S >-<*'"V »*n " '^n j V Cirmte^n$4n the}>^istrkivof: West Va» $1.00 iMT jr«ir.,-tfi * Cypress Parkf H o U p ittr n iW 0 ^ Dundarave W h p e c H f f : ^ ' M t e , ' : ' " " " : "■" v ? t ^ ;ifc per copy at newsstands. (iyi IX .. »»*jipi» i'1 i y ' ' ' ^ ' ' ' " ^* '* ■nil mu . , ni» w »m .y . w y Ill mm ii nm« I > .... HOIiLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, l$j5 No. 51 EASTER The word ,<'Easjtei /̂ .is Old An^lo-Saxon word "Eastre/* denoting a goddess o f liifh t d r sprm^^ honor " '* " * " ' dd 'of whom a festival was held by our Anglo;Sax»n forefathers: The latter n'Hir on. rooted deep in their hearts through the centuries, d i i ^ o y , b a r t . : A f c BO W U N G CLUB U m U aB AND WHIST • ... The West 'Vancouver Lawn Bowling .Club' a:^ holding 'a CLIFF HOUSE TO HB-OPBS COMING e v e n t s Cliff House. Whytecliff PMto, Friday, April 26th will re<open for the sieawn on Grunge Hall, Easter Sundey, April 21st., Every bridge and whist at 8 p.m. next f«>«; 8 to 6 p.m. a con Tuesday, . April in the cert trio will playjuid a special "lalh -- until the latter finally ceas^.to be'Observed as the new faith spread throughout thd land.- : ' ' . • , Easter is always joyous time; Winter has passed, and all nature is preparing for the summer days. . Sunshine is warmer and more frequent. The trees and Howers are beginning to bud, and the birds have dome back., to us from their . Winter sojourn in the southern lands, their songs finding an echo iii our hearts as we listen to their notes pouring forth from the trees and bushes.. Even in our large cities there is a feeling qf ppring in the air. _ ; - ; , . ' Apart from) its religious significance, Easter is doubly wclcbrrie this year, for^ftheManfcet of the dark*̂ has been with, us during the past ydhter ,in .inpy ways, Not only have we suffered from an unusual number, of sunless, days, but the Continued depression and consequent struggle have carried the darkness,Jntoc our very souls and .there, has been much sickness as a result .of .-the oGfitinued strain dn„.mind and body. None however welL endowed with this world's; goods, have altogether escaped the universal malady. ' ' ̂ ■ Now Mother Nature is: teaching us once again her age- old lesson, as she bids "us look up and laugh with her. She gives to us here in West:'Vancouver free of all cost, sunshine and a smiling sea,, .the. gr-^n of the., growing trees; -the songs of the birds, and over all the expectant mystery of spnngtide. Let us seek our woods:and.gardens and in-watching the growth all around us forget for a-while our troubles. , * .Orange Half. ' Play will com- mehoe at 8 j80 pim. sharp. A dance and a good program have been arranged to follow the cards, and there- will also be re freshments. Table reservations can. be secured .by.-phoning Mrs. C, ..Hay at West 265R or F. W. Rivers at West 184Y. Admis sion 26 cents. A hearty invita tion is eictended to members, prospective memjbers and visit ors. . • ' afternoon tea- vHll be served. Any further information desired can be obtained, ftoxn the man ageress on the premises dr by writing or phoningi her. In phoning ask for Clii over long distance. -- Dance at 6:46 p. hi., Juniors; 9 p.m. Younger Set. Saluniay, April 27th, 8 p.m. -- Easter Recital by pupils of Molly Edwards. LEGION NOTES Jliff H ouse Menibers aix} hereby notified ru r GLENEAGLES GOLF LINKS SCHOOL BAND READY TO LEAVE SUNDAY g^oundsmen to start wdrk .on seventh green, Which ia' to yer Scho<fi :Ban̂ ̂will havb th îr, banked, up and converted Into their a punch bowl. This will serve to appreciation of, these young The popularity of the local golf course is increasing. This is made clear by the increasing number of players making use of its facilities. The completion ...... . ........ mentary ̂ committee in Ottawa, with the clearing necessitotod investigating the unemployment by this change has liberated the coiulitiona amongst ex-servico that the next gonerur meeting slated for Friday, April, 19th, is cancelled, due to same falling on Good hViday, Dominion stotu- lory holiday. ■ President Alex. Ross, Domin ion Command, Canadian Legion, has been for the past few weeks together with other Legion of- ficiais appearing before a Parlia- some players. When an apir parently good approach shot to Reeve's Office JUNIOR CHOIR CONGBRF Columbia; ' Over three.huiidi;ed turned out at the last dance and on ^tur- day the boys 'prom \^ eyen a bet ter time and' hope as many will be present again. Marie Abrams Orchestra, well -known td' West men in Canada. Comrade T. \ Barnard, of the Legion branch in Nanaimo, has ju.st returned from same, bringing a complete report of the comlmittS '̂jĴ OTdlt;: ings to date, as it affeijiftsj ' ^ Columbia,. which Jl^oyw this green trickles ever the edge represented at the ihvestSHidn into the rough.. , . which it is reported is§wil sit- * tiug. It Is bcHeved that other KING DAVID LODGE, Legion officials from Legion - A. F. & .A. M. Commands in the Western Prov- i Vancouver dhneers will provide f hd; has promised that Lodge. Nd. 68, A. ̂ P. M,,lilt- v«.iiiiuuvc* uuiiw* thC musieahd:_________ ̂ . . . . - ^ I ^ T w ^ S o r th e v e a r ftiS Choir : u n te the: tehetion of thei^.wiU be no delays between At this time ̂ oi tne year iL IS -« ■ rniiri l\/rflf»T.ARri ata oivinir the dances. ana friends last Friday eveni;]^ customary and indeed a pleasure Entitled? Jo ̂ G ^oi^ Several donations towards the armost enjoyable time wfs for me to mjake a special appeal .:p .. ̂ VnnVhhiivpr TTtiit- ■ trip have already'̂ been received spent* J. Haydn Youngs gave anon behalf 'of;loeaPlabei^- '̂:d0 8 ^ tectum The Worshipful Master; Offib* will be" called to appear be- ' ■ ' *• "* fore this committee closes its enq u iiTi .■........................... Coitirade Townsend, Zone Rep- very earnestly, hot only b ^ u sethe men requireqUr supporty but ..day, April. 25th., because we must a®ree that it is not good citizenship in these dif ficult times to' overlook" their necessities. ' ' Fortunately there'seems to.be SPONSOR A TREE Already received--........... $28.25 Miss F* Aychurch-- ..... .25 moreJ>qiIdingi^ahd"^utoide^'Worfc"~~H -jM ^E ui^ .-«^ 'hhd'^Bhy qrnersiwining; ro nem are' asked to get jh' tduch. with Mrs. E. W. Parker, Mrs. j . R. Patterson, Mr. Morris, ; Mr. Blbxham or Mr. Condon. Any thing in the way ofjcqoked foods, fruit, cakes or cookies will be very welcome, also any dona- scenie views kindly, operated and, - loaned ;by Mr, Porter.. Songs May 3rd. were also art added attraction to this part of the projgram, and were rendered by James Lowdon and Mrs. J. T. Watt. Later in the evening a violin solo by Robt. resentative. Will attend the second general meeting of the branch in .May, bringing a re port on same. : ....... ;Next general meeting Friday, YOUNG LIBERALS ASS'N under way in West. Vancouver than has been knoWn Ybt some tirne. New - homes are . being- built on many streets, houses, are being repaiiied ̂and painted and gardens arel>eing^evdowd. In West Vancouver we have a 'M ............ 25 The boys would appreciate It, muon, appreciated, as-were also :..®a hy the humber of members A. M. M orriso n ........................ if any perton having friends or Stainsby, who had already with the club the Legion The ; r ^ e n t ly fornied Y'o u n g ; _ , ......L iberals Club is f^ s t gain ing .<^ance-ofJSroirthJi^ancouver,-was^-§i^iila2ity.-Jn-W eat™ ¥aneonVeiL, much, appreciated, as' were a ls o . ;;% d by th e num ber of m em bers ' $29.25 SCOUTNOTES relations in the towns to be visit ed by the band would write them Jnfoiuning~them-Dfi;heirxomingr come over from the city to at- HalLwill be packed to the doors tend ,i:he affaur. After a dainty wheh the club holds its first mass supper^served - by--tlie™-Lodge~mteeting™April.;24th r~™T'he-̂ club members, dancing was enjoyed, was.formed two weeks ago, whenThe band will play in the follow- - ., .. ̂ - - - - ^ ^ ^ .a ,.e»t ..a . Sundav afternoon W towns, where they are being ""d it was a very happy.comp.-. .̂.Miss Molly Edwards and carpenters, electnoians, 'plural very enthusiastically sponsored Wedley were elected proyisional i T S s s f e T . . K fr . ) -v S r A " iS f .i^ ™ & h ?.S 5 ,? .3 ffisa Friday in Penticton and Satur day in Princeton. . are havemen who live among us various ways assume their civic M ndmg the responsibilities by .. .helping .*to 7 the KING'S JUBILEEKniu ,ava a Tecital of the Scout Law and thebuild up the community through a their activities in many .o fo u f, «newal of the Scout Promise, a splendid oiganii r̂ionsTTr lr-the^ men obtain emplp^ent, „the, money they earn will again be circulated in the;Municipality. * A fair and' reasonable pppesv tunity for "local labor is- surely not too much to ask from the citizens of a Munieip^ity wTio are proiid, and justljr W of. a real **CQmmiinit3L--4 qdrity?L-and U'sd5ut3 7̂ _ya?u *̂ hd an address by ScoUttnaster Vatrderhoof. -- L^ter, reinforced by the 1st WEST VANCOUVEK COMMUNITY PLAYERS On Monday and Tuesday,v April 29th and 30th, the West taken tiver t̂ ^̂ Vancouver Community Playersj " aeuf, w West Vancouver and CANCER. FUND playing "Dangerous Waters",. !l?Pu -- at , the Hollybum Theatre. In !"' *^** . *"® boys', and girls' be to foster various sports in cluding .swimming, boxing, track to^ms, softball and other activ ities. The Assoieiation has al ready taken over the softball West Vancouven.Cub Pack, and watohed by many of their par '̂ -xnto and friends from! the beach, the boys paraded on the sand bar The Disabled Veterans, West the success these local weiiare.com- Vancouver Branch; are opehiffg piayers have attained in the past " in the course of few days, a 4 years,! it is unnecessary to"' ' s e c u r e store for the sale of flags and eulogize them too much to en- medallions in aid of the above sure a full house on both nights.. fund in the officeVof Colonel Our.well known and popular ^consistent effort maintained to v^>bme^to^th/^Sii as part", of 'which has been ..kindly ectpr during all rehearsals and: he has certainly achieved re- There-fwil4-be^largc-&le^4ofr^^ ____________ and- - ' - - ^ ^Tectufes. MembeB is opelil^b :help one another.' ' .. j : B_: LEYLAND,, Reeve; t r a n sc r ip t io n l e c t u r e ■: ed ;for its hovelty. On Monday t̂he 1st West Van- -cbiiver, -St, - Stephen's Cuh Pack>. look part in the Grand Rally at Hastings Park for I^rd Baden- Powell, to them the. Chief Old W(A£. The boys watched the sixiuts and Guides troop their LEARN' THE MEBICANO/ ready, two-thirds of the tickets have been disposed of. under 35 years of age and you are cordially-invited to at-' tend the meeting called for 8 o'clock sharp at the above hall : A 'sim ple bailrobm step" Which The .past o f th is 8-act play by th is A ssociation a mii'v Ka' rinnir'i>ri'frv K atherine K avaiiaugh is as foi;.'"' ' ® P ® a . h p r s ' f r o m Vancou- *• i 1 f* . li 'i y ' 'C L 'I Iv J 1 Jv* '4: 1 ' fvt': ; r . i V , f' ' l i : f. • /-■] V- ^ JiJF: ' ' I • ' j ■ '/Ip; - ■* i/i ' I >f 'i I ̂ ^ '41 VI ■• 7 ̂ V.V I* A transcription, lecture • on "Universal War NWir" by Judge Rutherford, will.be given'at 8 ______ i^.m. tomorrow (BYiday) in Weat xolprs, fly model aeroplanes, i^r- Vancouver at the home of G. A; form games and danc^ Beattie, 2694 HayVrood Avenue ' en^ attentively a's their Chief (comerof27thStreet). Thelec-"̂ told them of the three H s -~ ture is free and a hearty invitar, Happiness, Health and Helpful- may be' danced to tohgo;7waltz7 or fox trot time. CJaSs at ̂ Amble- side Hall, 14th and Maidhei' Sat urday at 8 p.m. Admission SOc, Phone West 436R1. /?' ' HOLLYBUBN HAtLi lows:. Molly Hardy; Sybil Chap- Liberal AssMiations Young, Lilian G. Stevens, Gor- -25}?*^?' A il dance don Gray, Gordon Kobertson,.- ,9"H follow, the meeting. Fred H. Hi D. Parkes, Phil Chap̂ : C. a F. NEWS \ ■ tion is extended to ^ 1. C. C. Y. ^ 'H6ss« It was a big moment when he' pp.me to chat with the boys. A regular meeting of the C. C. f . will be held Friday night at 8 p.m. PoUowing the business, and educational: meeting, there MAY DAY COMMITTEE man, Stan IfCttner and Jim. Holt.. I The jseat plan can be seen at. --------- .The next regular Whist Drim will be held in the Headquarters at 8:15 p.m. on Wednesday. A l^ l 24th. ^ Monday, April 2 2 nd, Dr. Telford will address a mass G.G. meeting in the Orange Hall, has been cancelled. Services wiii C. J. Overington's barber shop- *t 8 p.m,; doors w Next Shnday, Apj^l 2 1 st, at. Cremmill's Drug Store and tick-. 10 "a.nii., there will-be; Suiway : etscaii' still be obtained from. School and young .men's Bible either the Legion members, any class in Hollybum'Hall, Owing - of the players or Gemmill's. to special Easter Services in the ' % Don't miss this amusing oc- city the usual Sunday eyehing easion, ' meeting on Sunday, April 21st, '/ P H J* . A ' l i r h: - "The nominations for the e l^ . _________ ____ tion of the May Queen will toke , will be refreshments and danc- " 'plafee on 29th April,, the election ing. Collection. ,v :: .. being held the following day. . be resumed, howev^rixn the fol- . will be open- this afternoon, all loWing Sunday, April; 2Sih <af day.Saturday and Monday, and- 7:30 p.m. Next Tuesday if at 8 on the afternoons of Tuesday, p,m., prayer and Bible study. Wednesday and 'Thursday, open at 7;3p p.m. C; G. McNeil, Federal candi date, will also be present and ad dress the meeting. %. " if'I'S#' t > f t ■ , ■ i!