West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Aug 1935, p. 2

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'm - »l«0<!|«'W«WWl i»6aMiiii#iiigî ^ wii|Bili<lsi|liilii MjiMIM ■* **W'« îjjl 4 r a ts w m r v a n n e w s h 198S. w m r m i im m » m K C H 5 "!* 11:15 «.!»., 7:15 lUMu Sufulty Seboo} and BH:!* CIm i StraRftra A Vliit«ra W#le<nn«* M P t m m u m m ' FttHtari' 5t#v« iPt Hmnpliw ya^ K«#ldeiia»i 15U Haywaad A<N>* Phone W eit 252B. Humfey Servicet <-^11 m n ; iKndp,jn̂ Sunday School, 10:00 a.j». Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1545 Ifeilae Drive .. . . . . . „ . . .--. - ■ .1 * PrcEcnui the Clairol Shampoo** A SENSATION IN IIAIU TINTING UNITED CHURCH Hev. Ilfllifl Wrigrht, Mlnletor. WEOT VANCOUVER ifM • d» r« •CinifaiB Scieoce Society CRtm OB EDIFICB M ih Hunt Ri|[iiiiBalty HoUybiiftt Thli Society is s Branch of In your hoir Kruy. drab or lift'JcsK? We wul ifive you a Mhnmpoo that softens, recon (iitioMs, tints and washes your hair •-- all in one treatment. " Thu Hurvice next Sabbath morning will be conducted by the Uuv. Geo. E. Hartwell, B.A., of Vancouver, ' Mr. Hartwell is a United Cinjruh miHsionary to China and ia an interesting speaker. In the evening the speaker will- lx* the Rev. W. H. Day, from Goodilsh Lake, Alberta. Sunday School as usual next Sunday morning at ten o'clock. PHONE WEST 117 for A|i|H)intmen(a SUMMER REQUISITES .Sunburn Creams, Picnic Plates .Sun (JlaBHes Napkins & Wax Paper Bathing Caps Beach Balls and Visors ANBLESIDE PHARMACY W. L. HOI Marino Hrlvo KEK; ProD. Phone: FHEE BEblVEltY West 323 One perfect and lasting way of re-' m i s n % T N m BA I*TIST CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess Pastor: Rev, H. P. Humphreys .Sunday, August 4th, 10.00 a.rn.-"Sunday School and Adult Bible Class, 31:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "The Disciple Whom Jes- li.s Loved,' ' . The ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be Ob served at the close iT\c;u*ning serviced 7:15 p.m.-L-Evening Worship Tb« Mother Church Tho F irst Church of Christ, Seiofttfat,' in Boston, HiuMuichus^tts Sunday Sorvice: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, August 4, 1935 Subject: Sunday School a t 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednefiday , a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially, in> vited to attend our services and meetings. B u r r a r d l a d m d r tFORDEPENDABLE Piionee--West 691L or North 1810 INTERNATIONAL GALA IS Bid SUCCESS THERRIEN -- MACARTNEY A wedding of wide interest was celebrated (luietly on Wed- Perfect weather favored the third annual Pacific Coast Inter­ national Outdoor Swimming Championships and B. C. Junior Championships Gala, which was staged last Saturday afternoon at Dundaravc Pier'by the West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club. Reeve J. B. Ixjyland per­ formed the opening' ceremony, and there was a large crowd of onlookers to watch the long and interesting program.. The sea was very smooth at the beginning of the afternoon, but the wind which later sprang up combined with steamer swells resulted in the postponement of the International 3-Metre Wom­ en's Diving event, owing to the BEAR 'Weekly Bible Study Meetings ^ Thursdays in the GosperHall 25th and Marine Drive ' a t 8 p.m. Mra. Cornish in charge. (Crystal S, C.* S eattle); 2, Bev- erley Bandimere (Crystal S. C. Seattle) ; 3, Fay Cooper. Time, 68 8/6 sec. 9. -- 100 Yards, Backstroke,* Men -- 1, Ed Cline (V.A.S.C.); o' (Crystal S. C., Seattle) i 3, Fred Carlson (Crystal S, C., Seattle). Time 1 min. 9 1/3 sec. 10. -- 100 Yards, Backstroke Women -- 1, N oel'. Oxenbury (Crystal P o o ] ) 2, Marion Mof- fatt (Crystal S. C., Seattle); 8,was celebrated «« Wed- ,„,teadiness of the spring board, fatt (^ y s ta f S. C., Seattle); 8, nesday afternoon, teh 24th ulti- jj, International Champion- ?a/idimere( Crystal'S, mo, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ships V.A.S.C. Women's Relay U beattle). Time 1 min. 19 4/5 W. D, Macartney, Langley team won the 400 yards' event inn v ^ v,„ Prairie, when their daughter, easily by two lengths of the tank Breaststroke, of the Muriel Bernice, became the bride from the Crystal Swimming of Dr. Emile. Therrien, son of Club. 'The latter turned the ; 2, Jim Wilson (McGili jhip. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Therrien of tables on the V.A.S.C; in the 400 Univermty); 3, Herman Kipper- n ______I T .^1__o . . ______ m u ______............................t . „ -M 1 j n P r o r I f ^ m r o f o l Q C* r • •••* m-m w mmmfy ■ « . v » »•**.# «*«««.« Mt A * fV* Vf*. VMiN/a V»l,7 V/*a VAJi\,> V iAA* V-/1 OJIAV./ * W Topic, "Singular Appe- Round Lake Saskatchewan. 'The yards ' fpr men, but failed to Crystal Finish A^ncg For Service and Satisfaciion; "REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS'* tite.s/' Song Service at com­ mencement. A.ofirdial invitation, to all. Special Announcement Wednesday, August 7th -- Sun­ day School and Congregational ceremony was pierfdrmed by Rev. W. R. Walkinshaw. 'The bride is a graduate of University of Saskatchewan, where she was senior stick in her last year, the highest honor that can be accorded to a woman on berg. (Crystal- S. C., - Seattle). Time, 1 min. 15 2/5 sec.break the record, as they had i aa v j " hoped to do, although winning Yards, Breaststroke, by a length. V.A.S.C. at the con- WpBien 1, Pauline Bamford elusion were 1 point ahead of the (Crescent S. C. ) ; 2, Shirley Ban- ________u-__ __________ iJ i .-11 , rilTYlPrA G r< s . Ambleside L. SPECK. Propriotor Sheet Metal Works T , Vr-------------------- ------ fjc ttUUUXUCU LU it WUIliajl UIl , '"Vf* oi/ I icmc to Horseshoe Bay.-Bus- . the campus/and graduated with team, has w'on. u.s leave Church a t ,10 a.m. ' - ............. • ---- aggregate of the Crystel Club in (Crystal S. G., Seattle); i-u- ... , , . 3, Betey IVteacham (Crystal S. C., 4. ̂ m . _ .> --the International events, this 2'. Meacham (Crystal £ being the .first time a Canadian Seattle). Time 1 min. 29 3/5 DR. G. D. H. SE ALE D.D.S., L.D.8.' D E N T I S T Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Ofllce Hours 9 to 6 ---- Evanlnge by 'appointment; "~ " Phono-iWeat 72 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J. Millay, Priest in Charge. «..« *-. *»* v.. ^ lis ausu «. vxauuaLe Residence: 2323 Ibglewbod Ave. of^j^University of Saskatchewan Phone, West 240-R ---------- Sunday Services Low Mass -- 6 :45 a.m. High Mass & Sermon - a.m. great distinction in 1931. Since interesting item on the then she has been private secre- program was the exhibition of tary to Dr. W. A. Carrothers, saving given by L. C. Reid's chairman of the Economic Couh- Girls' Life Savirig Class. The cil in Victoria. ITie groom, who class illustrated the various holds the degree of B.Sc., M.D. methods of rescuing the drown- and L.M.C.C., is also a graduate ing and the use of the inhalator, ' also gi.ving._--an--exhibition of- 10:45 in 1931 and of Manitoba ina934. fancy swimming. At the con- He is at pre8ent 'praoticingpin-- clusion-of-the gala*the cups~and~ West Vancouver. * prizes were presented to the. The bride was becomingly Mrs. J. B. Leyland. gowned in a beautiful.. floor- I be annual Regatta Dance in .. 13 .-- 3-Metre Diving, Men 1, Geo. Athens (V.A.S.C.); 2, Chuck Redling (Crystal S. U., Seattle); 3, Jack Rose (V.A.S.C.) 16* -- ̂4(>0 Yards Relay, Men-- Cr^.tal S. a , Seattle; 2, V.A. S.C. 'Time 3 min. 51 sec. Yards Relay, Women .TT".l, V.A.S.C.;. 2,--Crystal-S.-C.,- Seattle. Time 4 min. 37 2/5 see. -UNEMPLOYED ASS'N A regular meeting.of ;the West Vancouver Unemployed Associa- <̂ ôn was held at the Legion Hall a number .of on Thursday, July 25th, at 8 Di*. GEOUGE S.* ALVCDONAU) D.D.S., D.D.C., Dental SurKUon .Evoninjga by appoiirtnicat Royal Bank BJdg.,' TuluphoOo Woat Vancouver. -Weat >MU __" ' ' 1 Tj J.* X* rr gownea in a 'Deautitul.. noor- xwegauLet j^unoe m Jiow.^and^^ ̂ --length-ensemble-of--rose beige fj?® evening, which took place in „ A WU1 XT* X Pn n̂t d'esprit lace with match- P® Hollybum Pavilion, was accessories.* Her corsage attended, a number of - ^uvu, m o bouquet was of Ophelia roses and ^̂ ® contestants from Vancouver P.m., Comrade H. Davison in the M„.» 5 "'y of 'he ye'ley. Attending her and-Seattle staying over. ExceK. chair. „ ------------- ;^8S, daily f was her sister, Miss Mae Ma- i^nt music was provided by ^he sec ^^^PAnfnfl«?Ai^' Benediction, cartney, who chose maize figured J^okie Williamson and his Com- ^^^OA® ^ bouquet of carnations. Mr. Mark Particulars of the winne/ .oii^p.m, to otoO p.m. o..,ior , , , Estnbliaheil. <>n North Shore 25 Yea r s _____ -- - (Lndy^.Ai.sIsUat) HARRON HROS. 1.TD. Funeral Strertars North , Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North l:il Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH r--^Rev, F. A. Ramsey ,j. Rector: -- Augustr4th--=^TtlrSund^y^after lYinity. \ 8 :00 a.m.--^Holy Communion. 11:15 a.m. --- Holy Communion. Preachei*j^the Rev. W. H. Adcock, Regina. Macartney,'uncle of the bride, was best mapi Duringrthe sign- ^ing of the register Miss Niven sang softly'^"0 Promise Me. XU 1 1 - y-" winners inthe^gala will be found below. • B* C. Junior Champio -- Curran A TOtofronr, . secretary read a com­ munication from Premier JR. B. 'B e n n e t H i r ^ l y - t 6^ i ^ this organization, protesting a- gamst the action of the police,, against the camp strikers in ■^^na and on .the Vancouver C. J. OveriogtoB PIO N E E R BARBER NOW OPEN ' FUEL-TIME - H th & Marino, I'honc West 135 Elingsdn of North Van- ate-triends were-enterteined"at'^oss-"(vfctJria on the ar- a reception, for which the table 27 1/5 sec. ' ' * ' Jangements for a picnic to be was arranged with pastel shaded . 2.--50 Yards. Girls Frees+vip Swedish Park, Lynn- sweet peas and;centred with a ---1, Kajr-Davidson Y V A S c V three-tierweddinircake. Presid- 2; Eilleen Boden ( V A S C i - r 7'15 D m -- Pven,«T,vi,«A w i"*' **!? A. Eilleen Oxenbury (to a ie n t I ' mra- n S i e r th e ^ ^ r ^rs. Hugh Me- C.). Time 31 sec ' W° H Gale " ^ ' ^ j S .^ -M etre Diving Bovs --' ■a. n . eluded Mr. and Mrs. F .W . Ther- 1, Jack-RosefV A S P l • o r iT St. Francia-in-the-Woods, nen of Indian Residential School, Athens' (V ^ S C ) ' ' ® - CauMidd ' ' Round U ke, the. parents of the 4 --200 Yards Relay Bovs - -........... ......... groom; Miss Dordthy White and 1. Crescent S C • 2 ' V A S 7 °n the objects Miss Jean McCallum of Saska- Time, 1 min. 53 2/5 s * of and the arrangemlents for the ®--200 Yard M a r 'G ir ls - March to Victoria sched- foMprly of Saskatoon. , 1 - V.A.S.C.; 2, West V a S v ^ "'od for September. Rf* ood Mrs. Therrien left by A.S.C. lim e, 2-mjin 13 sec ' - - ^ i s branch decided to sup- CM for West Vancouver, where Coast International " S®*" tMce part in the Peace .......................... Swimming C h m S s h ^ dem onstrationtobeheldinVan- 7.:--inn p®. . couver on Aumiat 4fh 3:00 p.m. -- Evensqng; Preach­ er, the Rev. J, Thompson, R.D. mour, on August l4th. Trans­ portation arrangements are be­ ing made for West Vancouver friends wishing to attend. To ensure transportation, phone re- quests to West 439L1 before the 14th. Comrade Rush of Vancouver,' CHURCHES OP CHRIS'T, SCIENTIST they will make their home, tlie r subject: doctor taking over the practice of the Lesson - Sermon in all _Pt Dr. BraVfield Chuix:hes of ChristvSeJentistron-------- ----- Sunday; THE West Van Nems Fahllahed Every Thuraiday The Golden Text is; "̂The Lord hath appeared of old-unto me, saying. Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I, drawn thee." (Jeremiah 31:8Iv The 2nd West Vancouver Iroop, Boy Scouts, are leaving.,, tomorrow to go into camp Publisher P ^ T . LOVEGROVE IHione West 863 Batineei and "BdiWial Office: 17tb and Marine. Drive___ (Next to Hollybum P.O.) Phone West 363 Alaii. Address: Among the citations which con^prise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "For.^od hath not given us the~ P. 0 . Box 61, HoUybttrn, B.C JNorth Vfuiconver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave, 11.00 a year by carrier:-|ff.00 a year by mail. spirit of fear; but of power, and -of,-loverrand^f-a-soahd"ttiind; (II Timothy 1: 7), Lesson » Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage fixim the Christian Science text­ book, /^Science and Health with Key tp the Scriptures" by Mary Baker.Eddy; "The power of (lod ..brings delivemnce to the cap= CARD OF THANKS 'to express tGeirT'deep ap- pi^ciation of the many .expressions of sympathy which ;have come from fo r the floral tributes, during their recent bereavement in the loss of a be- loved daughter and siste r._____ \J a ' I^Yeestyle, Men .(Crystal S. rrrWoV*'cs ?i' Willard Hampton 57 S * Time, Women -- l, Marion Mofl&tt ^ couver on August 4th. Saxer_a good-shot?' Yes, we Were ou t practicing with our ^rifles the_ o ther' day and he hit the bull's eye the first tiine." sure was fine, shooting." Yes, but, he had to pay the farmer $40 for killing the bull." tivei vNo power can; w ith ^ n d divine Love," D A N X ? E C A m n . . . . hallSATURDAY, August 3rd, ADM ISSIPN t S c . a t 9 p.ni. CARD OF TRANKS and family w sh t o convey their sincere- ap- flianks to all them ' tort floral.tributes, and S r t i j sympathy ex- a t the tim e'of their recent bereavement. J. T. W A T T , REALTY A N D i n s u r a n c e t o .•41 ANY timeWEST I CUNARD STEAMSHIPS': All details arranged via pAnAm:. a,*̂ "̂ama. Airways, Bus or Rail ^ .B00g V 0OHV.sSAGElk,.T.r.^ gPgf» I ̂ -Xy. ̂ X J, 1'""' >'̂ 1, ̂ tK ̂ 4" ^ ̂ a' i. ~:k