^ Weeki^Newspaper Circulatini[in the ̂ District of West Vancouvef^Ambieside^ Hoiiybum^ Weftop, Dundarave^ $1.00 per y«fr; CyPreSS Park, Couifmd, Whyteciiff ̂ EtC. ' *« p«r copy «t newaaUnd*. IX HrOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. APRIL 4th. 1935 No. 49 • ' ' i'» ■ •k'H d is a b l e d VETB!RAN8' ASSOCIAnON RULES OF CONTEST LITERARY SOCIETY LEGION ENTERTAINMENT COMING EVENTS 'I. The members will assemble next Sunday, April 7tti, a t 6:45 p.m. at, the Memorial Aroh, wliere a wreath will be placed m memory of comrades who fell a t For Coat of Arms for West Van- A m eeting of the society will couver -- Sponsored by Dun- be held tonight at the usual can Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. place and hour, when an address --------- will be given by Mr. H. G. Sel- TheJOuncan Lawson Chapter, wood, "More About Garibaldi." there will be a large ^turnout of members. Disabled V eterans are m charge of the flags to be sold in connection with the King's Jub ilee celebration and Hope for the co-operation of all citizens in making a wonderful display-of • flags throughout the municipal ity. Further announcements will . be made later. tend. I.O.D.E., have planned to present The address will be illustrated i>imy Ridge in April, ,19X7. They to the Municipality of West Van- with a number of new lantern will then proceed for divine ser- couver a "Coat of . Arms," and slides.' All friends interested in vice to St. Stephen's Church. I t have prepared a contest, open to the subject are welcome to at hoped th a t there will be a Residents of West Vancouver of " ' 1 year or over; the prize for the accepted design bo be $25.00. Following are the rules of the "Cbai of Arms for West ' Vancouver*' L. 0 . L. DANCE Tomorrow (Friday) the above lodge will hold a dance in the Orange Hall with a return en- (1) Contestant m ust have been ..gagennent Of the Cariboo Cow-. Anniversary of Vimy Ridge, 9th April, 1917, will be celebrat ed in the Legion Hall next Tues day evening, commencing a t 8:30 p.m., with four boxing bouts and two of wrestling. The referee will be .Tom Moore of Vancouver. A Smoking Concert will follow for which a good vocal and instrum ental program has been arranged. A hearty in vitation is extended to nil, ex- seiwice men and the ir friends. April 2Gth -- I. 0. D. E. Easter Dance foi' the Younger Sot in the Orange Hall. HKNEFIT WHIST & DANCE Admission by ticket which may i frebe procured from any Leglonaire of the West Vancouver Branch. Don't forget all roads lead to a permianeht resident in boys Orchestra. This time they the Legion Hall Tuesday night, A very successful whist and dance vyas given in aid of the unenipToyed last Saturday even ing in the Ix'gion Hull by Mos- (iamos S. E. Ibomnns, M. Cun ningham, T. G. CAudwoll, W. Green, and C. E. Sharman. Nineteen tables were in play and .$.'14.5() \yas collected. The prize winners wore: flrst Indies', Mrs. H. G. 'Ware; consolation, Mrs, Glover; first gentlerrion's, R. W. I* I'L' ' "St "'M '» ' West Vancouver from June will have Sunny with themi, who 9th instant. Special ringside Davies; consolation, H. Turner; SCHOOL BOARD NOTES (Contributed) A joint meeting of the Counr cil and School Board was held a t the Municipal Hall on . March 18th, where a thorough esoamm- ation was made of all points af fecting the school'estimates for 1935. The Council showed a keen appreciation of the diffi culties faced by th e Board, and an understanding founded on the experience of the ir members, a majority, of whom are past trustees. The Bioard in tu rn had a clear picture of the position of the Municipality, and agreed to mteet the wishes of the Oolincil for this critical period. The levy femains. thd^ainLj^,,^s„te1?34, viz.: $45,000.00. , ^ ' At a subsequent special m eet ing of the Boardf i t was pro- 1984. (2 ) Name accompaning design m ust be in separate sealed '/envelope. (3<) JTudges' decision m ust be considered final. (4) Best or any design not necessarily accepted. (6) Size of design to be about sings over the air. The hall will be decorated for ;the occasion. Dancing will take place from 9 to 12 and the admission will be 35 cents. seats. For West 679R. reservations phone •<v, WEST VANCOUVERBAND TO 'TOUR B. C. HOLLYBURN HALL A young people's service illus- 6x6 in. on a 10x10 in. sheet tr^ted , w ith lantern views will be held a t 7 :30 b.m, tomorrow^ (Friday) in Hoilyburn |Hall,' Jack Anderson / will be the speaker. Sunday School and young men's Bible Class a t 10 a.m, next Sunday; H. Summers sign, giving the meaning will speak on "A Banker's Testi- , of each sj^mbol used. A mony," a t the 7 :30 p.m. service scroll and Latin inscription next Sunday, April 7tH. Tuesday ' may be included. 8 p.m., prayer and Bible (9) The ; ^ g and Royal Sym- study, bols are debarred from use. (6) Design must be in color. (7) Design must be practical and capable of being re produced to a smaller size. (8) Design must be accompani ed by a history of the de- On April 21st, the West Van couver School Band is leaving on a week's tour of the Okanag an.^ Valley. Concerts will be given in Kaniloops, Armstrong, Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton and door prizo, Mrs. Bloxham'; can ary prize, Mrs. E. . Reynolds; flower prize, A .'Duncan; dance prize, Mrs. Oimi; travelling prize, Mrs. Cue. Following curds the guests spent an enjoyable time (lancing to the music of the Black Diamond Orchestra, |̂:i f >1 TO CELEBRATE THE KING'S JUBILEE iV': % j M/r*. . Reeve Leyland a t the Choral ^ ince ton . Fifty boys under Mr. Society's concert Tuesday evon- Condon anci Mr. Delamont will ing announced'the arrangements make the .trip. Arrangements gQ to celebrate the have been made for a special King's Jubilee here. There will car to be used exclusiyely by the ..be;a patriotic concert on Sunday' I "i / ' | i im m b'i 'vd ? " id ■ band throughout' the entire week.. A concert tour of th is kind should be of great value to the boys and'^will certainly show evening, May 5th, by the Home Gas Orchestra in Hollyburn Theatre, the same being broad cast. Following the concert the '..■T-'rti' .CHORAL SOCIETY,CONCERT West VancoBve;,& doin* fw hanas o f ^ oonunitteeby - WELL ATTENDED sch<»l children. ' « {« r tv JJj® •ft?* of the prQvince what public are aslwd to Tight bonfires our beaches at. I X ;45 June Xst, . X935. (IX) The Winning (iesign to re- *As the railway fare, alone for. . . 6 - ------------- -------- -- ^ • XU XU , T l^ re was a large attendance this trip is $1,000, considerable posed that a fu rthe r adjustm ent mam the property ot the last Tuesday evening a t the Hoi- hblp will be required. The boys be made in teachers' salaries in Duncan .Dawson Chapter lybum Theatre for the annual- will a lso . have to be fed and for presentation to the spring concert of the West Van- housed during the trip. The _ Municipality. _ couver Clroral Society under the gchool band has been an assetrto Suggested symibols which may baton of J. Haydn Young. The West Vaheouver and has given greens, f i r Conesv F ir Irees, and a nunaber by the o ix jhestr^^^ wonderful opportunity. Let us the form of a graduated scale of , reductions from schedule, com- "mencing with 15% from' the --lowest-salarieS---ta-~30.%--from p.m. the same evening. At, th a t time a huge bonfire will be also set alight on Hollyburn Ridge. Any monies collected during the celebrations will go to the King's Cancer Fund. those in the h igher brackets. I t - . , , s.*. , * , was found th a t th is represented Dogwood, Maple, Arbu- a reduction of approximately i^us, etc. ^ y y / ■ ■ ■* t ■ ■ ' ■ ' ' / ■'% ' ■. 1 . and the Board did not think th is particularly onerous in view of the reduction th a t has . taken place generally in all salaries and incomes. During the year 1933 salar>3s were paid;on a basis of 20% reduction from schedule, and in 1934. an average of* 15% for the year prevailed. The plain fact, which no nego tiation can change, is th a t the proportion of taxes bein^ col lected these times is insufficient to maintain scales and services at former levels, and the.Prov- inci^J Government is unable o r unwilling to assume its proper v aldry would be of real value and may be obtained from the Public Library or the Encyclopedia ; Bjitannica,.___i____ i _________ -For a copy of the rules or .jfurther particulars apply to Mrs. Bernard Hayes, lVL:s. J. Fi Jacksoii and Mrs. W. B. Small, under the direction of Miss Mar garet McIntyre formed a fittihg tniroductionTto-the-eoncert-vei^-- who form the committee of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, i;O.D. E,, in charge of this' contest. WELFARE ASSOCIATION sion of the Bohemian Girl, which made up the remainder of th e program'. The chorus w as'not required to diO' a great deal in this work, but that was done well. Most of the singing de-' volved on the soloists, Mrs. How- ' ard Leggatt, Mrs. J. D. Donovan, Miss Ivy Miles, J. U. Kelt, Aub rey .Clarke, and R, W. Froud. Considering either one dr the other of these artists was called upon c(>ntinuously for an hour and a half to render mlusic, show them and: the rest of the province w hat we think of our bandT^by^'ncouraging~1iTein- PAVILION DANCE T h e "il'oilylmTn""'PavTltoTr"'ar<r"" giving a ̂dance pn Saturday t ;«■ V ^ ' :'" r' ■ m . i a i S i ' '"' in- ■pn evening .of this week, jthere--w411-be_a_riew_-7---piece-or whei? iV*.': 1 % their first tour of British Col umbia. T h e 'fifth annual concert by the School Band will be given Wednesday, April 17. A very fine program has been arranged anci the entire proceeds will be used to assist the boys on the trip. ? ' chestra (union) and new music. Arrange a party and bring your friends. A free Pacific stage will leave North Vancouver^at 8:45 p.m. The Pavilion can be rented for dances, parties, etc., a t reasonable rates. 'f */'* ^ '4 / i ; i r-Ai'-i y.:i IT.:' TENNIS CLUB \ . . -/"ll HORTICl)LTURAL ASSN. A meeting pf the W est Van- much of it difficult,TKey m ^ e a couver Welfare Association will good showing. The orchestra' be held a t 7:30 p.m. next Mom responsibility for social services.' day,. April 8th, a t headquarters. It is hoped the Dental Clinic ".*11___ 1- - « . . ,.will soon be in operation agaip_ ^ i s service was suspended fast pecember due to lack of funds;^- but it is^hoped th a t i t will be arranged on a self-Mpporting WEST VANCOUVER Ar b o r d a y Previously aeknowledj^ed $17.00. ____ _ _______________ ^ ^ 'A l Swans'on,__McNei^^^ basis- before the good work, gets "^Dri^^Storej W7~L7"Ker, "A.' Sr̂ f ^ behind. 'The Board appreci- Gibbard (Safeway Stores), R. J. ^tes the value of the Clinic, both Seeds, A. H.i Smith,-M. O'Gra<iyr from the point of view of health F.' Beamish, W. Taylor, G. M. and attendance, and is anxious , Gemmill, Ted, *E. W right, Gwen -gave very material assistance throughout. ' ; Brief addresses were made by H. J. Hobson, president of the society, and by Reeve Leyland, and a t th e conclusion o f the pro- West Vancouver Horticultur al Association will hold" a Milit ary W hist in the Orange-Halh on Friday, April 12th, a t 8 p.m., and a non-competitive display of daffodils and spring flowers. • As there will be a lovely .show ing of daffodils and spring flow ers all through the-municipality The annual meeting of the W est Vancouver Tennis Club took place last Friday evening in St,._ .Stephen's Parish Hall, when reports were received and adopted. The election of officers resulted ̂as folows: presidentT ■I L gram bouquets were presented th is year all arc cordially invited to. . Mrs: Howard Leggatt and ?? Mrs, J; D. D'onovan; - ^ / ^ r ^ T / j W a t t - applied to th e council to purchase D.L. 565, ______________ . . . . . Block 3j2'Lots 12 -and 13. The that it be resumed as soon as Clay, H. McGowan, L. Willing- council agreed to'sell th is prop- possible. ton, Peter Wells Crawford Lucy erty to Charles Hanna for M* Kydd, C. B. Greenwood, Reg- $262.50 subject Jto the usual the ir gardens and at .the_^me_ tim e spend a social evening a t whist. Good refreshm ents, will be served. Any information can be had from Mrs. Wm. Dickin son, convener. Gordon G ray; vice-president, Mrs. J. McNeil secretary, J. GrisedaJe; treasurer, J. Cornish; executive committee, Miss Phyl lis Clifford, Miss Eleanor Brine, V. Griffiths, W. Morfitt. It. is hoped to s ta rt the play ing _season about the end of this m onth.---------- ------------------- kitj, \ y 'I LEGION NOTES TEMPERANCE LEAGUE DUNDARAVE; '̂ORIGINAL?* inhld. P. Blower, J. Watson, D. term s governing the sale of tax WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE IVfecdonald, Loma_ Thonipson, sale lands, i.e„ payment of regis- ____ - * Ida McLean, J . B. Allyn,°A. W. tration anci conveyance charges Miss Maisie B u s^ proprietor H. V. Bell, F. W. of the Dundarave "Original W'ool and K nitting Shoppe, 2446 Marine D rive,/w ishes to an nounce she has engaged the ^ r - vices of a capable instructress, Lathaniv who ydll be a t the shop every aftemooif fy6m~2 to " and will take charge of tfte free knitting clasites. Orders Will be taken fo r ladies* afid Squires, D. E. Bell, G. Shepherd, Ci Hailstone, G. Finlayson, F. Vyvyan -- at 25c each. ^H. I. Vince 50c. : Total $8.50. t Grand total $25.50, . A public meeting under the ___ auspices of the B. C. Temper- . . ............ and portion of 1935 taxes ̂ rom ance League will be held in the pqsed Branch By-i^ws, date of sale. The next general meeting of the local branch will be a t 8 p.m. Friday next a t the Legion Mem- _orial Hall. ' Members are requested to turn out in full, in order to give the utm ost consideration to the pro- r» 1 T, , which The council appointed P." C. Chapman a member of the Town$ PJanm'ng Oomlmission fo r three - , years ending November 3, 1935. Jecti Canada's Greatest Battle. United "Church on Saturday> will come up for the second read- April 6th, a t 8 p.m. Chairman, ing and final adoption. Rev. Andrew Roddan; speaker, The fullest support is also Hon. William U pshaw r-^rm er-- necessai^, for the successful Congressman of Georgia^ sub- outeome of the fight the branch ■■■■ ........... ■ ■ * ■ i ' ' J 1 ' ' V 'V : " SCOUT NOTES ;2nd West Vancouver Troop , _______________ ____ _. . Tenderfoot badges have been children's 'su its, etc. i V ery mod-, j presented to Gerald Jones, Nor- cj^te p rices.. ' , man ^ r t . .The^ council im tructed the^. . W. Laurillard wrote the couh- engineer and .th eT h aim ian of ' ^JiXre bus for hikers on Sunday, the board of works to have made W e m atter was referred to the by a, suitable place fo r passengers chairman of transportation and through the Red Cross activities alighting off the b u s ,. / th e ferry manager. in West Vancouver. IS putting up, against the Van couver, -Welfare " Federation, which organization, seeks to withdraw the privileges enjoyed ex-service men's families * ' I. iif