West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Aug 1935, p. 2

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f . • --- --------------- , iii® ........... ...................... « s..js--.^ «ss..,fi?»w *«i Wiffw Iwt' tmm nM miiii i*it>jWl>illllipj<^^ Mw I ppiwll'»%r O T » WE8 T VAN NEWS )*̂ imit# ... l l i lS ».m„ 7:16 p4», 4iii34«y..>i9dbMLiPd..BI^ 10 ft.HL Strartf«rf 4( V lfiton Wftleonui. B A P T tS T C H t m c n P**tor; R«v. H . P. Hiunphivya/ Kc«yeneft; iW'MBfWim Am pbo8 « w«tt mm, 4... muu4^v 7:16 p.m, Sunday Sehdob 10;00 ft.»L 1k i Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe m t Hftrim Drlr# ,Pr««enta Uie Clairol Sham poo'* A HHN8ATION IN IIAIK TINTING 1h your hair uray. drab* or . . .lifdc'HK? Wif will jfivc you a Hlmmpuo that, Moflena, rocon> ditionH. tinta and waahca your I hair -- all in one treatment. PIIONK WEST 117 for Appointmenta SUMMER REQUISITES Sunburn CreamH, Picnic Plates Sun OluNseM Napkins & Wax Paper ilaUiinif. Caps Uench lialls and Visors ANBLESWE PHARNACY UNITED CHUBCH KfV. Hillie W right, Mlnteter.' ' ' -V 0 'i'hc* Ikw. R. J, McIntyre of Vnneouver, will occupy the pul* Pj< in WcHt Vancouver United Church in the morning at 11;15 a.rn. anti will give a report of th(' progrcHfl of Temperance in British Columbia. i/i the evening a t a quarter past seven, the Rev. J. C. Mac- lean - Bell will preside and preach, .Surnlay, School will meet as usual at ten a.m. •w ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey Rector: August n th -- 8 th Sunday aficr Trinity. ' 8 : 0 0 a.m,--Holy Communion. 11:15 a.rn. ' I WEST VANCOUVER G K f i i i i Science .„_Jbciely„™... CHURCB HDlKlCB tOOi Mmi Bifitifttftit* Rpllyhiint This Socisty is a Branch of Tlw MoRier Church Thft First Church of Christ, Sei«ntbt«> in Boston, ̂ ' Ifftlsftehusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 ft.i». Sunday, August 11,1936, Subject: > , * 'S P I 1U T " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. . Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The pubUc is cordially in­ vited to Attend our services and meetings. l a u n d r yFORDEPENDABLE ^ 'D "A 'W * A N D E R S O N rW W V K ^ v 5 rB ^ ^ K S S iiv e " '*" P h o n ^ --West 001t< o r North miQ ^ A miscellaneous shower was given by the West Vancouver Telephone girls in honor of Miss m -- M atin s and Sermon Taylor whose marriage to wacher " L 1 ^ 7 S:.-ntrUni/i > " On tho 17th of this mooth. Mrs. HOUYBURN HAU Corner of 14th and Duchess Sunday, llth Augusti 1935 Sunday School and Bible (jlusses at 10 a.m. Breaking of Bread Meeting . a t 11:10 a.m. Gospel f e t i n g in evening .. at 7:30 Conducted by Mr. John VV̂ allace* ' Vancouver Residents and visitors heartily welcomed. > I VERY SPECIAii NOTICE An open air Gospel Rally will be held a t foot of 17th Street,,, near the Wharf, in the 'after­ noon a t 3 o'clock (D.V.) f' "Como and Hear" 'Hear and, Your Soul Shall Live" BSITISIISKAEL ASSN. Weekly Bible Study Meetinhs Thursdays in the Gospei ' Hall 26th and Marine Drive ' a t 8 p.m, , , ' > Mrs. Cornish in charge. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SCOUT NOTES 1401 W. L. Marine Drive KER, Prop. Phono: West 323 ............. FREE d e l iv e r y The modern way of story telling is with CRYSTAL FINISH PRINTS. Remember it with snaps, C ^ f^ y s to i JF ^tfltsh Jigencif For Service and Satisfaction; " REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS" The Second Troop, when visit­ ed at loco on Sunday, was found Hraynold: r ' M C h A X V X T o X d T e r to have weathered the stomi 7 : 1 r. ,).m - Evensong and Ser- Chatwm kindly loaned her , , nion; preacher, the Rev. ̂ The Scouts' own service was , , J. S. Braylleld., th l held owing to the fact that the St. Francia-in-lhe-Woods, bride^elect in*a eavlv decorated Chaplain was taking the service Caulfield {):45 a.m..-r- Matina; preacher the evening the present staff of f^sence was felt keenly by the Hurst. the Telephone Office presented ^ , Miss Taylor with a beautiful b a p t is t CHURCH leather aero pack. A.tasty buffet creek just ask Cor. 15th and Duchess supper was served from a table m?" ̂ ̂^ Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys centered bjt, a^winiature bride d u lto C and F S r i c k Mr; F.G . Hurst. Ambleside. Sheet Metal L. S P E C K . „ Proprietor W O r k S Sunday, August l l th , The Rev. F. W. McKinnon, pustoi* tof Douglas Street Church, Victoria,, will preach at the morning and evening service ne-xt Sunday. DR: Gr-D> H. S E A L E - D.D.S.; tD .8 . - '------- DENTIST Hfty Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. ' Phone West 72 Mr, and Mrs. Dan Powers and -daughter Betty of Edmonton, xf i r '^ c -- i"'Alio wKft hnvp h^on flnonHin^ Harbara Allwork, Nellie.Searle, ,Aita., W h o have been, spending Oonnie Thomas MilHroH FnvA and groom standing under ai can­ opy of pink and white streamers and cornered by pink tapers in silver sconces. Sweet peas com­ pleted the effect. The invited guests were: the Misses Dora Taylor, Marjorie Barnott,. Phyl­ lis Neale, Mildred Somerville, Qwen Qjjj^yg Creelman, _ "SPIRIT" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all - Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. , . The Golden Text is : "He that soweth to his "flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption: but he tha t oweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." (M a tia n s 6 : 8 ). Among the citations which comprise the. Lesson - Sermon is the following, from the Bible: "Now we have received, not the spirit, of the world, b u t the spirit which is of God ;,'that we might know the things th a t are freely fifIVen to us of God."; (I.Corinthi- ahs 2 : 1 2 ) . ............ " The Lesson - Sermon ^Iso in­ cludes ' t h e ' following passage from! the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health .with Ke^ to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Material sense and Col; K. W. Savory for taking never helps mortals to underi. Lk iL. .1- - J. J. ' J T - ' - . A ^ A. .J fTTI__ ' 1 -the-past two months with their - daughter~and -son-in-law, Mr ̂ and Mrs. Simonson, Horseshoe Bay Hotel, have left for Cali­ fornia on an extended visit. They .will leturn to Horseshoe Bay before returning to Edmon­ ton. . . . . _ .. Connie TTiomas, Mildred Ford, Ruth Hill and Mesdames M. Chatwin, J. McMillan, L. Rey­ nolds, R. Bell, M. Geggie, A. Menzies, L. Taylor, I. Stark, L. Bartlett, F.. Ellis, " " AJJwork. ,' the boys out to the camp. Whiles buying a picture the other day the salesman said to me: " Pic- tures are really holes in the walls of your home through • which you can look out^and see beauty shipa sail- mg through foamirig_ seas, mouhtain tops covered with snow, a cathMral. a cottage of a winding lane." ■' stand, Spirit, G6 d. Through spiritual sense only, man com­ prehends and lovbs Deity." k a ty : "W hat's in th a t pack­ age?" / D id: "Insect powder." K aty: "In^cFpow der.! Well, good gracious, who'd think that bugs knew enough to powder, their little noses!" . S. Munn, M. Dr. GEORGE S.-MACDON ALD D.D.S., D. !).€.;■ Dental Surgeon JlDurat-9:lU)ji.m,-W.rHW»»--- "Bvenings by appointment Royal Bank Bldg,, Telephone > West Vancouver. Wo.st 446 "'Eatabliohed on North Shore 25 Yoara (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS, LTD. fu n r ra l i i r r e to r s North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth .Street Phone North 131 , Vancouver Parlors . 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 - ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Inglewood Ave. Rev. W .J. M illay;. ---------- :PrrBBt"iii"Charge:-- Residence: 232,3 Inglewood Ave. Phone, West 240-R Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. ' 4 ligh MASS & Sermon - a.m. : Rosary and Benediction p.m. 10:45 ■ 7:15 TH EY BUY IN PAIRS "As alike .as two peas, in a pod" is more than a, saying as far as Mr, and Mrs. Herman Loveless and Mr. and Mrs.. "Harmon--^Lovelessj--oP--Puebloy* Colo., are concerned. Herman and Hajmon Loveless are twins. They. are "married to Lela and Lola Loveless, also twins.- The .resemblance between the two women and the tw o men is so great tha t evbn their close friends are unable to tell tljem l ; o . b . a ; d a n C E • . . ORANGE HALL SATURDAY,_Aagusr JOtih, at 9 p, A d m i s s i o n 1 5 c . J. T. WATT, W EST VANCOUVER REALTY AND INSURANCE CO. ' ' .WEST 141 ANYTIME' AGENT FOR CUNARD s t e a m s h ip s ; All details arranged via Panama, Airways, Bus or-Bail , YOUB PASSAGE LOCALLY. ' \ . Catechism pnd Bible History the puzzle , every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. difficult --[they dress alike Week-day Services Mass, dally -- 8 a.m, l^idays -- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions ~ 7 :45 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7 :80 p.m. to 8 :80 p.m. j b u il d in g PERMITS $15,850 C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER NOW OPEN j . FULL TIME 14th & Mariac, Phono West 135 to the smallest detail. When the two couples walk down the street passers-by stop and gaze in amazement. Their tastes are alike in every respect -- even to automobiles. When one couple buys a new: automobile,' the other couple must have one ex­ actly like it. TTiere m ust not be a hair-line difference.in the cars. It was about 15 years ago -- when they were'first married THE West Van News ' '"'ih^hiiiihiiOivw^^ ... ~ Last month sixteen building permits totalling $16,850 were 's s u f m unidp^ hall.......... ......... ...arrira -- which IS p , 075 more t ta n for that the.Lovelesses boughtfheir the month of, June, when the first Chevrolets - And from that stood ,a t $13,775. Par- time, they have s S s S f a s ^ ^ foUows: ly with (ilhevralets. When they S4 5 0 T 2 garages, visit a Chevroleishow room; the •,450, 2. additions, $800. salesman has two prospects in- A French-Canadihn lumber-jack had w^ant^the b est^ in ^ a u to m n ' his leg badly injured. The horse doc. b i l e | th e y sa v , th e r f in d ^ it" tor from a nearby camp was called in C h ev ro lets' A nd a p ^ t o ; s e t i t A f^ r a half hour o f a u t o S s in hard"jvorkr:While the -patient- howled* ' Puhliaher F. F. LOVEGROVE-^ ; Rhone W i^t 863 1 Bttaineai aiiil Bditarial Office: 17th and Marine Drive (.Next to Hollybum P ,0 ,)' ' Phene West 863 MsU Addreaa: P, O. Box 61, Roilybnm, B.C to the htgVheavens, the operation was ______ _________ completed.. A friend who was present A re n o r t in a said, "By g e e ., Baptiste, .that dorter h s T i t t t a t th o & he. pretty, near,kill yoi.,» - , w as L iio r f ."For sarej" said Baptiate, "he would b efo re k i , ^ 0 . ^ H he ,kot.the righ t W S fiia? w a s S g h t w ttM t;* "* NLoKih-Vancouver -Office: Lonsdale Ave. fl.OO • year by carriftr: IS.O0 ft year p p i^ L Y V A R D E N S H O P ' d u n d A r a v e r. otaiLEINERY H and-W orked B lousea - Ladies & C hildrens Wear ' ' : ■: -""'Wefve ̂ ■ imposed on our neighbors long enough." ® . I . '1 ' ' ^ o r d e r e d a telephone this morning," said M r.X um rick. . W o ve imposed on our neighbors long enough. .. u t t e S ^ r & o r ; r i 2 ; f ' 'i r h S " "^^^i.1 protest, dut Im sure w e must«have b « n a w fu .p 0 s B , runnuig into their house a fa ll hours o f the day and night to use their telephone. _ o r the-past: ̂ I'm" mighty g la d --a n d I II bet our neighbors will b e /to o ." • 'V . y,-. 1 Brc: COMPANY