I ^ - I ~ . ' i - , M). - ■ - ,r»«. « * ̂ ' i . I! - "f i * ̂ ^' .-< «<■'• ̂ ' t-»i< ^ ^ I 1*̂ :f^f ; ̂ 1 , T.. "• *"'»5- $1.00 per yew. ra. IX Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver^Amblesidey H o l l y D u n d a r a v e Cypress Park^ CauffeiHWhytecliff^ Etc, ^ HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th. 1934 S ^ E G I O I ? W. A. LEGION WHIST AND DANCE BOWLING TOURNAMENT COUNCIL NOT^S The Branch held a very suc- Dance "?*C' ______ cessful Whist Drive and Rrir G e n e r a l A. Rosa, O.M.G., in t ie Memorial Hril <m m d i o V D-. K.C., Dominion September w d commencingr Fri- iu-. na«or9ioM (j ŷ ncxt, 12th instant, the (iiwtD.S.0P̂ sident of the.. Camdian S in , gave a stirring address S laturday evening In the S o n Hall to the legion mem ̂ £ and the _Legion W. A., fihirp beini? present large dele- ■ S n s from the North V^epu- ?Jr and Lynn Valley he^on, ^Tn t̂he platform also were Col. Wr W. Foster, I^S.O., V.D., AD.C., Dominion First Vice-, president; Lt. Col. W. S. Buell, CB.E., president of the y. ^mmand: ' President Harold Walker of the local branch, who acted'as chaimnan: the. Presi dents of the Nof^h ^ncouyer and -Lynn Valley Branches, Rggvg Lcyltindj ^̂ The hall was crowded, and ad mission was., by ticket only. Following addresses of wel come by Reeve Eeyland pri be half of the municipality, and A. E. Munn, M.P., for the riding General' Ross, who is on - the Saskatchewan bench andi a most ,able speaker, held the undivided * attention of his audience for three-quarters of an hour, while -hG-ipoke-omnatters relating to, the Legion., ' ' During the six month's of .his • office"h^~had~endeavored-to-fos-- ter with considerable success, a spirit of esprit de eoi^s through ̂ out the organization iit.Gan^a. The Canadian Legion-had now* 1,000 branches and it was a part -of the-B.E.SX.j which.„was_ the biggest organization in , the British Empiire. Considerable enthusiasm was apparent among \ its members, and requests for charters had recently come in from as far as the Arctic and ..from one place only- accesable.. by aeroplane. The convention in Ottawa had been an unqualified success. People thereHad ~feal-" ised the Legion was a body of earnest, responsible' citizens re-, lying on nothing but constitii-' tional methods and anxious to help Canada throiigh the depreS'- sion. They were not interested, in any particular party and they had no quarrel with this or , any other gQvernment., They were satisfied mth the present Pen sion Act, but had objected only, to its administration, the abuses of which had been adjusted „as a result of the ■ Convention. He had had' long^inteiwiews with " of the series- of Military -Whist Drives wil Ibe held and continue on ea'ch 2nd and 4th Friday of the month during the winter,. and a grand aggregate prize will be awarded for each half of the season (first half ending Decem ber 28th); also Novelty prizes and the usfial prizes to the win ning table each week. The Or chestra will be Ray & George. Military Whist 8 till 10; Danc ing from 10 till 12. Admission 25c, including whist, dancing and refreshments, Book tables ahead with either Colin Turner or Alex. Gleam. With but two exceptions every Mrs, Gi^n made a verbal ap- , * • ..................... ...... " Inglewood Auditorium was crowded to the doors Tuesday OHO wuB uuviouu v..«v _______ evening for jlhe concert given to to compete in the West Vdneou- willing to sell this lot for West Vancouver by the Homo ver open tournament last Wed- half the assess^ value* i»o»* 'Gas Optimists. It is needless to nesday and Saturday, and on all $230, subject to the usiml terrns say that with such an aggrega- hands could be beard comtoli- governing the sale of Tax Sale lion of artists and with IJ^apk, nanus couiu oe ncaru coiupn o Anders In charge to keep things R. B. Anthony came »,before moving at top speed there was the council to speak to his' letter not one dull moment the whole re ditch on road in front of^D.L. evening. Both Miss Isabel Mc- HOME GAS OinTMISl^ IN FINK CONCERT t h a n k sg iv in g s u p p e r mentary Jcomments on the con dition of the ifetv green; Thus apart from the nunierical suc- 557!*&*̂ kV,1Cot1l.* (The Gables) Ewan ând Ernest Colton, who ed the The work was ordered done at a contributed solos and duets, n w ly 150 cost not exceeding $70 provided , were in excellent voice, and In- other side of the Inlet all ô the applicant first build a wall . eluded in the program were some satisfactory to the engines. linoly rendoro(i instrumental pressed ™ a petition was sent into the solos and some excellent iancy of the municipality council re the bad condition of dancing. There were severar such 19th Street. Referred to the laughable skits, mrticulady one engineer for further report. , in which Frank Anders and Cal- C. L. Costello wrote the codn- vin Winter figured, and another cil re extension of Clyde 4.venue. in which Roy Barry excelled Referred to the engineer with ' himself. Nbr should the vehtnlo- quism and the Punch and Judy OUVii €* AIA.MV centre for health and recreation. In actual, bowling some of the finest play possible was witness ed, as might be expected when leading trundlers were in op- The Annual Thanksgiving Supper of the West Vancouver. United Church,-., for which Mrs, A. M. O'Donnell is the general convener, will tdke place in the Church Hall next Wednesday, 17th October, starting at 6:30 p.m. Rev. A. D. Archibald 9f Richmond Unitbd Church, will be the speaker and a good musi cal program has been arranged by Choirmaster A. J. Addy. Ad- "mission-35-eentSi------ ---------- ^ leading trunuiers weie in op- power to act. ..................... .......... - - - , , - position. There were many close cotincll gave permission, Show be forgotten, lioth being games, much clever and expert asked for, for- the I.O.D.E. to very cleverly ex9cuied by the play, plenty of good' humored ^ service at the Memorial same artist, Alt6gel]her a very banter, and everything that goes Arch on Sunday, November 11th varied and interesting program to make up a successful tourna- in keeping with the high reputa- ment, but not one single com- , Allen wrote the council tion enjoyed by the Home Gas plaint about the state of'uny of asking for a street light on Ox- Optimists. ^ the greens. Even outside rinks w Street, West Bay. Placed on Reeve Leyland made a brief cam e in for their shate-of praise, the light file. address of thiuiks. Organization of the tourna- ' ♦ ♦ * ' ------------------- EX-HIGH WHIST DRIVE ICND-DANCE ment was in the hafiids of Percy Masterman and as events turned out it could not have been placed in safer keeping.' Every last de tail had been worked out in ad -vance-so-that:-the-plaw:ing...Qf_22-- 2.^Load Jiim it-ior_bridges,li-i • , ______1C . i ........1 J.-- 2.1__ _____ ____ The engineer reported to the council on * ..."f " ' HAIjLOWE EN DANCE t Repairing of wktennkin tres- • tie at Bellevue near 19% St. couver one of the moat The work was ordered l̂^bne. events around Hallowe en been the I.O.D.E, dance, The Ex-High Basketball Club is ' giving - a whist ' drive" and dance tomorrow (Friday) in the 'Orange Hall, when Slim McMul- len̂ ând his orchestra-will-supply- the.music. Whist from 8 to 10, and dancing from 9 to 12. The proceeds will go , to purchase equipment for the club. Admis- slion 25 cents. ___ rinks on a green built to hold 16, proved but onp gf the, minor details of the-org^izajtipn. ; , The Ladies' Club contributed their share toiyards the' success _of ..the, venture in a yery^pr^ tical manner; one of the feat- -cbihrades. iAll the. Convention 'resolutions, which could be, had 'been implemented and-~the-rest- vvere under consideration. At' present the Dominion Command were engaged on a scheme relat ing to unemlployinent, in.cqnnec- tibn vdth which they had sent out a questionnaire to the mem bers, now about completed. In conclusion it was up to the branches to keep' the name of the Legion high in ̂ Canada. -:(iolonel Foster also spoke, and Mdjor McMahon proposed the vote' of thanks. ̂ Aubrey Glarke led in community singing, and gave a vocal solo and encore. - " accompan fires of the club, this year being the loyal way in which they have supported the club in enter taining visitors with refresh ments. As a result of this initial tournament the club has estab lished itself as capable of stag- ffirther report - ̂ non-dancers jom in making -3,.:.Rfihlic.vbuilding&4^md ,ap^(^i:/rnerry,^fit ® ments fire hazard. The reeve g;u«sts of the Duncan D raon to take up with Fire Marshal Chapter. This year commit- Thomas with a view re in- tee convened bŷ Mrs. Frpud, and ̂ ■^"spection" of'premises and rec- Mrs. _ Gordon Gray,. a_re_ e^ei ting ommendations thereon being every effort to instil into this to owners ' ' dance^all the fun, nonsense and Miscellaneous items. Bridge' traditions, of Hallowe'en and on Argyle over Lawson; cul- whispers ai;e heard of favors, vert Inglewood over Lawson novelties and such refreshments! Creek, etc., received and filed. * The orchestra too, will be en- i * ♦ . . ticing-r the Paramount havmg ■) 4. The West Vari. Barbariansiisnea iLseu. «-s ux ovat -̂ 7, 1, T I,-:,.!iiig another in ffuture years on Rugby Fwtball Club applied, to a very much bigger scale. For the council for the use of. Arnble-: a first year organization it was side Park. The matter was re quite a big undertaking; and its success gives just that much added satisfaction.. : iQnly one of the handsome prizes remained in West Vani- ....... . Jimmie Colvin's rink teen engaged, and-that .means delightful rhusic and intriguing rhythm. Will everyone in' West Van- side park i n e ^ couver please consider this a Stfthfchairm an of the Lard Persona! invitation .to the Annu- of works with power^to act.)i< * *. ■* In regard to the cottages on Ambleside Beach (Block 29, D.couver, Jimmie ooivihs rum T*'"5 qVr"fV̂ «̂ PmiTi'ril 'tiassed a alme?n & r d T * O n 'w e '£ - r a t i o n ttat a S b y to .the day jim Morrison's Aberdeen al Hallowe'en Dance of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., Friday, October 26th„ in the Hollyburn Pavilion. Admission, 50 cents. COMING EVENTS e^tSed or, the occupants, original and October 27 Swimming Club's oil th fp r S ie ? a w ^ r w ^ r z e present. Ijeasehoiders, be notified Iteiiowe'en.DMce at Harbor- view Dance Club. the Cabinet and feveiywhere had- received nothing but courtesy and sympathy from-fhe mem bers of t^e House, as had all his ist. Following thejneeting refresh ments wfere seiwedl)y rthe ladies of; the Legion W. A. o r t ^ ^ y registered letter that this ̂ The council orddted -$W «0 S f S p ^ ^ y W April, f935. General Savings '̂ coubt. while on Saturday that honor was earned by Skip Robson of Kerrisdale. Skipping a. city rink on Wednesday Sid Gisby earned the prize for the most consistent card returned. : . .r KITSILANO BAND TO BE HERE The celebrated Kitsilano Boys' Band under their conductor, Mr. Delamont, will give a concert in West Vanc&uver on Friday, Oc tober 19th. .They have only jusV returned from the" Old Country, where, as everybody knows, their playing created quite a sensation and vvhe^they cap tured several prizes. ̂ ^ Full particulars of their con cert here will be , given in our next issue. Be sure and ke^ the date open, Friday, October lil-ilfe i ,1 * H"" i r V.H'; I, I i Jiff m 1 'V Ji t ' It11 ' n - .-- i t i . . . t ,-ft 1 ' ' m i w . . ' i f ' - t i : « i " f m <1 'Si'Ji. fbf t ' / V Ay V';"7o{t, ' "IP' * • ' ; f .'l l . • \ i ,3 .,<1 r' »'¥• a I ' 19th, On Martne Drive pj- ̂ "Cl Ĵ| J-, <' V A' ' f " *■ j 5* <* *' 4 *- ' ' u-f ■ : 7 ' . , '!"• f r ..... .. -̂..rrr---- ---- ---- 1--- ----------i------