West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Aug 1935, p. 1

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WWI#!lll<Wllll̂ ^ ■•*'91'^ - *■-■ " 'W»-1~ » * * - f s : * ; j . j. »«̂,-flj,i'.̂ %fjw: , |fiA*i Circulatirisin the D istrict o f ' West Vancoumr-tAmhleside^ H oll^kttftt^W em ni Dundarave ■ ■ > : ; . ; . ; . , , I : , .,,. y rGypnss Parky Cauffeiid, WhytecHM Etci.^..^$1.00 per year HOLLYBURN P.o!. WEST VANCOUVERt B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1935 No. 15 ALL IS JANGLING Kor a considerable tim einow public affdrsJnCaM ^^ have Ijcon conducted'in an atmoapherd of jangling. mill Riisoiclon brewing between the provinces and the U o v e S v ' d ^ ^ ^ ^ to the exact limifs of authontj; f Ottawa! and su^icion as to whetbet no the federal ...thM-ities have not overstepped these bounds. *^qidc'by side with this and to a large extent its_ cause ■■ is a widespread and growing, suspicion of man to tSt; neighbor produced chiefly by, the continued depression. . . . AnH over all is a fifTsat faar* * ■ . , , Unlike Britain a K i e other porain|,ona we h ^ e consist, fitr uiHpMtpDBed the issues which confront u .̂ ŴO will not I fhom* oreferring'^policies of drift in the hope, which TC know iii our hearte to be vain, that time wili tolve them. ■ The strength of : the British Constitution isjih at it is ̂ w J r n n w r itte n is Uerefore, capable . of change, and i s - planired as circumstances ', demand. Confederation . started tL ^a written constitution^,'but what was suitable then is no ,! l r To Yet passes and our govern­ ments Sch^learful of what the other may ̂demand, refuse menis, eauii i __ ' ai...,. .„LV,„vi/vfii» --ixrVnnh must.be .made. ,, COUNCIL n o t e s :0O N T m is s t h e ^ m b s . GWENDOLINE fi. . ■ I -- -- GARDEN FETE CRANE, PASSES Joseph, Martin wrote the ,* -- f-- rf , ̂ --------- council re acefess to Lot 124, D.L. Don't fail xo attend ^tonight vjrnujuuumro ĵ ioiv; v* 556. He was advised that the the garden fete being, ^ yen by passed away last Saturday .at council regretted funds did not the West 'Vancouver Disablea. rosidonce, 2009 Fulton Aver ...................... ' * , i . , AH(WW*in+.1ftH inn tile «rlirw «rna An Mra^ Gwendoline E lsie: C î^ane : her council regreuuju,xuiius um nut uxe vtvcsl » ■ * ' --"~iT~ iL-hiuumii;, ci\jvij x'lutvix rtVenue. permit of putting in a road at Veterans' Association The deceased, who was, in her the present time ̂ but in case grounds of Mr. ^hd JHst year, is. survived by her, they should f̂ind, it possible to Blower's residence at 1788 rui- husband, P. Ri Crane, one.son, do so later, would the applicant ton Ave. In addition to the usual Kenneth, her parents, Mr. , and kindly say for what purpose the gapies, such as housie-housie, jvtj.g. Mark Phillips, also three road would be required. usual games> such housie-housie, brothers, Varloy, Morris and etc., a special program has l ^ n Funeral services were held . G. T. Duncan wrote the coun- arranged for this evening. The- *cil re access to D! L. 554, E 100 West Vancouver Schools' Band---- - - -- willplayseleiitions, therewm .be Highland; .piping And̂ ' d and a special pl^^ given, written bv F^hhk Vyvya;n. The grounds vpp by a system' o f 'fl to allow of daheirig on w lawn, m I h i t J UXl SX3 ttVUCOiS UV Ac., Block 8, WI/2, Lot 7. The council replied .that arrange­ ments were .being made to irp- pfove this road .and as soon as circumstances permitted, the work would be .undertaken., A, •• M TMWVHI.J TTV*'>i*' at 3 - p.m. ' Tuesday from West Vancouver United Church, ̂ the Rev. Hillis Wright officiating, and interment was made in Cap- ilano View ̂ -"Cemetery. Harron Bros, Ltd. of North Vancouver, were in charge of the funeral arrangements. .! i [«: to'get together and make the changes: which must , be mad^ if ronfedSation is to . last. . The only action taken^is to hold eieSons, which are. no solution at all,, because they do not touch the sea to f the trouble. The engineer reported to the council on:' ' ' ' ' ,1. . West Vancouver Amateur Swimming. Club. Request for. cable. That necessary cable be LEGION NOTES "SEA LORE" ' a _____ i 11 - ivrvof came, xnax necessary vauxe There is the failure in recent years to sell our w n^x ^supplied,'cost npt to exceed $10. mere _ , ̂ -----present unenviable A. H. McRobbie'a applica- ' ■ti6h y ;'a ^ ^ s ;:tq ;iD rrnPs at a profitr-which has .'created n o conflition o f our two large railway large extent of business'as ® IlS u e e Tn this connection we can do one of three th ings. ( ) . ,,.111 xnis cuiiijcuwvî ^̂ nhtYiTiPtfi with the other "Changes in dates Of General Meetings." Members will please take note "Sea Lore," a monthly maga­ zine, has just issued its initial number, and its publication will be of local interest, becau^ thpse lU -:# OTolfe/^rTflrForw^to^^^ growing countries to Lots 8 , and 9. .That the bridge trusses be moved over, cost not to exceed $10.00,. V 3. Bridges and culverts pro­ gram, 1935. That the reedn- Messrs. Norman ,'^acLeod and SL® Whiffin, are all WeAt'Van,iiSpuver , 7th, in the- Legion Memiol^al residents. As statedyion the Hall. . * ' cover, it is conduetjed "̂Fpr, all who love the sea ah ,̂ ships," and SWIKt;. ..lb but* Sifter'alKtheir*,^c^onS(J certain conditions"^which muou *----- - . a 4.1, Take'that of the 'damp strikers. The mere fact months they were able to live largely on the money collected .from tasr days .shows that they had the ^ ̂ theiV niiblir That^mians the camps must go in spite 01 tneir h a y ng.been well conducted. W ment W m e a^ possibly .the least expensive solution, Canada ■ -b a v m rm o w -la n d - tb a n 4 n o n e r - to -^ v e -a w a y ; . ̂ * . ' . ' j ___ 'Jt J ̂ a Vwi struction o f-th e .' following cui- m T n th a t does no t maan.'bnly sailors, verts be approved iJDuch^s 9 yer , liKUiviixiN iin jp^aetjcally all bf' j^ritisb ex- ' traction have '■ ;;seh:';;> well aM 'H : interesting and is ►dir'dplntiom' 5. : Margaret J., .McDonald.^ excusable from the standpoi]^ of Dogwood Lane improvement, even ordinary agency, rheir engineer to*'negotiate* with' Mr. acts cost the Welfare -Beaker.' tion as a body, money and the 6. Miscellaneous items: (a) ladies in charge of the distnbu- Sinclair St. Block "M", B pt., =tion a tremendous amount of ^B_T,.^..7.7-6<-*-Mu-nieipal-.£re^rea,___w ^ r k ._ .J [ q v ^ ^ r ^ th e ('■Jin l l t i i s i t : 'A JUNIOR MATRIC SUCCESSES West Vancouver High School -rGordon H .. Barr. John D. Z X we & ve got t o clos^puM^^^^^^ ' doors to outside eapitol. So far we .have ^ ? X n « 'come from foreign bom,-while, on the other hand C an a^-.............. /' A'A u '"vAoxî rPfi for development by . work. Blanche Currie-R'oad, H. .pj .̂. .̂.77-5<-*-Mu-nieipai-.Jire^rea,-- etc. No-action except_in regard .now straightened u p ^ .e ^ a o s to paragr_aph 7, relatip to wo^d- and are carrying on again as ^ddes,^ Virgima ̂ S e r a l S ! I __________ . .. .Johnson, Lenna L. ^impson, HOLLYBURN < , . Francis W. Smith, Eunice M. ; . PUBLIC LIBRARY. Turvey, R. Christie. Private,Study r~Jda R. Allan. _ cuttihgT Lighthouse Park. The engineer to confer with police department; (b) Incomplete extensively from their exploitation. ■ . «« And, most important , of all, i f 'Canada is to continue-as a nation, our governments " «®t <*ey-the ̂ mandate of people as a whole and not, as .up,to now, certain groups or sections of the country. ' * . For purppses of record Gertrude Hampson wrote ifhe books of the library which are , TENNIS CLUB NEWS counS'ie resubdivision o f L ots, out, must be returned* or ex- . --------- . E k by August 10th. No ̂ The third Annual North Shore The matter was referred to .the penalties will be. charg^ on. ' .Open Tmnis Tournament to be ■■ ■• books returned" by August 15th. staged by the- West Vancouver - - - Tennis Club will g6 into actionmunicipal solicitor. WOMEN'S GUILD TO GIVE GARDEN PARTY THE NEW POST-OFFICE In response to his Wire Reeve. . ___•__■« 4-̂ lr\€lTVfQrYl . SADDLE HORSES AVAILABLE HERE W.- A. GARDEN PARTY bri Saturday, August 10th, at , the club's courts, 21st arid Ful- ' "* I j f Qj., XiBvland '̂has received a telegramThe Womens Guild* of ° t . . ;^ y Hor̂ ntv* minister of There are many roads and- trails in West Vancouver .where On Saturday, August 10th, ton. All tennis players resident the St. Stephen's - Inglewood ■„ on the North Shore are dnvited Worhen's Auxiliary are sponsor-.» to participate in the tournament K b a c k X n g S T n d u l ^ d w ill h o l d -their ^ n u a l g ^ d c n . S at l r l V h 't r « " ! g '̂ X l O S M c f f " ^rty at i^daTOlle, the home , appoint. ' now has saddle horses for hire. In the evening idancmg on the be played. It is expected that Mr. and Miss Cjiappell, Marine of S ^ a^ ^ith ^ red instruc- Any interested are asked ̂to lawn will be indulged in. Further such players as Doug. C a m e W Drive, Caulfeild, _on Wednesday, a r c h i t e c ^ plans as soon as kindly phone him at West 437Y1 particulars will appear next. Jericho ace, and Tom and J ^ k August 7th,Yrom_3_ltoj6_pmi._./„_^^WjT«?ri-^rHftr^that construe--.for-rat^ and resieri^ions, . v^-kt„Keep_:this date op^n. ̂ Butt, B. . C. Electrics crack V Mt p o s s ib l e in " o r d e r that construe--.for-rates and reseimtions. General convener, Mrs. Clem- . • -- ̂ ̂ staHed without de- --------- ' * ents. Receiving' the guests iwill , ̂ - - be Miss Chappell, President*' of ; ,, * . . the Guild. George S., Clark of Cypress Other conveners are: Tea, Mrs. while driving his car round . D. A. Tripp", Home.Cooking, pp Marine Drive be- Miss McCallum:'and Mira. .6ox.; .•+^«ppV Igth arid 19th Streets,, , White -Elephant,--Mrs.-iHardy;-- wot-off--the pavement,..-Collidin!g„.-- Candy, Mrs. Kettle; IceXream, vipientlv with a telephone, gu y/ . , Miss Enid Clements and Mrs. He was faken to North; Morgan, and̂ Mrs. ' Taylorson, Vancouver General Hospital, be- / ikets and'door. , / jpg.- ijadly bruised and shaken. -' \ Presiding;^at th e te a u rns dur-_\ >̂ ĝ, badly damaged. < tr fhp nf+i -̂nnnTi will be Mrsf )badly damaged.ing the afteimobn, will be AIrs; A. U. dePencier, Mr;s. J, B. Ley-r ̂ land, Mrs.- J. L. Davidson,; Mrs", J. Redden, Mrs.OElex McDonald^ and Mrs."Fv Harrispn.! Serviteurs, will be the'Misses C6rihih;Eck-. man, Dorothy. Chappell, Jean^ Crime is easier than work^- but think of th e twenty years w hehyou sit and long fo r something to do.- Matheson, Nancy Pinkham ,'Ade-gram ^ conducted by Mr. u e - l îde Lopatecki arid̂ ̂ Nadine \ mont. / iup Cromwell.__ ________ . '___ \ _It. .is hoped H»s O ^ e the^ During the afternbori the West- A r c h b is h o p o f New W^estininst^^ Vancouver Schools Band will be., will be able to be present with, presented in an interesting pro^ - M rs. dePencier. doubles teamV will be on hand, ̂ again , this year to provide stiff opposition, for our local boys. Winners of thd various events last year 'were ;̂ Men's Singles, -Tom, B utt; Ladies' Singles, Mrs: . Joyce MacNeil; Men's Doubles, - f ' j l v l f l ■ ' f i l tA, '5.' pTit ' 'H h * : f. Jerry Grisedale and Ken Stauf- " t: fe r ; L ^ ie s"Doubles:iVfrs--Wood Eagrle H a rb p r house and Norah Cooke; Mixed . Double^, ,Mrs. Joyce MacNeil arid Ken Stauffer. Any players t 1 desiring to take part in the tour- ̂ nament_are_requested to com- ^municate with the Club's secre- ;,taj*y, Jerry Grisedale, West . - 350iti /Entries close Thursday, August ,8th. I ^ ;; .. So far this season 7 Mainland 'J League miatches have been play- t ed |by club members of which 2 ,were lost, 2 won and 3 drawn. lilO p - Saturday!* nejcT th e Stanley ' " 0?ark Club visits West Vancou­ ver fbJr.a. league game.r J -r r ',1 ■ '̂--d ■ M - mi / .V *-.** s; iff-*>'1/j 'Irr 1 1IS \ 1 I't *1-̂ i s -r' I ; Ui- I t I »f; ' i '«■ ' ' rfrit ,r 1 , ' -vi ; " V 9 ̂ _ ' !< mmm 4 1 cfvr-'iS' "'/'"S'l-"'/' "C!' 1' i. -I * , - , ..V*.... ̂ V":.. ................. ■ / '/T ' - , i ' r-l' ' '0 ' V '*/' " ' '