West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Apr 1935, p. 3

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BBHWMiilliiBwiliimilwMiiiHiilii/VUh'ri ii iteH lll. IB S w m VAN NEWS Y O U R ^ - ^ y S M ^ WINDOWS DOORS SHINGUES LATH VENEERS ROOFiNC building paper B uilders' iService RRICK. CEMENT TILE UME SAND Fire» which b r ^ e out a little A yach t w as blown ash o re on a f te r midftMr>»t FViday a t th e Sunday abou t 160 y a rd s w est o f hom e of Mr, and Mrs. V. E rik- th e F irs t N arrow s L ighthouse, sen on Travers Avenue, destroy- h e r keel becoming so em bedded ed th e top p o r t i ^ of the house in th e sand th a t i t took a V an- PUNS AND SPEapICATiONS Drawn up and csti* mates given Free. in sp ite of th e effo rts of the Are brigade, ifuch damage from w a te r was also done to the lower p a rt. Astbury's Builders!. Supplies le th and Marine Bi^ve Night Phone West 627R M iss Connie Thom as of the B, C. Telephone Company's staff here, is away from duty owing to sickndBj}. « e « Phone West 19b M r. and Mrs. Tough, 30th and couver tu g one hou r and a h a lf to haul her off in to deep w ater. • • * ' - , Mr. and Mrs. B aker, w ho have been spending the w in te r m onths in th e city , have re tu rn ed tx> th e ir sum m er hom e a t 2 2 nd and Bellevue Avenue. .M iss Joyce Woods, a fo rm er residen t of W est V ancouver, b u t CIPPS .L th e Fertililicr in p iu form . 25c ipackafc Gemmiirs Drug Storu The 8tor« of Sorvlco. 1S86 Marine Drive West 37 or West 607 Kmergenev Phone West SSI (After 10 p.m.) M arine Drive, have moved to ̂ now living in th e city , w as one Vancouver. I THE WEST VANCOUVER i TE LE P H O N E b lR E C T d R Y AND MUNICIPAL GUIPE Mr. and M rs. F . X. Hodgson, who have been la n d in g a holi­ day in Sbuthem California, have re tu rn ed to th e ir lionie a t 23101 Bellevue Avenue. M rs. Feyler o f Neirth Vancou­ ver, is a guest a t the Claehan. N O W CO M PLETED The North Shore Boy Scout of th e dancers a t th e com m and perform ance of "Tobias and th e A ngel" Inst Monday, evening In Vancouver. « « * \ E. C. H un t o f V ancouver, is mjoving in to one of th e Mesain- g e r houses a t 16th and W a te r­ fron t. * * ♦ -.•'I'y ■ W. L. V aughan has re tu rn ed to his hom e a t 1808 D uchess Troops will assem ble Sunday on Avenue from Corbin, B.C., w here DANCING RECITA L TH E The dancing, pupils of Miss Molly Edward^-^ • a re ̂p ra c t is in g : for an E aster recital. T he g ir ls ' who gave the Blue D anube la s t ' Monday before Lady Bessbor- ough will ^IsO 'take p a r t in the^ program. D ISA BLED VETERAN S ASS'N th e shore near th e m outh of the Capilano River tq give the Scout welcome to G eneral Baden-Pow- he IS in there . charge a t th e m ines Stratton's BAKERY O R D E R YO UR HOT CROSS BUNS NOW Delivered Fresh Friday Morning 1468 M urine Drive Phone W est 27 W est Vjanoouver.Disabled Vet-, a s he comes in from V ictoria SWIMMING CLUB ELECTS O FFICERS erans A ssociation attended even­ in g , service a t St. S tephen's Ang;lican C hurch on Sunday, A pril 7 th , in m em ory of com rad­ es w ho fell a t Vimy Ridge on A pril 9 th , 1917. There w as a la rge a ttendance of D isabled fo r th e big rally in Vancouver. HORSESHOE BAY / W A TERFRO N T Mr. Hansen and daughter have moved from Vancouver in to a house a t 24th and Belle­ vue Avenue. ' ' ■ , * * * M rs. J . L, Neilson, m other ofV eterans a t th e M em oriarA rch _ _ w h^re a w reath was placed by_. Mrs. A. Littlejohn, 1027 Duchess. >_ . th e presiden t, R. P . Blower, be- AVenue, passed aw ay Monday in The annual m eeting (H tne , fo r6 proceeding to church. Art a hospital in Vancouver, aged 72 West Vancouver A m ateu r Swim - im pressive serv ice'w as conduct- years. ' ming Club took place la s t T h u rs- ed b y th e Rev. F . A. Ram sey, ♦ ♦ ♦ day evening a t STo'clock in th e And Canon D 'Easum , chaplain of M iss Madge F ariper, who has A delegation from W hytecliff w aited on th e council to p resen t a petition , ask ing th a t th e w a te r­ fro n t from .Nelson A venue to K eith Road be acquired fo r a public park . The council ex ­ pressed them selves a s sypa thetic to' th e pro jec t j b u t s ta te a i t w as a question of w ays and m eans. A fte r some discussion th e m a t­ te r was laid over fo r fu r th e r in ­ form ation. Claehan, when- repo rts fo r th e year were read and adopted^ The tentative dates fo r the-tw o galas have been se t fo r Ju ly 25th and August 10th. I t w as also decided th a t the club th is y e a r th e D isab led ' V eterans A ssocia- been spending a n extended holi- tion. Canon D 'E asum recalled, ̂ day w ith relations in England, a vivid p ic tu re of Vimy R idg^^ has returned 'td.^ her home a t and all i t s tands for, and b ro u g h t 2307 Bellevue Avenue, back; m em ories to, all, w hich " - . a. HORTICULTURAL ASS'N tim e qaiinot erase . The D.V.A. will give special a tten tio n to i t s .. a re in charge o f flags and m edal- j unior Ihem bers m th e w ay of~ X, water polo miatches^ etc. The annual election o f officers resulted as follows: hon. p resi­ dent, Reeve J. B. L ey lan d ; hon. vice-presidents, Councillor G. D. Elgar, Councillor R. Fiddes,- J . T. -Watt^-J.--Lehmanrr-presidentr-J.*- Bowden; vice-president, C. O. P. Woodward; secre ta ry -treasu rer, Murray W atson; boys' captain , Bob W hite; ^ r l s ", captain , M rs. K. Russell; life-saving^instruc­ tor, ~L. C. Reid; executive, G. Russell, W. Turney, and tw o more yet to be elected, , lions' to ' b(§ sold fd r the^ Jubilee C ancer-Fund , and ask all c iti­ zens to g e t th e ir flags and m edal­ lions fro m them . F la g sa n d m e d - allipns will be on display in Col. K . -W. Savory's off ice,. M arine D rive , who has kindly given his__ a re doing .welL office fo r th a t- purpose to th e ♦ ♦ ♦ D^V. A ssociation. , M iss'^A.'"^"(5oleman," wTio~nbas . Mr. and Mrs. D.-Beach of V an­ couver, have-m oyj^ in to a house a t 3015 Marine D rive. Born to Mr. ?and Mrs. V. Sm ithson (aee, A gnes Philips Lem on), on A pril 6 th , 1935, a t St. P au l's Hospital, a son. Both - M i l F been spending th e p a s t year on a v isit to her uncle and aunt;^ Mr. and M rs.. S. C» Coleman,; FORTUNE CUP INN Dundarave Pier , Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Ac-J commodation for D anc^ MfeeW ings, pinner Parties. -- PHONE: WEST 36 BARBARIANS' AUXILIARTT The G irls' A uxiliary to th e B arbarians held th e ir final rheet- 23rd S treet, is leaving shortly to ing o f thd season on Tuesday re tu rn to her hom e in th e Old; evening A t th e hom e of th e Country, p residen t, Miss Jb sie 'L ey lan d . - * * .* A fte r ; th e -business m eeting Mr. and Mrs. S m ith and fam ily bridge „was indulged in, fo u r of Varicouver, have moved into tab les l^ in g in play. Mrs. G. D. a house a t Balmy Beach. - E lg a r and M rs. J . R."'Mitchell, ancouver H orticu ltu ra l A ssociation will hold a m ilita ry w h ist in th e O range Hall on F ri­ day, A pril 1 2 th . W h ist will coih- m ence a t 8:15 p.m. The. direc­ to rs are hoping fo r a la rge a t­ tendance of card players. An added fea tu re will be a display of daffodils and spring flowers w hich will in no way in te rfere w ith th e w h ist All are'Tnvited ~to tak e"part""in" thre" display and "a re -a sk e d "1)0-brrng~5-'tpump€tr:- daffodils; 5 chalete cupped or A b o rt tru m p e t "daffodils; 5 any o th e r v a r ie ty ; 1 vase , spring flowers ; 1 vase flowering shrubs.. Good- refreshm en ts will be -served and all are prom ised an enjoyable-evening. A ny inform ­ ation can be had fro-m Mrs. Wm. D ickinson, convener. Hollyburn Theatre rilUR., Fill. & SAT. MAT. April 11th, 12Lh and ju th . JOE PENN Ell in College Rhythm with L ANN IE IlOSS JACK OAKIE SAT. EVE. and MQNDAY April 13th and IBth „ 'The Gay Divorcee' GINGEIl ROGERS AUCE BRADY also 'Japanese Lantern' TUESDAY & WJiDNESDAY April 1/lth and 17th 'Big Hearted Hirbert' " My Lips BetrayIF SOFTBALL K.W. Savory honorary m em bers, were pres^ en t. The prize w as won by Miss Caroline M arsh. The A uxiliary hope to m eet ag a in a t th e beginning of Sep­ tem b er to plan th e ir w in te r's work. The W est V ancouver recrea­ tional dancing g roup trained by Miss Molly E dw ards w ere chosen from all the' o th e r groups to give a dancing num ber- la s t ' M onday afterpoon in th e Wom^ ' en's Building before L ady Bess- R efreshm ents w ere served by, borough. They .gave th e Blue th e k o stess. . Danube and were C ongratu la ted by H er Excellency. Miss M arj- T he annual m eeting of the Softball A ssociation will be held ; in th e fe rry office board rooms on F rid ay , A pril 12th, a t 7 :45 p.m . . All team s are asked to be su re and have a represen tative a t th is m eeting as plans fo r the com ing season will be discussed. N O ^ SHORE BRANCH SALES • SERVICE RADIOS - RANGES OIL BURNERS FORST'S North 6»6 WoBljeo 06 Lonsdale Avo, North Vancouver Miss D oris Bulkley arrived on T uesday from . H o n ^u lu on th e E m press,.o f Jap an to v isit her p aren ts , MV. anci M rs. George BulkJiey of 'd r e a m y Nook," 26th and Bellevue Avenue. RRE W EDDING SHOW ER------ ori'e-R ivers also^giving-a-isolo SE E D DISTRIBUTION 0 . C. G. NOTES 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evening West 143 Listings Wanted A t th e C anadian A partm ents, ̂acrobatic -dance. T he m em bers Vancouver, >on th e evening of of th e group w ere: th e Misses A pril 4, M rs. F ranklin and th e Maisie Busst, M arjo n e Riyers, London'G rocery em ployees w ere Gwen Langley, Gwen Davison, jAi'nit bostfisaes a t a S ur p r is e A rm strong'* an d JaJiet G rocery Show er given in honor Thompson, of; M iss Mollie Kinloch, bride -- elect PTApril 1 0 th , who h as been an-em ployee of th e above firm du rin g th e past th ree y^ars. TThe ap a rtm en t w as decorated Seeds will be d istribu ted by th e W est Vancouver W elfare As­ sociation- to those who have previously requested them a t th e h eadquarters , 2192 Marine ^D iw cr^n^^turdayT-A priJ-lB liiT-" ^from 2 to 5 p.ipi* On F riday , A pril 1 2 th, the re , will be Rod Young, who will speak on "Socialism -- th e Sal­ vation of th e W ork ing , C lass." ,Come a t 8 p.m. to .1730 M arine _D riyer-^ ll-a i^ -w elcom e,--y o u n g - and old. C. J . OVERINGTON EXPECTED HOME SUNDAY The many friends of C ." J; w ith w hite and p ink stream ers Overingfcon,. 14th. a n d M arine and flowers. The bride elect c u t Drive, will be glad to h e a r he ' th e 'cake a f te r w hich re fre sh - has m ade a quick recovery frbm^ m erits w ere served. She was an operation jn th e Vancouver" presen ted w ith a lovely bouquet General Hospital .and expects to o f carnations, daffodils and' be back a t his home Sunday. I t purp le stock. The re s t of th e is h is intentioa to open h is b a r-, -ev en in g swas 's p e n t in a social . bershop again a t 14th and M ar- miaimer. i ijie Drive, early n ex t week. FIFTH ANNUAL By WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL BAND BAND CONCERT .. -in the ---------- - Inglewood School Auditorium WEDNESDAY, . APRIL 17th - at 8 p.m. Tickets 25c. OUNQLN^UWSON CHAPTER I. 0. D. E. for tĥ . Younger Set W EST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYED ^ S S 'N -W to iteorMge'Hai,; FRIDAY, APRIL 26th. 1935 Juniors, 6.45 i 9 p.rau , ̂ y<»nger Set; 9 to 12.30 p.m» ; Tickets ;Now ôn; Safe' ___ , 'V i - 'There will be a m eetin g tb- n ig h t a t th e Legion H all a t 8 p.m. . , . A s miany as possible a re r e ­ quested to attend. RE-ROOF NOW GENUINE DUROID ROOFS ON EASY TERM S R. B. CRiPPS - ROOFER - WEST 88R "Vr .tii ' 'PI ' L • I" rVf; I* I I 4' I'i .r, ' ill 'H fl . .'ij ' ■ I' ■ , .'Tr i ji' V , i ',.-1 t i y ' it V *. 'A I ft. i -'I- u L ̂ I 3 , 'I' t j / 'k ' , "•H - U ■ r n r i i 'b ' >,'u iff-. I. r I 'a*', 'I K f-'