BmWWiW(UWM.II,l|llil|l|IIU8UI|M h y . if|iw. >fh%.|î I h- '"F '■'/ I'J n :i I' ^ t r .f̂' V .*<!- 4 £ ̂I- i' slis P y il lf IlKWaP iPQNDENCE Specials Friday 4k & t., O ct 5th apd 6 th ■ '*'1' ' " K«ll«ff*a CORNFLAKB8. ip k t% I6« ■ '• ■ lAaift ' i f n a 4k K/^l»A8T»Y FIX>im 7 lb. Sack tSi l*BAit8, Cliofea QualUy....;. J Um l«e No. h Tall T l^ PACIFIC MILK, Tall Tina., .2 for 17e Auatralian SBfSlIBD RAISINS IS ox. FhL .......................2 Îtta. 21 '̂ HULK DAtBS............. ........2 Iba. fSe Froah, Clean Stock. a C, Granulatad SUG^R, 8 Ibt. 42c Red Arroir CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Freah from the Oyfn„..,..,iNpr lb. 2Bc Nabob PORK and BEANS 18 ox. Tina.,,................ .2 tina ISc fled 4k White BAKING CHOCOLATE New Style, 8 individual 1 ox. caJkea Vt Ib. carton .......................... I8c* Quaker QUICK OATS,.... packet 16c* Limit 3 Paekarea. BEItVUS CHBESa >/i lb. Packet ISc Red 4k White APRICrTrS No. 2 Squat Tina ..................... 14c, SMALL WHITE BEANS, 3 Iba. 18c M c f l u l s Phone West $70 p o r ROASTS, from Prime Beef, Per Ib. 12c PRIME RIB ROASTS 14c HM'IFT'S PICNIC HAMS 4 to 5 Iba........ ......................... lb. 15c LF/;S SPRING LAMB ...... „...|b. 2Sc HHOULDERB SPRING LAMB. lb. 15c FINNAN H A D BIE............. Ib. 16c HA 1)1)1 B FILLETS ...............Ib. l$c ACADIA COD. 2 l a box New Pack ......... - ....... -............. 40c KIPPERED HERRING,... 2 Iba. 2Sc* GOLDEN MEADOW BUTTER 3 I tjS6 .MAIDA VALE i iU lT B ^ 65c Fowl -- Chicken Pork Ail Fineat Quality. R<d & White SPAGHEIT'I, 2 tina 10c Faultleaa PINEAPPLE.......8 Una 2Sc No. 2 tina. Sliced. i APPLES -- Mdntoah Reda, 7 Iba. 2Sc APPLES - r Good Cookera .10 Iba. 25e BOKTIIWICK -- HARMAN Simplicity marked the, wed ding of MJbb Jeanette (Nettle) Harman, only daughter of Mrs. Janet. Harman, to Mr, George Roy Borthwick, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Walter Borth wick, a t the manse of Rev. Hillls Wright, on Saturday, September 22nd. Given in marriage by her g ir> » .| imderstand that the lofiil h f im ^ of the Canadian JhiMkIakeii ..advanlig|i a wise provWon of the iegiela- Uurs to aiMily for a Veteran s Club license which carries the right to sell beer to its mem- bei^' I also understand that several of the Associations and Societies of the Municipality have got up petitions to the Government at Victoria, protesting that the old soldiers of West Vancouver can not be trusted with a glass of beer. I am not, a member of the legion, but I have no doubt whatever that many who have signed these ))etitions against the Legion Mking for what they have already been granted the right to, have attended the Memorial Service at the ceno- ■"'taph'and' hurried home after wards to drink a glass of "home brew 'M or which they have not even gone through the formal- ity.of asking the Inland Revenue Department for a permit to make. ► I cannot say that I object very nHuch to a conscientious.- teetotaller signing a- petition JEFFERIES' 'f, ' ' ................... . Govemment InqNKtod^ORlF T S to r e a t re 'if-- (0§i' m Our prices are ai low as any obtainable in Vancouver and the North Shore. P h o n e us fo r Quotations on Your Requirements WEST VANCOUVER l u m b e r CO. LTD. Phone West 115 -F o il REAL SATISFACTION . ------- - Res. Phone: W. J . Turnbull, West 368L motor for the south, the bride's travelling costume being dark blue crer)e over which was worn „ ............. a smart blue tailored coat, and against the Club, but for persons accessories to match. who can afford to, and do buy On their return Mr. and Mrs. beer, spirits, etc., and consume north wick , will reside In West them in-their own home, to ob CLASSIFIED A D S The rale for Classified Advmrtlaementa la 2 centa per word, minimam 26 centa. Except in the case jof thoae having regular accounts, all daasi. fleda are payable atrlcUy in «dvimc& . .. Remember Claasifieds in the West Van Nawa get Immediate reaulta MARCEL SHOP -- New Thermlque steam permanent, without danger of burning. Marcel 60c; Reset 8 6 c; Finger Wave - 60c, New location--~ Royal Bank Bldg., 17th and Marine, entrance on 17th. Phono West 304. HUNTER'S! fo r Home-made Bread Pies and Cakes. 2428 Marine Drive' Phone W est 610. ' Vancouver. SHOWER Mrs. Charles Wintle, 1202 i'lRit^wood-Avenue, entertained mother, the bride wore a blue recently at a miscellaneous a Mills bomb or a six inch how- French georgette crene gown. ®?**̂ .-**̂ itzer cannot be trusted with a -- ................... ject to the old .soldier buying his ten cent glass of beer in his own club, is an attempt at class dic tatorship that breeds Socialism, Facism and To say th a t a man who can be trusted^ with a rifle and bayonet, FOR RENT - --------- - ...... ........ apartments on Waterfront, $16 and $26. Phone West 47L. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave. Stamped Goods, D.M.C., Pullskein, Wool, Notions, Stationery, Hard ware, etc. RADIO REPAIRS -- Prompt, efficl. ________________ ent service. Tubes tested. All work Mod.™ f«n,lrti«l gnarantwd. Tom Brown, West MR " " ' FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED, Houses to R en t Houses, lots, and ] acreage for LaWson, 17th and Marine,' Phone West 55. FOR -SALE -- Dominion Circulator Heater; cheap. Phone West 320R. FOR SALE -- Tulips and other Bulbs just arrived from Holland, W est C95L.rrenen georgette crepe gown, V.Vm,""........cannoc uu irusicu wiin a _______________________ ankle length, featuring Irag • K iu rV a n c L v I^ w h O T e glass of ale smacks of tha t rank crazy water CEYSTALS-Ph»ne lines. W ith a finger tip length ^ "a ' w, hypocrasy peculiar to small- the agent. West 622X. Free De- jackot, lattice bead-work bodice, minded communities and should livery, with hat and shoes en suite; her September 25. Fmk and have no place in West Vancou- ---------■ .1 white was the color motif, with ver. for sale FOR SALE -- Fawcett Circulatinr Heater. Heating capacity six rooms Reasonable. Phone West 69L1. WEST VANCOUVER M A C H IN E T , Repairs Spray Pumps, Household articles. 1449 Marine., -corsage-betnflr-Ophelia-roses-and white heather. *The Matron of suspended from tire "Sir, I wish you would"priiit; Honor, Mrs, Howard Crane, wore i-J comers of the- th a t grand old poem of Rudyard Walnut Dining Room Suite. Reasonable. Apply ;1368 Clyde Avenue. -- NEW HUDSON SEAL COAT, size 4^42 -- Straight style, $110.00 Phone West 394L. _____ _ a brown triple dress, trimmed .J? -w iO i-^ u t-v u lv e t^U fH h ttM w d H ^Pg°'n4 .^__ 1________, Chineno linen rei tea tab le w hich w as e ffectively K ip l in g 's " en titled ^"fo n im FINGER WAVING, Manicuring and 4.U a _ M n d so ro e -- ^w hich-so-effectively--le d - to - th e1 renrAren ____ •_ The reception was held a t the homo of the groom's sister,.Mrs. J, Kylo Clarke, 'Travers Avenue, -West B̂ ay, where relatives and ilffimate_. frieiidsLwero"received- by Mrs. Harman and Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Harman wore black sand shoes to match, her corsage be- linen tea cloth centered abolition of many indignities ing yellow roses. f miniature bride and groom under which the British soldier Ai _ flanked by vases of white rose- suffered about 40 years ago. ^ Haircutting . done at your :home.i Moderate prices. - Phone" W est 127 WANTED - - A boarder, - home com* forts; near ferry. Box 15, West ___y atn_N ews.____ - -. ■ ._________ buds and tall pink tapers in sil- - j f niy memory, is coiTect the ver sconces. last verse went;-- Little Master David J^ in .tle __l^t!s_Tommy_this .and--Tommy-^ s p ib e l l a c o r s b t ie r e .. West 487L. Phone F ( ^ SALE -- Red • Cocker Spaniel Pups. Pure bred. Male and female. Reasonable. 2872 Marine Drive. resented the gifts from a daint ily decorated "pink and while "Horn of Plenty.'^- -------- 7 Presiding a t the tea table crepe Avith lace trimming^; hei*^ WAbt" corsage being-white cama'tioTis ~ A s s i s t i n g the- Mrs. Clarke chose l e t t S S n Mrs. A. Provincial, a. French lace for her g o w n - ^ r Misses efforts _ corsage being pink carnations^ . Evelyn _Colpitts. which a duly elected goveramtent -The-brido's^able-wns covered Q^^®r-Kuests Jncluded Mesdames-- has granted him, itV about time uitb n --1. . , G. Brealey, j . Teare, S. Garret, tha t "Tommy" did see.------- that; And anything you ,plea§e. And Tommy ain 't no (bloomin' fool, ^ You bet that Tommy seesV' And if "Tommy" of the Can adian Legion is defeated in his to obtain the rights WANTED -- Bungalow, walking dist ance High-School. Exchange large -- four-room - bungalowf--near- ferry. ■ Box T l, West Van'News. ~ " r a d io r e p a i r s -- West Van. Radio L.,Pettigrew), West 108, 1473 Marine. , FOR SALE' ---- Ehiglish Broadwood Co.'s piano; cheap. West 59Y3 , . SHOE REPAIRS --7 Get the best mat* erial and vrorkmanship at Fox's, 14th a t F e rry .. WANTED --- One furnished' and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or West 143 ®®A.DQUARTERS. for All Popular Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also P ishm g' Gadgits fbr_ local wat- __®rs. Ambleaide Tea Rooms. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for y6 ur next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" • with a cut-work cloth centered w by a throe-tier wedding cake with ci>'8tal sconces and tali n ' aH?**^^* pink tapei^; white and pink v̂ * 9 * chrysanthomumb comiyeting the m The color sc h B e in the p^^SnlfeH shade(Fcho'»aiithemums. 9 *̂ "̂ The bride and gi>oom loft by ̂ C r i e P f c & ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J. EDELSTON, Major late Commanding 84th Siege Battery, R.G.A. PRINTING -r- For all kinds of printing phone W est Van News, West 363. NOTTCB o f a p p u c a t i o n for VETERANS* C tU B LICENSE THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- q^uires discarded clothing. Phone _West 87 and truck will collect. > Ferry Schedule For Thanksgiying Day MONDAY, OCTOBER 8 th HALF-HQjURLY SERVICE From West Vancouver; -- '6:00 a,m. to 11:30 p;m. Froip City: -- 6:30 n.m. to 12:00 Midnight. Bus Meets Ail Boats. RUGBY • The West Vancouver Rugby Team faces its baptismal fire at 2:30 next Saturday a t Douglas Park, when it plays the North Shore All Blacks, second division team. The team Leen prac tising fer several w e^siow ^and IS eagejL Jto_try_its^^rength- VERNON FEED STORE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 12th of October next the West Vancouver Branch'N o. 60, Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service L ea ^ e , undersigned/ intends to ap ply to the Liquor Control Board for a Veterans* Club'License in respect of premises situate a t the- Comer of Duchess - Avenue and 18th Street, in the Municipality of West Vancouver, upon l a ^ described as Lot One (1), Block f*K/* D istrict Lot Seven Hun- &ed and Sevei^-five (776), Group One (1), -New Westminster District,A r* flWAUI 1? ̂ a • vA/f:'aNCWaj'WCStllUllSteA. C. S ^ R L E ; Phone West 9 according to Map No. 4140 in Van- Fertilizers of All Kinds fo'^ver Land Registration District in the Province of-British Columbia for against the other teams in its division. Saturday's 'team will probably be as follows: For- wards - - Mathews,- Sharmian, Robson, Redden, Sinclair, W at son, Mathieson, Saunders; Backs Coleman, D'Eeasum, .Watt, Wood, Coakl Builders* Supplies Sale of beer~by the glass or by Vaughn, Atwood. Fennings and I^n ie^ Spares -1 Miles, Ward, Kendrick and Philips. STUDENTS*. COUNCIL the open'bottle to bona-fide members for consumption on the premises. 19^ -T E D th ie 11th day of September, "BRANCH No. 60, CANADIAN LEGION OP THE BRITISH EMPIRE SERVICE LEAGUE, Applicant ,w. c. T. U. The West VancouW W C T iV; ^ r e g u l a r month- ; €54.*^® election of officers to the Students Council of ̂ the Ingle wood Junior High School, West Vancouver, was held last Wed- k elected as T.V.SEaiON, CANADIAN LEGION, B.E.S.L (NORTH SHORE OUTN iST) the <{>ven-m on Thursday October l i fb council: 2:16 p.m. * " V <Jun Grade------ -- "^ ce -I^ s id en t: Bify DOUGLAS SOCIAL CREDIT Secretary, --------------- ^ c k m g , Grade:9i^^^^ ' o f t h e D oug las Soc- ^ C om m . ! m l C redrt' S tu d y G roup w ill be th e to held in th e L ib ra rv Room o f s tu d e n ts .council, elected M eaonic T e m ^ L o S e A v̂ 1 - E l s i e ™ , nue, 3^rth Vmcouver, on Tburs- Edwards; day, October 11th, at ,8 pm. Class 4,Anyone +A: ""dson Armstronir: mi»oe k IGEO. HAY F o r S n a p s in R e a l ' E s t a t e N ota^ ynblic Real Estafk A Insurance (Established 1912) - I4Q5> Marine Drive Phone" W^2i'^itKr Seymour 1260 -- , -- Anyone interested 'in tAe N ^ 5,' ^onom ics is wdoome to attend WI- N ofees. " ?Neil; ' G D l^ N , HOBSON WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. lii?,-Marine Drive Phone,-Westr~4<)$i. ' 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- , „ Suite 501t:510 Hastings St W, Phoiiê :. Sqrmottr AlOO. 2 to 5- f , r i > ' * ' 'S-' ft'