Wii |#Nftm«i»^î iaemt 1$ <WitWlllii»ilBiMliilli»W«iWlw><W^^ VISITO RS Hi/̂ . ' W liy be'¥irMi<rat"si oo yo«r..lM»|ltoy ? ( . . , • One of the N E W R C A V IC T O R M A nIt EL RADIOS is lust the "thing for the Camp or Summer Cottage. T h ese seta use a Supef^heterodyitcXhassti.aos!„jPift„ Improy^d. glffctrp J)ypamic Speaker,' giving ample volume w;th exccllw t tone quality. p r ic e d f r o m T E R M S M A Y B E A R R A N G E D . WE ALSO HAVE RADIOS FO R REIQT BY T H E W EEK OR MONTH , b r o w n a MUNTON MBMBKBS associated radio TEOHNiqiANS OP B 0.5 ' «n^»ll&^»Si3dl»yf .^ tlijoad rented BlEUsdeU, House, Alta- Palmerston Avenue, have m o ^ rnlont, for the summer season. The Misses Edna and Mabel McBain have taken a bungalow at North Vancouver for the summer months. ^ The Misses Eva and Mary Mc Bain are enjoying a holiday at Victx>ria. l I#' . Mr. and Mrs. Galley and fam ily from Burnaby, have rented into a house at t 6tn and Fulton Avenue. ̂ , Mrs. Fairbanks* who lias occupying a house at ISoO' Ar- gyle Avenue, has returned to Vancouver. '4i « « ' ' Mr.* Odell has -moved fp m . 28th and Bellevue Avenue, into a house at 24th and Waterfront., Mr. and Mrs., W. A. (Tommy) Howjnmch.__ _ does the Baby-Weigh? W e have a nice baby scales here and you arc invited to weigh the baby here without obligation. (ienuniirs Drug Store Th« Store of SorTica 1686 Marine Drlre West 87 or , West 607 Emergency Phono West 821ncy (After 10 p.m.) w 0 1 7 < 1 ? PORTRAIT I* i R l l l J l t r "DELUXE 5:5 x 8 Every single $2 purchase or $3 vyortK o f purchases dur.* ing one w eek o f merchandise at this store entitles you to a Free Portriait at M ain . Studio, 204 Main .Street (half a block from Ferry.) ri. L O N G FR U IT M A R K E TF R U I T a V E G E T A B L E S 1450 Marine Drive, . : ; AMBLBSIDE, Phone West 77 FREE DELIVERY. .SPECIAL PRICES. Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Bathing Boating, Fishing,;. Tea-rooms, Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent. • ' ' ' HOLE' fN' ONE' ' " ____ _______ AT GLENEAGLES have le ft for a'holiday up^coast! "whitecaps," 28th and Water- Sproule, nee Donna Stevenson, front, for July and August. have moved into their new home * ♦ * at 1151 ^ th Street, Miss Ola McLean. 2120 Belle- - * * * vue Avenue, left here last F r i- . Mr. and Mrs. Knight-Hodge . day for Toronto, where she ex- and daughter, Gwen, have re peats to Remain for-a year on turned fron% a trip to Vernon, exchange, a teacher from there B. C. taking her place here. * ♦ ♦ , . . i • ♦ ♦ Mrs. Archie McDougall of Mr. and Mra. Gilbert of Cal- ?eK*"a. i? visitins her bjothen gary, are' the guests of the M*"- ®"j »f*'i ' latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McDougall, 17th and Marine Herrin, 1387 Haywood Avenue. Drive, r . * * ^ Mrs. A. F. McFadyen has moved 'from 1329 Fulton Avenue ,son, 2105 Esquimalt Ave^e,^ are into a house at 1307 Marine spending a holiday Galiano Drive. Mr. and Mrs. E. L Lane,and fam ily,',2334 Haywood Avenue,^ VERNON FEED STORE -Â G.-SBARLE--EhQne-West_0_ Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood̂ Coal*' Builders' Supplies Gleneagles golf course attract ed a number of players on Sun day, .many o f , whom cooled off - after-their game by swimming in Larson Bay. In the evening Kyvie Forster holed his tee shot from the third, achieving what in golfing parlance is known as a "dodo." He was playing in a foursome, .the other players be ing Inky Huiriphreys, Jimmy Mc- Tntyre~aiid"Alan"McIntyrer~ We believe this is the first hole in Mrs. Gray has returned to Vancouver after spending a holi day here at 1848 Bellevue Ave nue."' ........... ' jK ♦ ♦ Mrs. Pat Grady, 1895a Belle vue Avenue, and Mrs. V. 0 - Grady, 2091 Esquimalt Avenue, returned on Tuesday from a few the Olachan. days'visit to Seattle. ____ ♦ # ♦ Island. ^ Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jenkinson and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Blanchard of Medicine Hat, Alta., are stay ing at Mrs. Grady's, 24th and Bellevue." ♦ ♦ ♦ ' j Miss. Lucy. McDougall, 17th and Marine Drive, is spending A holiday at Galiano Island. ♦ * ' * » ' Lieut. Commander and Mrs;,. A. H. Robinson are staying at Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes ' Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: . 1468 Murine Drive Phono West 27 ___ -- 4 Mrs. W biteh^d ô^ on^recorde"d'atth%~locJaLcouTser" has~moved"intoA^house_At--Ful- ton Avenue and Marine Drive, C. R. Messinger, 1590 Marine Drive, left here on Tuesday, f9r a short visit to his old home in Nova Scotia.4> * L. O. B. A. 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside .Phone W est 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Ruth Chapter,-L.O.B.A.,-will give their regular weekly dance next Saturday, 3rd August, in the Orange Hall. Dancing will start at' 9 p.m., and the usual good music will be provided, which has miade these daiiCes-so '"poptrl^" Mrs. Houghton^and her dai ter of Vancouver, have ihi into Mrs. Walton's House , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hargrave and daughters of Halbrite, Sas-, katchewaii, are holidaying at St. -- -r-r . . i. Stephen's Rectory, the guests of 1910 Bellevue Avenue, for a few Mrs^Hnrgrave's -mother, Mrs. weeks. . ̂ , . , , w . H e™ t, who is occupying it . tt i y T, the absenice of the Rev, and Major Harold Brown wrote p ^ Ramsey on a vacation the council re Park Lane. The . 7 Hollyburn Theatre tlim iS D A Y , FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE ~Auf?u8t"lst,"~2nd and 3rd MARY ASTOIl LYLE TALBOT ^Red Hot Tires' SAT. EVENING & MONDAY August 3rd and 5th j- CHAS. LAUGHTON , -*%UGGLESOr RED GAP*' also -J, -- ' 'Kids in the Shoe" SOFTBALL ineer onlyl was^efeiTedr=t<Hfehe-^ng- for maintenance repairs On Wedne^ay, July :24th, Spencers defeated Tritons in an exhibition game at Ambleside 2-0. It was a hard fought game BOWLING CLUB NBlivS A very, enjoyable tournament -̂V. Saturday by the with'SullWan doing the pi"tehing West ,^ncouver Laira Bowling X m •. -r̂ a ____ _ ' rriiiK T'hii irr/3ia*n. wi»Cl rflYi^n rri lt<5l Dr. Harriet Stevenson is^holi- daying at Galiano Island. .r- * iti * .J Mrs. G. E. Brealey, 1295 Fel ton Avenue, is holidayirig in Victoria. • - -♦ ♦ ♦ Captain H. P. Skeet of the'sWitn »uiiivan aoing une piLciung oaprain n . r . okwl uj. luc for Tritons. Perrins of Spencers, l^ub. The green was taxed its ferries and Mrs ̂ Skeet and fam- ' hit a home run in the 6th inning, limit, 18 rinks taking part m 'Uayt/y fr» -Hwair hrfmp TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY August 6th and 7th VICTOR McLAGLAN "THE CAPTAIN -HATES THE SEA" '■ . . also . "Bordertown" nii; a nome run in *;***"".,,-- ------- ' • ily, have returned to their home the first run of the game. Tri- the afternoon and 20. doubles in 2078 .Fulton Avenue,' after tons tried' hard to get a mian spending .a holiday on Vancouver across the plate but were unsue- ous from 2 :30 p.m. to. 10 :^0 p.m. cessful due mainly to the excel- lent pitching of Kluchner of which the Ladies. Oub so ably TEAR0E & SON 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors Excavation & Foundation Work Lime -- Sand Cement All Building Materials ,.Bhone-JWest .84- for quick delivery.- - ■ SlTwanY* AT*<a ' On Friday, July 26th, Stew;- art's Sheet Metal Works default ed to Tritons in the last-game of ■ "HiA IP Last Monday, July 29th, Ward- '-y ^ -A ' {' •' x i ~ law's defeated Tritons in the first played J. Colwn was declared the game of the playoffs 13-9 at winner by 2 shots. - A special Mahon Park. Masterman did the pnze for the rink p la y i^ the hurling for Tritons and Bell hit closest games went to Dr. M^ ■ a home run with two men on in Tv'cr of Vancouver Heierhts. each catered for the requirements of the inner man.' , 'The high -rinks, of the after noon were J. Colvin, Stanley Park, and J. Banks, W est Van- couverr On the extra :ends being Island. ■ ' ♦ ♦ ♦ Mate G. Lancaster of the fer ries with Mrs; Lancaster and family has left to spend a vaca-/J -• - • - - TT 'j.______tion on Vaheouver Island. Mrs. M. E. Waited and Miss Betty Walton, . 1910 Bellevue ELECTRIC WASHERS so| | ® ; S A L E J ! 5 9 Porcelain Enamel Full Guarantee rorst'sLtd. N o rth 5»5 W est 37 . 66 Lonsdale Ave.„ N orth Vancouver, ^ w ' A%n Avedue, have moved to the city,winner by ̂2 shots.-^_A ̂ special a few weeks. : ♦ Mrs. Provincial of Montreal! is the guest of her father, A. F. ------ -- ------- ̂ __ Tabor, 12th and Jnglewood Ave- West 363, m order that the omis- nue. sion, may be corrected. We shall . estebm any such phone as a fav- E. Hapsen has moved into a - or; as it is our only way of check- cottage at Caulfeild. ing up on oui* deliveries. Our ♦ ♦ * ,boys -have'strict instructions to ' j . Read of Berwick, Nova place- a. paper on the verandah 'Scbtia;'was~a"v is i t l^ -- of-every*house-on=their routes? the first inning. The second game of the series " will take place tonight at 6 :30 o'clock in AmfolesMe Park.. lii the. event of rain the game will be played tomorrow at the same time and plpce.,.: Ivor of Vancouver Heights,.each man winning a free hair cut, donated by the Ships" Barbers, Pender Street. , • . - The evening produced some very fine games in the. doubles, the first prize being won by Mr, Young and Mrs. LaPatourai,! Vancouver Club, vdth a- score; TO OUR READERS Any householder jiot receiving a cbpy- of this paper-on any and .each Thursday evening, is re quested to kindly phone us at Bill: "I'm telling you. Dick, you took 28." ■ ' - , Dick: 'Toii're mistaken. Bill, <5T PATRICIA SCHOOL " of̂ sD" up,Tthe second, prize going S U ^ ^ S E S and Mr. Law of to West Vancouver. F. FRANCIS LOVEGROVE av, . South Vancouver Club,/with .. T ■' .L, scoTo of 19 up. Tho close gaineIn the_ recent Departmenta by Mr. Johnson i îck: -lou 're mistaken, Rill, examinations, " the following ?^!j®j^^Bind?ay^oLWes^ t was only 27. I kept a close pupils of St. Patricia's School for- . <̂>!iat." , Girls were successful: Barbara Bill: "Alright,, have It.-your G o o l S r S t ™ ^ t h J d o s f ^ ' X ar^^XI under whose able' mana^mehtl having covered Grades X and XI recent B. C. Competitions game by tomorrow." . \ m the, one year. ̂ .recently completed; , ~ ~ ~ ~ The-West Vancouver Club are v v r v A / v v i / v v w v n r * contemplating putting on a "big mORSES for iilRE BEAUTlFUIi SHERMAN Stove Tea Gardens 3900 MARINE DRIVE G i i ^ ' ^ C k i t t a g e B. J. CAMPBELL THE OLD STORE of which due notice'will be igiven. For ratM and r e s e rv ^ ^ ^ 'VV^r437Yl'" ' New Boarder: "WiieriB's'tfie bath- Toom in this-boarding-hooso, Another: "I don't knqw^ I've only been here a month. fR U lT and VEGETABLES FRESHDAILY WEST VAN PRODUGEXS Marine._Drlvej. H.oJjybujn _West 186. Free Delivery ifi ' 1 1' 4 ■i;; ' ij J' * r ■A pfj -Till ' '.f