m i M-Sj-l-. •) S'??*!--' T '* I ' ! "•;;«..;T-?i5.5r ■ m:? I* lit i'tiii i ̂ i|l l'-*l I r - i'.■fi r-|i ifc f t i a u i - i Iti .# ■ "|i 'HiiiHiI fJ! ' '€i III S*' ps " iiSI 86.19as Phone Weet 4 t9 p l t i i f t t W t t t M % .le -e y e> ' Prices Good Priilay % jMititrclay, April 26tii & 2 7 ib "fp HUCAR. a C CraiiyUUd. 10 tim, SOc SIfKEDOBO WHEAT...... . .̂..j^kt, 10c HTKAWBEIIitV JAM ~ fiBboh A Iht l-lii . . . . . . 07c . TEA -- Aunt Mcry'c Pcmiiy EUmO I lb. Pkt........................................ 86c Ited A White TOMATOES. 2Km Whole, ripe, h«iiidl*p«cke<t, 2 tine 8$c Red A White GKREN Cl^tHBEANS 2 it.................... ................... S tiiki'MNE. PEAH, No. 4 hi»«, 2«......... .,Z iltm 26c ^ I C E U EEE'rS, 2h.....................tin 10c JW EAPTI.E CUBES, '■ 17 o*. tin ................. ................. lOe ited A White SPAGIIEITI. 1« 2 tin* ................................... 10c UKI) A WHITE SOUPS ~ Tomiito, VegeUble ....... tin 8c ' Ox Tnil, ANpnrnirun, Celery. Etc. ........ ..................... H...tln Oc DATES, rich, dnrk...............3 Iba. 20c Aioiort<«d Hondwich BISCUITS m fio tm : . , hereby notified :€*ll«i'^:fby':i»ay e v ^ ^ g 'next, the 26th iiilo n t, and it is im- tend, ♦ , , The nationai activity' of th ^ Chaadlaii l«e|flon, which increas- to month :•■ as ^ .,C|lll^i^liSil4|eveIops „ , v?a» given a atinuilus within the last few weeks when the goyern- Si'itlNGBANK BUTTER, per It» 20c ment acceding to the Legion's Ut'»y CllEKK BUTTER, per lb. 8IC ri^u^t for a commission to LKtiS OP MMB, per lb..... 24c prohe unemployment conditions ..... among ex-service men, appoint- ^ *5<SG8, Baric the Hyndwuin Commission to II ifitiii/ piivNaiv Ik IK.* conduct the entiim*y*IIAJ/lilK PiNiVAMi |H6P lb# loC aj, ' At«4ij/if' Dlmi RnflA K ^im S -- ™..i!!L!.!z' ibi Dominion Command, Canadian CO IT AGB lioLLS, per lb..........* 23c Meats Phone West 370 ̂ „-T ^ . V •">1̂ -IJI V t* s EATSJefferies' syp6R| Government liWected Only COLD MEATS OF 1 Store at Hollyburn, next Theatre PH Q N B W B ST 8 i ..>M | I f* , . . M || .* g | .'U ' r"and a ll BUILDING MATERIALS I'K NIC HAMS, per Jb. ............... 16c H W Ehrr PICKLED BONELESS imiSKEI', per lb........................ 14c BOILING FOWL, per lb............... 20c BEEF, FORK, LAMB, VEAL Very PineHt Quality Varieties ..............................Jb. 23c Red A White CLBANSEU....2, tina 16e Ited & White FLOOR WAX 1 lb. tin .................................... 37c ndssion th a t this was NOT an other "veterans" ramp or "rack e t." The ex-service men were not asking the government for money or for any permanent system of doles or handouts. "What is desired is that, as men who hav^ seen service, they should be given an opportunity to work to the extent of their m t 1 * 1 / * W EST VANCOUVER LU M BER-CO : LTD. -FOR HEAL SATISFACTION Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drive For best results use James Bros.' Seedn, 100̂ Canadian capSdty, midtLwportunity of ............ ........... r.: .. :.r-- -r-~- ̂ bringing UP their famlHeS WltH- WE.STLAKE BOXING DRAWS "f ,, , JJKI TOURNAMENT , aorp rn o w n ^ 3LAIIGL LUOWD answ ered h is country 8 Call, and saw service should be entitled, CLASSIFIED A D S ,Va The rate for Claaslfled AdvertlBcuienta la 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents., Except in the case of those hav in i regular accounts, all classi fieds are payable atrictly in advance.! • -r Remember Claasifleds in the Went Van News get immediate results. championsblp* il form in his He bun?* Pacific*^Ski ^Clid? ^ a J e fij^i^ fans at- as of right, to remunerative erp- 227 2 points last G o ^ lftidS^o^ tournament ployment, and failing such em- the big hill a t West Lake Ski *̂2 ployment, to adequate mainten- Camp to win the Class A open ^^'ce, providing he ha.s the will to 'lyuiniJ lo win m e vviuBS A open Vjj„^.(,uvcr Provincial Recrea- work." tioiml Centre. A g o ^ brand of O ther m atters on which action bo.ving was put uP by the con- |g m .gently required are; . t^.'^tants. Among ilm lo<^l box- orgranizatipA the present sys- ^ "tern of Pensioner's Relief, to pro- 188 feet, being awarded 220.4 wTth R^V adequate maintenance, points. Bill Hansen of the Holly. iTv wVm coupled with medical care, and ■ "burn Pacific Ski_^Club_won third Te clothing. F u rth e r e x t e ^ of„^ - place w itr2I6 .1 pbih'ts and leaps Glover also S benefits of the War Viterans of 120 and 128 fee t; Alf Johann- k, ny exhibition Allowance Act, as a measure of sen, with. ^ bad ankle, being r , . Vr „ , , at. , temporary relief, pending devel- and iumns of in^triJctor Hallmark left here . opment of a larger hscheme. . on Ijiesday evening for Victoria, HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave, ■--Notions, Novelties, Stationery, School Supplies, Garden Seeds, Hardware. WANTED -- Large isecondhand bird cage. Phone W est 378L. ip to WI ski Jumping displayed beautifu .. .... two juhips of 134 and 136 feet. Henry Sotvedt, Vancouver Ski Club, was second with 136 and TO KENT -- Attractive 6-Il6omed House, well furnished, fireplace, furnace, piano, to adults, $40.00. 2271 Pulton Avenue, FOR SAL£-,,-R. I. R. Hatching Eggs. Good strain. Phone West 18SY. CORNER LOT $185.00, terms. - Close to Marine, West 329L. WANTED -- Girl to look after in- valid, light duties. Live in. Most evenings free; $5.00 month and board W est 150X1. fourth with 206.4 and jumps of 126 and 122 feet, FAWCETl' RANGE, Coal and Wood (Pride of Vancouver), malleable top, extended fire box, cost $150,,for $35;00r""Good"a3"new~Also" double bedstead and good mattress, $5.00. ■ Three chairs (including wicker arm) $2:00. Call Saturday or Sunday, 1420 Marine Drive, North Vancou ver (opposite Tomahawk). DUNDARAVE "ORIGINAL" WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Mar- ine -- Best of Wool and Knitting books. Free instructions. Prop. M. Busst. " ~■Tf SHOE REPAIRS --t Get the best mat erial and workmanship a t Fox's; 14th a t Perry. The' downhill race on E aster Bill McMillan! " MAY DAY COMMITTEE ounday was won by Henry Sot- i ^ ( p l o v e r and At a meeting of representa- vedt in the fast time of 7 min- " , Onrner to compete in con- tive citizens held recently in the ii+Aic. yf oA/tAn/io. n,.., leaiH ineie' in connection with i.«iiutes, 4 seconds; Gus Johansen being second and,G. Bury third. In exhibition work Kahdahl and Sotvedt gave a wonderful di.s- play„ of tan^lem jumping; the moat dangeroii.s of skiing feats. the B. C. Championships. mfunicipal hall tentative plans were discussed for the May Day W, C. T. U. WEST VAN. HIGH SCHOOL . NOTES ̂ (Contributed) , A fter a I^Ha.stroua week at .exams»--W'e8tA^ih-rI'I-igTt"*'el;txê 5"' 'With "dreams of summer and The -seventh anniversary of the West Vancouver W.C.^.U. was marked b y .a ̂ .birthday"te a . held injthe Baptist, Church last T hursday 'M erno^. The church was tastefully decorated with celebration. I t was decided by . the general committee th a t the May Day ball be held, in the auditorium of the Inglewood Junior High School. The child ren's ball on May 25th will also take place in the school. The general, committee includ es the following.conveners; J. R. Mitchell, chairman genetel com- EXTRA SPECIAL -- Genuine bar gain in brand new three-in-one com bination of'Beatty Washer, Wringer and wringer post if oner for $97.50; a t $1.25- pbr week, no interest, also bargain in vacuum cup Easy Washer Beatty Washer Store, 91 Lonsdale Ave., North 907. FOR SALE --r. . Bunsen Oil Burner complete; reasonable. Phone West 103L. , LOST -- Child's Tricycle on 22nd; Will finder please phone West 442L. LOST ■-- Black Fur^ Sunday, between Baptist Church and Memorial Park via Esquimalt. PhoneTWest 152. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, Jots, and acreage' fo r sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine.> Phone West 55. HUNTER'S COFFEE SHOP -- Try our lunches, afternoon teas and dinners. Home-made bread, cakes and pies; W est 610. J. TEPPEMA; Bdilder and Contractor Expert a d v i^ Plans drawfi. ' First < class w o rk ^ n sh ip . Phone - West 481R1. WANTED Lady gues^ attractive whh board. "Good location. Fully modern. No objection to child. Phone Wesfc2l8L. 'TI1bbtnfd""'we!com'^ flie" guests Day»ball; A. J. _ Gleam, parade and their friends, after which m arshal; Councillor Robert Fid- there was a short devotional,-led des,. finance; Councillor, G. D. by Mrs. O'Doiiiiell. A delightful Elgar, grounds oomiriittee; program followed. Miss Frame R«€ve J. B. Leyland, reception of gave a splendid instrumental distinguished guests; Mrs. W. B. solo. The solos by Mrs. Bai'hden Small, May Queen committee were much appreciated and Miss treasurer; Mrs. J. A. Patter- M J^C EL SHOP --̂ Thermique Steam ' Peimai^terTrytetnrfatl^^ - 1 * . . . . 1 ' ' • itor, 1447 Marine, mornings,^ 510 Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after noons. - . . COTTAGE FOR RENT--By season ;Or month, alsoTurnished room; good beach, near fe rry .. West 350X. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Phone G. -Meldrum, 725 E ast 14th Street, North Vancouver. ' with it the long holidays. The Easter holidays have alleady been planned out in full by many students, and Ithey are determ ined to enjoy themselve.s to thy ■for â*w'eek*m '̂tu^^^ ̂ imieii appreciatea ana Miss nca»uit;i; ivn». a. ra iie r- eoiinted^ imHi Kitchener's elocution was son, donations and prizes; John . heartily applauded. Mrs. Gray, Allen, sports; Mrs. M. K. Eus- president of the D istric t W. C. sell, banquet; Miss D. M. Jones, T. U., the speaker of the after- May Pole dancing; L. D. G. noon, gave a stirring address, Brooks, secretary; and John Fox, .her topic being'|Why we should PubUcity. be members of the W.C.T.U." , The next general committee Dainty refreshments were serv- R^eeting will be held on̂ Ŵ ̂ ____________ ed. The birthday cake beautiful- May 1st, in the municipal HAYWARD AND PREBBLE^Radio ................. hall a t 8 p.m. for tired . housev^e* or business woman.' West 304. 17th and Marine' over RoVal Bank. . . LION'S (lATE NURSERIES--Choice evergreen, flowering and rockery shrubs ("rhe garden .aristocrats), ^o r sale at-'city prices. 1053 Clyde Avenue, dorner 11th Street. warm enoug'h to go swimming. Baseball is starting now., and .team s will be chosen, if swim ming does not oceupv every one's mind." , Grade 10 will put on their entertainment probably on the laBt day before the Eiiator holi days, April 18th. By the sec recy that covera air the prepai a- tiona the rest of the school be lieves it to be a good one. Grade 10 has also turned in FOR SALE -- Rockery and Alpine plants, large variety. Week days. C. Barrow, 24th and Nelson." DOLLY V A R D ]^ SHOP, 2444 Marine Millinery, House Dresses and Children's Wear. City prices. PI.VE WEBB'S a trial for^ your next shoo repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. C(1LIN TURNER; Builder and Con t a c t o r A l t e r a t i o n s and repairs. Phone W6st 679R. ly decorated in white, pink and silver, with seven lighted candles wiis brought in and Mrs. Brown blew out the candles while Mrs. Hibberd cut the cake. Those as sisting in serving were Mrs. T. Servicing, Patronise West Vancou- ̂ ver. Guaranteed work. Phone .West 539. LTD. -- Money avail able for m ortgages on approved securities. Applications invited. West 225. . ^ some very fine geography pn,- HamBltom t h e S r S l S i t z ' jecte, neatly typewritten ^or the Vera Kitchener, Beatrice Short! TENDERS FOR COAL most part, and decorated with cuttings and photographs. The Basketball Tounuiment was very well attended and tlu* games were ve»j^ exciting. The and Eva Camiibell. ,C. C P. NEWS SEALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender *or Coal," will - be i^ceived until ^ o clock noon (daylight saving), 1 IJiesday, May 14, 1935, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings * k n it t in g SHOP, 2474 Marine -- Complete line spring wools. Free knitting schod. Violet and Kathleen Clem- ent, Proprietors, b e n t a t $25.00 -- Comfortable, home, m odern,' 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch; large living room; fire place. Box 77, West Van News. Notary Public -- Real Estate and Insurance, Phone West 21 or Seymopr 1260; s in g e r s e w in g MACHINE CO., Zi^ Granville St, -- Agent North bhore and -West Vancouver, W. Krag, Phones: North 1568R and West-Van. Cleaners, West 161. senior girls beat the North Van team for the firat time in a long series of gimies. The junior The meeting in the Orange Han bn Monday night addressed by Dr. Telford and Grant Mac- \ras a great success as re- Forms of tender with specifications - Ambleside Tea Rooms, and conditions attached can be ob- NON-BOARD INSURANCE; Silent Glow Oil Burners.. F. D. Whiffin, . West 615L: girls also beat- fbi> T,.»W m; V , gnjai. success as re- fna conditions attached can be ob- PRTNTTVr i?«« ii i - jT " !If gards numbersand was o la yerv -girted from_the_Purchasing-Agent-- -- ~;--Eor_-alLkiBds-of- enthusiastic nature. of Public Works, Ottawa; W e st Van ......................... .... .................. •• T h e W h is t D rive o n W ednes-. f e n i ? o ' f day evening ivas well attended Architect, Regina, Sask.: the District Resident Archit«^ Cat w a n t e d -- One fumisbed and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near ferry,J^ne_W est-340-or-W est-143- ' 'V........«* * UK vwiu- nament was much enjoved Iw all who attended." LEGION W. A. and the usual prizes were given. Caigary. Alta.;R. Robinson was the winner o f Resident Architect, TO OUR READERS THE W ELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires discarded clothing. Phone W est 37 and track will collect. a_vdcy pretty fox te rrie r puppy in th e draw. The next Whist b r i i T w a r ^ hMd on" w S ! or tW'O important matters.jivill Victoria! B. C Tenders wjll not .unless .made on .......................... -A-ny householder not receiving be considered a copy of this paper on ariy and R-ADIO REPAIRS--- W est Van. Radio ^ Pettigrew ). West 108. 1473 Marine. . . .. hy S I De^pirtSenfjndTiTIc^^^ 'j^ ^ s d a y evening, . is re- ..^AWN MOWERS SHARPENED - With denartm»»nF»l ovww.iai.«t:-\..~ ...if Quested tO kindly phone us at Repairs, all' makp.q." Wa«I; Vancou- ^ m e up fof discussion, a f u il\t- is /e-tendance of the members is quested. depaW ntel s^^^^ ^ e % d t ^ fTli?r?Pbf f A Air 1. 363, m order th a t the omis- The D .C.P, vill participate a - w hist dnve. and dance,.to be of the a m o u n t^ the such phone as a fav - under the auspices-'of all W est S P«>per fulfilment r ; ' ^ way of check- V raco u v ero reh iM rio n sfo rtlf; "-o ■' up on our delivCTiei. Ofltf Repairs, alL makes,' West Vancou- ver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. from the Disabled'Veterans. ' y ^ w u v e r orpnizations for the By orM benefit o f the Belief Gamp work- k db&tardins, era. Watcli for the announce- Deuartm««f ,Secreta^ ' . April 15.1035, FRED JONES New and Second- " fifid Bicycles. Repairs. City Prices 1455'Marine. • W ^ t 472Y. hoys have strict instructions to place a p a p ^ on the verandah of every house on their routes P. FRAl^CiS LOVEGROVE DRESSMAKING A: ALTERATIONS T-BoyB^pahtS"a. specialty. . Phone jtfrsiB bSbm s. W est BlOPL Buy your flags Disabled Veterans. from