i ./f9W Phone West 469 • f »f n i o n e W m U W B JffiURNlNG BUSH By Bubadar lElie v0tei*"fe'ibortly "ĝ *wa*4®~ be the most popular *" .Ctiiadji***AJj^ Prices Good Friday $t Saturday, Aug. 9th 8c lOth i.,4ijaaas «r*̂ are busy ei^tiuK their platiorms for the Great Electoral Clrĉ H..... 1-- « .jnd POKK A N D B E A N S Itoynl City, 16 oz. t in .......... . 7c fM A WhUe C O F F E E , ih...... .. .rSSe flEDCUNU'S NEATH M eats Phone West 370 I seem to recogni:^ here there some tough old planks that have been doing duty for dec­ ades. I t is really wonderful how JIFFV IWHLKD DINNER, *A» JIFFY MEAT BALLS, Vi» AHHORTKD MEAT P A fT im J/in ̂ T in ...... .............. .......... 9e 1 i/i-lh. ru t BACON .......... ............ I7c • I.KGH OF LAMB, per lb.............. 25c SHOULDER OF LAMB (whole) per Jb. ....................... .................. 15c SHAMROCK BOLOGNA, per lb ... iSc JiALSY LOAF, per lb....................27c LUXURY LOAF, per lb............... 30c ROILING FOWL, per lb............... 22c ROASTING CHICKEN 4 llm each pef lb............................................. 30c FRYING CHICKEN, 1 •/, to 2 Iba. each Red A White PASTRY FU)UK ;i»/i lb. Hutk-He; 7 lb, Sark 26e Ited A White /MARMALADE 32-oz. Jar ....................... ............ 23c HHRFJIDEIJ WHKA'r...........pkL 10c HWAN8DOWN CAKE FIXlUR , Packet ........................... ...w.,..,:.'32C'"' KADANA SALMON . Fancy Ite*d Spring, tins 19c ; Red A While HI*A(i 1117111 with- (.'heeHc and Toinatoea.... ,..3 Una 25c R»'d A White GOLDEN BANTAM ; CORN, 2h ...................... ...2 Una'25c SWEET' PICKLED CORNED BEEF ' per lb............................................. 16c REEF -- PORK ^ LAMB -- VEAL V'ery Fineat Quality PEAS, Squat, 2a...................2 Una lOc Ited Arrow CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Dozi'n...........................................„ 15c II. P. SAUCE, amall aizc ImiUIc,... 9c SERVIJS CHEESE, »/; lb....... :...... 15c Red &■ Willie CLEANSER.,. 2 Una 16c Red A White TOILEF TISSUE .'{ Imrge RqIIm ............................ 234* they have s u n 'ived the years, and i t .speaks volumes for the ' Government Inspected Only LAMB* COLD MBAl'S OF ALL KINDS DBjpiCATESSEN 1 store at HoJlybur% new theatre P H O N B ' W E S f ' > " WOMEN'S GUILD GARDEN PARTY Mrs. A.- U. dePencier,"Mrfl. J. B. Leylmui, Mrs. J. Redden, Mrs. 1ti:x McDonald, Mrs. F, H. Harri- y>n. Berviteurs were: the Misses ' D()roihy Chappell, Ruby C hap-. tU>II ' MjiHinn ; rVArnw/zall HP'iviff fl-PprO^hinfiT tnUTluOr W#f Wcl* jrj.lLIUiDal!fi stored between elections. Ihe Circus th is lime includes the old Conservative and Liberal a6 well as the Q.C.F. and Stevens shows and maybe a few more, all hoping* to do a whale of a busi­ ness. On this occasion, however, it looks as if it is going to be a tougher job than usual to a t­ tract the crowd. The latter have ■ not got the money they had and are jerrowing careful. The poli­ ticians won't find platforms of much assistance either, the crowd . having reached that stage when they would prefer to see these gentlemen get their feet on the ground. And you know, brother, it would not be a' bad idea~if all of them, more particularly some, also went so far as to pUt their ears to the ' ' they could catch , amblings of the and a ll B U IL D IN G • ' M A t I R I a x s WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ■ FOR R E A L S A I T S P A C T I O N ~-- A . ' Phone West 115 1^97 M a rin e Drive CLASSIFIED A D S The rate for Classifled Adrwtlaemeiits is 2 cento per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of tliM e having regular accounts, all cU m I fiods ore payable strictly in advance. , Rememl^r Classifieds in the West Van News get immediate results Pair of sand colored gloves GOOD HOME and $5!00 Month ..-- where - - - * - -- A delightful garden party - qomc or thp nimmimfa m luv ,B|)on«orcd.by tho.Women's .Guild Kuby Chap-., anm-OMhinff t h u E X r m that of St. J'Vancia-in-lhe-Wood, Caul- Nadine ^Cro^mwcn, Tiny felld, was held yealerday a t llnnoey, Corinth Lckman, Jean has me plum̂ b stai oa. "Cedarville,' the lovely home o f Math(!.sojn and Najney Pinkham. Mr. and Miss Chappell, During Among»- those present'were His the afternoon the guests enjoy- the Archbishop of New . . . I - --------!_ t . . . a l- 11. . i r . p g j j ^ rosT near Hunter's Tea Room, finder kindly leave them. WANTED -- Foilr or five room mod­ ern house; reasonable; quarter cash. Not over $2100. Phone West 44DB. Plenty of .i'redom offered domes .̂ .cated woman end of August, return light services. . West , 696-L-2: ECfiq Marine Drive. H cd music by the West Vancou ver Schools Band, conducted by Mr. Delamont. An added a ttrac­ tion was Miss "Margaret John­ ston's teacup reading. Among those who contributed to the HUCCC.SS of the party were: Miss Chappell, president of the Guild, who received the guest.s; Mrs. W; A. Clements, general conven­ er; Mrs. J. D. A. Tripp, Uv con­ vener; Miss McCallum and Mrs. We.st minster der. Joan's Share Will somieone kindly rise up and 'tell, the world why women want to wear our trousers? And are their faces red ? No, though they would ' be, if they only realized ju s t what they look like. Personally I am not eluci- WINDOW SHADES AND AWNINGS , made to measureihents or repaired. Estimates fred. -Picture framing. Pearce, 1890 Marine, West 629 or 145. • FOR. r e n t --: Nicely furnished cot tage,. fully modern; good location, ^®sJ;^wo weeks August. Phone West CoK, home-cooking ; MrSrHarvie -t han!,rep lied the bad boy. Ch i narf--4VIi sse.H--En ifl--deifrenta cream; Why aren't you busy? Can't " Morgafl'̂ and you find something to do? Mother was angry with little six- faring on tha t point, for even yeai-old Jack. He hud eaten u whole ^ ly yjQjyi plume would never apple, regardless of his twin sister's gave me then. F irst b e^ h lequestfor - pyjamas, then shorts, then ou selfish boy. Why didnt.you trousers, and now what next? give .loan half, (lonianded mother; ' . The bustle - and possibly the Hut I L^ve her the pips, mummy. ̂ Which case' the She can jdant them and have an or- transportation companies will be ruined providing the extra seat­ ing accommodation and the fox LOST -- Ringt of Keys, Monday in front of Hollyburn Theatre. West 385-R-3: WE WANT LISTINGS of attractive furnished and unfurnished houses for rent. Inquiries invited. G. J. Archer Limited, 1415 Marine Drive. REQUIRE TO LEASE for year or more, Tully modem home; must "5.ve <:hree bedrooms; partly furn- imed no objection; Dundarave dist- n c t preferred. Box 2, West Van WANTED TO RENT -- One or two room furnished cottage; . perman­ ently. Write G. ,F. Glasbergen, ,Gen- eral Delivery Vancouver. ̂ ' h a n d y AN^Sr SHOPPE, Dundarave --Notions. Novelties, • Stationery, School Supplies, Nails, Hardware. TO R |p iT ;-- Good furnished house. Apply 1678 Marine Drive. West 601 gat«. _. .Gec- Whiz I_ Htive.I-gotta hunt m s id in g at Iho tea iiniH were: up woi'k and then do it, too? CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- The 01d' Country way. Satisfaction guaran- ' teed. E ., Palmer, Garden Avenue, Capilano, Phone North 811R2. T E A R O E & S O N , 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors ^ -CEMENT-----=EXCAVATION AND FOUNDATION WORK. _ LlME,--SANp,i A L L BUILDING M A T E R I A L S f̂tHHiuiek-dellverys--PHO NE;~':WEST'""' ^ " HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP, B. C., -- , Join Our Library,:, 25c ,a--month; $2.00 a year. .Ladyship Wools. 1678 Marine Drive. West 601. WINDOW SHADES and AWNINGS made to measurements or repaired. Estimates free. Picture framing. E. S. Pearce, 1890 Marine. Phone CRISP BROWN WAFFLES tro t will disappear. Returning to the subject of trousers, only the .other-day I overheard one little girl remark to another little g irl: "Mother wears funny pants now. N ot the same as dadd3^s. She looks like our new car." So I say,--listen to .the. children. ' - '♦ if ■ ♦ According to press reports -- .*■* -'-King--Zog- -̂©f-'-)^bania7f-%vident*ly-'-- a descendant of Og, the king of Bashan, has h1ad, his minister of public works jailed on a charge . of smugglin^j: cigarette papers, which is a government monop­ oly. Imagine the governor ,gen- - eral of Canada as the represent­ ative 0 1 King George having any cabinet minister arrested on any charge whatsoever. Why, no-t one of them have ever dared to , Jopk sideways a t the most junior departm ental; official, or the sovereign rights of the people would" have been considered' to ,hav€.,be€^ put in jeopardy, and all our politicians would, have howled their heads off. As a m at-' . te r of .fact, the sovereign rights of our' people would have been JtA.I)MfcREPAIRS;JI!ub^;-Arielsr€U;r- The Radio Man, 1890 Marine; W est 145/ JUBILEE LIBRARY, West Bay Store Subscription 60c;^Isabel M. Creigh­ ton, B.'A., liibrarmn.- GIVETHE W IPE A REAL CHANGE, --Take her to Hunter's Coffee Shop. Luncheons, teas, dinners. West 610. GIVE WEBB'S a tria l for, your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE; 2446? Marine Drive -- Everything for knitting fl^d einl^roidery. Free instructions. Mrs. Latham,- proprietress. r-R A T lK T ^^^^ u ,^®bble -- ̂Have- your set over­ hauled now; summer;prices. Phone West 539. ' N ' . DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE ■ made bread, cakes and West 514. -- Home- pastries. STOREY'S ICE. & ICE BOXES h or sale or rent. West 220-L. NOW_ IS THE TIME to . plant your late cabbage, Brussels Sprouts and Curly kale; 10 cents dozen. West Van. Florist;' ISth Marine: West - 305. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat- workmanship a t Pox's, 14th a t Ferry. - p a r c e l SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permaneht. Try our fatigue facial to r tired housewife! * or ' business.. „ woman. West 304. -17th and Marine over Royal Bank.. " - TO OUR READERS COLIN TU RN ER ,. Biiilder and Con- wactor H- Alterations and repairs. Phone West 679R.Any householder not receiving a copy of this paper on any and each Thursday evening, is re- well s e m d h^ '7eyerarrf"ou^^ ___________________ been*™ m ^orilyL i!l i*"® may be corrected. We shall WELRARB.ASSOCIATION n- I T .U ^ instead esteem any such phone as a fav- dotlimg. Ptom. e f jailed. But they do things or, as it is our only wav o f c W West 37 and,track wffl-»U«t . i"g-. "P on--tm r.deliveriS X - a n t e d --, One famished and on«'- unfurnished -4-room -cottage aesr fenir. Phone W est 340 or West 143 e T e n s t v r e v L T S S t i ^ ' SHARPENED - S O l^ A L L - ' P^^ce a paper on th e ' verandah of every house on their routes. F. FRANCIS LOVEGflOVE RepM rs^-all^makes. WesTVancoiF- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. O N E C E N T for' • . i'*,'.-I > ■' .V '■ " electricity w il|;^ a lce tw elve waffleik J / Tritons Enter Finals Last Wednesday, July 31st, iTitons defeated Wardlaw's in^ tV itons 'semi- theideciding- game 6-4. McCue HAY|>NoWry Tublic -- ReaL ^n__Monday-jast,-Augu4 5th, ........ .defeated Wardlaw's in t - l ' S K K ' S 5 5 w i = = r = . WOOL & k n it t in g SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete fine spring wools. Free knitting ^ ' ■ Yiolet and Kathleen Clem- . ent. Proprietors. - 21 or Serinour. 1260. .games ever witnessed on v" oullivan did the . . _________________________ , N o rth . Shore" was nlavoB P and was given good 1447. Marine, mornings; 510 M ahon a t support. ' ^ Hastings S t ; Seyiiour 4199 after-. IVitons now m eetK eats in the finals in the best three out of games will be at-Mahon. Park. - - Pe- nr 1 jJmyea a t Mahon Park. The final sewe was ' ^ V ®̂ evmi; 'innings * were played beforel-idarkness stopped TH ^e were no runs WnSL^!® when N. ^ home run. h o o v e r , w ere able th e second game ^^ll 'be play­ ed tomorrow night a t 6:30 ( t 4 HK4DQUARTBRS for; AU Popular "i^aads of Cigarettes' and-Tobaccos; also Fishing. Gadgits for-local wat­ ers. Ambleside Tea,Rooms. MiOl ELECTRIC S E R V I C E -- ALWAYS A BARGAI N to push a run 'acre's th T n W was played last* n igh t). w their half of the inning i J n i l ® Kmg did the bitching f o r ^ S l i „ i willmg to tons and was ^ e n ^ l ^ p ^ ' kindly 'vC A ^ . E.Z g a l l a n t . Registered Chiropractor, 712 Ebbsori SL, Van- cou'^er., Seym onr SJ90. y! iSm Seeds' Ga^ s Slion a t 6 p.m. f u r n i s h e d a n d UNFURNISHED Houses-to-Rent. Houses, Jots, and acreage j'for- salel/ ' Jolm" Lawson, IJth and Marine.'Phone West 56. mmiMM