m *4h iiBMwilil MN ■* »WiiWliii>Mi>ii)ii gjjiiiiilrjftyittrt ■ Iinwwiniiniwwot -"'f.......................... w m n VAN Hn h w m m e m Bar. BUIIj WHgbt, MlaUttar 1 ■ ' i . ___ 1 r s . - . 0«a4ajr S«rrib«i 11:16 aum., 7:16 p4». 8imdbiy'SciHml"aad"ilM 10 ajHL . StriJBftrs A Vlsltmra WakwWHif 1 ; i . . M t f e MPim^'CBViiCK H. P. Umoph3etff%t K««id«n««: 1848 Haywood Av«. Phono W«tt 2 6 Z R . 7:18 p.m. Sunday School, 10:00 a.nii 11^ > I § !» ■ ' 1 4 }r ■M- 'H 'it. ■s»;i rtt ?' "" H 5 - -it-*- 1-;^"rSi' Begins at Once-- Whothcr you nre younir or old, plain or nrctty -- you owo it «tif to hto youriMtIf to be wefl nrroOm«d. Htart with your hair and have it cared f o r by the-- Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1546 Marino Driro For dppolntmonta PIIONB WEST 117 Take a Kodak w if h youl ANBLESIDE PHARNACV HOLLYBURII HALL 14 th & Ducbeif SUNDAY. April 28tJi. at 10 a .» , Sunday School and YounK Men's Siblc Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 Short bright testimonies by our younir men During: the wieek Special KvariKclist Services will be con- .IucUhJ by MR. JAMES GIBSON of Alberta, each evening: at 8:00; Monday, April 20th, to Friday, May 3rd, inclusive. Brig:ht, hearty HinginK. Come and'bring your friends. SEATS ARB FREE OTU&f^NCOUVEK ^ C l i f i i t i l i i Science ..^ _ _ ..S N M :ie ty . .......... CBHECH EDIFICE 20th anil Bnvninialt. HaUybnra This Socleiy Is a Branch of TtMt Mother Church Tb# Flrat Church of Christ, Selaniiat, in Boston, Maasachusetts Sunday Cknrvice: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, April 28, 1935 Subject: PROBATION AFI'ER DEATH Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. VANCOUVER SYMPHONY OBCHESTRA ......... '--AUanl d«'. a m w |.4:--Af t t f .iiii'V MU.HOLLYBURN T H E A ^ B , MAY Stli, 7:30 to 0:30 p.i (First hour broadcast over QNRV) Tickets 75c and 50c. a t B* C. Electric Stoi%, Vilest Vancouver This concert is sponsored by B. C, Electric Rly, Co. on behalf of the K ing's Jubilee Cancer Fund. B urrard L a u n d r y L td . S pendable LAUMPRY SERVICE DAVE ANDERSO N, West Vancouver Representati Pboncs--West 691L or North 1810 VC UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Hillis W right ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and Inglevyood Ave. Suhduy, April 28ih 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. a.m.--Morning Service. p.m.-r-Evening Service, Rev. W. J. Millay, Priest in Charge. Residence: 2823 Inglewood Ave. Phone, West 240-R 11:16 7:1.6 W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino PhoneV Drivo West 323 FREE DELIVERY ST. .Rev. r f y : V For perfect score louvo your Snap shots to bo nnished ut Amblcslao Pharmacy. You snop 'em. and we finish 'em. J ^ i t U s h A g e n e j ) For Service and Satisfaction: "REMEMBtR IT WITH SNAPS" I'-.'; / / . ■ ■ Aableside Sheet 7̂ * i ('1 Metal Lit 8PECK, ■ _ Proprietor W O r k S 8 :00 a.m.- 11:15 a.m.- 7:15 p.m." mon- d r : G. D . H. S E A L E O.O.8., L.D.8. D E N T K T Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Ofllce Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector: F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. April 28th -- 1st Sunday after Easter. -Holy Communion. -Matins and Sermon. ■rEvensong and ser- preacher the Rev. W1 Campbell Daniel. Wednesday, May I s b - ^ t . Philip and St. James Day ; 10 :15 a.m. -- Holy Communion. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild Sunday; service 9:45 a.m. On Wednesday, May 1st, a t 3 p.m. -- Social and afternoon tea for the parents and friends of the Inglewood Sunday School, under the auspices of the W. A.. Come and get acquainted. 10:45 7:15 Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:46 a.m. High Mass & Sermon-- a.m. Rosary and Benediction - p.m. Catechism and Bible History every S aturday-- 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services JVlass, daily -- 8 a .m .. Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, C o n f e s s io n s 7 :45 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from ....... 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. SCOUT NOTES 2nd West Vancouver Trdop Three investitures took place last Friday, the following being taken into the Troop: Gerald. Jones, Clifford Tearoe, Norman Hart, First class badges with 'A' • F irst class badges with "A ", cords were presented to T /L 'Ernest Harn.son; P /L P. D. Fagan. The troop football beat St. Stephen's troop on the Paul ine Johnson grounds on Friday afternoon 2-1. At the clo.se • of last week's meeting R. Froud, chairman of the Group committee, presented T /L E. Harrison with a bronze Meritorious Service medal; H. B. Stevens, secretary, read a letter from the committee setting forth the reasons for the presentation and, voicing the appreciation of the committee for his excellent work. Y. P. A. ACTIVITIES Sunday next, the W.V.U.Y.P. A. will hold their regular meeb „ ing in the. Church Hall after the evening service. George Neely, of the city, will be the speaker. Mr. Neely was formerly of JEi monton, Alberta, taking an ac tive p a rt in the Boys' aud Young People's work of th a i city. He is a graduate o f Agriculture, and has also studied Theology at the University of Alberta, He has spoken in W est Vancouver before and proved very interest ing, being well informed in his subjects. It is hoped there will be a good turn-out of young people to hear th is interesting speaker. Everybody is welcome. C. C. Y. BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. 15th and Duchess • Pastor: Rev, H. P. Humphreys CHURCHES OF CHRIST,. . ̂ . SCIENTIST " P R O B A T I O N AFTER DEATH" will be. the subject of VERNON FEED STORE ^A. C, SBAULR Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies the Lesson - Sei-mon in all ° Churches of Christ, Scientist, On Sunday. ^ '■~"^^̂ he"€rolden̂ ^Textris-j"*̂'God-wiH-- !OTrmĤ v"7̂ 'rr̂ redeem my soul from the power Wednesday^ 8 i) irT - of the arave: for Hp Mhn\] Vp- ® Sunday, April 28th, 10:00 a.m;--Sunday School and , Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Morning worship. Rev. ^A. E. M. Danks of New Westminster,' will preach, topic,' "Prophecy in 'Type." (A study in the Book of D anid). 7:15 p.m.--Evening worship. Rev. A. E. M. Danks will preach; topic, "Faith Saved and Saving." A gospel musical program A cordial invitation to all. B xp:xr.~" ^ NEW GYMNASIUM As a result of the large num bers who have enrolled in the provincial recreational classes here this winter and the diffi culties encountered in providing adequate facilities for them, strong efforts ^re being made to have a gyminasium constructed in West Vancouver. I t is some thing th a t has been badly need ed for years in the niuhiciplAIity and we hope th a t before next winter something tangible will have been done, so th a t our young people, who made an ex cellent showing recently against the rest of B. C., will have a proper building for their boxing, wrestling, gym. and dance^'class- es, etc. On Sunday last, the West Van couver C.C.Y. were hosts to the Vancouver branches of the C.C. Y. on a hike up Hollybum Ridge. The meeting th is week will be held as usual on Friday, April 26th, a t the C.C.P. Headquar ters, 17th and. Marine. All are v^elcome. CHILD PASSES AWAY Robert Claude, the six months old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Phillips, 1926 Bellevue Avenue, passed away last Monday in the North Vancouver General Hos-. pital. Funeral services were held a t 10 a.m., yesterday in St. Stephen's Church, the Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating, and inter ment was m<ade in Capilano View Cemetery. of the grave: for He ^shall re ceive me." (Psalms 49: 15)_, ̂ "Among -the -citations which comprise the Lesson *• Sermon is the following from the' Bible: "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither - Mid-week prayer service. 'Thursday, 8_ p.m. -- Choir prac-_ " tice. THE BIBLE AND WHAT IT CONTAINS (Contributed) .........-i. ' With the kind permission of the editor I have decided to give, tion. (IC oriiithm ns15:fl0 l connection with any B8tAbli«h<>d.on North Shore 20 Veara. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON f u n e r a l i i r e c t o r s North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North ^134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Aventie^Eaat" " Phone Fair. 134 tion." (I Corinthians 15: 50). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes tke following passage from the Christian Science tex t book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: " Universal salva tion rests on progression and probation, and is unattainable without them." HOLLYBURN HALL Sunday school and young men's Bible class will be held as church or sect, a series, of short talks on the Bible. Short, be cause space is valuable. My ob ject is to try to create more int erest in Bible study. More can be learnt from: it than any other book in the world, and I have read every word of it and much of it many times. W ritten over a period of 1200 years by many in spired writers in different lands, and compiled together,, it makes a complete story. I believe it td ' be time to the letter, as I shall THiB " W est V an Nezvs -pohliilied-fhraiir ThiiTiiday ^ usual a t 10 a.m. next Sunday a t JVv -V i Hollyburn Hail. A t the 7:30 p.m. service Sunday, 28th April, short W avWwill Hn found if to contmn snp n g n t testimonies-win be-given wealtJvjof riches, I shall ANTHONY ADVERSE OR LITTLE W O M EN ? £o*::.'s.'K',s."SS'SS i**.,Evangelistic services will be con- ̂ ̂othois may shaie it. PttbUshar F. P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 BaalndaiL and Editorial Offico: 17tli and Marine Drivo (Next to Hollyburn P. 0 .) Phone West 363 ^ , Matt Addresa: ducted TTy James Gibson of Al berta, each evening a t 8 p.m. from Monday, April 29th, to Fri- ; ^ "patter much . . . as long as lie print is of readable size. But if you enjoy a good book while re propped up in a cosy bed, there's just a word of warning. Look out for eyestiain! Philip Chen'y, son pf Mr. and Mrs. Cheriy, IdSO^Airgyle Ave- dav inclu^ivp misfortune to fall f e v t f n r i n i his collarbone on Read in bed by all means. It won't hiumyour ̂ es unduly /wzw/og you^read with a sdentifically placed light of le and shading! There's only one wav Buy your flags from the Disabled Veterans. P, O. Box 61, Hotlybnm, B.C. North Vancouver Office: .r 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11.00 n year b^earrlra: $2.00 n year by mnil. •r"'. CARD OP THANKS - Mt::. and Mrs, Robert Phillips, 1026/Bcllei|ue, wish to convey their deep, appreciation and thanks for \ all the help and sympathy shown them ia their recent^ b^avem ent ........ ........... ...... ..... ..... -i ""j- a t home. P. Rummel wrote the council re access to Lot 5, D.L. 1493. The applicant was informed that it was not th e practice of the council to provide motor access iot^ but th a t "he had their permission to build a culvert, to the same being in stalled to the satisfaction of the municipal engineer. O f ----------------- » a u i c u u u u u iy p j a c c a u g n e the proper volume and shading! There'i only one way yotit home lighting h being used to me best o f saeo^ c knowledge. Phone the B, C. Electric ttomc Lighting Department for afieehomesdtvwwith the uew/'Sight Meter." M d ^ ^ our.Home Lightittg Staff wiU gladly call-- w«*,**uuic ugntm g Stair Will gladly can ^ to placing and^wattage o f your various 'T h is s ^ ^ is FREE andyouareinvxtedtb useit. , *s no obligation whatsoev^.. - better LiewT • Setter sight uapaja r D Ak » 4 4 '.'O'; . 7 :