West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Apr 1935, p. 2

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-̂«-.«.»(iWV«»<»I* #! sw .« .1 .« . .. - -i - «̂ *.•"»v̂ .i >*j§i*̂i!i!> Mil i<iiiMMaiiiiiiiiiMiiMSWMiMw'i»«i*̂ ^ « E raW P iV A M NEW S ifclNi > f '̂ :U"' ■I*1 «,' fIII i i ^mm n m $ :4fc',C 1#:^ i l l fS : p : 1 •f; '-•W&\ i .fife,fc i#ir- « ... p i? 1 '^ IVi r «.• iSSS life i i p i i i i s s . w i a r VAK u ir tn tD CBUBCH R«v. Bittff Wi%iiiy MlH&Mr' ......* ' ■* 0miiihT'Mmp¥lm 11:16 m .m ., 7:16 pjan, Sunday School and Blbta ■ " 10 *-11, ■*'■ -*• Strtii6^ra"lt'^'VIallw"W « S r BAi>TIBT C B V U m Phone West 262R. Sunday Servieea -- 11 a.m. and fe „.. •-• - Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Easter Modes from Hollpwood The Kaater SeaHon hftnire new, „ ....... - - - ------------- .,j|ra coiffures both for the matron aa well as the younigr patron. We u rife you not to try on the now huta until you have had your hair styled to suit them. An old hair styled with a new hat will spoil your whole en- semhle. • Gwendolj/n Beauty Shoppe IM6 M , ^ D r in For appointment# PHONE WEST 117 H0LLY6DRR HAU I4th A Dncbcae HI NIIAY, April 21at, a t 10 a.ra. Sunday School and Yountf Men's Bible Ciasa Owlnif to Special Foster Ser> vires In the city, the usual Sun- iluy evonlnif mcetinff on April illst will be cancelled. ' Services will be resumed as uHuul on. Sunday followinyr, April 28th, a t l iW p.m. TUKSDAY, Prayer and, JBiblo Study. WKESrVANCOUVEB Society EBIPICE- 20tii t m i BaqnintsJt. EoUybara Thia Soelety is a Branch of The Mother Church The First'Church of Christ, EeientJst, in Boston, ""i ' ' liaiaaachusetti Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. ■ 4jl- ■ •■ .n. ■■ # ,. V,,. , , , J Sunday, April 21, 1935 Subject:' DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT I S r - H a a ie i lCarefully Prliver^ -*"iw5513|lSa9MilJ|K#itJZsn«HiTOr'CUT FLOWERS POT PLANTS WEST VAN 18th and Mhitint West 36S Sunday School a t 10:00 ajui. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. . SERVICE EXPERT REPAIRS ON ANY R A D IO -any make,' any model, any year BROWN Members Associat^^ Radio Techniciana of 3.C., The-- public is cordially in ­ vited to attend our services and meetings. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Y. P. A. ACnVITIES Miss drace Thompson will b« Take a Kodak w lthyouj ANBLESIDE PHARMACY UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Hillls Wright ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd and. Inglewood Ave. "DOCTRINE OF ATONE., the speaker, at the regular Sun. MENT" will be the subject of day meeting olih^ W.V.U.Y.P | the Lesson - Sermon in all Society,. She;^ill review several • Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. W; L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: West 323 FREE DELIVERY Tobaccos • Candy .« Stationery D j . * Films .< Developing rnnting, -« Enlarging and Copying Cfgstal Finish Aiemy For Service and Satisfaction: Eiuitcr Sunday Music, April 21st, 1935 Morning Solo: "The Woman at the Tomb" (Warner). Mrs. CJolin MacLean. Anthem; "God So Loved the . , World," (Stainer). Elvening .('antata: "Olivet to Calvary," (Maunder). Soloists: Miss Joan Durbin, Rev. W.J. Millay, Priest in Charge. Residence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. Phone, West 240-R more chapters o t , the book 'Looking Backward 2000-1887" The Golden Text is; Christ, by S^w^rd Bellamy. All Young ear. the sins People are cordially invited to Messrs. J. U. Holt, J. Fid- <lc8, a J. Hobson & R, W. Proud. PTidays -- Piano and Organ Accompan- ists: Mrs. J, E. Durbin & Saturdays Sunday Services Low Mass 8 :45 a.m. High Mass & Sermon - . a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. Catechism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services 8 a.m. was once offered to bear.. _____ . _ ̂ ....... of many; and unto them that attend*The.placeThe United look for Him shall He appear the Church Hall..ITbe.-,time: After second time without sin unto the evening service,. salvation." (Hebrews 9: 28) * 10:45 ■ 7:15 Among the citations which com­ prise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "For through Him we both have, ac­ cess by one.. Spirit unto the Father." (Ephesians 2: 18). The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health,with The rainfall at &chess Ave­ nue on Monday was .12 of an inch. , " REMEMBER IT WITH SNAPS** Mr. J. Haydn Young. The United Church Women's Missionary Society will hold* 7:45 p.m. Confessions from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. C. J. Qverington PIONEER BARBER ■,PP*h Thurnday afternoon, all day Saturday and Monday, ttnd afternoonB of Tuesday, Wednesday and THursday. Hth & Marine, Phone Weat 136 BAPTIST CHURCH their Easter Thank Offering service on Tuesday afternoon, *®®̂®*̂ * R̂ Y*. H. P. Humphreys April 23rd, at 2:15. Special Baker Eddy: "Atonement is the exemplification of man's unity With God, whereby man reflects divine Truth, Life, and Love." OXFORD GROUP HOUSE PARTY VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SBARLB Phon# West 9 Fertilizers of AU Bdnds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies HI>eaker, Miss Archibald, Mis­ sionary from Trinidad. Soloist, Mrs. ("olin MacLean. All ladies invited. A good attendance of Home Helpers is particularly j*e- Ijuested. Tea will be served. ° . Sunday, April 2Jst, Easter pay Services ' A West Vancouver Oxford Group House Party for mien and Ainbleside Sheet ■ L. S P .C K .. Works ST STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramiey, L.S.T. 10:00 a.m.^unday School and women will be held' at"Canvon View Hotel from . Good Friday ll:00^ m .--Mqrning worship. until Monday. Those wishing ' information are requeB^ The Bible and the Resurr ed to call C. L. Hilborn at West en.tion.'* 481L3. ' ^ ^ OR, G, D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. / DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. OlHco IIourH 9 to 6 p.nv, ___^Evaninĝ t, by appointment. Photic West 72 Good Friday. 9:00 a.m;--Children's Service. , 10:30 a.m.--^Ante-Gommunion & z^i.ser4non.-.4lev^ Ĝ ̂ urn. 2 - 3 p.m.--The Watch Hour. 8 ;00 p.m.--Evenlhong.' Easter Day rection. Special singing. Old time Easter hymns. 7 ;15 p.m.--Evening worship. . Topic, "What the Resur­ rection Brings." Special, singing. ..Wedn„esday,„3^p,m.,^ prayer service. Thursday, 8 p.m. --• Choir prac­ tice. Miss Atherton, 21st and Esqui­ mau Avenue, has left for East­ ern (panada. . ■ ■ >-K Make Use of Experience for Concrete Work FOUNDATIOl^S, SEA WALLS LILY PONDS ^ I S H POOLS TEARQE&SON Phone West 84 1474 Marine Drive --7:00 a.m: - 8:00 a.m. Communion. 11;1|> a.m,--Holy Communion & sermon. Holr" ®®ATH^F MRS. ANNIE FLETCHER H u r r a r d ^ f c a u i ^ ^ LAUBO>RY SERVICE FOR d e p e n d a b l e -DAVE ANDERSON West Vancouver Representative . Kstabtished on N orth Shore ' 20 Yenrs. (l^dy Aasistaht) ̂ " HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON IFunrrai iirrcturB North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Mrs. Annie Fletcher, Mt: 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and ser- Apartments, 101 East mon. ' Seventh Avenue, yancouver, and Tuesday, 2:30 --- Study meeting' "i'̂ Aber of Mr. Howard Fletcher Colored slides. of the Holly bum Theatre, passed St. Prancis-in-the-Woods, Sunday in a city hos- Caitlfeild PjteL She was in her 89th year. Good Friday' mourn her loss, 10:30 a.m, Good Friday ser- son; here, four sons, \ vice. o^ ^ oayser Charles H., ^orge A. of Nelson, Easter Dav Harold, Percy A.; three •9;46 a.m. -- Holy Communion. 1^881^ 1 J i? '3:00 p.m.--Evensong & sermon m'* B. W. .Heard The Women's Guild of St Rosa, . Vanoouver. BVancis-in-the-Wooda will hold ?e>J>ces were held at 2. the 7th Birthday Tea with a sale C city. Rev. of home cobkingr on Wednesdav . 'r™®'* officiating, and in- April 24th, at the Parish HalV *" **'® ^as- Caulfeild, r̂om 3 to 6 p.m. ' ®'"® Cemetery, Rumaby. , Phodes-West 691L or North 1310 TUB UNEMPLOYED ASS'N West Vim News MjSs Lfeter'ol°Bowen A special meeting is being home^m Monday. • S Let your voice leap the barrier Publithed Bvory Thursday PublishcD P. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Businen and Editorial Offieo: 17tk and Marina Drira (Next to HoUybum P, 0 .) Phone West 363 Mail Addraaa: P. ,0. Box 61, RoUybum, B.C. M r land A T u P® Discussion o f m at-m r.jana a . L. McDonald te rs perta in ing to th o r^ North Vancouver Office: 128 Lonsdale Ave. TRANSCRIPTION ** Universal War Near ̂ b y JUDGE RUTHERi:oRD IB W e s t V a n c o u v e r , F r i d a y , A p r i l I 9 l h , a t 8 p . m . - - ~ . t Ik. home o f Mr. G. A. Be»Wo. 2694 Haywood. (Cor. 27tt S t ) Lecture i . freo and o heor^ invilotion i» exteodod to oli; ® ®e«»m business matter that requires immediate mlmlr -f clear, up the matter in a S ^ 'C Mr. So.and.so, but he 500 miles awa)̂ . There; f i solution, to your problem. Let Seph™" eiMc'e.* by using ihp longr^ce as a X n " " o-op'bh - much ^ .B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY