'■mmrnm #> rpmww* •.vnsrnm ',aw*f4iky " .. 1*1 ifeMM 1 .>1 ,i a '■' J rL. 1 ; t "7 WmM VAN NEWS Fli0fii West 419/•*<« • .• P f i ^ l ^ 'G c ^ y r fd a y 'M li iS i tM rd a y t 4 tiT • 0 M E I I i^ 1 3 ^ A m if0 A H € E ^ A S E S . ^ a C. FKESH C R A B U B A t.H i Tin 14c *<; *^iiiS5 **'w BsNMIw X*(WrvJMWTRl' »4# 4*/# lSi0Cw$Mlf̂ (llf0 ■■. R«d A Wliito riL C IlA R D a 1» : 2 tin*. 19c SARDINES..........................A U m 19c C«nmdi«n in 01). It«<i A White tO BSTEa *Ah Off 19c ADNT MARY'S COFFEE I th. b a g ..................................... . jt9f rOHK and BEANS. Nabob. 18 ox. tin ■■ ■'i-for'TJte" SUGAR ^ B. C. Granulntea 10 iba. SSe CORN FLAKEB~Kctloff'i.3 for 25c RAPID OATS--RoWn Hood Non<Fremium...................... pkt 19ĉ STRAWBERRY JAM Nabob Pure .............................. 4 lb, tin 45c MARMALADE -- Murray'a. , 4 lb, tin 39t Red A White PASTRY F1X)UR _ 7 Ib. each .............. ....................... 25c READY CUT MACARONI. 2 Iba. 16c Phone West J70 ONTARIO C IJE E Sa |w r Ib . ........ 19« LEGS OF LAMB, per Ib. 24l SHOULDERS OF LAMB (whole) per lb. 15c IIADDIE FILLETS, per lb. .......: 20c ^S'l'ANDARD FILLETS, per lb.... 15c FINNAN H A D D ia pcr lb.......... I5c SHOULDER PORK ROASTS PEPPER ^ 'SAUSAOa per Ib.... 18c BEEF SAUSAGE...........2 Iba. for 25c YOUNG BOILING FOWL. Freah Killed, per Ib.................... 20c SIDE 1 A m the weather improves more and more EoJfers are using the seaside golf course and they. ■uiMtoe -̂at-'each suceesslye .ylait that the improvements are con tinuing. It has now become obvious that this year the local links will be one of the most int eresting in this part of the country. Each one of the nine holes is different and with the elimination of the rough and widening of the fairways, a most enjoyable game can be played, lire new fifth tec will in all like lihood be in use by Easter; this Is perhaps the best of the alter ations, though the new fourth green and the improved seventh JEFFERIES'3 0 P O a C ^ a t S Govemmwrt Inspectri Ody ' h a m s " - : - " l a m b " B pE r:',,-i-„JE O B E .."̂ " "vEA L COL0 MEATS OF A W ,« n n » - > D B U eA ftaS B N 1 store at Holly burn, next Theatre P H O ltE W E B T * - , '•......... ■ ' r ' . ' green, which are to be put in h a i......................... •A Ib. PkU*. SIDE BACON, each 18c DUCK F/;GS (lAical), per doxen 29c BEEF. PORK, VEAT. LAMB. All of the Fineat Quality,' i -land shortly, will be very wel come to Gleneagles habitues. and all MATERIALS WEST VANCOUVER £UMBER CO. LTD. -FOR REAL SATISFACTION -̂------ Red & White JELLY POWDERS AsHorted Flavors ...........6 pkia. 25c For best results use Jam es Bros.' Seeds, 100^ Ganadlan *Vo I really need brushing off?" asked the passenger in the Pullman. "Does you I" exclaimed the porter, with great emphasis. "Boss, Ise broke!" Phone West 115 -'1497 Marine Drive . "Eliza," said a friend of the family to the old colored wash woman, "have you seen Miss E d ith 's fiance?" "No, ma'am. It ain't been in the wash yet." CLASSIFIED A D S The rate for Claaslfied AdTcrtlaenenta fa 2 emta per wprd, minimum 25 centa. Except in the case of thoae h a rin f regular accoanta, all class!, fleds are payable strictly In adTunce. Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newa get immediate results. . WANTED-______ -Reliable help. Phorie West 5irl for mother's06R1. CHEAP FOR TWO MONTHS--Beach Camp, well furnished, near ferry. Phone West 350X. .. . FOR SALE -- Six-hole Range in good condition, $26.00. Phone West 119R8«. Mornings. FOR SALE-- Rockery and Alpine ' plants, large variety. Week days. C. Barrow, 24th and . Nelson. FOR RENT at $25.00 -- Comfortable home, modem, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch; large living room: fire place. Box 77, West Van-News. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. CRAIG & ROLPH -- Radio Service; over 12 years' experience., Phorie West 540. TO RENTT _ 4-Room Ciottage, fum- ished, a t 16th and Waterfront, also boats for sale. Apply, Oliver, FORTUNE CUP INN -- Afternoon leas, Lunches, Accommodation for •dances, meetings, dinner parties. Phone West 86. ' an d yon get them Only In the STYUB an d aUALlTY Car in the liow»Price Field Fo r 1935, the M aster C hevrolet offers you five famous m odem features, n o t o n e o£ w h ic h can you g et on any other car in C h e v ^rolet's price class! "Turret Top" Fisher body-- the fir st real eiU-" steel body ever olfered in the low price field 1 Kncbe:;ActtQn'=d[o£..-jBaiety_and_comfortl~:_Blue-- Flame Engine--the valverhi-head type used in costly cars! W eatherproof Cable-Controlled Brakes I. Fisher No-Draft V entilation I W hen you can get^all these fe a tu r ^ ln only one low -priced c a r , . . se e and d r iv e that car befpre you buy! Call today at our shom bom s. PRICED FROM HAYWARD AND PREBBLE^Radio Servicing, Patronise West Vancou ver. Guaranteed work. Phone West 539. ■ ®^bLY VARDEN SHOip, 2444 Marine ^H o sie i^ , Millinery, Ladies? and Children's Wear, Dance Novelties. City prices. BRADLEY & TURNER -- Painting, Kalsominlng and Paperhanging. 1 Phone West 380X1. - , SINGER SEWING -MACHINE CO., 742 GranvUIa St.-- - Agent North Shore and West Vcncouver, W. w North 1568R and 'W est Van. Cleaners, West 161.LLOYD'S WOOL & r KNITTING ___ ___________________ p o p , 2474 Marine -- Cpn}plete EASTER GOODS -- Cards Novelties line spring wools.* Free knitting Notiorm o u i school. -Violet and Kathleen Clem- , pHeg ent^ Prdiirietbrs.________________ _ ^ n d a r a ^ r ^ GEO. HAY, Notary Public -- Real; NON-BOARn ivqttu axrr«i? om . Estate and.Insurance. Phone West Glow Oil 21 or Seymour 1260. ________^ e S W5L7 HEADQUARTERS for All Popular Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Pishing Gadgits for local wat ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. WANTED One fnnusbed and one unfurnished 4»room cottage near f e ^ . Phone West 840 or West 143 BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY rTHE WELTARE ASSOCIATION rê quires discarded clothing. Phone ^ W est 87 and truck .will~collect. ^ Girls' Auxiliary to t h e **4i*^*P E ^ A IR S -- West Van. Radio Barbarian RugBy 'CIub; are m eet- i ^ ^ Eettigrew), West 108, / ing at the home of the Presi- ̂ '____________ ^ n t , Miss Josie Leyland, on l a w n MOWERS SHARPENED -- Tuesday, the' 9th instant, at Repairs, all makes. West Vancou-^ " xiiotttiiL, <tL -- «i«aes. .west vanc< 8 :1 5 . Bridge will be played a f t e r _ Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. th e m eeting , and th e honorary f r e d jo n r s j o j W V . ^ Bicycles. Repairs.^City Pricesp re se n t A s i t is th e last m eetr I455 Marine. , -West-;472Y. ing of the season a full turnout ni?waoi«A»r.« -̂-----^ ^ ---------of memb^s is expected. dressmaking A- ALTERATIONS ^ ,pahts a specialty. Phone ---- ------ _Mrs. Robbins. West 619R. BUILDING PERMITS, $14,600. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER -- Mar- firaret Hobson. W est 427L . The municipal hall last month -̂-------- issued 13 perm its "to taling " " ^ T I N G -- F or aU kinds of $14,6.00, .made up as follows^:-^____P n n t in ^ p h o n e -W est--VaiL dwellings, $12,600; 3 alterations and additions, $1,800; and 2 garages; $200. This is an in crease of $6,380 over the figures for February, when permits is sued were $8,220, and $10,975 greater than, the totalTbf $3,625 Tor-March bOf-Iast-year. ----- News, West 363. MARCEL SHOP- -- New Thermiqoe ® t ? Pamianent; Marcel, 50c; Re set, 36c; Finger Wave, 60c. Above w y a l Bank. Phone West 304. SHOE REPAIRS --- Get the best mat- ®5^_and_jworkmanship--at-Fox's, Tfth a t Perry. REEIALL Spring Gne-Cent Sale THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY ̂ " April 4th, 5th and €th Your West Vancouver Rexall ,® ® complete stock. Shop Early. REXALL. DRUG. STORE M c N e i l l s ' a t 1402 Marine Drive Phones: Day, West 528, Night, W est SKR Free Delivery * C. J . ARCHER LTD. -- List Proper ties vrith us. now. We have direct inquiries' and ■ active connections. .Phone West:226 or Seymour 5954. WEST BAY LIBRARY -- 50 cents a month. New hooks every month. ^ ^ e n iis h e d a n d u n f u r n is h e d Houses to Rent. Houses, -acreage rfor sale. John Lawson, and Marine^ Phone West 55. ' GORDON ROBS.ON Baxrisfer -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive ' Phone W att,408. 10 to 12. VANOIUVBE OFFTCE-- _ SuitehO l: 510 fl^urtiiigt St. W. Pltoue^ B^ymoizr ~4199. 2 to 5. _____ f •> ̂ t C-