ITjur f ^ unmn MililU MwMnwf " flhwAiy flirriniin ItfMr llhiMliiM:' 10 IMML Butidsy Bcboo! Bthl# Oam 10' *■»»«• ' *■ '̂' - i#iitiirilli|JÊ »jp iwliliP̂ f̂ Sp'̂ 'inir IMNPIMilMpf' ItiT W'JNeck ml ̂ ' f ^f#f£|»|twm/im wM ana Hata i im iV f i l f tK I I A f i nOLLiBUIg, lULL FKIIIAY EV«h O ft I t i , « l tSiO liim ira tm T s im tii Servic# *'Tbrl»lie*« (H4 OrgaA** ........>iB.,iuSw!!5k«ftM„,,.„. HI'NDAV. OCT. 7UI, I* u . Huiuiay School mad Younjf Men'# Bible CUm SUNDAY EVENING et 7*^ Addrti# by Mil. If. L HUNT, of Vi Soblectr "Aitam to Ufthnown Coda** ri KHDAV, 8 t».aa.--l*r«yer end Bible Study. ranm!ii . . "f't'ff* i iU 'fe < ̂ 'i ̂ -I *' I f if'*'!, 'i. . ;,'i :■« 1' , ■■ t -/*•' i"]H1 5*1' . ' r I I f Ai 3i I "S' f / u r f f t'f T "P '3 'I r V '•I .') •' ■ /f'-niptfi j!| t ^4 i| vj ' 4/r ki; y I H r !tisi;;:. :Jf " :<• S ■"' i j I ?! ' h A m %I f > • 'C m I ' No m atter whether your half^ la Ionic or abort your neck line Im moHt important, to wear the now fail hata. You may keep it tidy by trimminir or having permanent curia, but be aure to avoid atraiitht enda. < L*̂ r cnr̂ c2*r>tii?*KJtci /^ iifT ii/^ ii »')i 1 ■ OAXSi. JnlXVini i!!i tUflti ih/JNplM̂jtX Rfector: lk'V, F. A. Hameey, L.S.T. October 7th -- Harveat Feati* H:0f/^ 11; 15 a.m. -- Holy Com- iiiunion. 10:00 & Il;16 a.m. -- Sunday SchoolH, Gnoendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1646 Marine Drive For appointmente FIIONB WEST 117 7:15 p.rn. -- Evensong. In the fall a Lady's Fancy fondly turns to H:15 p.m., Tuesday -- Social, 7 :.'10 p.m., Thursday, October n th --Service of Instruc tion and Intercession. 'I'uosday, 2:30 -- W. A. Business meeting, Ht.Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild :i:00 p.m., Sunday -- Harvest Festival Service. W ttg tV A N C O U V E B MSw Science Society CHOECli EDIFICE s'̂ lMlî Mld̂ 'llbeoiAah*̂ Holly bwrn Thia Society is a Uranch of The Mother Church The Flrat Church of Christ, Seientfit, in Boston, Maasaebusetts Smida/ Stryke: 11:30 a.i». Sunday, October 7, 1934 Subject: *'0 N K E A U T Y " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Meetinif Wednesday a t 8: 111 p.m. THANKSGIVlNi; BKHVICE at 11:30 aiW.. Monday, Oct. 8th. (Thanksgiving' Day). The public i.s cordially in vited to attend our services and meetinaa. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge. lla ' PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIIJAY AH0*Mt,v m O « |lL 'Sth end 6th SUCAK -- Saturday only, 10 lb. cloth each (limit 1)...... each i9c CAKE KI.OUH -Fairylight .................. ...........................p,,jj 2Sc .McCormick's toasi kd s o d a s ......:.... ____________pkg. sc COFFEE -- Max-i-Muin .............. ............................ . Ij, 'FEA -- Max-i-Mum ................ .......................................... .. PEANUT BUTTER ~ hulk ....... .......................................... n,' ROBIN HOOD OAT'S -- China............. ........ ..................... pitg - BAKINC .SODA •-- Cow Brand, IJb. pc ĉket.................... each lOc CRISCO -- Jl>. tin .................................. ....... ........... .......... each 21c HONEY -- Pride of Ontario, 5 lb; liir......!....................... ...each 5r,c ORANGE MARMAI.ADE -- Aylmer, 32 o*. JaL................ each 20c TO.MAT'O JUICE -- .Aylmer, No. 1 tin....... ...................... ..3 for 13c TOMATOES -- Orchard City, No. 2«/i tin.........................3 for 2^ T'OILEI' T ISSUE -- I'urcx .............................. ................4 f̂ ̂ 25c FLOOR WAX -- Shinola .................................... ........ ......Ib. (!„ 195 SOAP -- Royal Crown (Bmit 9 bars) ............. ....... ;.......g for 25c W« re«erv« th* right to limit quautitlM. SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE Rev. W. J. Millay, Residence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240R. ' V Hot Water Bottles75c, tl.OO, {1,25 and {2.00 Jiev. UNITED CHURCH Hillis Wright .Minister. AHBLESIDE PHARNACY W. L. KBR, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone Wm I 823 FREE DELIVEUY Mr. Welsh has moved into one of the Clachan cabins for the winter. DR. G. D. H. SEALE ̂ D.D.8., L.D.S. . O E N Y I S T Hay Block, I4th and Marine D r.. OfllCBTloUra 9 to 6 |On7 Eveninga by appointment. Phone Weat 72 Sunday School will meet as usual next Sabbath morning at 10 a.m. Conimunion of the Lord's Sup per, will be observed at the morn- jjig .service. A change will be made in the evening service. The congrega tion will meet at 7;15 p.m. for a song service. This will con tinue until 7:30 p.m. when the regular service of worship will begin. The congregation are asked to come to this Song Ser- .viee a.s'many new hymns will be' .sung. Harvest Thanksgiving Ser vices will be held in West Van- Uhited" Church Sunday Services . Low Mass -- 8 :45 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:45 Catechism and Bible Class--3:00 Vespers and Benediction--7:30 Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m.' Fridays:, Benediction,' Rosary, Confes sions -- 7:30. A dielightful "no host" party was given at the Foi'tune Cup Inii last Friday eveninagiii hon or of Miss Lavender Cornwall of. GARTHORNE -- SEAMAN in on the October a t E. GALLANT, D .C ," C H I R d P R A C T O R 2444' Afnrlne Drive, Dundarave, 7 p.m. to 8, Mondays, Wed- ncBdaya and Fridays. Huuho visits by appointmont, Ilesidcnco: 2308 Marine Drive; ' couver second Sunday both services. . The evening .service will take the form of a Sacred Song Ser- ,vice, and will be in charge of the choir. Under an archway of pink and white crepe paper with pink and white carnations and ferns com-' pleting the trimmings, the wed ding of Jes.sie. Lucille, only daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. E. Seaman of Calgary, to George Arnold, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lr-Garthorne~of~We^st~Vancou- ver took place at, the bride's home; Rev. R. H, Williams of ficiating. The bride, Who entered the room on the arm of her fat|ier, was charming in a gown' of Phono West 346L. Vancouver Office: 712 Robson ________ ^ m o u r 8790 lU CllOir, ' '" " *••" *** a ijvwjl U1 Following this service there j starciied chiffon made on will be an ^'at home" for the hnes to the knee, whei*e ft*om under a tiny ruffle the s_kirt nared to floor deng She wore Cornwall Lodge near Kamloops, who is the guest of Miss Betty Savory, 27th and Ottawa Ave- . nue. A very enjoyable time was" spent in dancing, refreshments being served during the evening. The guests were: Miss Lavender Cornwall, Colonel and Mrs. K. W. Savory, Mr. and Mrs. A rthur B. Edwards, Mrs. Lestock K . Reid, E. R. Stemson, the Misses Bubbles Smith, Dot Smith, F ran ces Powell, Iris Smallwood, Bar bara Reid, Pixie Reid, Betty Savory, Barbara Allwork, Con nie Page, Marjorie Atwood, Katlileen Edwards, and Messrs. -Arch ie-McKeni&ier-Gcotf-rey--Gor-- nish, Michael Savory, Jimmy Savory, Ed. P ^ r id g e , Ken. Stauffer, Len Avent, Jack Avent, Gordon Stemson^ Tommy Butt, Max Lennox, Bill Lang, Jerry Mason. - ' ♦ * ♦ Ambleside S h p e t Metal L. SPECK, - Proprietor ̂ W O r K S ,C. J. Overiagfon PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone West 135 Eatabllahcd on North Shore 20 Yeara, (l*ody Assistant) HARROW BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral BtrectarB North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East® Phone Fair. 134 Senior Young People of the Congi^gation; when a timie will to floor length. She wore be spent in the Church Hall dis- "'®'t<̂ hing jacket with capulet cussing m atters of moment to Tim Veil of silk net was young people. fashion and caught . Donations of fruit, flowei's and, - '̂ ide with orange blos- yegetables will be gladly received , carried a sheaf of .for Thanksgiving Sunday. gladioli. The W. A. of the United bridesmaid was Miss Church hoki its regular meeting Gray of Calgary, who bn Tuosetey afternoon last in the in a pink point d' Church hall ^ ith the president. ' dres.s and carried pale Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, in the carnations, chair. Interesting reports were groom's attendant was given by Mra. G. Baldwin on Stewart of West Van- Social Service, M rs.. W. C. ' Thompson on sick and visiting, , ceremony a buffet and Mrs, W. F, Merrick on wel- '""cheon was served to forty .fare. guests, the bride's table being AiTangements were made for ^ "three-tiei' wed- the Annual Thanksgiving Supper tall p ink. tapei's. on October 17th, for which Mrs. Seaman, the bride's 0 Donnell will be the general ^c th e r and-Mrs. L. Garthorne: convener. A.,J. A ddy,4he-c^ir-- S.? H.-- P?'® T^thej^.reeeive(Hhe Mrs. Villa McIntyre with daughter, left yesterday to join her parents in Pictou County, Nova Scotia; where she. exT)ecfe. to reside in future. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Garland and family, 2251 Haywood Ave- nue, have m oyed. into their house a t 22nd and Bellevue Ave nue. - * ♦ ♦ In honor of her twelfth birth-, day Miss Phyliss Pochin was hostess to a number .of her friends a t the' home of her par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P;' Pochin, on Tuesday, September 25th. Suppep was served from an at-1 tractiVely demoted'TaBIFafter which the' evening was spent in games and singing. Mrs. J, R. Patterson and Mrs. F. W. Janies assisted in serving the guests J who were: Eleanor-Gerrie, Wil ma Gerrie, Itoreen Kerley, Joan Ajello, Jacqiiline Patterson, Eula Patterson, Gloria Murphy, Bettjr' ̂ Hunt, Doreen Thompson, Jean i McLeod, "Dorothy Sayers, June j Feeney, Joan -Colcleugh and Helen Pochin. „ m aster, will have charge" of tile priests; the former being gown- music. Aprom inent speaker will a brown imd beige cliiffonMtueMv. A.pxuuuiienv speaxer win ^...... ... mm ueige emit on be seemed, the name of whom wearing a corsage of mm mm THE W est VattiNews Publi»k«4 Every-Thursday land other details will be an nounced next week. The hostesses for Tuesday's meeting Mrs, Q. H. Bain, A. Chilton, Mrs. A. D. Chis holm, and Mrs. R, AlacVean. J roses. The -latter was u mimed with a.cut velvet cape, mses"^^^' a -corsage- of pink A fter. remaining in Calgarv t f l r I ^ v home in Wes'tBAPTIST CHURCH ~ *vf, nonv̂ vvest P«stor:-Sev. H. P. Humphrws the bride's travelling - ■ - P">® ??®'..nnder which iSibtislirr F. P. .LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Btttineaa and Editorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive __(N«at- to-H«%bura P. 0 .) Phone West 363 Mail Addreaa: P- O. Box OL HoUybum, RC. North V ancooW Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. » ^ ^S unday , October 7th, : 9:45, a.m.r--Sunday School. 10 ;00 a.itt.-rAdult Bible Glass, ir 11 ̂ a.m.--7Horning Worship. Anthem. The ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be observed a t the sne wore a chic brown crene * matching accessories. Y. W. C. T. U. I Burglars and prowlers shun the light. * Porch lights back and front, lights upstairs ^M _ ,d t-th e m o n d n ire e r¥ i< » ^ --0A hV ^V A rr^r| ^ . - - E v e n ^ Worship, a t Song Service a t com- ton t-i m efi^m ent T I 8m ^ ce m en t , A cordial invitation to alh Monday, 8 pan.---B.Y.P.U. P-bi. next Tuesday, October 9th. , ^ ; "e I ^ P - P ? W e s t a n d 11,00 « yw r b j m ie r : f2.00 a ye« by mail. _ Choir prac h^se and down, are your c h e a p ^ i protection. Leave them jburhfrig at all times e co it is trifling* ,V * V , „ , , , , , L * V * G'S'> u 'A* .3-̂