■wiiwist«iiîWA.>i«'iii-«<w»WMWii»»i>>iMwiw.inwi<aw«w«̂ ̂ «- yŴ ?fv̂' ='•=1̂ 1451 M a rin e - B U .I . A iK U U l . 7, W w U W ̂ MUW Complete" A in io in b i^ e ; M erwite' ^quire about SHELL c r e d it CARD SERVICE This is worth looking into Especially a t the holiday a m season Rbsco Brake Service ires and Tubes WJC SPSOIALIZIS IN PLBASINO THK OUSTOMBB. ' " ' ' ' ............. , r ̂ ̂ J p J ̂ ̂4l ^ te r of Calgaty, tti:« visiting the showed us last week ̂ a eom, former's slster-ixP-law, Mrs. W. which he had taken in c h a ^ f . " "" * • "" •* "* " but which* ....... ................ . ..w ., ______ ____V' R. Harrison, io th and Bellevue' a Canadian copper b u t w h i^ on Avenue, who h s s been very sick investigation . proved to b e . a bu t is now improving. Bank of Montreal token 91 yearn ' ; "7 " ""T'"; '"' ' ' old* ' It'has* apparently m pt Mr. Brown, 21st and Bellevue in circulation very much and . is Avenue, h a s ; retujmed from a in an excellent s ta te o f preserva- trip to the Okanagan." tion.' * p ■* , ♦ * ; p , 1 t Eagle Harbor Ptalc Groundi, T e n ^ f.'^ r t i ., , Bathing Broting, PinlitaR Tca*rooni8, Sandy Beaches, Cottages jtor rent. Miss Lorna Thomson of the < Mrs. Rutli W right and Miss* V E R N O N f e e d s t o r e A. t SBARLB Phone Weat • Fertilizera of All Kinds Wood, Coal, .'. Builders* Supplies U m tiM o n l Any Scotchman who can- prove tha t the Heather now on diM ay in our window, is not the REAL SCOTCH HEATHER, may take home a pot of it FREE. THE W EST VAN FLOjRIST 18th Marine West 3 0 5 Hollybum Postal staff, is spend- 'Ora^ W right of Vancouver, are* ing her annual vacation a t Cul- holidaying a t W est Bay,.whei:^ tus Lake. they will ̂ Tebiain for the m onth of A ugust<^Thej wdll be joined P. H, Alder is having a new later by Mrs, 0 . Pentland> house built a t Cypress Park. m other of Mrs. W right, who is * ♦ ♦ r-̂ at present spending a vacation Mrs. D. W ̂ Graham a*nd child- Gambier Island., ren, 2128 Bellevue Avenue, left1 ̂ ̂A Tn.,..! Ji iPhl* A A>mi 4> jM* \7"7last Friday for A trip to Victoria.4t e n< CORRESPONDENCE Toni Brown,, of Brown and Munton, is away a t Lummi Is land on a vacation.Id 41 4< A daughter was bom on Sun day, 28th July, a t the N orth Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Hallmark, 137^ Esquimalt Avenue.•ii Id * , , B f u m a K e l l c Bring this advertisement and 27 c. to our store and receive One 2-0* Jar Cold Cream One 2-ox Jar Vanishing Cream Beauty Aids to Loveliness. Quality Creams th a t give satis faction or your money refunded during this sale. Extra Certificates for your friends may bo had for the ask ing. , . - FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY Gemmill's Drug Store The Store of ServIcA . 1586 Marine Drive West 37 or W est 607 Emergency Fhone W est 821 (After 10 p.m.) Lieut. Commander and Mrs. A. I^udwig S®" To- the Editor,' West* Van News. Dear. S ir:--The collector for trade licenses is round again. May I, through your valuable H; Robinson have moved from attle, ^ e the the Clachan into,-the Hall house a t 28th and, Bellevue Avenue. ' J Clachan, THUrt i?ntr or»/i TWva o Q T>aiii ' Mr, and Mrs.. A. L, Cassidy.of The Rev. and Mrs. G. S. Paul Minneapolis, have been visiting K.W.Savery 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside' Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and May I, through y o p valuable family of Vancouver, ,have S " t h e ? r § r S r and"sister-Si- paper, voice the feeling of small. fob-mTi j K * Clarke's house on i ® i tradesmen' of th e comtaiunity W ate rs Arenu^e and are^^^^ Mrs. E .,S . FArt-j 4-u„4. 4.u„ -Lravers Aveaue »xm tue nuw ua. ridere at their new home in Westand th a t is, th a t the rate should be set according to the . size of the business as it is in the City of Vancouver. TRADESMAN. oupymg same. ridge a t the ir new.home in W est Bay.., 4« ♦ 4* ' , "THE GOOD OLD DAYS ed her duties following a vaca tion in California.' ' 4« 4i 4«i The following ' have moved Miss W innie. Byealey-Of,.the_ into suites in the Fortune Cup mlunicipal hall staff, h^ Inn fo r the month of A ugust: ̂ * v ■Mr.7:'aiM,f'l\L^s7iS Î^^ , , famiily of Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. C. ;H. W entworth of Ed- Mr. Finlayson of the Dundar- Lookmg, as it̂ were, from to^ mpnton; Mrs. N. Dix of Vancou- ave Phammfcy, has returned day's crest back along the road vCr.; Mrs. Hally of Vancouver; from a holiday a t Hornby Island. Mrs. Ferris and daughter of 41 4c' 4i ' . Chilliwack; Mrs. J. A. Grimmett of Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Sid ney Call of'Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. MalcolmiFerguson; of Van- of^North^^ancouVer-;--Mr-- and Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening ■' and Wedding Cakes Meat Pics, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 the motor car has climbed since "before,the war," there are some amazing landmarks. The old magazines, each as E lbert Hub- "bard 's "F ra" ^ f T912,*^a c ^ ^ "df --which^urned'^up-the-other-day Large runs of salmon have come into the Capilano River-iior- spawning, going up to the head w a te rs .-----7 - ----------r-------t--4c '1- 4t 41 are a g re a t 'a id to automotive Mrs. R. R. Paton of N orth Van- retrospect, .l^cause motor adver- couver. '. . ti^n g r.th en in its infancy,',was - both detailed "and enthusiastic. ' Mr. Walker of Vancouver^ has One m anufacturer presented a purchased a house on Mathers car with six wheels, four of them Avenue betw ^n 24th and 25th "E. P. iieicl of Boston,.. Mass,, has purchased a house a t 13th and Fulton Avenue; . .t „ r j >--,4t-i 4iĝS»4«- ■■'..' ---- ~£.d:^ WEST VAN- ^ h e e tr M e ta L W o r k s : Phone W est 39^ Furnace 'and Range Repairs, Sawddst Burners on the rear en d ; no car, he said, was complete with fewer wheels. A nother maker boasted th a t h is Q ^ _ T ^ • a B ̂ • Streets. H. V. Bell of the municipal staff is 'confined' to his home through sickness. ' ^ '• 4« 4i ' 4« -chain less-shaft-d rive'---was in its th ird successful season. A 2 detSiiable~T:ire whfeh fitted on over the casing, was 6 3rtensively advertised. A well- kndwn car was "equipped', if you like,' with self-starter, only $20 ex tra ." A nother car proclaimed th a t top, windshield, gas tank, "No, sir," said the clerk, "I and 'm agneto were now regular can't give you a room. The b e s t . equipment, and no longer had to I can do for you is to give you extras. Still an^ a half of a private dining room' other car was pioneering left There's a screen across it, and hand drive and controls. A a lady has the o ther half, bu t I commentap^ on mileage may be M iss' Doris Brealey of Pasa- Mrs. M7 H. Allworfc Miss - California, is the guest of ^ b a r a Allwork, 1731.:^ llevue ^er parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, E. Avenue, have returned from a Brealey, 1295 Fulton Avenue. ■ Curiosity Shower: Mr. and Mrs. C,'Alton and Mr. and Mrs. B. MacNamee enter tained on" Tuesday' evening, the 30th . ultimo, a t the home of the la tter in Cypress .P a rk a t a p a r ty and miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Hilda Binns and Mr. Lowrie has purchased tlie Hyams house a t 17th and Duch ess Avenue. Hollyburii Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE August 8th, 9th and 10th ZANE GREY'S 'The Dude R u iger' also LAUREL & HARDY 'Them Thar Hills' U SAT. EViENING & MONDAY August 10th and 12th _ ANNJIVORAK NED SPARKS RUDY VALLEE'S CONNECTICUT YANKEES i W E E T ^ M U S I C l reckon she won't bother ybu;'̂ Thirty minutes la ter he ran into the lobby, wild-eyed and pale. . ' . ̂ ' ------- .-- r. X.P „ ta,uxe wa.seen m the specmeations ot a twc^passenger roadster: "Gas - - taiik holds 35 gallons." ̂Number of gallons to the mile not stated. L. O. B. A. --The regular... weekly dance givbn by R uth Chapter, L.O.B.A... will take place on Saturday XIX xxyxxv* yx x.x.yy ------- ---- €venihg, 10th . August, in th e , Mr. William Gale, whose Orange Hall; When dancing w ill; TnaofA+AnV nlafP vfiaterdav. The gfart a t 9 .o'clock. Good music. will be provided, as usual. Ad-> mission, ,15 cents. « he yelled to th e clerk, that v^oman is d e a d ' "I know it," said th e clerk, but how did you find out?"; Miss Kathleen Clement of Lloyd's Wool and K nitting Shop, riage took, place, yesterday. The table was centred w ith blue del- im. and shasta daisies, Mrs.-..Lawson Oates pouring.. O ther invited guests .included Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Campbell; Miss' TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY - August 13th and 14th " Murder on a, Honeymoon " " Mary Jane's P a " i Wwt >. , ' h SONRISA FOB INSPECTION The Sonrisa, which has been , xavyu B YV uu, -------- --------- - BtoTs, Paget; o P ^a tin g ' ' is spending a holiday a t Bowen gare t Barr, Miss K. Menelaws, cxpiwng th is 30th Sep- Island. ' .. M ss B. J. McEwari, Mr. Jack Ames, Mr. Lawson Oates, Mi-, t n Frank Hedley, and^Mr.' T.l!eask."Under the auspices of St. Stephen's Inglewood W.A. Afternoon 2.30.to -5 o'clock A t the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newman, 1036 Jefferson Ave. - ; Admission 25c.. Children lOc; . D A N C IN G IN T H E E V E N IN G , 7 t o i l - Admission 16c. Bridal Shower tended,'A very s u b ^ n t ia l sum . of money; will have lo Be spent^' ' oh her, arid .the coiinciT are very ", ELECTRIC WASHERS , '..Kegular $ 8 9 .5 0 S A L E *5952 Porcelain Enamel Full Guarantee F o n t's Ltn. North 6*5 West 37 ; 68 Lonsdale Avo, North Vancouver Miss Patsy Rand of ^ 4 6 W est concerned' as to whether or no Park Lane, gave A ^ e lig h tfu l such a n ' expenditure would be shower last F r id a / in honor of ju stified fo n a ' b o a t' which is Miss Jean Telforci, daughter of twenty-two years old ̂ However, Dr. and Mrs. R w ert .Telford of they are.g iving the whole ques- TT/e presentation__tion serious consideration. Ri C.JAM1XSON & CO'S. ANTIMOfHlTE Agents£--GR£EN!iVOOP GROCERY « 15th an d M arin i' A ' , Non-poisonous. ' -.7 For exterior and interior use. * Superior to any White Lead, city Prices Vancouver. ; took the- fonn luneheoh set. . T was mauve an an pink tiqns pbured by o f 'y r beautiful he, color-flchfeme pink, th e table decorated w ith IrAgons, cama,- )Pea8. Tea was Robert T e lf6 i^ ;| "She: "Why don 't you 4ike g irls?" ; , . . He "They're too biased." '-vSher."Bia:sed?" HA: ."Yes, bias th is , and bias th a t, until Fm broke." - t A. 4̂ m \ i'<»̂ \̂ h 1 ' k' fw ! ¥ !'iK%t ' 11 i 'V /! 1 " k m k f '"'S I si i'l i W K T VAKPRDPUGE FRUIT and VEGETABLES DAILY L For j» te s .and reterYations' W t e t ; 4 3 7 T l and assisting her in serving were Miss ̂ e g g y Steanhan and Miss Helen Anderson«' < The i^ e s ts were: Miss Jean Telford, Mrs. Robert T e lfo rd ,M rs . ;Cla'ncy Sorenson, Mrs. Morley "Johnston. The Old Store -4 5 7 4 Marine Driv?, Hoilyburn Phone West, 186. Free Delivery. M rs."TrH rRand, ahd-tKe M issed P atsy Rand, Helen Thompson, Fredena Anderson, P e g ^ S te a r - msoi, Helen Aririerson; fiay.Vari- DeuSen, and Clara Siler o f Ever-- iett>4Vashin£^ri.- BE A im P D L ' SHERMAN .Store Tea Gikrdens liottage n ^ t e r i a 3 9 0 0 MARINE DRIVE - - B.LCAMPBEa "A ^ . I L 4 'I 3 1 'vl 't. *TC »f I i -Yfc Wj, i l H ........... r? -