West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Aug 1935, p. 1

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2̂ W e e f c l> ^ '• • j- *. '^ . ' . . / I l N Circulating in ihe ^District of West Vaniiou îi§^Amhleside, MeMyburniiW^̂ * . . v . . ; - ; - - ^ - ■■-;■' Cy^etS Park; CuU)̂ ldiWh;l>t̂ ̂ & per copy a t new .st«nd..$1 . 0 0 per year \^ol. X H O L L Y B U R N P eO ., W E S T V A N C O U V E k , B .C ., T H U R S D A Y . A U G U S T 8 0 . 1935 No. 16 THE DOMlNAf^T FACTORS L.O.L. ANNUAL PICNIC Wc4 fcanadiaris, firenerally speaWpfir; keep our eyes turaed most of the time on our own, counti^ and to some the United S ta tesf We concern ourselves little with w hat is cotin,̂ on in Europe o r the F ar E ast and blame our govem- S t s because they don't bring back our lost prosperity. ' Y efit is in these countries th a t our fa te is dwided from ̂ riav to day. So long as, Europe, and th e Orient cannon from , m l war or financial crisis into Another, as has been the case e?er since th e < T reaty of Versailles was^ signed, We can rest assured th a t business will not recover to any appreciable S e n t Modem communications and modern business have S the world so small th h t we ju s t as much as they have Sntinued to s it on the,edge of a smoking volcano; • . " *The United S tates as a;nation have never recognized this- fact They have wanted and ^ il l w^nt to do a world business w ithout involving themselves in the responsibilities th a t such Tworld trade entails. They insist bn following Uie old maxim ' of Washington; which he. one . of the Sanest nten who ever lived would be the first to repudiate as out of-date, were he f at Washington today. V ' * - 7 ,u x ,„ ' So far the League; of Nations hias proved it^self of little nractical worth as was only to be e je c te d . In the first place ft has failed "to hang together and, secondly, i t s only two methods of stopping a w ar are to war on a recalcitrant member or apply the boycott; which wbiild as certainly result in war. In this modern world of ours the first necessity of a re tu rn to normal business is ,a condition of .assured , peaw. TTmt can- le a S e d the m om ent.the W « s h ^rnprn^^ States as peoples really bury the haftchet and stand shoulder to shoulder, because no nation or combination of nations would dare attack , them. . . . ̂ . . • _______ ̂ ■ The members and friends of the .West hrid 'N orth Vancouver L.O.L. together with those of Ruth L.O.B.A., held their annual picnic th ia y«wftr a t Capilano THE MANAGBWIENT*, OF HOUSE PLANTS SCHOOL BOARD NEWS (Contributed) In the mlanagement of plahts in the home there are many points th a t call fo r attention. Jometimes P ark ;'T he weather was ideal arid well. because a plant does no t ^ o w le of lack o f food; In Upon the opening of school in September, the Commercial De­ partm ent will be housed in tlie Inglewood Annex. Commercial students will be withdrawn from about orie hundred'participated th a t case, so long hs the .roots, the remainder of the schools, and in th e day's enjoyment. have not become bound t t o e Is will loceive- the entire High.m . . . . The prize winners of the vari­ ous events were as follows: Children under 6 years 1, A. Copelapd; 2,, W. Chappell.' 'yn *" ̂ ' 'in' ' j rt ' ■ no need to re-pot the plant. In- School Commeioial course under deed, re-potting would cause a the tutelage of Mrs. Winnifred needless check to i ts ^growth, iteid and E. G. Edgar. Mr. Edgar 1, W. 1, H. 1, B. 1, M. Girls 6 , to 8 years Barnes; 2 , D. Holley. Bays 6 to 8 years -- .Jack; 2, P. Nelson. Boys 9 to 11 years - Young; 2, H. Brown. ' Girls 11 to 18 years - ,Ross; 2, M. MpKay. Boys 11 to years - Brow n; 2, J . Conway. , Girls 13 to 16 years ̂ McKinpon; 2, M. Ross. Boys ,13 to, 16 years - Stephens; 2, Biid Parker. Girls and: Boys, mixed three- and the best th ing to do is to scrape away the surface; soil '-down to the roots and replace by a rich soil containing 26 per . cent of ground bone. Correct w atering is also an im portant procedure. >. Provided has been transferred from, the Intermediate School to the High School section for this purpose, and his late post will be occupied by a new appointee, Richard W right. M r.^^right is a gradu­ ate of the University of B ritish ' 1, S. h I. 1, T. the plants have proper drainage, Columbia with honors in Science w ater should be applied, until it Mathematics, which su b -. runs through the bottoni„o|4 he jects he will teach, and has been pot. Too frequen t w atering is 'prominent in Vancouver as an often A cause of non-succe6 s be- athlete. Cause the water wetsi the. soil so Miss Clara Wilson has secured much th a t the a ir canniot pass one year's" leave of absence and_ through the mould or earth . To has' been replaced by the ap-• i «■ i»' ' rt *ii jr* • 4*" ■ j ■ j ■■■■ y _ 1 ■, provide p ro j^r drainage, the pointmept'. of M ii^s/pliet John­ legged race--r^-lst,.T. Stephens; hole a t the bottom^ of th e W son. Miss John^c#; who has ------ m u st'not be clogged up.' Small taught HighiSchooT successfully ' DISABLED VETS STAGE ; GOOD ANGLING FOR SUCCESSSFUL FETE . 35-PQUNp SALMON . In'spite of the uncertainty of the weather the Garden - F e te given last Thursday afternoon and evening by the Disabled V et­ erans' AssociiaH(&V,'""Vi^T 'VanT ' couver Branch; on .the g ro u n d s. of Mr. and Mrs.-R, P. Blower's residence a t 1788 Fulton Avenue, proved a great success. Mrs.. J; B. Leyland perform ed th e open­ ing ceremonies before th e large crowd assembled. Tn th e :a fte r- ■ noon there was dancing and pip­ ing by young dancers arid pipers, from Vancouvei^ and the? W est Vancouver Schools Band render­ ed selections. 'Gaily, decorated booths had been erected and housie hpusie and o ther gaines ;had been provided for the enter­ tainment of the guests. In the evening the- beautiful grounds were converted into A '.fairyland' by strings of colored ligh ts and floodlighting,- ,fp r vvhich' Tpm. Brown, pf Brown &„Menton, was" responsible. T he 'ligh t; was -not shut off till m idnight. ' 'The band^layed more, selections and Frank Vyvyan g ave 'tw q in ter­ esting monologues ,assisted . by ̂ the president,, R.? P-' ̂ Blower*. • Reeve Leylaiid m ade a ' b rief ad­ dress, as didl R., P. Blovyer,^in which he voiced the appreciation of the Association fo r th e afssist- ance given them by the convener Mrs. M cTavish.niidAtheriadies, ̂ the- West Van- News -and--the ' press, also stations CRCV and CKCD, and Mr. Fletcher of H oi- lyburn Theatre ' fo r; publicity given and generally to all associ-. ations and any others who. had Jn_any wiay contributed ,to .the success-of the'fetef^r-^' Bigger fish - are sometimes -taken,rQf-c6urse,-:.bUtL35rpound_ salmon will satisfy m ost anglers and th a t's "?khy ther^ are satis- : fied sportsm an a t Saianich A n n - umbia ju s t now. /^Sport' fishing a t Saanich Arm ," said a recent report made tio the Dominion De­ partm ent of Fisheries by.one, of its Pacific Goast inspectors, "is decidedly g o o d 'a t present for Spring salmon up to 35 pounds. " T B rittsb" Columbinr-saImofi--Are 2 hdM . Ross. : : ' m ust noi; pe cioggea up.; taught High;,Behoof successfully r Race, Orangefhen's Wives and, Pofs .n eed ..n o t , haye,:.the. .M o at Ladnei*- .fc^Jflve- years, is- a i Sweethearts ^ 1st, Mrs. Tom- . phielded a t all, but la rg e p i^ ts specialist inn®ench and English; lih; , 2 nd, Mrs: Britton. , %y» all pots; over f o p inqhes and also qualified to teach music Ladies and Gents. Relay'Race, the '^op, require and physical training. - - 1 st, T.« Stephens and Ina Me- of'broken pots or pebbles, plaeod The addition of these tw o in.'the bottom and covered ,w:jth teachers will round out the staff spaghnu or;rough sod to T W ^ fit î At th e Inte^ .the^soil from washing; dow n^nd ^ -^ itif f i^ d H lrin choking the ventilation bYfiulng . jun ior High School program. __UP the spaces between the>|t>^k-____ The School-Dental-Clinic-wilL-. on pieces.; ; ^ . resume operations in September A ir ,in.,the average hdme: is under the care of Dr. Seale. Th^ ' 1 8 4 0 . ̂ ■' c {p ly mvifang '̂ trq th^ . r e r ^ j p ^ r ^ ' had been 'carrying on . th is work ■ Kinnon. ^ Orangemen's >Race 1st T. Stephens, sr. ;, 2nd, J. -.Parker, - _ Special Race,' 6 to 8 years ~ --1st,-B. G hristopher; 2ndrS.-Tik^. Special Race, R'to 11 years -- 1st, M. P arker; 2nd, T. Parker. Baseball game -- Won by LiO. L. 2990. : \ , Refreshm ents were served and the children received the usual bandy and ice cream. . LEGION Notes so im portant cpnpercially th a t . perhaps ' some ' people have not realized th a t^ tw o of the. fiver -spwies, the Spring and 'the Coho, ; offer the angler'tip-top sport, be­ side joining the SockeyeS, Pinks, ran d Chums in making many doL lays every year for the commer­ cial fisherman, the cannery th e . fish dealer; In anglingbhe CoKo And Spring are both ,taken by trolling w ith light, tackle and spoon lures but the Coho will also rise to b h e fiy. . - Saanich, b f course, is only one place among a.: number 'where anglers find good sport fishing for Pacific" salmon. On several .parts of jthe < British Columbia co&st the fishing is so good th a t organized competitions are held and awards givenTthose who land big fish Tinder strict specified conditions as to the, light Wei^ght of tackle; etc. A t CampbelhRiver -foV-instahee,-where,-in the angl- ' ing world, the Indian * name "Tyee," . ra th e r than tflie more cofiimonplace Anglo-Saxon word, ig applied tp ' the Spring salmon, bronze, silver; gold, and diamond b u tto n s are awarded under p n - Dryness ^may, be decreased by ev apo ra ting w ater in the room and by syringing the foliage of the plants on bright days. • Thick leaved plants- may be. sponged. with w ater containing whale oil soap. On . pleasant days, the plants^- should-get As~much-airAs-- for several years, is regretted by the Board. . ■ ' A .m oderate amount of neces-. sary redecorating has been dbhe , in all three schools by local com tractors. - • rpjjg annual picnic, held Teceiit- possible^. A t night plants do best ■ ly by the powibined Legion, and jn a tem perature ten to fifteen R egion-W .A .,-at-E agle H arbour - degrees -lower- th an -th e y need, proved' to be a ,,splehdid day s during- the day. , Most species REEVE^APPOTNTEir ON COMMITTEE A t a conference held Tuesday in, the Vancouver City Hall be­ tween municipal leaders in B. C. and members of the city b u dget Best of all w as.a^'sm kll cash donation to the kiddie^'present. The appreciatipn of the branch for th e organization of same, are due, to the fqllowjng: Mrs. W. Green, > president - of the Legion W.A., and her, co7Workers also Mr. H. Walker, president of growth. cabinet in Victoria w ith a re- 'quest th a t implementing legisla­ tion he enacted a t the nextLEGION W. A. C Group of the Legion W. A. ■ nieeting of the legislature. "W est Vancouver Branch, is giv­ ing A tea and garden party At ST^ STEPHEN'̂ W. A; 2:30 p.m. next Thursday, August . . _ , . . 15th, on the grounds of Mr. and the local branch, A. Jj.' W.illiam- Mrsi A. Hampson's residence a t GARDEN PARTY son, and Roy Lowes, who made the distribution bf m dhy ahd^ "various prizes to the successful winners on the spbrts program; 20th and Fulton Avenue. There, will be cards; and An entertain­ m ent has also been arranged; hollyburn' hall; Next ' Sunday . at'-, Hollybum Hall there will be:Sunday School and Bible Classes a t 1 0 a.m., and" at 1 1 : 1 0 a.m. a breaking of : oread meeting. In the evening, the 7:30 o'clock Gbspel nieeting will be conducted by: John Wal-: lace of, Vancouver. ' Sgecml-notioe i s given- of ah ' o ^n air Gosp^jrally-at the ,f^^ of I7 th 'S tr^ tf ie a r 0 e whmff at,,. ̂ next Sunday afternoon. Residents „ arid ^visiters t 'a re ' cordially invited to be p resent a t the above services and also .,at ' the Gospel Rally. . ^ v a te ^ a u s p ic e s ^ w , fish within certain weight,lim its by^ means of wooden* rods meas­ uring a t leaht-six feet over all, w ith 'the tip in each case not less than five feet in length "o r-m ^ e thari six ounces In weight. The diamond buttons go only to ibose lucky people - who- catefi Tyees weiffhing 60 pounds or more, and, they're nbt w on 'very often , there-have a t least been several winners'. • *' ' ~'tThe~gold~"button is -the - prize - fo r a fish weighing over 50 lbs. b u t under 60, arid i^ quite often . won. The silver button indicates a" AO - pounder landed, and th e bronze button a 30;- pounder or better. SWIMMING NEWS The 19th Annuril Dundarave R egatta is ,to be held, on .S atu r­ day, August 24th; a t .Dundarave Pier, Commencing A t 2 p.m.. All eVents_are closed to W est Van- i.-iThere -wiiyie^^wimmingt WEST VANCOUVER L. O. L. No. 2990 ' On Saturday,, A ugust 10th, iro m ,2:30 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 11, p.m., a Garden P arty and D ance' will be held a t the home : -of Mr. and Mrs. Geo., Newjnan, * 1036 Jefferson Averiue, under 4he auspices of the St. S tephen's- Inglewopd W. A. Mrs. B. Leyland has kindly M outing for the adults, as well as ^s house plants require no the children. , ; moro than fifty or fifty-five de-); -- Refreshments, f ^ s , swim- grees Fahrenheit during th q ; _ t T i -' ming, boating, and lively games, n igh t arid they will mot suffer committee, Reeve Leyland was provided interesting, entertain- in jury i f the therm om eter falls owe of a comimittee of eight, ap- m e n tfo r all throughout the en- to forty, although such a temp- pointed to prepare a brief b ased : - tire day,' with plenty of ice efature inaintained' over a long' on the;resolutions of the w n f ^ - cream to help them keep.cool.- period of. time would check , orioe to be^^pre^nted^^to the ,5,' r 1 ' Ik ' ? ■ i 71 The regular meeting of the above lodge was held last Tues; consented .to officiate a t the day in the Orange Hall. Ar- opcriing o f the affair, while pour- rangemerits. Were made for a , ing tea during the afterndon will =moristei^gatheririg=daf=Ora_nge^trrrberMrs9=rHampson,^Mrs,,*. Ligb-tly di\drig, -log rollirig^rgreasy pble, 7 men bn Tuesday, September 3rd;;.^.Mrs, Body,,„and Mrs. Forsythe. tub races, etc.. Fun fo r all from when a very interessting m eet-' -A ttractive .tables of hbmeicook- oi'v T-rt ai*v+ir }:■ ' *' ' inrr will ho hoi/i ing, Candy, rind miscellaneoussix. to sixty. ' ing will be .held, . ...e,, -- ----- ------- " I t is the intention^ 'to : rririke The lodge was favored with a. ;4 rtic les will be in charge of the th is a teM_old Jirite. reg a tta and vis it b y ' a mgmiber from Mani-r' ' ladies of the Women's Auxiliary, the many beautiful' trophies toba who gave a very inspirihgi An ' a ttrac tive program of which , our public spirited, .citi- and instructive address on musical nun^ers , recitations, Orarigeism in his province, a ls q " arid folk darioing has been a r - ' on his' visit to Belfast, Ireland, ranged:; contributing a r tis ts be- where he- m et: with the Gramj - ing Mrs; Lovegrove, Mrs. Hunt, Lodge, of Iceland while in Ses-' Mrs. W. R;'Clarke and folk danc- sion.: v': in g u n d e r the supervision of \ F inalbeportsjoLthe. July 1 2 th .: Miss' Jones.. Come Ari<j -^€^rd_an .1 'rSf zens have so kindly dbnrited ,will be up for competition. ' , Set the date Aside to A ttend th e old tiirie regatta . ; \ V , On Saturday, August 10th; the W est-Vancouver A. S,:C;-_are \ " ■ m 3 . :S7taking a nuriiberbf, th e ir b o y s c e le b r a t io n were also presented, bnjoyrible afternoon and evening and girls to . Bowen,: Island- tp to. the meeting, The membews airiid p leasant surroundings. compete a t .their regatta- They ex tend a cordial invitation to any ---------------------- will carry the berit w ishes of all - visitors, m th is d istrict to be They, could not play cards bn. .W est Vanjcouverbor their „suc- ' piiresent w ith them a t their m eeb ' N oah's A rk because he sa t on . * ' V; ; ings while visiting h ere ., ' ": :tbe,deck. ' J ' ■"M ' . 71 "7 ,- ' Lbr- 1 cess. ' 'Yet 1. 333 ■t-' Mmmmsk i •I v W3 9mm ' '■13 ̂ ,'r f , " " .ft',,',-'.. -IW T3 ' 7 1 Vf f,V