West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Aug 1935, p. 4

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f -I 4-l JlM-r*-.-! »w<' j * ■- 1. ■MwMMlMiWWM MMiMiiMi ilMik f W ' #!' # } Phone West 4 0 F h o tie W ilit 4i^ S m i t h 'a f ^ r o c e r g m il' l | l |I N fN € BUSH Prices Good Friday Sc Saturday, Aug. 2nd Sc 3rd SABOUTHA .........p<^rlb.39c UUAKEJi COKN FLAKES, 2 pht* l ie ft«l A Whit# TOMATO CATSUP 2 12-0*. UolUt̂ K ........ ............. . 2St Ht^ & WhiU- COFFEE.....Si. Uit 39r LADIKH! SomeUtifiK New -- liAVTKX V .h m m ; a houi(i»hold nec- rcMHiil'; firdcr now a t thJa pric« Only 21̂ , paijr TOMATOES ~ ColurnWfi. 2»/i, Ch»>u<' .................... ........2 Tina I»« k<^ A WhH«* EF.ANH -- Cut Orwn Tall Tina ........... _•........... 2 tina Ittc I'INEAFFLK CUBES, 2h For Sniada ..............................tin 10c HA KOINES -- Canadian, 3 tina He K«d A WliiU- TOMATO JUICE Tin ...... . .., ................. ;........... . Sc KOVAL.CKOWN 80A1» 0 Bar Carton ....................... . , . 22c LAOV OOOIVA COMPLEXION- ' SOAP ...............................4 caliea 19c COKN El) BEEF -- Ih lnu t, 2 tina 19c M eats P hone W est 370 M x;s OK LAMB, per lb...... ....... 25e SilOULDEK OF I.AMB (whols) per lb. ....:,.......................... ........ iSc' HI KN8 ' BAKED HAM, per Ib... 45c HHAMKOt K IK)LOONA, per lb ... 18c DAIHV l.t)AF, per lb. per lb................... 27c U 'XUKV LOAF, per lb............... SOc IIOIMNO FOWL, per lb............... 22C ku-llhht rii*r nu rm Jiriv man w«» ' m srri^ > esSr.b ;• « « k « r a * > «■« a a a ̂ va>' • ,« a > . ..... i.. *** .. J,. . .... i A It 0«ktiMk4>rst Summer he#-brouffht the usual croj^of waddings, and the press mjtrvel. Not the weddinifs but the reports. As a cub reporter I once turned in a story on a wedding. I thought it good, but the editor didnU and fired me on the spot. And he swore abomin­ ably. It ran somewhat as fol­ lows, the names, of course, being changed: "Miss May Tompkins, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins, who had previously despaired of getting her off on any man, was ■ j E F F E R I E S ' ^ P ^ d R W ^ ^ Government Inspected Only CAMB' -:■ BEEF -i- PORK' -~s* VBAI, COILd m e a t s of AUL, k in d s ■:■ DEUGATESSEN 1 Store at Hollyburn, -next TTheatre PHONE WEST a.*' ■ LUMBER I K VINC CHICKEN, I Fa to 2 Ibn. each l'<'f lb..................................... ....... 28c SVV EEI PICKLED COKNKI) BEEF |M'r lb............................. ............... 16c BEEF POKK --'I'LAMB -- VEAL Very FineKt (Quality sKS-ja* CKAPENUT FLAKES.......2 pkts 21c M UFFETS.............................. p k t 10c li rn noniin riuigements are being made to convey parent.s or others, who arc desirous of seeing the camp. SCOUT NOTKS All Scouts going to Sunnyside Camp must have their packs down at the Ferry Dock at the east side of the garage on Fri­ day mpriiing at 9:30 a.m. No packs will be taken in the cars ....... . . . . . . . wm u« which take the troop, they will • ready to supply a light tea for be loaded on the truck.and Uken their guests but ask each one to - bi-ingacup. Any further details rhe troop will leave from the., can be obtained by-phoning Mr. Amblesfde dock at 10 o clock ,Fagan at West 216X or H. 13. Saturday morning by car. Stevens at West 481X2. lercy Hawtin, Scoutmaster, P/J, ]\ Fagan was presented wil be in charge of the boys, and wil b liis Knotter's Badge on Fri- is looking forward to a grand day, July 26th. as Robfnsop at All Saints' Chuixih, the rector lyini? the knot, She walked up the aisle in a dre^ left over at the Samuel Emporium's big sale last Satur­ day. Her sister, Sue, who wa.s bridesmaid, wa.s set out in her last summer's outfit. There is no need to describe it, a.s every woman in the town has it off by and a ll BUILDING MATERIALS WfEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. -FO'li HEAL SATISFACTION »:-- Phone West 115 1497 M arine Drive Next Wednesday ha.s been C Z tiT® i v/li ' 7^ linated visitors' day and ar-............i ........... 1 • ^ «uu m second- cousins of th e convey parents or others, who out likeChristmas crackers, and Kent-arc* nesirous 01 se e in g th e cam o . , " j ...... Mol or cans will leave Am'bleside about 1:30. The boys will be skidded and nearly sat C L A SSIF IE D A D S The rat© for Classified Adv«rt{s«meii(a Is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of those havinjir regular accounts, "all classi­ fieds are payable strictly In advance. . Remember Classifieds in the West Van News get immediate'results. . down on the porch steps. The groom and his best man, rela­ tionship unknown, hir^d their 'suits for'the occasion, both hav­ ing graced the window of Old Levi's second hand shop for the past six months. The rebtor was heard' to say he. had sebn the FOK SALE -- ,2 rings ami West 59Y3. Small oven. electric stove, $8.00, Phone HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave --Notions, Novelties, Stationery, School Supplies, Nails, Hardware. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- The Old Country way. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. E. Palmer, Garden Avenue, Capilano, Phono North 811R2, FOR RENT -- Three rooms, partly furnished, sea vievy. Apply 2442 MaVine Drive. " Summer is here ring before, but couldn't quite HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP, B. C., -- placp it. During the signing of Join Our Library: 25c a month;4.Û . -- r. • I- nn « vAnr ■ TjnnVflnin WnniR. ICE Book of tickets - ' - 250 lbs. for $2.00 W « maintain a regular Ice Delivery Seryice to North Vancouver, Uollarton, ^ c p Cove, W est Vancouver, WhyteclifF, rforseshoe Bay and Way points.' Refrigerators and Ice Boxes For Sale or R ent IF PHONING for SERVICE ask the operator to CHARGE THE CALL TO US G A R V I N IC E & F U E L C O ., Ltd. 3̂25" EAsV 5th"Ave: TB'aifmoltit 6707- 8 -9 the register Mr.s. Jones pained the congregation with that sweet song "What a Pearl was Lizzie." "There was no receiption, Mrs. Tompkins saying that kin(l'*aof stuff was "the bunk. The happy couple left following the cere­ mony for a.long street car ride, and on-their return spent the .. night On the street, as neither the groom's*nor the brijde's par-̂ ents- would take them"i"n~at~any' price." ■ £f * ' ■ * ♦ Rumprs are flying about in --Vancouver- that-five wives and-a- farm' await any non-Ethiopean who fights for the Lion of Judah against Mussolini, .providing the Lion wins, as he should do, if the good wishes of the world are worth anything. That suggests „to_..me....a--more'-dieGtiG'~-post̂ ^ $2.00 a year. Ladyship Wools. 1678 Marine Drive. West 601. A. HAERTLE, Carpenter, Cabinet-' maker, -- Kitchen Cabinets, Book­ cases, Fireplace, Mantles, new and alterations. Quality woodwork, own machinery; ' Staining, Varnishing.- 3906 West 11th Ave., Elliott 1435Y. WINDOW SHADES and AWNINGS made to meas.urements or repaired. Estimates free. Picture framing. E. S. Pearce,' 1890 Marine. Phone West 529 or West 145.' FOR SALE r-- J^ g lis h .Baby Buggy, like new; also Crib or Play Pen, and small Rocking Chair. West 425X DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & KNITTING-SHOPPE, 2446 "Marine Drive -- Everything for, Tcnitting • and embroidery. Free-instructions. --Mrs." Latham rproprietress: FOR RENT -- Five Roomed House' on waterfront, near in, modern. West 634R. LOST Green Bathing Suit, Caul- feilds beach,' Monday, 29th July. PhoneJWestl282R.^--- -- ------- -'v DAINTY CAKE SHOPPE -- Home- , made bread, cakes and pastries. W est'514. ' WANTED TO R m t rr-Modern house ■with 3, bedrooms, walking distance , to schools; purchase i f satisfactory. Box 6, West Vancouver News. NOW- IS THE TIM E-to plant your* late cabbage, Brussels sprouts a'nd Curly kale; 10 cents dozen. West Van.'. Florist, 18th &» Marine.'W est 305. TO REN T.-- Good i ^ f ^ h e d house. Apply 1678 Marine Drive. West 601 HEADQUARTERS for AU Popular Brands of Cigarettes and. Tobaccos; RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Ariels, etc. ■ J.*L.'*'Pettigrew, The Radio Man, 1890 Marine; West 145. Tune it» on «htj loo CnrntTHl of llu> Air over KOMO, 8 loVlfiLp.ni. ,. Mbiitlnyii und Prldnvs.'" 12 -period than, the present one, so ;/I shall not be ̂there. Imagine "keeping five wives and conse­ quent families in a post-war de= Mso PishinFG adgits f J r lo^afw^t- eYs. "l!imn>resiae7re a " T l^ ^ ̂ --i_=^Lubimpiion..^<^^'ton, B.A., Librarian. CRISP BROWN WAFFLES pression. No, it's. t̂oo much, and I don't think much of the Lion's CAPT. E. GALLANT, Registered Chiropractor, 712 Robson St., Van­ couver. Seymour 8790. . recruiting methods. For the rest, he and his men are some scrappers, asi- Mussolini well knows, or the r latter would not be transferring the population of Italy tp Africa! And at tkat I'd hate to bet; on his winning, for the Black Shirts are not the old Roman Legjlons,.as Mussolini also knows. , HANDY ANN SHOPRE, Dund^ave, --Notions, Novelties, Stationery, School Supplies, Garden Seeds, , Hardware. RENTALS -- W e,.have a few at­ tractive furnished and unfurnished homes for rent. Inquiries invited. C. J. Archer Limited, 1416 Marine Drive. ' ■ - FURNISHED AND UNPURNISHEli: Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and . acreage for sale. John .-Lawson, 17th and Marine. Phone West 55. G I Y ^ H E W IFE A REAL CHANGE --Take her to H unter's Coffee Shop. Lunch^onsy teas, dinners. West 610. GIVE WEBB'S .a tria l for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. All Very Simple I Easily,: Altered The dapper, little,'man ,bustled into the tailor's and asked to see some, ready-made suits. "He-'^vas given d choice. "I'll take that one,", he said, "if you'll make any alterations I require." .. ."Certainly, sir!" beamed the tailor. "AIKalterations free, sir!" -̂ "GoodF' said the little man.- "Just alter the price from $75 to $25 and I'll take the suit with me." Most anyone can be an editor. . All mi editor has to dp is to" sitK at his desk six days in the week, four weeks in the month! and twelve months in the year, and "edit" such stuff as .this: "Mrs. Jones o:̂ Lost Creek let a can- opener slip last week and: cut herself in the pantry*" "Josh Smith'.wants' to 'sell a- good cow that gives two gallons of milk at every milking and a lot of household and kitchen fmmiture;" RADIO SPECIALISTS -- Hayward & Prebble*-- H ave'your set over­ hauled now; summer, prices. Phone West..539. .. ; K. STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES - For sale or r e n t . 'West'220-L. SHOE REPAIRS --̂'Get , the best mat­ erial and workmanship a t Fox's, 14th at. Ferry.', MARCEL SHOP -- Theijniquc Steam Permanent. Try burJfatigue facial for tired housewife' or business Woman.; W est 304; l7 th and Marine over Royal Rahk. ONE electricity w ill \ b a k e tw elve w SW es, COLIN TURNER, Builder and Con­ ta c to r -- Alterations and repairs. Phone West'679R. ' - West Vancouver Disabled Veterans' Association -7-to 11 A t ih^ H om e o f M r, and Mrs, R. P. Blpwer. 1788 Fulton Ave Band. Highland Dancing & Piperi Pranit Vyyyan .n a Special Playlet Dancing on the Lawn 'ADMISSION_Arfiiltc ocy , ELECTRIC SERVICE -- ALWAYS A BARGAI N WANTED -- One -furnished and one , unfurnished 4-room" cottage near ferry. Phone W est 340, or West 443 THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- qu ires'.discarded, clothing. Phone West 37 and truck will collect. l a w n MOWERS SHARPENED -- . Repairs, all -makes/';.WestlVancpur .Machine. Shop,^^449 W O M E N 'S .G U ltD O F ST. F R A N C iS -lN -T H E W O O D S A N N U A L G A R D E N PARTY' a t • ; q e a ^ e ; . ' the home of Mr. and Miss Chappell Marine^ Drive. Caulfield. ' ADdUST 7tli, 3 to 6 p.^ii programme by West Vaaconver School Band, A.W, Del.mnn. _______ ! LLOYD'S WOOL i„KNITTING SHOP, ^ 7 4 'Marine --̂ Complete jirie/ sprink .■wbols.t ^Free knitting school. .Violet And,Kathleen Clem­ ent, Proprietors.' ; ' GEO. HAY^ Notary -Public" -- Real -- Estate-and Insurance. Phone West- 21 or Seymour-1260.^ ' ' GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic­ itor, 1447' Marine, 'mornings; 510 Hastings S t . Seymour 4199. after- noons; i l i l S S i