West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Oct 1934, p. 3

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mm in»l<illlWi|»>WWMl*ftW«<lli Y Ĉ . . .; .:-- ; .* s *v S-. .... , r "Wl "a 'an "■ t im «s -■•'*» V * ' -«*.V.?,̂ «,̂ .y:*...i4 »j, , . I . . . ISsiillly Gemmiirs Store is cele- 'bif»tl»ir***ltr tuftt WINDOWS doors SHlNO£$ lATH VENEERS ROORNG building paper '■A: 4 E t a S i lw e i^ Service SR|CK« CEMENT TILE UME SAND PUNS AN(t SPEOFICATIONS Drawn «p «iinS «stl.; matt* tiv tn Fret. , ■no#',.,™., ̂ 1*1. - ' , ^araii?emT7*'m r ® l p © W " with A spectel theatre ticket Johnson School, im ^sition. See advertisement ♦ e ♦ ' ' this issue. Miss Margaret Nylanil, ^ 6 8 r. 1 A ^ .. . Marine DHve, is confined to her Fraidt the nopular home with an attack of pleurisy# leader of the Home Oil Gas • * * , Miss Margaret McLeod camh down from Powell B iW to spend -T«V, . W Astbury's Bmlders' 16th and Marine Drive ™ jPItone West 199. popular ^ ̂ Oil Gas Concert party, complimented from the platform at the close of Tuesday Jiftemiwn's matinee. Thanksffiving at her home, 229B the younger pupils of West Mathers Avenue. Vancouver, saying they were ------------- ------- the best behaved group before POPPY APPEAL which they had performed. Ail organizations' requiring ' '-* • r wraths to lay on the Cenotaph ....."kea' Strittoo 's BAKERY Heat nee, Sauaage Rolta, Banburv Cakes. C lnnm & B uW Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning. Npt.$ Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 -~jf m *̂;r Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 12th apd I8th, • a *• IV } 1 v! . Burrard Laundry Ltd̂ LAUNDRY SERVICEFORd f f e n d a b l e DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1810 - The first meeting of the foot- on Rcmembrancb Day are askt- bali teams from Pauline Johnson to order same this week, if pos- and H<Jlybum Schools took place siblc, from Mrs. W. T. Atwood, on I^day afternoon ^ n the West 122L or from Mrs. Wick- HoUyburn grounds. Towards ing. West 696R2. the close of the game the Paul- ---------- ---------- ine ptayera found the net to HOLLYBURN HALL ing game., A return game will n:m X eto will be a^U s^^^^ SPENCER TRACY in " BOTTOMS UP" also Business is a Pleasure AETNA RANGEJHL BURNERS I/C8S Work, I./e8S Cost, No Smoko, S ^ , Ashes; Prices from $89.50 Silent, Safe, Odorless, Economical. " Easy Terms. A. G. BEAN, 2303 King's Ave., West Vancouver. Phone: Wjsst 672L. r«i there will be an Illustrated ^+^0 tonmrrow afternoon Lantern Service for boys and at 8.45 on the Pauline School î îs in Hollyburn Hall, At the 7 :30 p.m. service next Sunday, the 14th Instant, Robert Harvey .... '"MON 15 A Y ' ■' ami "T U ESD A Y October ,t5th and KUh. * tA-Ztiff*"- 1 V'/'r *!**■* '■ ' . Vi*' ' rL4<M EX-HIGH BASKETBALL CLUB WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Whist 8 to 10 . . . in the ORANGE HALL, TOMORROW (Friday) -- Dancing 9 to 12. Slim McMullen.and His Orchestra Proceeds for the purchase of equipment. Admission, 25 cents. grounds. * * ♦ Anglers fishing off Garrow Bay over the Thanksgiving holi­ day had good luck with the salmon. 'Mr. and .Mrs. Whitehouse of Winnipeg, have .moved into a house at 21st and Argyle Ave­ nue. .. .m will give an address, taking as Ms subject "What think ye of Christ?" Sunday School and Young Men's Bible Class as usual at' 10 a.m. Tuesday at 8 p.m prayer and Bible study. WII.L HAY 'Those Were the Days' < also Hello P ro sp e rity " WEDNESDAY k THURSDAY October 17th and 18th. /: .LEGION-Notes The last general meeting of Miss Hden Ckfipitts, who came ft® looal^rMch was held in the down for..her brother's wedding. Roon^ hefom a has rphimed to Minto Oitv attendance of members. Bridge ^ c r ? ' ™ ™ Pi«s*defit H. Walker was In the ELISSA LANDI . ,in . ^ "SISTlAS UNDER RUGBY LW. Savory The newiy^formed "Barbari­an" Rugby Team defeated the North. Shore All-Blacks, second 1443 Marine Drive ,.^-Ambleside,„^==4 division, in a league fixture on Saturday by a score of 11 to 5. speech"" at .the Victoria Musical George Currie of Dundarave, and party left here on Saturday for a hunting trip in the Cari­ boo. - * * ♦ ♦ . Mrs. J. P. Fergusson, F.T.G. L., h as'been Appointed .one of the adjudicators in elocution and chair. Next general meeting Friday, October 19 th. nnwjnp ' civrvikar tv -.A'CMm ./DXLBJCN also "CALL IT LUCK" PINAFORE" RADIO SALE Phone West 340 Evenings, West 443 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance Once more the West Vancou­ ver nGirls' Junior Choir under; the direction of Mrs. Colin MacLean, covered themselves with-glory; Jndth.e_firsLhalfJbhejLUrBlacks_FestlvaL.to._j3e_Jifild_riextJ\Iay,__^ haying a slight^advantage of A the other . adjudicators coming slope covered on a forward rush., from the.Old Country. ^ The try was converted.. Later on ' * * *< . - ■ - when they_ presented H.M.S. the ̂"Barbarians?' scored three M.'McTaggart very ill at tries, one.of-which was con- his home,.2317 Lawson Avenue. r t t verted. Sinclair went over ' * * - * . . choruses alike for the first on a neat solo run; . Mrs. E. Cook of Edmonton, «howiS^th^ii^fpr^ntpt^^^ Watt, scoring the second on an has p'urch^sd a lot on Keith ^ Road'. - . ' .♦ Jii ♦ .. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Bieley have moved from 14th and Bellevue Avenue to Vancouver. . Larjrcst Stock on North Shore NEW -- SLIGHTLY USED -- DEMONSTRTORS Many ^Barfiroins to choose from, FORST'S West 37 1680 Marine Drive, LTD. North 525 RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION opening made by Vaughan. Coleman put the game on ice by going over for the third try, -which D'Easum converted. Sinclair, Robson and Larnie were the pick of the forwards, while Vaughan and Watt show­ ed up well in the b^k.iield. The "Barbarians" are hoping to play water ail around, was very beau tiful and artistic. The Duncan A meeting of the association was held last Tuesday in Dun­ darave Hall, when several mat­ ters important to local ratepay­ ers were discussed and will be settled at next meeting. Sey- Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., who era! new members joined up.. A O. E. S. . _ _ . The sewing circle of Naomi before a home crowd'at Amble- Chapter, O.R.S., met at the Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobiky.BuirglfU^, Accident and Sicknesn, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone. W. 42Ys side Park before the season is mSaiiy weeks older::C ^.J^ext week: "Parbarians" vs. "Mouhties" at Renfrew Park, Saturday at 2:30. Mrs. McLeod, 19th and Wat­ erfront, has rented a house at 1147 Marine Drive. home of Mrs. J. Allan, West Bay, last Friday evening, and again at the home of Mrs. R. Fiddes, Gordon Avenue, on Wednesday afternoon when much work was accomplished for the forthcom­ ing sale of work. ^ The sale will be held at the sponsored the program is indebt- ed to ]^s. Olimie and T. B. Tur­ ner, for the stage arrangements, and to J. E. Durbin for the ex­ cellent lighting effects. ^During _ the intermission bouquets were - presented to all the principals and also to Mrs. Colin Ma:cLean, Women's Committee was form­ ed, who will at the next meeting put on a social with refresh­ ments, when a good time wifi be had. All ratepayers are invited to attend. K. A.-Ray, president, will then conclude his address on" the Moratorium, not having time '=r' director, And Mrs. Sheffield, to do so on Tuesday. Look for pianist, while later in the even- full particulars in a later, issue, ing the entire cast enjoyed a The fee to join is only 26 ceritsi le ^ t of apples. and the association is formed to The residents of West Van- help And not h in te couver will eagerly await an- Tickets can be had at the next home of the W. M., Mrs. H. L. elSited"S ? w w o lsvThntYitv.rin OOQfi Anrxrlo ^ ^ yOUDfiT PCOpIo. Whst 286Y. , DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER I.6 .D.E. ANNUAL' ^ .'EN DANCE At Hollyburn Pavilion Paramount Orchestra ; Oct; 26th .Admission 50c Dancing 9 till 1 . Refreshments Thompson, 2096 Ar^le, Wednesday, l^ovember 14th. A whist drive will be held fol­ lowing the next regular meeting on Tuesday, October 16th. GIRLS' CHOIR ED. BLACK 25th & MarinePHONE West 68 FOlR aiid Range Goal W ood,- G r a v e lj ; C em en t, etc. SE R V IC E w i t h C . O . D. The'Girls" Choir under the direction of Mrs. Colin MacLean wilF meet as usual for practice on Saturday morning .in the United Church Hall. Mrs. Mac- Lean will welcome hew, members And the new accompanist of the season,~:Mrs. Ellis will also be present. ̂ . ------ ----------------------- ------------------ Canadiag Legion, W est Vancouver MILITARY WHIST and DANCE in the Legion Hall, a t 8 p.m. FRIDAY, G CT. 1 2 t h Good>rizes ADMISSION 2 5 c r Whists to IflL Panel Dif 10 to 12 Refreshments FREE THEATRE TICKETS WEST VAN. UNITED F. C. Last week - United collected two'" points from Rangers but dropped two to Sappertoh on Monday, after a hard 'game. , The ^visitors, were _jn good shape and look like going^a long way thig( year. United hope to get some of their own back when they travel to Sapperton; Next Saturday United meet Forsts' Radio (Proyincial Chmn- pions), at Ambleside. at 3 p.m. With one or two changes in the team United should win. The public are asked to turn out in , force and support the locals. ' -. W e are now commencing our 15th year's business in W est Vancouver, and to celebrate thjs happy event and _ also tp_ familiarize you with our new location at 1586 Marine Drive, (between B.C. Electric and Piggly W iggly Stores), w e will present to. every purchaser o f goods (tobacco excepted), to the* value of 50c at our store, bn-Saturday; Oct. 13th and Monday, Oct, I *>th, one Admission Ticket-to the Hollyburn Theatre, good on Oct, 15th and 16th.' Limit tw o tickets to a customer. G ein m iW s D rag S tore 1586 Marine Drive, West Vancouver m io iie W est 3 7 F h on e W e s t 3 2 1 1 \ ^ r,' ;i;rfH.M. Vf, 1 f >:■ 4 i - i * r**! ! 'i ■ ' . I 4-A* 1 1 I 4 *-i'ri .y;k ;': ' -'A ; i | !-'l ' 1 [ I i' '!?< s' ̂ - ( i ■'r Amh '4' i ; . If};;' h. . IM U i H ' ' l i v| ' ' V't '• . i ' f e l , )" 5 C 1 * I sh' 'f.' U ;. . > A .I' 1 * J k . . ) ■#"Vf