11 y o U R if 1̂ # I'^i^f ̂ *j-t. ■-..W.WW***̂ \ >fc -JiA->̂ -•f >.t*i<ĥ* M »?« » m m D ^ g k ^ ^ 'l k 1 -A.: U. „̂~.,.,̂ ,î M Ji-j 'i-(r «̂*«4--v WINDOWS doors SHINGLES tATH VENEERS ROORNC building paper S '■' ' 'P5 fA"\ , "f ' *.' "l •>. ' qlSSfr̂ » * * • * * "7*' R !?--'0»™. > ffiRJCIC CEMENT *^la'Bu:msin;lil^»on Ciuiptt^ Mrs, F» X* Hod|pM)n. LOJOJEM.wiU^oMjheir October OIL M b^> ' the 1st at contralto soloist iu rth o J 'M ^ TILE UME SAND. 'sisiiftiis!, ̂ >"»>!lll' sPECinatioNS thfawn up and c$ti* matta plvtn Free, ^Lineetm#. U n. A. II. Leater'B. 2874 Belle, stah" at the First United C h w ^ vue Avenue at 8»15 p.m. in Victoria on December «tw» next* l i^ 'The 'next" 'feleking of the .. • ' * J* 2! ' LeaMo bf Natrons Study Group Mrs. Owen Clorer with^ ^ will be' held Tuesday , October baby son, who has been visitimr 2nd, at Mrs. W. Gourlay, 2822 her mother, Mrs. S^ta»ce» , H ' ' ' ; , ̂ - Ĥy " , ? i , Astbun *̂*! B u a ie r sJ IS ^ ^ 16th and Mnrin^ D rive ; Phoni< W 199 Belfevue Avenue, a t 2 p.m.'• 1' * Burrard Laundry. Ltd. iA u N b R V :':sm vicEFortd e p e n d a b l e DAVE A N D E R S O N ,,. W est V ancouver R ep resen ta tiv e P h o n es--W est 691L o r N orth . 1810, M rs. J a n e t C larke, m other of J . K. Clarke, TVavcra' Avenue, passed aw ay la s t Sunday a f te r noon a t h e r hom e i« the city. ...Mr. an d M rs., W. E. W asson of Vancouver, a re th e g uests of 1342 Duchess Avenue, h as re tu rned to h e r hom e in V ictoria . THANKSGIVING SER V IC E A T hanksgiv ing Service will be held a t 11:30 a.m*, M onday, O ctobet 8 th in th e C h ris tian Science Church, W est .V ancou- th a t being T hanksg iv ingw* * « . . w w v . . ^ . , -- ver, th a t being T hanksg .* ..., th e ir son and daughter-in-law , Day. The public a re cordially in Mr. and M rs. E vans W asson, vited to th is service; West Bay. Tom and W. Buckley of B ran don, M anitoba, a re visiting th e ir sister,, Mrs.: H olt, 14th and Clyde Avenue, also ano ther HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY CONCERT AND PR IZE DISTRIBUTION aet^ a RA]NG|l::pii;:;bimNERs. Uss Work, Leas Cost, No Smoke, Soot, Ashes;,; T rices from $89.60 Silent, Safe, Odorless, Economical. , Easy Terms. A. G. BEAN, 2303 King's Ave., West Vancouver. Phone: West 672L.. K .W . S a v o r y 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance: and W. H E R R IN NOW JU STIC E OF PEA C E ----- - ........-- T here w as a la rge a ttendance bro ther, who is ill and stay ing in th e Orange Hall on W ednes- w ith her. day evening, th e 19th in s tan t, ,r * ♦ * on th e occasion of th e d is trib u - A. Chilton, m anager of th e tion of th e prizes won a t th e Royal Bank here,, is back again recent fall show of th e W est a t h is office a f te r a long absence Vancouver H orticu ltu ra l a ^ due to sickness. H is friends a re A gricu ltu ral Society. M rs. J . B. glad to see h e h as made such a Ley land presented the. prizes, good recovery. ' following which th e reeve miade . . * * ♦ a sh o rt address, W. M cQuaker H. P lesher has moved into th e also m aking a few j^m arks. TheP leaner nas movea into tn e luttKiuK « aow Am ong th e fo u r new ju stices sim m s house on th e Pilot House rem ainder of th e evening w as of the peace fo r B ritish Cdlpm- bia recen tly announced from V ictoria w as W illiam H errin , m unicipal clerk fo r W est V an couver. , R o ^ in Caulfeild. MINIMUM, W AGE ACT given up to th e concert in charge * ♦ * ̂ of M iss M argare t M cIntyre, The m em bers of Camp A rta - who had arran g ed a m ost in te r ban are holding a bridge lunch- f s tin g p ro ^ a m . A. J . A ddy and eon a t 12:30 p.m . n ex t S atu rday Mrs. Rex A nthony gave M veral in th e H u d so n s B ay Store. Tick- vocal solos, Miss H a ttie Y o m ^ e ts can be obtained- from M iss w as heard n recitations, A lan loan N orris M cIntyre played a cello solo, joan.iNorris.^ ̂ *while a q u a rte tte consisting of Tv/r*. Mvo r w Miss M cIntyre, M rs. T. E . Snel-M r. and M rs. G. W. B ra ith , g , Wo have been asked to rem ind m erchants, and o th e rs .affected by th e above a c t of th e neces- . . . -------- , s ity of. pay ing all em ployees ac ;;̂ rho have, been aw ay from th e ' contributed num ber of cordingly. No p riv a te a rran g e- .municipality f o r some tim e, a re [naSSnen^^^ th e ment can take precedence_of the .again occupying their home a t X S ^ ^ itS n s on the n^gram -reg u la tio n s_ la id -^dow m ..,.by_ |he__263L M ar4ne-^^^---------- -1------------ ^ b e S s - e S s i a ^ L a ^ ^ ^.^ot.mid^n the-ease of any dis- ♦ being enthusiasticaiiy-receivea p u t§ t b d n g Jb rough t., b ^ o x e ^ th e M r. and, M rs, I fo r M organ o f . the ^concert^ helrty^vote u r ts w here th e ac t h as been. Manzanillo; Cuba,^ a re th e g u es ts -<>f th k n S was proposed to^ Misscou P h i l i p C . C K a p m a n ^General Insurance. A gen t . _Eire,_Aatomobile,.Ba^lai7» _ Accident., and Si«kn«8V;etc.', . 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 broken; th e c o u rt has no loption b u t to fine th e offender $50 and in addition o rder h im to-pay- th e difference due the. employee be tw een th e wage _ ^ id - and _ that' la id down by th e act; and •avers of th e fo rm er's paren ts, M rs. David Morgan,-^ T tb Avenue. ' > ^ r s --IV -X .--H odgson-Js gu est soloist a t th e W om en's o f thankj^ was proposed to Miss M cIntyre and th e o th e r a r t is ts by P residen t D. McTavish. -the- W EST VANCOUVJE3R ---------- LAW N BOWLING C anadian Club in V ancouver on: js V-iaimUlilU All yemwtivwx v,** M iss D orothy Curtis; pupil or M onday.next. H er accom panist M rs. F . X. Hodgson, p a s se d J ie r M rs. H ugh. V errall. - A ssoc ia te -exam , T oronto Con serv a to ry o f Music, w ith honors in June. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and M rs. Johnson , 30 th and .Travers _ A venue,' m oved , to , Vancouver last: T u e ^ a y ;'" J . '^ b o r , 1202 Inglewood Ave- . nue, M s le ft fo r a tr ip to New Brunsw ick. M rs. A. ,R. H indm arsh . and fam ily o f Vancouver, w ho fo rm erly resided here, have moved in to a house a t 2264 M arine W e s t V a n * . A l t r i e p h o n e C ,a r d G a m e s WeekJ.Octoh^r: 1st- to ,^ to b e r 6th. P lay ' youu'favorite game^with friends. ' Proceeds'td 'T.-T,'A . funds. . M rs. I. M. M cLean is back a t du ty in th e H ollybum P o st Of fice following her annual vaca tion. ̂ ^ Rev. F . V. C. W ard has re tu rned to his p arish a t S t. I ^ u is , Sask., a f te r spending a holiday An open male rin k com peti tion is being held on the local eens nex t W ednesday and tu rd ay , October 3rd and Oc- e r 6th,; play commencing-Jit 2:30 p.m. each day. In addition to th e local m em bers quite a- lium ber of p layers from the city have in tim ated th e ir intention- o f p a rtak in g in th e events^whieh a re probably th e last open even ts fo r th is season. Local p layers desirous of en tering should reg is te r th e ir names by M onday n ig h t fo r th e Wednes day gam es, and T hursday n ight fo r th e S atu rday event. A good a rray of prizes have The Annual^Tax Salfedh acwrdance with the Municipal Act, Chap.-d79, Sec. 252;'will be held at the Municipal Hall, W est Vancouver, bn Monday, October 1st, 1934, at 10 o'clock a.m*,.. - • W 7-HE-RRIN,--------- Hollybum, B.C., 26r9^3L Municipal Clerk, W p during ^ i c h l i e assis ted been procured. I f desired, rinks Rev ' F A ^ m s e y a t m orn ing m ay be entered fo r both a,ftor- service' •' ' noons. '■ ♦ * * Reeve Leyland w as a member P M Wood of London; O nt., of th e Masonic rink which rec- w a s 'th e guest on Sunday o f Cap- en tly won the-M asonic Cup m ta in and Mrs. F . F . Lovdgroye, Vancouver. F O R 1895 Bellevue Avenue, „ M rs. E va M, M cB ainof "B lais- dale,"" 'A ltam ont, -is - receiving congratu lations from h e r' m any friends on h er p k tu r e . Ju n e Memories,*' g e ttin g so weU h u n g in th e B. C. E xhib ition a t th e A rt Gallery la s t F rid ay .]|{ ̂ ifl' C aptain and M rs. A ldhelm - W hite have re tu rn ed ^ hom e _tO- their.-^^ottage on ;. P a rk Road, A ltam ont. . ^ , .. ......-;7; II If tfiificuif fo cxp rw i UTrtf message tersely and exacts ly, but the idea w e want to convey isr--w e think w e have a nice store here Come in and let us know what you think. Gemmiirs D̂nig Store Tht Store of Sorvleo. 1686 Marino OriTo Wont 37 or West 607 Emergency Phone West 321 (After 10 p.m,) v ;« Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cukes, P astries, Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon JBuns, V ariety of Ten Breads, Frosh every m orning. Note A ddress: 1468 M arine Drive Phone W est 27 Hollyburn Theatre FIUDAY and SATURDAY Sopl. 28th nmi 20th. WILL ROGERS in ^David Hamm' MONDAY and TUESDAY October 1st and 2nd. "Wonder Bar" WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY October 3rd and 4th. - M A N H A T T A N . LOVE SONG" and 'The Return of BulldorOnunH!" :J CONCRETE JOBS Phone West 84 You can't go wrong l f TEAROE & SON Do Your Cement Work SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONES Anything in Concrete - Large or Small. ^ 1474 Marine Drive y \ SEE THE NEW 1935 RADIOS ALL-WAVE SejS from $65.50 ' FORST'S 1566 Marine LTD. 66 Lonsdale' by The West Vancouver Junior Girls' Choir Directed by Mrs, Colin MacLean Inglew ood A u d itoriu m FRIDAY, OCT. 5 th , at 8 .1 5 p.m. A dulfs 25c. ̂ S tu d e n ts 15c. Wood> Gravel,-Gement, etc. M r. and Mrs. E* B ainbridge and th e Misses B ^ n ^ rid g e re tu rn to Vancouver a t th e end o f the week a f te r spending th e summer.--a t -No. T .-Park_JBoad',- A ltam ont. . Miss Bessie Fry of New West- -minster, so well kiio^JiiW .est_ Vancouver, had a beautifuP pic- ihre of Whitecliff at the B. C. Art-Exhibition,_nbw _on_YiewLat_, the A r t Gallery. A L L B R A N C H E S O F V O C A L W O R K Students prepared fo r E xam |ria tions and Festivals. Residence S tudio : 2310 Bellevue A venue; W est 665R. V ancouver S tud io : 205-6 .603 W. H astin g s ; Seym our 9379 » , (Tuesday.s an d F rid ay s) T erm Commences 1st October;, 2Z. I i .*• I \ • 1' f e i i i m " ft* I ■ !'-* I i I, ' w T' I f, *.7 ' f d yk V , > H' f ! t. ,, ' - V ■'( •>' I t' ijfi, ■•U T K (1 . I"! tj IIW f' SK JUi!I la Ms ^ t [ ! yjV'yiM 9 "t ' *1 i' ' M ' iSi 1 ic ' v ) : t i | " 'r'-JlIii: " ■ - i ' S J l1 i I V f ■ y l - "' '¥ L " ■« n p t,' k' ^ m fi -M' r ̂ * r / f * 3 s41 i s i s a',