West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Oct 1934, p. 2

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-- -- 11'I H ? i I; ? t f | li 4f t 4I f !'f ill I . 1 *4 I*# , itf L i I i ̂ it '"I'i l i U I ■:si ft " " ' '** i, ' ' , ■'"■■' ""nrn-n'immr-rr-,.......... ... „ , wnrr VAN irNirn^oii's d i ■■ .'SiiMisy' fliffliiMi' HOUYIDII H IU m5?A- ' ittn^r iebool moA10 ft41k Straoir«r» A Vlitton Wi miDAY EVENING. OCT. IJ lUuftrited Imnimm tot fik»ys"Sttd' Neck Hl'N'UAr, OCT. Utk. It II M .gundiiijr and 'Yomt Um*§ Bfbla Cla»» HUNOAV BVBNfNG at VsM MU. itOBBHT HAEVEY •*Wh*t Think Va of Christ T 1;K8I)AV. 8 n.tn_l*rnyer and Biblo Study. No matter whether your hair In Ioiiu or Nhort your neck Hue lit most important, to wear tbh new feij imte. You may keen il tidy by trimminjr or havinir (Mjrmanent curia, but be aurh to nvoid Ntreiarht enda. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 'IsiA Marine Drift l"or appointments PHONE WEST 117 MALT EXTItACr with HALIBUT LIVER OIL Stnndariacd to be equal to 100% Cod Ijiver Oil In relation ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector: Kev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. October.Nth ~ 20th Sunday after 'IVinlty. " 8:00 a.in. -- Holy Communion. 10:00 & 11:16 a.m, -- Sunday Schoola. 11:15 a.m.--Matina and Sermon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon, Thur.nday, 7;30 --•. Intercession. .-Service. Monday) 8:15 p.my.~rSt. Steph­ en's Young People. Tue.sday, 8:15 p.m,--The Men's Club. Auxiliary Sunday School, 11th & Inglewood Sunday School, 10 a.m. Wednesday, 2:80 p.m, -- St. ,1V COUVEB Scieoce S a ^ t j cmiiffpl BomcM.....at. - nwN.. . 1%9f BdehN̂ ' it a Branch of Tlkl Mjakher Church . The ilm t CShurch of Cbriat, Sdantk^jQ Botton. ^ MMWaehufittt Apulkif' Batvtoi: tl:90 mm- Sunday, October Nth, Subject; "Are* SiOf Disease and Death Real?" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. ^Testimony Meetinif Wedneaday at 8«16 p.tD. The publie. is cordially in* vited to attend our Hcrvices and mcNotinae. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CTORCB............. . 28rd A; Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay, Residence: 28^ Inglewoc ̂Avê Residence Phone West 240R. l»RIC£S EFFECTIVE FRIDAY ^ SUFKEME POItB BLUM JAM wUii pita. 4 lh tijil.™ ..4iafg 27c Fit ASEIl VALLEY STKAWBERHY JAM, PectJii, 4 i k tlii, each S5c TEA -- Max-i-Muni COFf EE -- Nal)ob, Ib. t i n . . PASTRY FLOUR -- Fctherlltav 7 Jh. 22c RAlSiNS -- AuKtralian 2 Crown Seedleaa............. ............ 2 Iba. 25c TOASTED MARSII.MAU.OWi8 ................................... ............ |b. 2Sc BAKING POWDER, 12 oz. tin. Empress..................... ........ each 13c ROBIN HOOD OATS -- chinaware................. .................... 24c W^HITE CORN -- Royal ( ity, Noi 2 tin ............. _______ fee TOMATOES -- Uibby'N, No. 2Y, tin................. ..... ........... 2 for 19c SABLE TOILET' TISSUE .............. ....................25c NUGGET SHOE POLISH .......................... ....... ....... ).').„.;...eiich 9c JUMBO CARBOLIC SOAP ..................................... ...........for io<. PALMOLIVE SOAP ............ ;............................................... for H c aAFBWAY'»TMias*'UHrrEIj" ■"' DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE Sunday Services Low Mass --- 8:45 a.m. High Mass and Sermon 10:45 MRS. G. C. BYRNELL PASSES to Vlhimina A and I), alao full potency of VlUmins B and C. A 2db. Jar for $1.25 OUit̂ 'i ' Ad aCjV gJetaif CPva AfACvDP fIJliU OLI JIIUIJ ' ' JLVf a l̂/ Stephen's - Inglewood W. Catechism and Bible Class--8:00 'a i t ' 1 '.«k 1 T T I I • ' -h.' J i ' T % 1 • i . • ■■ P f 4r t A AMBLESIDE PHARMACY W. L. KBB, Prop 1401 Marina DrIVo Phone Weet 828 FREE DELIVERY A. in Inglewood Hall. St. Francls-in-the-Woods, ^ CauIfeUd 9:45 ii.m,--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 united church Jlev. Hillis, Wright ,Minister. Vespprs and Benediction ' Week-day Services Mass, daily 8 a.m. Fridays: Benediction, Rosary, Confes sions -- 7:80. DR. G, D. H, SEA LE D.D.8., L.D.S, DENTIST Hay Block, 14tii and Marine Or. Offleo Hours 0 to 6 p .m .. Evantngg by appointment. Phone Weat 72 E. GALLANT. D.C., . CHIROPRACTOR 244.4 Marino Drive, Dtmdarave, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Mondaya, Wed. needaya and Pridays..... -House -viaftr^^by apbofntment. Realdonco: 2308 Marine Drive; Phono West S4(JL: . Vancouver Office: 712 Robson Boymour 8790________ Sunday, October 14th. The Sunday School and Senior Bible Class will meet in the Church at 10 a.m. ---- J iurve.st Thanksgiving Service will be held in the morning at II :15 a.m. . Sacred Song Service in thjh overling at 7:15 p.m. Following the Song Service there will beiin At Home for the Young People of the congrega. tion. . Mr. Jack Horton, Presi- BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, October 14th, Anniversary Services 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School. 10 :00 a.m.---Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Preacher, Rev. " H. C. . B ln g h a m , pastor o f Grandview Church. Speciiak Singing. ^ 7 :15 p.m.--^Evening service. ' Pastor will preach. 'TopicT~7"God'i^ u r p o sF Mrs. Mary M. Byrnell, wife of G. C. Byrnell, passed away last Tuesday morning after a linger-' ing illness at her home, 1357 Bellevue Avenue. The deceased, who was aged 69 years, leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter, Mrs. G. C. Pitts resident here, and • two sons, Wesley of Vancouver, and Har­ old of Victoria. Funeral services were held at 2- p.m. yesterday ' from the parlors of Harron Bros. & Williamson, North Vancouver, Rev. Hillis Wnight officiating, and -' interment was made in Gapilano View Cemetery. Ambleside M eta l l : s p e c k , t o - , Proprietor W OrKS Mrs. G. Dunham of Winnipeg, ̂ has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Partridge, 2294 Haywood Avenue. C. J . O verington PIONEER BARBER . Expert Work Nth and Marine dent of the Greater Vancouver nnd God's People." Young People's Societies, will beê Martin will sing, present and will give an address. A cordial invitation to all. Miss Joan Durbin will sing and Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. a .social hour will be spent. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Quarterly. All senior ĵ oung people of the Business Meeting, congre^tion are invited to this Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac- gathering. -- The regular monthly meeting of-the Womien's Missionary So- Miss Kathleen Wenmoth was down for the holiday visiting ^riends-*anxl~"returned~"to~StT George's School, Lytton, on Mon­ day evening. . . . The film director-,was making a' real thriller and working very hard to get action into it. Finally, he turned from the brink of the cliff, mopped his brow, and glanced at a dummy m ^e of straw and old clothes lying on the ground beside him. "GbM~heavehs !̂" 'he Shouted, "Who was it we threw over the cliff?" tice. Phono West ;J35 _______ ________ J P.-T. A. ciety wtill be held in the Church The regular meeting of the hall qn Tuesday afternoon, Oc- P*-T. A. will be held in Ingle- tober 16th, at 2:15. Mrs. Dr. wood School, at 8.Q0 p.m. on Rush Will speak on the remain- Tuesday, October 16th. A speci- ing'chapter of Study Book.- All feature of the meeting will be ladies cordially invited. This presentation of the P.-T. A. date was fixed for Autumn Pvize awarded in the Matricula- 7'hank Offering, but owing to tion Class. the fact that the speaker"r-Miss---------- WEST VANCOUVER [ED CHURCH Harvest Festival Musical Services H:15 a.m. 7:15 p.m. Sunday, October 14th, Solo and,. Anthem. Sacred Song Service -- Solos, Duet, Anthems. l i l C l i T . T M E W k X Eatabiiahcd on North Shore 20 Yearo. fl^dy AaaiaUnt) HARROW BROS. & w ie l ia m s o n Ifuneral Birectors ^orth Vancotivor Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone "North 134 ------ Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone ĵg l̂r. 134 Nellie McCluhg, could not be secured until November, it was decided to postpone it until then.. Harvest Festival Music Morning -- Solo,. "How LovelyVhv . riwrtllinflro ** Y. W. C. T. U. The regular monthly meeting of the Y.W.C.T.U. was held "at the home of Mrs. Tom Hamil­ ton, 1296 Duchess Avenue, at 8 p.m. Tuesday, there being four­ teen members and one visitor T O M O I nj-6 rniy Dwclbna-s" .(Liddle), T Mrs. B. Howiesojij Anthem, "0 t .x. n m m .. l.ord, howmimifold are Thy W.C.T.U. Works,'-' (Baraby). . ' m S ?~ I. > . ^nster, was givenEvening Musical Service-- WumiifriM u. j Anthoms: "Praise Waiteth for Thee, 0 God," (Goss); "Be Glad-- 0 Ye Rlghteousi" (Smart); "The ^ -m Kinig of Love, (Shelley); "As the. Mountains," (Goss); "He Watereth the Hills," (Spinney) • a*.+u i ---- ------------*'- ' ette. At the close of the meet- in- New -West- by Mrs.i ̂ THE West Van N ^ s PubRahecI Bv«ry Thursday 0 Ye'HigSteSw,'" <SiiArt) • '"fie the-Prov- King of Love, (Shelley) * "As i"®®' Scmnfific Temperance the. Mountains," (Goss);' "He Watereth the Hills." f S o i n n ^ t v l w a s commenced on a Lay- Solo, "Lovely Appear Over the Mias sS^i^bfthe'hM tefs •---f Joan. Durbin; Duet, "O Lovely Peace," (Handel). Mrs. Colin MacLean .and A. J. Addy; Solo, Publiaher. P. P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363-- 0itaiD««a and Editorial Offlca: 17th and Marine Drtvĵ (Next to HoUyburn P.O.)" •' Phone West 363 Mail Addioaa: M.^Hollybarii, RCL- Engagement "Thaaka Be to God,"TDixon); Watkins- Mr, J, D. HoIt. ' ' ' of North VancOuverr an- ̂ , w.,«,_______ _ nounce the engagement of their WS ̂ -Wenonah Young, . 2385 Mine,^t^Mr^A--A * ^ n ^ ^ ' nue 1 ^ on ^tui;^y for an ex- The wedding will take ^^acetend^ trip to f and Eurepe; nw weuaing will take place Uld Country quietly toward the latter part of the month. North Vancouver Office: 128 Lionsdale Ave* BrjB. Off LOO a year $2.00 a year m all i-f>V _WESr VANODUVERaDOTED CHURCH AMWtnrHSNKSGIVING SUPPER in the Church Hall, WEDNESDAY, 17th OCTOBER, P.M. Good Program. «■■ . Admission, 35 Cents ©OOD LIGHTING isti pmib'vs selling fon»AS irtportonttBsaleqieî e. h is ^ l e ^ *>'pensive solesm itoiy^ con em̂ oy. lighting rfla sfcm spore 2 0 hy 6 o kA fw gbeV hi^ o thiy costs less then -tiie wages.Airan •WCHIcH jo jA ' ' ^ ^ . V f 0 COLUAABlA ELECTRIC RAILV/AY CC mm