« • iw - •-'■,-«i-%K'i'-*V\-.•'.■■ A*-';,-; *■<■ <4 \ •ti , ' Circulatingitt the;District o f V^est Vancokvtir~-AmblesidCy H d U sb u m ^^n ', Dundarave . f̂ i? $1.00 per yewp. sSilifilil \'ol. IX Cypress Parki X^dulj/̂ ildy Whytectiffi ^ec ****W*******™***̂ ̂ .. H o C t Y B U k t i p .o . i W e s t V A N C O U V E R , b .c ., T h u r s d a y , o C T O B E lt^ th . 1 9 3 4 l e g io n ,NOTES COBteSPONOENCB I. 0 . D. E The next ifeneral meeting of the t o l braSch will be Jgl J in the Legion Club room, Friday, Oct. 5th, and a full a to d a n c e is requested, to discuea details of final ai-rangements, in oo^nnec- tion with the visit n ^ t Satur day, of the Dormmon President, Brig. General A. Ross, K.C., C. M.G , D.S.O., V.D., who will ad dress the members of all branch es of the Canadian Legion on th e North Shor>e, in the W est Van- couver Memorial Hall. Members who have not yet .received th e ir cards for the occasion will ob tain same a t the Hall evening. Other speakers on the program will include th e Dom. First Vice President, Col. W. W. Foster, D.S.O., V.D., A.D.C., and Lt. Col. W. S. Buell, C.J3.E., president of the B.̂ C- Command,' Canadian Legion. > Several well known 'local a rtis ts will render vocal and musical numbers Vancouver W elfare , Federation (Community Chest) The Editor, West Van News, Re West Vancouver Welfare , Drive Dear S ir: throughout the evening; Special invitations to attend nave been extended to A. E. Munn, M.P., Reeve J. B. Leyland and mem bers oLthe local counc l̂*i_„. , TURNER -- PRITCHARD At a pretty wedding ceremony last Thursday, Mar j brie, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pritchard, 869 13th / Avenue East, was united in 'm arriage toi ., Mr. Thomas F. Turner,-son of _ M r.L_.andJIrs._jr._Jl^i.rner^of-1 Mathers Avenue;, th e .ceremony being performed in St; M ichaers - Church-by Rev. G. H i Wilson. ; '^Entering the Church w th her. father to the stra ins of a wed ding march, the bride wore a gown of ivory m^ss crepe fash ioned on Princess lines. The form-fitting bodice featured a yoke and sleeves of radium lace forming a point over the hand. The graceful, sk irt was floor- length with a slight train . H er mother's bridal veil was worn coronet style w ith ,.strands of, orange, blossom, and her bouquet ' consisted of Opheli^ rosebuds,, white heather, and mlaiden ha ir fern. 7^ ; The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Janie Pritchard, who. chose a gown,of silk figured c h if- . fon with black fe lt h a t „and ac cessories to mlatch. • H er arm ̂ bouquet was of bronze chrysan themums. Also in attendance was little Miss ~ Phyliss Gran tham. who, attif'ed in a prinOess^ is gown of blue point d'esprit,.- made a pretty flower girl. Mr. Sam Turner supported his broth-: er, and the ushers w ere Mr; Jim Jack, Mr. Dick .Bradley,, Mr. Charlie Horbin and Mr. George Turner. Following the ceremony a re ception was held a t the home of the guests were\welcomed hy~ the bride's mother wearing* a dress of blue figured, crepe w ith coat ensemble. Mrs. T. Turner lalso assisted, wearing an ankle length gown of b l^ k velvet. Both,wore : corsage bouquets, of rbses; Assisting a t tim reception with ■ musicair" hum bers " were the Misses, Abrams," Mr. H. Stontoh, Mr. A. Burman, Mr. T. Turner and Mr. A. Kendrick. The bride and; ̂ bom i >eceived ,their congratulations under a n arch of* flowers .and fernery, centered with a wedding bell.* A three-tier cake centered th e bride's table. : ' . . ' Mr. and Mtisi.xTarnef la ter left by the n igh t boat for. Victoria,' the bride wearing a^faTO swag-, ger su it; .rntii brown ViBeck, a - brown French fe lt h a t and ae- cossones to match. On th e ir re- they wilV reside in W est Vancouver. My attention has been called, to an editorial in _^aj*^^nt .issue of your paper in which you say "moreover it is hoped th a t those giving to the Vancouver Com munity Chest remember th a t nothing comes to the West Van couver needy*from this source." I am sure th a t you did not wish to mislead your readers, but would call your attention to the fac t th a t in the first six months of 1934, 2,470 quarts of milk w ere given by the North Vancouver Red Cross Society to W est Vancouver needy families, on which basis the expense in one year would be approximate ly $400.00. , Furtherpiore, 23.4 per cent of the days cafe in the North Vancouver .General Hos pital were given in the first six months of 1934 to ' W est Van couver" patients. The Women's Auxiliary, in supplying linen and other hospital necessities to the Hospital from funds supplied by the Vancouver , C o m i n | u n i t y Chest, thus helps West Vancon- ; Trusting; you will give th is 'le tter" the" publicit3T7Which T think" IS-'.warranted under the circumstances. 'The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., held their regular monthly meeting a t the home of Mrs. A. N. Lester, 2874 Belle- Vue Avenue, last Monday when four new members -- Mrs. Croker, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Allan and Mrs. H. B. Stevens -- were introduced; also Mrs. H. B. .G ra y ,'w h o ' is- re-joinig; Mrs. ' ' B rittw ^ being" weleomed"̂ a^ a guest. Splendid reports were re ceived from all conveners. Mrs. Fiddes reported on the Book Exchange, a detailed ac count of which will appear in a later edition. The prize books have arrived for distribution to the winners in the different ..... ..... .......... ....,iim 5c per copy a t newsatanda. N o. 23 H.M.S. PINAFORE CHORAL SOCIETY Doh't forget the performance of H.M.S. Pinafore by the GlrlH' Junior Choir w ith M rs. Colin MacLean directing, a t, 8 : HI tomorrow a t Inglewood School. I t is sponsored by the LO.p.E., and tickets can be obtained from any member of the order or of the choir. Owing to the Thanksgiving holiday next Monday, October 8th, there will be nd>pracUco of the West Vancouver Choral So ciety that evening. Practices will be resumed on the follow ing Monday, October 15th, in the Legion Hall. \ G r C rF r KITSILANO BAND TO PLAY IN WEST VANCOUVER grades in the Junior High 3ft ' Yours truly, VICTOR W . ODLUM, _ Chairman Board of Directors, Vancouver Welfare Federation; We regret this information was not available to us previous- ly.-^Editor. YOUNG LIBERAL RALLY ' A Political Rally will be held under the auspices of the Young libera ls of""-Vancouver and the Lo'svef Mainland, in the Moose Hall Auditorium Thursday, Oc tober l l th , a t 8:00 p.m. sharp. Speakers will include Dr. J. Al len Harris, M.L.A.,'Major S. F. M. Moodie, Liberal Organizer; and Fred 'W. G. Sergant, who will give an address entitled "Achievements of the Provincial Government." Aubrey C. Peck, President of the'Y oung Liberal! Association,' of Vancouver, will preside. I t is expected th a t th is rally ' will be representative of the Young Liberal movement in Greater Vancouver -^nd 's ^ - rotinding territory, with nine Young L ibejr^ Associations co- -operatingJ_All-young_in^^and_ 'Wpnien of the Lower Mainland, Schools, and arrangements for the presentations was left in the hands of Mrs. ̂Fiddes' Commit tee. A request was made th a t the members gather together books suitable for the neucleus of a library to be taken back north by Mrs. Harrison, who is visiting in Vancouver. This opportunity of helping is, open to the public and any wishing to assist will please phone. Mrs* Fiddes,«West 193R. The Committee, in charge of the Hallowe'en Dance to be held BViday, October 26th, are bend ing every effort .to mJake i t an outstanding- event. ............. Mrs. Gourlay^ the. League jof . /H^ipns..c.qnyjpter,> 'steps were being taken to have a speaker come once a month, to address' the Study Group. The next meeting to be Tuesday, October ,2nd, a t Mrs. Gourlay's. • - The Arch Committee conven ed by Mrs. J. G. Ji^kson, report ed meeting the Ministerial Com mittee of the N orth Shore in ' connection with , the Armistice Day service. The service wiill last from- 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., om itting the address.. Mrs. Lester and Mrs. Fiddes reported having purchased- a suitably engraved watch as the prize for the best six vegetables -grown by a school child exhibit ed in the fall show^ of the Horti cultural Society. The Girl .Guides each year have charge of the Toy Shop, fo r Xmas Cheer, and the convener, 'Mrs. Chapman has succeeded in persuading each member to dress a doll. The Regent, Mrs. Hayes> will attend the^ annual m eeting of the Provincial Chapter on Thurs day, October 18th, in Chilliwack. Mrs. K. V. Forster and Mrs. J. McIntyre will compile a Scrap Book of the C hap ters activities for. the competition arranged by the National Chapter. The next meeting will take place a t the home of Mrs. H irst. The open forum which was On Saturday the West Van- held last Sunday in the C.C.F. couver School Band were a t the Headquartei*j3, was such an un- station to meet the famous Klt- qu'allfied success th a t Mr, Frank silano Boys' Band on their re- Roberls vdll be present agajn,5.- îturn from a successful tour of next Sunday a t 2 :30 and will ^" England and Scotland. The local speak on "Socialism in Thought band under J. E. Condon played and Action." several numbers before the train These meetings will be held arrived and as the Kitsilano every Sunday and although the boys stepped on the platform, ' addresses by Mr. Roberts arc broke into Home Sweet Home, complete in themselves, there is Mr. Delamoht has agreed to a sequence. So everyonq inter- bring th is famous band to West ested is requested to 'attend as Vancouver for a concert on Fid- many as possible. day, October 19th, when those On Tuesday, October 9th, a t 8 who wei\2 unable to attend the p.m.,; Angus MeInnis will be the Orpheum last Sunday will bo speaker of the evening. Women's Meetings They will be held every two weeks on Monday; the next meeting being on the 15th Oc tober a t 2:30 p.m. given an opportunity of hearing these boys. ̂ . OLD TIME DANCE , .The Legion W. A. -is giving the first Old Time Dance the TENNIS TOURNAMENT mtents. Admission, 25 cents. The following were the win ners in the recent West Vancou ver Open Tennis -Tournament pqt on by the local men: Men's, Singles Tom B utt beat Jack Butt, 6-0, 6-0. Ladlies^ Singles Mrs. McNeil beat Miss D. Cleathero, 6-2, 6-2. Men's Doubleŝ ^̂ ^̂ - " K. Stauflfer and J. Grisedale beat D. Cam!er5n and A. Steven- -son, 7-5,. 7-5. . Ladies' Doubles Mrs. Woodhou^e ai!3 ] \^ s Cooke beat Mrs. McNeil and Mms K. Hutchison, 6-2, 6-2. Mixed Doubles K. Stauffer and Mrs. McNeil beat Miss D. Cleathero and J. Grisedale, 4-6, 6-0, 6-Q. THANKSGIVING SERVICE - A- Thanksgiving Service, will ' be held a t 11:30 a.m. next Mon day, October 8th, in the Christi an Science Church, West Van- couver< tha t -being Thanksgiving Day. The public are cordially invited to this service. RATEPAYERS' ASSN. A meeting of the West Van couver Ratepayers' Association will be held in Dundarave Hall, Marine Drive, on Tuesday, Oc- tober_.9th, a t 8 p.m. K, A. Ray will speak and explain the new Moratorium as i t • affects all homes and property covered by mortgage. All - Ratepayers are cordially invited to attend. HOLLYBURN HALL NEW MUNICIPAL BUS who are interested in Liberalism are cordially invited to 'attend, i Following the meeting there ^11 be a social "get-together With dancing. WEST VAN. UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB BUILDING PERMITS $6^050. The municipal hall issued five pWmits in* September for a total of $6,050. These were made up as foJlowa: 2 dwellings, $5,500; X garage $100; 1 addition $200; 1 alteration, $250. Building per m its for the first 9 months of- this year to tal $59,760. P.-T. A. NEWS ' The P.-T. A', regular meeting IS postponed until Tuesday, Oc- tiiber 16th, due to the Home Gas 'Concert taking place nex t .Tues day in the Auditorium, United met Crystal Dairy last Satufiiay. The going was heavy, and the .gam e dragged. United was awarded a penalty in the early stages of th e game but •failed to convert it, h ^ f tim e coming with no scores N ear the close from a scrimrnage in fro n t of the Milkmen's ̂goal United scored the only tally, giving them the first win o f the season, having drawn L and lost 1. Saturday, 6th instant, TUnited meet West Van. Rangers a t 3 p.m. in Ambleside P ark ; Mr. Murray in charge/ ^ On Thanksgivang Day U nited meet Sapperton who beat Forst's*^ Radio (Provincial Cliampions) last week. Those who are able to be present Monday a t 3 p.ih. are assured of a good- ^ m e . The new municipal bus is now on the regular run on Marine " Drive, having been delivered' to., the Ferry Company on Monday evening by the makers, the Hayes - Anderson Motor Truck Co. of Vancouver, .where iL was manufactured. I t is the first Diesel-powered -bus to-bo operated west of Tor onto, and is a very comfortable vehicle of fine appearance. There is accommodation for thirty- seven passengers and the 102 horsepower motor, turning 1700 revolutions per minute,, is ex pected to give twelve miles to the gallon of fuel oil. ^ Reeve Leyland and Councillors E lgar and Fiddes with other local residents were on board during th e makers' trial ru n 'to New W estminster and back last Friday aftemdbn. " " On Monday the bus was on display all day in front of "the Hudson^s Bay Store. Tomorrow (Friday) a t 7:30 p.m. there will be an illustrated lantern service a t Holly bum Hall, when John Wilson will give an address on "Christie's Old Organ." Next Sunday a t 10 a.m. the usual Sunday School and Young Men's Bible Class, and a t the 7:30 p.m. service, H. L. H unt of Vancouver, will be the speaker, taking as his subject //A ltars to - Unknown _ Gods." Tuesday a t 8 p.m., prayer and Bible study. EX-HIGH ASSOCIATION Dr. H. D. Southam, formerly on the teaching staff of-Holly- burn School, and then of the Inglewood High School, who left here a. few years ago to take higher studies in pedagogy a t the University of Toronto, has been appointed assistant profes sor of education a t McGill Uni versity. Since completing his s tu d ie ra t the Univqr^ityof Tor onto he has been on the staff of the Normal School in Victoria, which he left a few weeks ago , to get acquainted with the work " . of his new position in Montieal. ■ If"I -MW '!* H r , ' j i V / } / , . , I 4̂1 I 'M 4/4 1 /i ' s The meeting held last Monday season under the convenership • and addressed by Mrs. Steeves, of Mrs. Frank Rivers, a t 8:45 was well attended and j th e r tomorrow (Friday), in the speakers will be present a t the Legion Hall. The music will be - following-meetmgs.-- ;-- -- ------- supplied-by- the-popular-B lack-- ' Diamond Orchestrar R efresh-" i r \ iiI « J; : He./' 'ifj"i i/7 H'V /'ft'hW ir - r r 1111ii - ̂ i ' ^ 1 I ' ' t ' 7 I., ) , ̂ i - '■ - ' 1' r U : i . ̂ i f : ■ " i i l .('1, % T <14? ̂ f i ^ i t f m # j# t ̂ l / y J A ^ . n ! The Ex-High Association will Mrs. M ary . Fleming, mother hold the ir annual meeting a t ^ of.^Mrs. C. W. Addison, 2303 plm. Wednesday, 10th October, Inglewood Avenue, died last a t Inglewood School. All mem- Sunday in her 87th year a t her here ar^requested to be present, son'a home in Portland. ■ ̂ W ' • I- k s 'M ,