Uw, n *>t i'̂'V'lfe -Si •»*̂<ii?'®g?.(tj •H J * Jl J > 5««M 1J> V~?v s iw i •T' iwrt|i|iaiiii)î ^ =':J- i i a * ' l i l ^ M #liiiii V .' wwwi '■ tEB.1^E ¥AK hews ̂ i," > #, î ocal and Personal ' r 1'" M arine, ia j eon tribu tor to the exhib ition o f th e Royal Drawing Society being held a t th e Guild* hall, Irondon, England. The w ork of th is a r tis t , consisting o f a study o f dogs, has been aw ard ed firs t class. a WHYTECLIFF PARKCLIFF HOUSE, Reopens Easter Sunday, April 21st Concert Trio every Sunday 3 to 5 p.m. Special Afternoon Tea For further information: Telephone Long Distance, Clig Hoiise. M rs. Lionel Makovski, 3581 M arine Drive, has loft fo r an ex tended v isit to England, travel ling via th e Panam a Canal. 1- ' ' ♦ • t ■ M r. and M rs. E. A. Wheeler, 8585 M arine Drive, are sailing from New Y ork on the "Beren- garia'* fo r a business tr ip to England. M r. and M rs. II. E. Douot and fam ily, 2319 Bellevue Avenue, have moved in to the Batem an house a t 2342 Bellevue Avenue. -jy* WEST VANCOUVER LAWN BOWLING CLUB BiUD eE a n d W H IST ORANGE ! HALL TUESDAY, APRIL 23rd, at 8 p.m. Play will commence at 8.80 p.m. sharp. To be fellowed by DANCE end REFRESHMENTS A D M IS S IO N 2 5 C . M rs. A lfred Houghton of M erry Island, B. C., was in W est V ancouver la s t week visiting friends here. She form erly resided in A ltam ont fo r many years. Miss K athleen W enm oth is a rr iv in g to n ig h t .f ro m Lytton, B.C., to 'S pend th e E aste r holi days w ith h e r fa ther, W. J. Wen- m oth, 1193 14th S treet. She will leave to re tu rn to Lytton next T u e ^ a y afternoon. J MASS MEETING In the LEGION HALL, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th, a t 8 p.m. Dancing after meeting, 'For full information please refer to article re Young Liberals' Associa- • tion in this ;issue. • A bush fire broke out last Sunday afternoon on K ing's A venue betw een 22nd and 23rd S tree ts , w hich gaVe th e fire b rigade considerable ' trouble. They finally were able, however, to p u t i t ou t a ft6 r a hard fight. Mr. and; M rs. C. H ailstone and fam ily .have moved from 2342 Bellevue A venue in to th e Dunn H ouse a t 23rd and B ellevpe Aver half-hourly aervico throwrhMl Good Friday. The arat bo^ will leave Ambleride at 6 and the M gt 11:30 first boat from the city dock will be 6:30 Eetn., the last boat leaving there at m^nlght* Buses meet all boats.• Ik ^ Mrs. C. M orton and fam ily. 25th and Lawson Avenue, have moved into a house a t 2126 M arine Drive. , ^ Mr. and M rs. W. M ayhew, 1853 Bellevue Avenue, have left to spend th e sp ring and sum m er a t w hitew ood, Saskatchew an, d> « . Ik' S coutm aster M urray W atson and C ubm aster P . H. P ark e a t tended th e Scouts' and G uides' ' Banquet Tuesday evening in the Hotel Vancouver.. 'The D undarave Ju n io r D ram atic Society are rep ea tin g "Our College S ta r" under th e auspices of the Ham m ond W. A. a t the P o rt Ham m ond T heatre , nex t 'Tuesday. Ik t * ■ W. G. Woodi, 1211 M arine . Drive,. has moved, in to a house a t 1705 D uchess A venue. " , W est V ancouver.friends of th^ ̂ V ancouver Wonuen's Building are holding a tea a t the* home of Mrs. F. A. W alker, 2455 K ing's Ave., on W ednesday, A pril 24th, Helen G regory McGill and Mrs. C rom ar Bruce will receive w ith th e hostess. M rs. J . B.-, Leyland and Mr8. T. A. Spencer w ilFpre- side a t th e tea urns, and a num ber of p rom inen t V ancouver women a re ex tend ing th e ir pa t- - ronage. An o rchestra will play during th e afternoon. ♦ ♦ * ICE CREAM for EASTER We have the best. PALM**--' the cream of them all Gemmiirs Drug Store * T h t S to r* o f B«rvlcoi. 1586 M arin e D rive Wckt 87 or Weet 607 Emergency Phone Weat S81 (After 10 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY O R D E R YOUR HOT BUNS NOW Delivered Fresh Friday Morning M68 Marino Drive Phono W est 27 A sm all building^ to h o u ^ th e new Relief Office is being e rec t ed by th e council a t th e back o f the municipal hall. WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone W est '39 Furnace and Range Repair^ . Sawdust~Bbniers m A group of friends surprised .Mrs.- F o rre s te r a t th ^ .hom e of ' heh d a u g h t e r , D a v e A nder son, 23i*d and Jefferson Avenue, on" F rid ay afternoon to honor h e r on h e r Tfith b irthday . On behalf of those p resen t Mrs. Bowman presented M rs. F o rres te r w ith a tangible g if t as a t oken of th e ir love and ^esteem. Tliose p resen t w er^M rsflaibsloh '- nue. F. W. 'F r i th has moved into a house at' 1420 A rgyle Avenue. M iss M adge Fam ^er, 2307 Bellevue^ has accepted a tem por a ry position onAthe staff of St. George's School, L ytton, B. C., and has a s s u m e d / j^ r duties there . There will be a special m a t inee a t 2 p.m. nex t Monday (Eaister M onday) a t Hollyburn T heatre , when " 'Treasure Island" will h e shown. In th e evenfhg the fea tu re will h e "One N ight of Love," also "Goddess of Spring." ♦ ♦ ♦ * Mrs. Gavin of Vancouver" has ren ted a house a t 2508 Bellevue Avenue. K. W. Savory 1443 M arine D rive Ambleside Phone W est 340 Evening^, W rat 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and M rs. J . Bell, Mrs. Mason, Mrs; Bcfevrinan, M rs. P a rk e r of Cal-, gafy , A lta.; M rs. Glover, ]\^s. E. "B^l,7Mrs7 M orris, M rs. S t^ h e n -~ son, M rs. Fiddes, M rs. N airn , ; ^ s . A nderson and M rs. Ham il ton. C aptain and M rs. S. Clark and fam ily a re guests a t th e Clachan Philip, C. Chapman G eneral Insurance A gent Fire, Automobile, Burglarjr, Accident and Sickness, etc. 2557 King's Are. Phone W. 42Y8 FORTUNE CUP INN Dundarave Pier Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Ac commodation for Dances; Meet ings, Dinner Parties. PHONE; WEST 36 Sergeant'D H im m 'ef *Haf Donald of th e S eafo rth H igh , landers o f Canada w as presented w ith the " coveted Efficiency M idal l a ^ week T5y the^Goyer- nor General in V ancouver on th e same-occasion when m edals were* presented to certa in officers and men of th e R.N.W .M.P. This Medal is given fo r good and ef ficient service ex tending contin uously over a period of tw en ty- one years. Sergean t D rum m er McDonald, who is a 's o n .o f Mr. and M rs. H enry R. McDonald, 1507 Fulton Avenue, served fo r seyfjral years in th e Royal N avy a n d -fo r th e p as t fifteen -y ea rs hhs been w ith th e S eaforth H ighlanders, of w hich he is still a member. He has several o th e r service medals and is also a crack shot. -- SEED ^D ISTRIBO TieN -- - - Those whose allotm ents of Hollyhurn Theatre r i iu u ., Fill. & SAT. MAT. April 18th, lOth and 20th. "She Learned About Sailors" , ■ ' i& ■ . alHO «*BUSY BODIES** LAUREL and HARDY SAT. EVE. and MONDAY April 20th and 22nd. 'One Night of Love' also - . 'Goddess of Spring' Special Easter Monday Matineo , 2 p.m. " TREASORE I S L m " „ (Matineo only ) TUESd Ay & WEDNESDAY. ■ April 23rd and724th. "Lily of Killarney*' also '- 6 r i m 8 0 fi^:R-om « n e e »» seeds w ere sh o rt la s t week m ay ^receive a fu r th e r supply by call- a f~ WelfaTe"'TIeadquaTters~m g S atu rd ay a t 2 p.m. r:- W EST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASS'N W est Vancouver H orticu ltu r al A ssociation held a very enjoy able M ilitary W hist in the Or ange Hall on F riday , April 12th. A n added a ttrac tio n was a dis play of daffodils and spring, flowers. The. prize w inners were .M rs. W. Green, Mrs. K ing and Mr. and M rs. P. Andrews. Con solation w inners were Mr. and M rs. J . M orris, Mrs. Glover,JMr. .T ite. The prizes were presented NORTH SHORE-BRANCH SALES ■ SERVICE " RADIOS - RANGES OIL BURNERS FORST'S North 626 WoatlHO 00 Lonsdale Avo. North Vancouvor TEN N IS CLUB TO OPEN FOR SEASON The W est Vancouver Tennis Club will open fo r th e season n ex t Sunday, w e a th e r , perm it ting , w hen some of th e courts will be. ready fo r play. Any de- P resen ta tion C.C.F. hfAj5S MEETING Orange Hall, MONDAY, APRIL 22nd, at 8 p.m , - . SPEAKERS: , Dr. Lyle Telford and C. G. McNeil A very pleasing inciden t took place a t th e Pauline Johnson Sclipol during th e noon h o u r on F riday , when m em bers o f ^ h e ' school staff m et to congra tu la te H ugh Brown, a m em ber of th e staff, on h is fo rthcom ing m ar riage. F ou r teachers from th e , o th e r schools, w ho had been as sociated vrith him in his teach ing career here, along' w ith Miss H ardy th e school nurse, w ere also present. s irin g to become" m em bers or b y M rs.,A . Leitch o f Vancouver, w ish ing inform ation as to. rules w ife of A . Leitch, who judged regulations are asked to get th e flowers and gave a few h in ts . 7- 7 n • i7i . i on grow ing spring flowers, Mr. jn touch w i tM e r r y Grisedalc a t P; A ndrew s also won the 'd raw - W est .434. T here is also room in g fo r ro ck p lants. ' fo r a lim ited 'num ber o f juniors. Subject; " MR. BENNETT'S DILEMMA." EVERYBODY WELCOME 7 COLLECTION 71 A fte r a very d a in ty lunch had GOLF' AT SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS,A11 d a y 7 5 c . . 18 holes..... 60c , 9 holes after 4 p.ni.......25c WEEK DAYS ' All day " . 60c , 9 holes 26c. . *. Week-day rates on Easter Monday fc^en served, Mr. B realey, th e principal, pa^ised a few appro p ria te rem arks and called upon Miss Lawson to . p re se n t Mr. . Brown on behalf o f t |i e com pany w ith a beautifu l s ilv er te a ser vice. The w edding cerem ony takes place on S atu rday , gnd M r. and M rs. Brown e>qpect to tak e up th e ir residence in W est V an couver im m ediately a f te r th e E a s te r vacation. D A N C E In Inglew ood School SA^TURDAY APRIL 2OTH DaQuIng 9> (2 ■ MARIE ABRAMS' ORCHESTRA Adm ission 25c . RE-ROOF NOW , GENUINE- D U R O I D R O O F S ' V* : ' ' 0 3 m 3 J; *•'% V; li ,f ■ j' 4 m "■ •) '■M' 1 'i ■ M i: lM l >i'nr7l »"i f -' ■ r , > f i ■Mm I , ' X ii ■J 7 , S ̂ J yf')-,- '*'^4 fill \ r f