West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Apr 1935, p. 4

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'■mmrnm #> rpmww* •.vnsrnm ',aw*f4iky " .. 1*1 ifeMM 1 .>1 ,i a '■' J rL. 1 ; t "7 WmM VAN NEWS Fli0fii West 419/•*<« • .• P f i ^ l ^ 'G c ^ y r fd a y 'M li iS i tM rd a y t 4 tiT • 0 M E I I i^ 1 3 ^ A m if0 A H € E ^ A S E S . ^ a C. FKESH C R A B U B A t.H i Tin 14c *<; *^iiiS5 **'w BsNMIw X*(WrvJMWTRl' »4# 4*/# lSi0Cw$Mlf̂ (llf0 ■■. R«d A Wliito riL C IlA R D a 1» : 2 tin*. 19c SARDINES..........................A U m 19c C«nmdi«n in 01). It«<i A White tO BSTEa *Ah Off 19c ADNT MARY'S COFFEE I th. b a g ..................................... . jt9f rOHK and BEANS. Nabob. 18 ox. tin ■■ ■'i-for'TJte" SUGAR ^ B. C. Granulntea 10 iba. SSe CORN FLAKEB~Kctloff'i.3 for 25c RAPID OATS--RoWn Hood Non<Fremium...................... pkt 19ĉ STRAWBERRY JAM Nabob Pure .............................. 4 lb, tin 45c MARMALADE -- Murray'a. , 4 lb, tin 39t Red A White PASTRY F1X)UR _ 7 Ib. each .............. ....................... 25c READY CUT MACARONI. 2 Iba. 16c Phone West J70 ONTARIO C IJE E Sa |w r Ib . ........ 19« LEGS OF LAMB, per Ib. 24l SHOULDERS OF LAMB (whole) per lb. 15c IIADDIE FILLETS, per lb. .......: 20c ^S'l'ANDARD FILLETS, per lb.... 15c FINNAN H A D D ia pcr lb.......... I5c SHOULDER PORK ROASTS PEPPER ^ 'SAUSAOa per Ib.... 18c BEEF SAUSAGE...........2 Iba. for 25c YOUNG BOILING FOWL. Freah Killed, per Ib.................... 20c SIDE 1 A m the weather improves more and more EoJfers are using the seaside golf course and they. ■uiMtoe -̂at-'each suceesslye .ylait that the improvements are con­ tinuing. It has now become obvious that this year the local links will be one of the most int­ eresting in this part of the country. Each one of the nine holes is different and with the elimination of the rough and widening of the fairways, a most enjoyable game can be played, lire new fifth tec will in all like­ lihood be in use by Easter; this Is perhaps the best of the alter­ ations, though the new fourth green and the improved seventh JEFFERIES'3 0 P O a C ^ a t S Govemmwrt Inspectri Ody ' h a m s " - : - " l a m b " B pE r:',,-i-„JE O B E .."̂ " "vEA L COL0 MEATS OF A W ,« n n » - > D B U eA ftaS B N 1 store at Holly burn, next Theatre P H O ltE W E B T * - , '•......... ■ ' r ' . ' green, which are to be put in h a i......................... •A Ib. PkU*. SIDE BACON, each 18c DUCK F/;GS (lAical), per doxen 29c BEEF. PORK, VEAT. LAMB. All of the Fineat Quality,' i -land shortly, will be very wel­ come to Gleneagles habitues. and all MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER £UMBER CO. LTD. -FOR REAL SATISFACTION -̂------ Red & White JELLY POWDERS AsHorted Flavors ...........6 pkia. 25c For best results use Jam es Bros.' Seeds, 100^ Ganadlan *Vo I really need brushing off?" asked the passenger in the Pullman. "Does you I" exclaimed the porter, with great emphasis. "Boss, Ise broke!" Phone West 115 -'1497 Marine Drive . "Eliza," said a friend of the family to the old colored wash­ woman, "have you seen Miss E d ith 's fiance?" "No, ma'am. It ain't been in the wash yet." CLASSIFIED A D S The rate for Claaslfied AdTcrtlaenenta fa 2 emta per wprd, minimum 25 centa. Except in the case of thoae h a rin f regular accoanta, all class!, fleds are payable strictly In adTunce. Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newa get immediate results. . WANTED-______ -Reliable help. Phorie West 5irl for mother's06R1. CHEAP FOR TWO MONTHS--Beach Camp, well furnished, near ferry. Phone West 350X. .. . FOR SALE -- Six-hole Range in good condition, $26.00. Phone West 119R8«. Mornings. FOR SALE-- Rockery and Alpine ' plants, large variety. Week days. C. Barrow, 24th and . Nelson. FOR RENT at $25.00 -- Comfortable home, modem, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch; large living room: fire place. Box 77, West Van-News. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. CRAIG & ROLPH -- Radio Service; over 12 years' experience., Phorie West 540. TO RENTT _ 4-Room Ciottage, fum- ished, a t 16th and Waterfront, also boats for sale. Apply, Oliver, FORTUNE CUP INN -- Afternoon leas, Lunches, Accommodation for •dances, meetings, dinner parties. Phone West 86. ' an d yon get them Only In the STYUB an d aUALlTY Car in the liow»Price Field Fo r 1935, the M aster C hevrolet offers you five famous m odem features, n o t o n e o£ w h ic h can you g et on any other car in C h e v ^rolet's price class! "Turret Top" Fisher body-- the fir st real eiU-" steel body ever olfered in the low price field 1 Kncbe:;ActtQn'=d[o£..-jBaiety_and_comfortl~:_Blue-- Flame Engine--the valverhi-head type used in costly cars! W eatherproof Cable-Controlled Brakes I. Fisher No-Draft V entilation I W hen you can get^all these fe a tu r ^ ln only one low -priced c a r , . . se e and d r iv e that car befpre you buy! Call today at our shom bom s. PRICED FROM HAYWARD AND PREBBLE^Radio Servicing, Patronise West Vancou­ ver. Guaranteed work. Phone West 539. ■ ®^bLY VARDEN SHOip, 2444 Marine ^H o sie i^ , Millinery, Ladies? and Children's Wear, Dance Novelties. City prices. BRADLEY & TURNER -- Painting, Kalsominlng and Paperhanging. 1 Phone West 380X1. - , SINGER SEWING -MACHINE CO., 742 GranvUIa St.-- - Agent North Shore and West Vcncouver, W. w North 1568R and 'W est Van. Cleaners, West 161.LLOYD'S WOOL & r KNITTING ___ ___________________ p o p , 2474 Marine -- Cpn}plete EASTER GOODS -- Cards Novelties line spring wools.* Free knitting Notiorm o u i school. -Violet and Kathleen Clem- , pHeg ent^ Prdiirietbrs.________________ _ ^ n d a r a ^ r ^ GEO. HAY, Notary Public -- Real; NON-BOARn ivqttu axrr«i? om . Estate and.Insurance. Phone West Glow Oil 21 or Seymour 1260. ________^ e S W5L7 HEADQUARTERS for All Popular Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Pishing Gadgits for local wat­ ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. WANTED One fnnusbed and one unfurnished 4»room cottage near f e ^ . Phone West 840 or West 143 BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY rTHE WELTARE ASSOCIATION rê quires discarded clothing. Phone ^ W est 87 and truck .will~collect. ^ Girls' Auxiliary to t h e **4i*^*P E ^ A IR S -- West Van. Radio Barbarian RugBy 'CIub; are m eet- i ^ ^ Eettigrew), West 108, / ing at the home of the Presi- ̂ '____________ ^ n t , Miss Josie Leyland, on l a w n MOWERS SHARPENED -- Tuesday, the' 9th instant, at Repairs, all makes. West Vancou-^ " xiiotttiiL, <tL -- «i«aes. .west vanc< 8 :1 5 . Bridge will be played a f t e r _ Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. th e m eeting , and th e honorary f r e d jo n r s j o j W V . ^ Bicycles. Repairs.^City Pricesp re se n t A s i t is th e last m eetr I455 Marine. , -West-;472Y. ing of the season a full turnout ni?waoi«A»r.« -̂-----^ ^ ---------of memb^s is expected. dressmaking A- ALTERATIONS ^ ,pahts a specialty. Phone ---- ------ _Mrs. Robbins. West 619R. BUILDING PERMITS, $14,600. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER -- Mar- firaret Hobson. W est 427L . The municipal hall last month -̂-------- issued 13 perm its "to taling " " ^ T I N G -- F or aU kinds of $14,6.00, .made up as follows^:-^____P n n t in ^ p h o n e -W est--VaiL dwellings, $12,600; 3 alterations and additions, $1,800; and 2 garages; $200. This is an in­ crease of $6,380 over the figures for February, when permits is­ sued were $8,220, and $10,975 greater than, the totalTbf $3,625 Tor-March bOf-Iast-year. ----- News, West 363. MARCEL SHOP- -- New Thermiqoe ® t ? Pamianent; Marcel, 50c; Re­ set, 36c; Finger Wave, 60c. Above w y a l Bank. Phone West 304. SHOE REPAIRS --- Get the best mat- ®5^_and_jworkmanship--at-Fox's, Tfth a t Perry. REEIALL Spring Gne-Cent Sale THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY ̂ " April 4th, 5th and €th Your West Vancouver Rexall ,® ® complete stock. Shop Early. REXALL. DRUG. STORE M c N e i l l s ' a t 1402 Marine Drive Phones: Day, West 528, Night, W est SKR Free Delivery * C. J . ARCHER LTD. -- List Proper­ ties vrith us. now. We have direct inquiries' and ■ active connections. .Phone West:226 or Seymour 5954. WEST BAY LIBRARY -- 50 cents a month. New hooks every month. ^ ^ e n iis h e d a n d u n f u r n is h e d Houses to Rent. Houses, -acreage rfor sale. John Lawson, and Marine^ Phone West 55. ' GORDON ROBS.ON Baxrisfer -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive ' Phone W att,408. 10 to 12. VANOIUVBE OFFTCE-- _ SuitehO l: 510 fl^urtiiigt St. W. Pltoue^ B^ymoizr ~4199. 2 to 5. _____ f •> ̂ t C-