pfcWi4̂i|*aSil y o u r . • ^ - s w «•' - k: .... , - ." > * I>»r 5. ^|A JS'<,■":" WS 't' %..'*'MŜJ.,' " s ,J Tv Mwia* h I 1 <̂ 'v)' f| A R WINDOWS DOORS SHINCL£S UTH VENEERS ROOFING building p aper *' ' V' (""tjp*% , -s" T-Ij. I t *w*w_ Eeeve Leylwui and Council- Mr, and Mrs, J . Peters# who ■■ in Kamloops atiencUnjf the an- a t 2286 Uwdon, Av«miir*liVo BRICIĈ GEiilENT TILE UME SAND |%l» PLANS AND SPEOFiaTIONS on tern Dr«wn up and^^h #dt.mates ptven A s t b u r y 's B u i l d e r s 16th a n d Maritime D riv e ». > aaa ekadsmaaiŝ ^̂ ŷ** •̂uutvfssvaaaaiji vas\7 ®*aâ Cav s«Nb#wV up̂ î aavaa» nual conventions of the Good returned to Vancouver, Boada* Leasrue and the Union of • a « B. C. MunldpaUties. ^ v e Ley- Mrs. Tbttsey, X488 G ori land I s a m m b e r of the oxecu- Avenue, has le ft fo r Esste tive of th e u.B.C,M. in c h a r ^ Canada, of resolutions! * ♦ a * • * * Mrs. Sharp! of VaniKHiVer, Mr, and Mrs, P. P later and has taken a suite a t ^*The family have moved from 28rd Gables," West Bay. and Marine Drive, into a house ' ' * ♦ a t West Bay. w . Bullock has moved into a• *•< * 1____ ni*AA t4-ll„....^ A' P h m . W « t m I T » . . . t a l i u » l « B » .- D o m r ,* I f Our «dv(?rUsement next week. We ere jfolnr to invite" you te be our auests et the HoUyburn Theatre. Next week*# *d. will tell you how. CftBunill' The S tore o f Sorvtco. 1586 Marino Drive West 37 or Weit 607 Emergency Phone Weat 881 (After 10 p.m.) FOR .. DliiPENDABliB L a u f i d r y L t d . l A i T N D R V S E R V l f ^ E DAVE A N D E R S O N , West Vancouver Representative Phones--W est 691li or . North 1810 darave Pier was towed last week Mrs. Bingham, 25th and Belle toi Fisherman's Cove for the vue Avenue,, has moved into the winter. ̂ ̂ • Clachan for th e winter, ' * • * , * * e , "" f Miss Edith White, 2861 Jof- 1285^ Duchess Avenue, ieft here f^rg^n Avepue, w ith W brother n J . ° 2 Bob, is-spending a holiday,with m W inder, Ontario, where they „ of friends, a t Robert.s BURNERS I ess Work, Less Cost, No Smoke, Soot, Ashes; Prices from $39.50 Silent. Safe, Odorless, Economical. Easy Terms. A. G. BEAN, 2303 King's Ave., West Vancouver. -p h o n e : West 672L. will reside in future Miss Lavender Cornwall of Cornwall Lodge near Kamloops, is the guest of Miss Betty Sav ory, 27th and Ottawa Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Cherry and Creek.' Bob White has been singing oyer Station CJOR for some time. ' The West Vancouver Orches tral Society under the leadership of Miss Margaret McIntyre, will assist in the forthcoming nro- Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, PastrieB, Meat Pics, Sausage Rolls^ Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Bwads, Fixish every morning. Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 DUTCH b u l b s Daffodils Tulips Narcissus ark the best All No. 1 Grade. . W e s t V a n F l o r i s t 18th & Marine Phone'West 305 CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST KWTSstvoiT 1443 M arineDrive Phone W est 340 Evenings, West l43 Listings Wanted R e a l - E s ta te F in a n c e a n d ' * eLTJS A • ' ' %%'aav# ' ' " AfaSi* • VaT • A ̂ A, A, ^ 4M> A A VO v% VJK# • W W ' m v** W '.W •. ' w wir ~ ' jP' family have moved from 29th daction of Purceirs opera :'*Dido and Roseberry Avenue, into and Aenieas," in Vancouver, by the ir house on Radcliffe Avenue. Christ Church Cathedral Choir. MrSi Lance Garthorne with There will be a special sched- --------- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Garthorne, ule on the ferries next Monday, "UNREALITY" is the subject returned o n 'F rid ay from Cal- (Thanksgiving Day). Fenries of the Lesson - Serniion which gary, Alta. will leave. Ambleside wharf half- will be read in all Churches of ♦ ♦ ♦ hourly from 6 a. m. to I I Christ, - Scientist, on Sunday, The Melic Quartette, consist- p.m. * A half-hourly service will October 7th. ing oTf Messrs. J. Fiddes, J. U. also be mainiai|ied from the The <5olden Text is: "All th a t Holt, A. J. Addy and R. W. city wharf starting a t 6:80 a.m., is in the world, the lust of th e Froud, appeared on the program the last boat leaving the city at flesh, and the lust, of the eyes, of the North Vancouver Philhar- 12 (midnight). Buses will meet and: the pride of .life, not of monic Society's concert yester- all boats. the F a ther, but the world.' , day evening in Ndrth Vancou- and the lust ther& f: bu t he * ♦ * e r was held a t the home of % s . th a t doeth the will of God abid- The provincial fire marshal C. C. Robbins, 2791 Marine eth for ever." ( IJo h n 2: 16,17). and F ire Chief Yates made an Drive, in honor of Miss M. . ; 2 . 1 - . 1 \ \ ^ \ T / ^ v%/ I - * P v * i 4 * n i V i HoUyburn Theatre FRIDAY ond SATURDAY October 5th and 0th MADELEINE CARROLL CONRAD VEIDT " I WAS A SPY " MONDAY and TUESDAY October 8th and 9th. JANET GAYNOR and CHARLES FARRELL in A-delightful pre-nuptiaLshow-____of Heart" i : . ^ . . 1 J 3 - . X X U A O also SHIRLEY TEMPLE #11 XUX V̂ X 0 X U V/llXl XJ 0 J. ■ /̂ o • €***V4 A. *4L c A-'***'-'* .w, , w Among the citations which inspection last Monday of the Pritchard of Vanc<mver, whose ~ c ^ p f i^ ^ th e :L e 's s o n ~ ^ m n n n s 7nPTrbli(rtraildSngavra p a - r i m e n t--marriage;to-Mr.--T.-Tunier-takes th^ following from the Bible: blocks and rooming houses in place this week. The rooms '̂Vanity of vanities, saith the W est Vancouver. The fire pro- were tastefully arranged by a m ; .VX ' ' V en iil/ico , s SOlth ; the ■ , ,. . . v u v . , m>j..w . v> . W* • - V • ~~~ i3 " ' J Preacher, vanity of vanities; all tection in the schools was par- profusion of gardenv flowers and , is vanity." (Eccl. l : -2). ticularly, commended. the. many lovely g ifts were pre- ■ TTip Tipssnn - S5ermon also in- * *, ♦ ̂ i sented in a h a t box decorated as eludes . the following passage"' ' Mrs. A"1 H. Mablesbh, 1441 miniature from tfie Christian Science text- Bellevue Avenue; has moved into supper was book, "Science and~Health with a house a t 1224 Duchess Ave.- appointed w T w f Key to the Scriptures," by Mary ♦ ♦ ♦ and music were enjoyed by the a ten-minute comedy Kidding Hollywood WEDNESDAY & ,THURSDAY October lOtb and llth . EDNA FERRER'S, ̂ Colossal Baker Eddy: "M o rtis m ust p Green, who has been^ MrV T Turner Mrs M Philins i" «:« N orth Vancou- i , R i v ^ ', guests who were Mrs. A. Clarke, "CIMARRON" if theY would gain the sense of things." (p. 264). true .Mr. and Mrs, Arnold. Gar- thorne have moved into a house a t 1293 Gordon Avenue. Philip CeTbapman General Ittsuraiice Agent Fire, Antomohlle! ̂Barglarj, Accident and 'Stekness,, etc. 2557 KWgVAve.- Phono Wl 42YS Miss H attie Young/, 2092 Mar ine Drive, is teaching elocution at the B roughdalelC inde^arten in Dunbar Heights, 'conducted _b\:..Mrs^c_Gregor;;Aird. „ . CHANGE OF BUS SCHEDULE (Effective. October 5th) North Vancouver, West Van- 1 couver, Caulfeild and Horseshoe Bay Line. For information phone PACIFIC STAGES UNITED WEST 12 SEYMOUR 7131 vei* General Hospital, has suf ficiently recovered to re tu rn to her home a t 2046 Marine Drive, where, she is making, good pro gress. Mr. and Mrs; .Neville Shaw, Radcliffe ' Avenue, have moved into a house o rr^ ls t Street. A son was born bn Monday a t the North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, 1055 Duchess Ave nue. > ^ Mrs^ Davis, who has- been spending a two weeks' holiday with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. ■Mrs. E. Howdle, Mrs. F. Rivers, Mrs. F. Macey, Mrs. King, Mrs. J. Glover, Mrs. A. Skerton, Mrs. L. Brainard, Mrs. L. Smethurst Mrs: H. Wright, Mrs. B. Jordan, Mrs. Barnott, Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs. Climie, Mrs. W. McCartney, Mrs. C. Newman, and Mrs. E. C. Robbins, and .the Misses Agnes King, Floren& Paterson, Janie Pritchard, Connie Thomas, Dons Rivers, M argaret Glover and Elsie and Olive Robbins. CONCRETE JOBS Phone West 84 _You cah't go wrong i f TEAROE & SON Do Your. Cement Work SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONES Anything in Concrete liarge or Small. 1474 Marine Drive P.-T. A. NIGHT CLASSES LEGION W. A. DANCE IN THE LEGION HALL OCTOBER 5th R efreshm en ts p a t 8.45 p.m. Adm ission 25c A rneeting will be held in tliie Inglewood School next Friday, October 5th, a t 8 p.m. to organ- t---------f -- ------------ ize'w inter classes for the unern- P; Green. .2046 Marine Drive, ployed young people of the com- has'returned to her home m Se- munityT AH ex-students of^ur, SEE THE NEW 1935 RADIOS ALL-WAVE SETS from $65.50 F O R S T 'S L T D . attle. The Alert Groups of the -Can adian Girls in Training will hold their firs t meeting of .the season "'FOR Tullameen Range W 6 o d , G r a v e l , , C em en t, etc . t>i> X r f - t skHvick wrPH c. cr. p .' a t 8-p.rii.-Friday, 5th October, in* the United Chaurch Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Pemberton and daughter Kathleen, who have been spending two months here, have left by motor to visit their daughter, who is m atron of a hospital" in Holly wood. They expect to spend a. year motoring in n California and Mexico. « » ^- lit •*'-1, " schools not 'at present working are urged to attend this meetr ing. Classes will be organized, "as far-as feasible, in any, subject for which there is a sufficient demand. If you are interested, please attend. 1586 Marine 66-Eonsdale Mr, and Mrs. J. Jack, 24th and Bellevue Avenue, have moved into the Vinson house a t 1425 Gordon Avenue. WEST VANCOUVER RATEPAYERS' ASSN. WillhbWfl Tuesday, Oct. 9th, at 8 p.m.MeeHng A L L RATEPAYEPS ARB INVITED TO ATTEND Mr. and Mrs. W* K. W<>0(dcock, -24th and Bellevue Avenue^ havd returned, after being .away, for --over a year, during which,, they . m ^ e a trip round th^; world. 'T he ship in which they have ju s t returned from thcr Orient ran into the fringe o f the typhoon which wrecked Osaka^ and for two days the p a ss^ g e rs were no t allowed on deck^On account of the huge seas. , F. X . HODGSON, L.A.B., A.T.C.M. A L L B R A N C BE S OF VOCAL W O R K Students prepared for Examinations and^Festivals^ ' Residence Studio: 2310 Bellevue Avenue; West 666R. Vancouver Studio: 205-6 603 W. H astings; Seymour 9379 (Tuesdays a n d J rid a y g ) Term Commences, 1st:October, 1934. ■I.1 I. f ^ J |;f if.I i m "r I 'A t p o s s li' £ i th ^ L i / i i l ' ̂ i ' ' ;4 < f ru s »i i".11 I J'l'r ■■ ' If > V- | 3 f ■:i ' f i ' I I,fei, ' rV'ru(i r > im ^ ' i l l ■■ '-- &:» . ' / N'"' l l : v v f " ' "i e ,' 'f . 9^ ' v'S 1̂ Y "i H> Y ' f '■' 1/ ,