West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Apr 1935, p. 3

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, -- .. ■v" '• mti 1 April.2§* m f ̂ =» *fi- ?*•*»« *, piipiip|i|ii) vm nmn «Pf#8*sl##w»i®S l|WW» /«• ,S«!!«iiaS*U%». .̂♦r fiTpni, -f"'a'"»'5' S. ' ftlsi? ■ <pn«iii»iw^ • • f t . * K ' P-M : X ^ U U i i l €11111 I T ^ l l U i t l WINDOWS d o o r s SHINGLES LATH VENEERS , ROOnNG building. PAPER . Service BRICK, ifEMENT TILE UME SAND Charles Roberts, whose husband completed for the E aster dance conducted Roberts' Better Meats to be friven by the Duncan l*aw- here for some years, will be very son Chapter, I.O.D.E., for the sorry to hear she suffered a younger set and the jui stroke last Friday week a t Wil-* morrow evening in the liams Lake, B. €., and is now Hall, Tickets are P U N S AND SPEanCATIONS Drawn up and estl* mates given Free. uniors to- Orange selling well ^ en-seriously ill m the hospital there, and a splendid time will oe eh" We understand her left side is joyed by all those who attend, affected. ,. Thp junV r party and dance will Astbury's Builders' Supplies 16th and Marine Drfve Night Phone West 627R Quite a quantity of soft snow fell on Hollyburn Kidge over the Ti " Phone West 199 Easter holidays, interfering with the skiing there. . •" , , * * * ' Mr. Hardy of Vancouver, has He juiUor pai.^ ------- , ^ take place from 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m;, the dunce for the younger set following from 9 to 12:80 p.m. ■ d m * ■'- Angus Monk who arrived last week from Rock Bay, B. G., loft WEST VANCOUVER GOMMDNITY PLAYERS Spondo^d by the Canadian Legion Present - ' ■ SJ ■ "dangerous WATERS •»» by Katherine Kavanaugh a t tha HOLLYBURN THEATRE ^ MONDAY and TUESDAY, APRIL 29th and 30th Tickets 35c. Reserved 50c. Gallery Adults 25c. Children 10c THE DISABLED VETERANS SCHOOLS BAND IN ASSOCIATION SPLENDID CONCERT A special meeting of Disabled The Inglewood Auditorium Veteran^ will be held on M d a y , was filled to capacity on Wednes- April 26th, a t 7:30 p.m;, in-Col- day evening, the 17th instant; SQtrnrv'n nffinp."'14 th and -fm* fVi/ai nnnt*Arf given bv f.hA moved into a house a t 11th and. oh Sunday for Port Alberni, B.C. Esquimalt Avenue. * ♦ * ,* * * Presentation Mrs. Lang of Edmonton, is the ' Hugh Brown of the Pauliiu' guest of her son and daughter- Johnson School, was the recipl- in-law, Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Lang, <jht of a beautiful mantle clock 19th and Marine Drive. . from the pupils' of the three * * * , , highest divisions of the school. Hugh Brown of the teaching Introduced by a few opening rc- staff of Pauline Johnson School, marks by G; E. ■ Brealey, the has taken the McQuaker house principal, Joan Luke made the a t 11th and Marine Drive. presentation on behalf of the as- * • * ' sembled pupils. Trustees Mrs. Mrs. A. E lf Strom and daugh- O'Donnell, D. McTavish and S. J. ter, who formerly resided here Nasmith were present anc^ each but who have been living for the one made a few appropriate rt>- past year a t Kamloops, B. C., marks to the pupils, and joined have returned to West Vancou- \^ith them and.the staff in con> ver '̂ n d are now occupying a gratulating Mr. Brown on his house a t 14th and Clyde Avenue.4< 41 onel Savory's office, Marine Drive, to discuss plans for-the distribution of flags and emblems for the King's Jubilee celebration. „All members are requested to- make a special ef­ fort to attend. for the concert given by the West Vancouver Schools Band under the baton of A. W. Dela- mont. The young musicians gave a really, first class concert, Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Van­ couver, have moved into a house a t 8336 Radcliffe Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. McQuaker, 1075 Marine Drive, are leaving marriage, and tendering besf wishes for his future .Jiappineas, The pleasing ceremony ended by the children heartily singing "He's a jolly good fellow," and according him three hearty cheers. 4> 4< 4< BOWLING CLUB. . . . -u A V 'M .iA jr ; .fcJkJ.Mii X V I t F X T X < A X l i l ^ JL^JL J V V > * w i * » * * * c > and. there_ is no .question--that...shortly for Williams Lake, B. C., they will make an excellent im- ' - - - ....... ^-------- pression during th e ir tour this week of the Okanagan. Under Interesting .slides ..depicting The official opening of the ̂ the skilful leadership of their conductor the various sections for this season will take place, Aveather permitting, on Satur­ day, 4th May. Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Siclmess, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 wher^ they expect to reside for spiritual work amongst the vari. som etim e. ous settlers of Canada Were ex- * * V* plained by Miss Almas a t the Miss M argaret McLeod, who is closing study meeting 'in St. on the school teaching staff a t Stephen's Church hall on Tues. Powell River, B. C., is spending day, 23rd instant. The Red Indi- ................ .. ......... ................the hd^Iidays a t,h e r home, 2295 an, Eskimo, Oriental, an d -th e ed plenty of light and shade, and M athers'Avenue. Jew fill an important place as their playing including bo th 'a t- . / well as the early settler on the tack and release had all the snap About three hundred men are prairie and the coast dweller. . of. a .-first, class military band. . working on the construction of The lecturer said that wonderful The boys were very generous the .golf course on the British work had been done'by the pio- with the many encores demand- Pacific Properties' holdings on neers in difficult and strenuous i-_. i.1------ ----------------- j :----- upper levels. West Vancouver Bowling Club . were throughout weldedL'into a .. .1 . --Ml i._i 1 harmonious whole, they oisplay- the hd^Iidays a t , her home, 2295 FORTUNE CUP M ed by the enthusiastic audience. Mention should be made of the guitar and mouth-organ solos, .given by little Rex Howland of Vancouver, -whose playing de­ lighted the audience. Trustee Mrs. O'Donnell spoke days:bf the past and it behooves us all and especially the children now growing up in the Dominion to carry on those glorious tradi­ tions and fulfil th e ' duties of "Stewards of a goodly heritage." The lantern was lent and mafi- 'DimdaraVcrPier-^ Lunches, Afternoon .Teas; Ac­ commodation for Dances, Meet­ ings, Dinner Parties. PHONE: WEST 36 - - Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lamb of California, have taken a house a t 23rd and Bellevue Avonue and will; be moving iri;lst May. j jLruskqt; ivxia. j-'uiuitju - ***-- •-- -- ---------------- -briefly.-at--the^-beginning-of--tho-----'-Mrsi--Barro-w-oxpeetS-to-.move.-44-ipu]ate(LJ)y^-the--CQurte3y--fiX.-iL concert, and Principal J. E. Con- in shortly into the .new home, Porter. d6n, manager of the band, thank- now nearing completion, which ed all who had assisted-in mak- she is having built at 23rd and ingxthe-band's tour possible and - Inglewood Avenue. K. W. SavoiT outlined the, work and effort en­ tailed in creating the band on ' the part.o f the boys and their conductor. R. Bloxham proposed and J. Morris seconded the vote of-thanks. Trustee Nasmith won WEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOL Mrs. Hartness and Her daugh- ■ ter, Mrs. McMillan of Kerrisdale, are guests a t the Clachan. 4< • ♦ ♦ Mrs. S. V. Logan, who for the 1443 Marine Drive Am bl^ide Phone West' 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted the raffle for the rug, turning it past month has been the guest back to be raffled.again. CORRESPONDENCE Real Estate Finance and Insurance ^ West Vancouver Board of Trade April 23rd, 1935. Mr. Editor. . . .Dear S ir:--In my possession are sundry papers, bapk book, etc.j which I will be pleased to - hand over to an accredited offici­ al, should the Board 'b e again, organized. The bank balance remains the same as when the Board ceased to function. Yours faithfully, - WM. McQUAKER, . . . ̂Late Treasurer, 1075'Marine Drive. of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, A.- Lester-Taylor of Ambleside, is leaving on Sunday on the Duchess of Atholl for a trip to Scotland.* *'41 Senior Class Leaders . Grade XII--l, Wendell Hayes; 2, Eunice Turvey; 3, Geraldine Johnson. Grade XI -- 1, Eileen Small­ wood; 2, Patricia Wallace and Oliver Biirbridge (equal). Grade XA -- 1, Kathleen Jag- ger; 2, Tom Robson; 3, Agnes Gray. , \ Grade XB -- 1, Verschoyle M artin; 2; Jack l^cLeod and1 ^ -1 4 ̂ i ,V x c i r v l I l f £ i f 0 C*v/K, ivXL'J-JCv Leyland has been Stanley Patterson .(aiual). appointed on the superaimuation . DIVISION II committee of the U.B.C.M. • i i♦ ♦ ♦ Grade XII, Commercial ---1 , Airs. L,M. Clement ana » , ^ ^ a r ^ S ^ ^ ^ ir n o n "" "- 'i V i r s . J - < . - x v i . L y w j i u c x u , i i i i u x a x u j - i y H I T . t are s^iending the Easter holidays YT^ a t their summer honiie on Bowen Island * * ♦ CLIFF HOUSE, WHYTECLIFFPARK QfflOKEN DINNERS Concert Trio every Sunday 5 to 5 p - " Special Afternoon -Tea For further information: Telephone Long Distance, Cliff House, . Miss Kathleen Wenmoth, who has been spending the Easter holidays With her father, W. 3. Wenmoth, 1193 14th Street, left on Tuesday afternoon to return to Lytton, B. C. . -i. Grade XI, Commercial -- J , Robert M cCartney; 2, Mary. Burns; 3, Doreen Todd. Gi;ade X, . Commefcial -- L Harold Johnson; 2, Betty Had- win and Doris Lashbrook (tied);' Special Commercial -- 1, Bert .Simpson; 2, M argaret Toynbee; 3, Doris Martin.' •;-- ' iQkosuiiit O il- Shampoo a limited quan tity 19c a bottle Gemmili's Drug Store The Store of Bofviea. 1586 Marine Drive West 57 or Weat 607 Kmprgenrv Phone Weat 881 (Aftfter 10 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, l^astrlcs, Birthday, Christening - and Wedding Cakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes Cinnamon Buns, - Variety of Tea Breads. Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive I»hone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre r ilim ., FRl. & SAT. MAT. April 2r>tli; 2(5Ui iiiui 271-h JOE K imOWN MAXINE DOYLE ' Six-Day Bike Rider' also **P o p 's P a l " SATURDAY EVENING ONLY April 27th. FRANCIS LEDEREU CHARLES RUGGLES "PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" C. J. Overington 4»I€»NBBR-BARBER- NOW OPEN- FULL; TIME - 14th & Marine, Phono West 135 NORTH SHORE BRANCH SALES • SERVICE RADIOS - RANGES OIL BURNERS WORST'S Nortli 535 OttJjO'nHdalc Avo, West 180 Nona Vancouver TEAROE & SON 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors AGRieULTURALLIME in Stock for spring gardening Spedal-"'«'3 sacks for $1.25 P h o n e W e s t 84 fo r q u ic k d e l iv e ry . Buy your flags Disabled-.Veterans. from the EASTER d a n c e RECITAl . Pupils of Molly Edwards a t Ambleside Hall, 14th and Marine Drive Saturday,. April 27th, at 8 p.m; SILVER COLLBICTJON ________ Miss Webb, 25th and Marine Drive, is attending the Teachers' Convention in Victoria this week. * * ♦ Reeve J. B. Leyland k f t here Tuesday evening to attend the sessions of the Teachers' Com vention in Victoria,■ * .* * Miss Doris Biilkley, who rec­ ently arrived here from Hono­ lulu to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," 26th. and Bellevue Ave­ nue, left here on Monday to-con­ tinue her trip round the world. In W EST VANCOUVEK RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION M E E T I N G Thursday, May 2ud, at 8 p.m.DUNDARAVEHALL A cordial invitation'is extended to members and all ratepayers interested RE;k00F NOW 'G EN U IN E D U R O I D R O O F S O N E A S y T E R M S R. B. CRIPPS - ROOis^ER. - WEST 88R l"' 1 'I i. -f " i ^ ii A ,'t 'S 'i'ljl fi m ■"iJj ' i ' '•l . flmk i l l i i■H 'k' '/ '•' I ai|ip ss ii t i 4 »■ '•■vki )!. mm i i s